Nema loshih ljudi, samo onih koji su napravili greshku usled nekog vida neznanja.
Adoptirajte svu decu i svu Decu /pacove/ sveta, mozhe i po vishe vas na jednu adopciju, nije problem.
Black man means has black hear. Personne noire ca vaut dire il a le cheveux noirs.
Plava znachi plava kosa i plavusha zhena plave kose, zhute u stvari, krem kose.
How they can so intelligent beings like rats which they use in ALL psychologic experiments and experiments for psychiatric medication to use as a snake an,d reptile food ? That is not fair on the rats and our psychologic development. We ought to give them that big credit they deserve.
Na srpskohrvatskom jeziku pochinje od stranice 73. Molim da reference prevedete na srpski jezik, znachicje stanovnishtvu.
This is the diary of the person who wanted to title this book: If I am the president of the Global Village.
Ovo je dnevnik osobe koja je htela da nazove knjigu: Ja sam Predsednik Sveta.
Special thanks to BBC links.
first draft in English
A abortion, air-conditioning, alcohol, artificial
B bath culture, birds, bodyguarding, books, breathe
C canalisation, carnival, censure, Central Computer,
channels and channelling, choosing a pet, cigarettes,
circus, climate in cities, concerning cloning,
concerts, cosmetics, plastic chirurgic and hair
issues, countries, crude oil, cultural tips
D demilitarisation, diary, diet
E ecology, education, electricity for everyone,
engine for the vehicles, euthanasia, experiments on
F few critics, fit not fat, food for children, food
for whole world
G garbage, gay couples and children, genetic
engineering, Global Village, GPS for vehicles
H handkerchief, handwriting, health insurance,
hovercraft, hygienic tips
I if your animal is sick, imitation and
improvisation saloons, international politics,
Internet safety,
J jobs
K keys
L laughs laboratories, legal life, live sport
M manual workers, marriage, massage, meat eaters,
medical profession, menopause, money
N narcotics, no radiation please
O occupying place for habitation, one-way streets,
organ donation, original names
P paper, parents’ education, parking, patents,
pensioners, people that have special needs, pets and
public animals, pharmaceutical mission, phonetic
language, photo, video and audio recording, plastic
chirurgic, police, politicians, pollution,
pornography, prisons, private field radiation,
prostitutes, psychologists with new skill, publicity,
public transport
R radio, ailroads, recycling suggestions,
re-education, referendum, refugees, religion,
renewable energy, rivers, robotisation
S salt and sugar, school board’s stuff, second
hand shops, sex subject, singing clubs, sirens for the
vehicles, SI system, social minimum, space travel,
sport and recreation, stem cells, stock market,
streets, super bags, super shoes, swings
T taxes, television, time machine, tip, trees
U universal hour, underground, unmanned transport,
urbanising the animals
V vegan society, VIP, voluntary work
W wages, water animals, water supplies on Earth,
wireless life and some gadgets
Z zero gravity clubs, zoos, zzz… case study
new draft, later in year 2007, novo pisanje malo kasnije tokom 007e:
Juish can consider people themselves if they were born before creation state of Israel in the year 1948. All the people that are born in Israel after that date are Jewish. All the people born in another country are that country people, is simple like that. In israel people talk Israeli language, is simple like that, Hebrew existed earlier. All people born in Israel from now on should consider themselves Israelis, not Jewish, that was povlastica of older generation, or they need too change the name of country in Jewish state, but it is not normal that there are two names for same land and same people. People in Palestina should live in one continuous land, therefore, they need a connection between west bank and Gaza with point in mind to keep access to the sea Mediterean as it is very beautiful sea.
I want you to realise that the rats have the same inteligence like us and they should live eternelement like us and parrokets.
Ima neka tajna veza...
• advertisement/ Advertisment
Reklame treba da budu ukinute. Sve shto se reklamira ispred zgrade je u vidu crnobelog papira i na brajevoj srpskoj azbuci chiji predlog imam referentisan. Reklame smetaju kada su napisane slovima pogotovo kada su uzdignute jer tada utichu na chovekovu svest jer nas podsecjaju na tablu i nastavnike koje smo drzhali kao autoritet. Reklame na televiziji trebaju biti ukinute na normalnim kanalima, ali na posebnim svetski dostupnim posebnim kanalima trebaju da budu klasifikovane znachi odmah da im se pristupi i da se zna kada koju mozhemo po vrsti nalaziti.
Reklame takodje imaju char kada se pripovedaju i u vidu crtacja su, ne slika i ne ljudi koji se ne pojavljuju posle da razrade reklame. Dalje, izvinjavam se politicharima, ali ne trebaju nam reklame za politichke stranke jer svako u opshtini zna gre se nalaze studija za takve poduhvate.
Dalje, zhivotinje mogu uchestvovati u reklamama umesto da idu u cirkuse jer one vole pazhnju javnosti i rado se secjaju vremena kad su bile muchene da izigravaju majmune pred ljudima. Dalje, reklamne spotove takodje treba nactrati u brajevoj i gluvonemom internacionalnom jedinstvenom jeziku tako da svako mozhe da prikljuchi sadrzhajni kontekst njima.
Reklame za naftnu proizvodnju mogu biti takodje sveobuhvatne uzimajucji u obzir ceo nastanak procesa pravljenja plastike. Sublimirane sugestije u reklamama ne bi trebalo da postoje kao niti jedan simbol jer zhivotinje mogu dovoljno da utichu na svest gledalaca a da budu nezavisne od bilo kakvog pogona trauma koje smo svi zadobijali dok smo rasli.
Deca u reklamama ja smatram ne bi trebali da postoje jer josh uvek ne znaju da chitaju i pishu i nemaju prava ni da polazhu vozachki ispit niti da se zhene i udaju a kamoli da oni neshto imitiraju od tudjih proizvoda. Reklame za svadbe treba da budu javne tako da svako ko posecjuje opshtinu u kojoj se nalazi shatra mozhe da svrne i donese poklon.
Nishta nam ne treba na velikim ekranima po gradovima jer ne mozhemo gledati velike ljude koji ne znaju shta hocje jer kad se povecja dimenzija choveka na vecju od prirodne fudbaleri gube na znachenju.
Dalje koncertne reklame ne bi trebalo da postoje jer su koncerti besplatni, i po 6 handshakes pravilu, svako od prolaznika mozhe saznati shta i gde i koliko dugo se odrzhava u okolini. Dalje, knjige ne treba da budu reklamirane jer svako treba da bude chlan biblioteke. Dalje, kucje koje imaju puno dece treba da se naprave u zgrade i to treba reklamirati na sva usta.
Reklame za plastichnu hirurgiju treba obustaviti jer albumin iz kokoshjeg nefertilisanog jajeta je jeftin i zatezhe kozhu boje nego bilo koji kozmetichki preparat koje treba ukinuti jer po 20ak dodataka imaju u sadrzhaju.
Reklame za cigarete treba da se unishte jer je sramota da oni pobedjuju kozmetichke preparate po broju navlakusha koje ubacuju bez reda i konca samo da bi dobili na masi. Farmaceutske proizvode je zabranjeno reklamirati jer svaki doiktor treba da zna shta je potrebno pacijentu koji ga posecjuje bar jednom neeljno da bi dobio lekove za vechni zhivot uz pomoch Claude Reissove Toxicologie Scientifique metode.
Reklame na web stranicama treba ukinuti takodje jer smetaju ochima kad se brzo menjaju i izgleda da reklameri nisu zavrshili umetnichke fakultete ili uchiteljske i sigurno ne znaju da crtaju.
Reklame za kompjutere nam ne trebaju jer svi treba da budu kao onaj shto mozhe da bude svuda na netu i koshta 100 dolara za ceo svet robustan je i malo koristi elektriciteta a isti je za sve.
Kola ne trebaju da se reklamiraju jer svako mozhe da dizajnira kola kod proizvodjacha istih.
Piti technosti nije dobro u ovome vremenu jer voda nije ispravna. Reklame za banje treba da postoje jer one su rajski vrtovi postale za obolele od reumatizma, na primer.
Reklame za informatichke igrice kao i igrice same treba da se ukinu jer nisu prirodne i mnogo su agresivne shtete zdravom razmisljanju normalnih ljudi.
Mobilnih telefona reklame su malo okrnjene sveshcju da ne mogu svi ljudi sveta da poseduju mobilni telefon i da impuls koji ne koristi struju nije besplatan.
Reklame za sportska prvenstva treba da postoje i to je najboja stvar na svetu kada su ljudi amateri i hocje da zarade poshtovanje od svoje generacije, naravno uz sopstveni potpis da su ludi.
Reklame za radne akcije mogu chak i biti na velikim panoima tako ljudi budu obaveshteni i mogu da odluche gde cje da budu u sledecjem periodu.
Reklame za antibebebi pilule, danposle pilule, pilule za smirenje i bilo shta za smirenje treba da nestanu jer spadaju u nadlezhnost doktora.
Na svakoj metro stanici treba da budu reklame koje mogu da se pokupe, prochitaju dok si unutra i vrate na mesto tako da se papir ne troshi. Ja se izvinjavam zbog prejakih rechi, trebalo bi da vlada republike Srbije ili Sveta koja cje se oformiti kad ja dodjem na vlast odluchi shta cje biti od ovoga tachno i shta treba dopuniti.
Evo zaklecju se ja pred svima...
• air-conditioning and heating/ Eer kondishnin end hitin
Michel Tremble Walls koji su zidovi koji imaju napravljenu vazdushnu prolaznost takvu da mogu da regulishu temperaturu u prostoriji kao i prouchavanje naseobina koje termiti prave mora zameniti klimu jer ova puno troshi struje i ima bakterioloshku nechistocju koja smeta respiratornom traktu.
U metrou je dobro napraviti zelene povrshine koje kiseonik prave prilikom procesa fotosinteze samo imati u vidu da nemaju cvecja jer neki ljudi su alergichni na polen, a i metro ima dosta prashine sam po sebi jer ljudi nisu bosi. Svaki apartman, poshto cjemo svi zhiveti u stanovima jer imamo mnogo dece mora imati grejanje i to uvrstiti u podruchja gde se zgrade prave koje su skoro imali efekat cunamija, kao i u ona podruchja pogodjene vetrovima i zemljotresima.
Metan treba da prestane da se upotrebljava u bilo kom vidu, pogotovo grejanju jer njegovim gorenjem stvaraju se SO2, CO2, NOx chestice, i Volatile Organic Compounds iliti granajucja organska jedinjenja /GOJ/ kako se zovu tako da treba da da se dobije odshteta od zapadnih zemalja jer ove prelaze hiljade kilometara i unishtavaju nam drzhavu, dezertifikuju nam zemljishte, stvaraju kiselu kishu, utichu na respiratorne puteve, doprinose usporavanju pamcjenja kao i na brzhe reakcije u karakteru, nije to global worming koji chini to, nego je to bukvalno zemni gas i ugalj i nafta iz kola i velika petrohenijska industrija koja shalje ove otrove hiljade kilometara do nas.
Dokaz je u knjizi za 2006u godinu od Open University, UK, predmet T206 koji se zove Energy for sustainable future. Najbolji nachin da se zagreva kucja jeste preko solarnih vodenih zagrevacha, ima i srpska firma koja se time bavi mada treba proveriti da li je zdravo da se zagrevaju podovi toplom vodom bez obzira shto se zna da ne zhivimo na drvetu time shto nemamo parket, i shto ja promovishem keramichke plochice i linoleum.
Divni bugarski lusteri sa ventilatorima je izgleda najbolje reshenje da se kucja ohladi.
Kad sve posmatrash iz svih prcpcja
• agriculture/ Agrikalchr
Organska kultura ili agriculture biologique /AB/ je najbolji metod da se pravi dobar i stabilan poljoprivredni proizvod. Shta treba uzeti u obzir su zemni crvi iz Australijanske vermicast proizvodnje, pogodni da se stave u lokalnu kanalizaciju i da njihov produkt, prvoklasno humusno djubrishte je najbolje na svetu. Dalje, konoplja se mozhe posaditi umesto herbicida i ona daje najbolji materijal za papir, odecju i ostale potrepshtine za stan.
Umesto pesticida treba uhvatiti male zhivotinje tako da ostanu zhive i nepovredjene i staviti ih, posle, naravno, razdvajanja po polovima, u posebne zooloshke vrtove koje cje arhotekti kao diplomski ispit da projektuju posle onih neophodnosti za gradjenje zbog rekonstrukcije chovechanstva da na globalnom nivou svi imaju stanove poput bajkovite Gaudijeve misli.
Treba chuvati semenke od paprika i jabuka i ostalog vocja i povrcja da se zasade za sledecju godinu. Postiti treba, na vodi je preporuchljivo, i oterati stoku u prirodne krajeve gde mogu da pasu zelenilo, jer na njihovim mestima muzeje chovechanstvu treba postaviti, koliko smo se borili da se civilizujemo i koliko smo puteva isprobali ne zna im se ni broj.
Traume seljaka kroz koje prolaze svake godine da dobiju usev nadam se da mozhemo izbrisati tako shto cjemo se poturiti i svako po godinu dana seljak biti, bar. Insekte ne znam kako da sprechimo da napadaju useve ali bi najbolje bilo da postoji neshto shto stavimo kad vidimo da dolaze, ne unapred jer insekticidi nam smetaju pri jelu. Takodje je bolje kako izgleda gajiti bademe i orase i drugo jezgrovito vocje nego li slatko vocje koje privlachi insekte.
Kompostno djubrivo stvarno nije dobro i treba se drzhati starih principa, molim Vas, a to su izmeti od domacjih zhivotinja da se pokupe i stave uz dobra. Medikalni otpad ne sme da ide u reku jer iz reke crpimo vodu da useve zalivamo. Agriculture biologique ili AB kako se zove je jako razvijena u France i treba se ugledati po njenom primeru.
Soli ne treba nashoj poljoprivredi stoga je i manjak soli u ishrani, ukoliko koristimo vermicast metodu pogodno za uslove
310 poljubaca bjelih, muzika od Indexa
• alcaloids/Alkaloids
Alkaloidi su shtetni jer u kvantitetu vecjem od nekih koji ljudi upotrebljavaju su nepovratno toksichni, to jest, definitivno su pogubni. Dakle sve, ukljuchujucji kafu koja je drugi biljka po konzumiranju pesticida prilikom svoga rasta trebamo prestati konzumirati i videti to zemljishte za shta je, jer jaki alkaloidi prave zemljishte mocjno za neshto posebno, mozhda genetski oskrnavljene biljke /biljke kojima smo oduzeli neku osobinu/ sa tim shto je treba proveriti da se ne bi pojavio na tome mestu novi gen koji mozhe biti shtetan. Mozhda mozhe ista biljka da se posadi samo da joj se alkaloid kod izbaci, tako da kafa, duvan, kokain i opijum kao i marihuana, magichni shampinjoni i kaktus pejotl mozhda mogu rasti bez svog shtetnog alkaloidskog dejstva.
Pretpostavljam da za vechni zhivot uopshte nije potrebno konzumirati alkaloide unutra, kroz digestivni trakt. Ne znam kakvi su u spoljashnjoj upotrebi na kozhi ili pri respiraciji i u tom sluchaju alkalno dejstvo ima chak i isparavanje slanog mora.
Dalje, alkaloidi nisu potrebni za zhivot tako da za ljudstvo koje hocje da se razmnozhava po Genezi I deo dok zhivotinja zhelimo da sprechimo daljnje razmnozhavanje u principu treba da zasadimo drvacja chiji plodovi nemaju alkaloide. Ja ne znam da li NaCl ima alkaloidna svojstva ali znam da stimulishe adrenalne glands jako i treba stvarno videti na svakom pojedinachnom sluchaju da li treba soli za svaki digestivni trakt.
Pojedine dijagnoze mozhda trenutno trebaju alkaloide za tretman, ali najbolje je ukoliko je alkaloid stvarno potreban da bude izvadjen iz fungi familije, ne biljne. Biljke prave alkaloide i toksichni su za zhivotinje koje jedu biljke, stoga izgleda da su alkaloidi prirodna odbrana biljaka protiv nas kao jedacha istich. Gashenje alkaloidnog gena u biljkama chije plodove koristimo u ishrani treba da je normalna stvar ukoliko ne remeti ravnotezhu okolnog ekosistema.
Vezhbajte mocj zapazhanja svakodnevno
• alcohol/ Alkohol
Alkohol ne bi smeo da se koristi kroz digestivni trakt. Ukoliko probamo da stavimo na jezik alkoholno picje videcjemo koliko je parajucje za sluzokozhu samim tim ima razorno dejstvo i na donji deo tela, ispod usta. Jedino je mozhda vino mogucje drzhati na jeziku duzhe vremena tako da su ostala picja i neke vrste vina prejake za ljudstvo.
Vocje koje ostane neupotrebljeno za alkohol sledecje godine cje dobro docji za ljudsku upotrebu ono koje je dobro i za zhivotinje koje necjemo jesti vecj penzionisati, za njihovu hranu mozhemo dati vocje koje je bilo planirano da se koristi za alkoholnu proizvodnju.
Alkohol za lichnu i spoljashnju upotrebu prilikom dezinfekcije i chishcjenja je neophodno da se ima te je potrebno da se naprave male staklene bochice u kojima cje biti prenosiv alkohol za chishcjenje ruku i eventualnu dezinfekciju rana.
Ti si savrshenstvo bez mane...
• architecture/Arhitekcjr
Vecj sam pominjala omiljenu mi organsku Gaudijevu arhitekturu. Svetsko pravilo treba da bude da svaka kucja koja ima dece napravi po jedan sprat za svako dete.
Bicje kucja koje cje ostati takve i one cje biti proglashene muzejima da oznachavaju doba u kojem su nastale. Bicje pretvorene u hotele ili cje sluzhiti samo za razgledanje.
Treba voditi rachuna o plafonima koji treba da imaju mesta za lustere i lezhaljke.
Sva struja bi trebala da se dobija od solarne energije ukoliko je mogucje. Zid mozhe biti ceo posvecjen samo solarnoj energiji. U svakom sluchaju topla voda bi trebala da se isto tako dobije od solarne energije. Tremble Michel zidovi bi trebali da rashladjuju ukoliko ima vrucjine. Svi dosadashnji stanovi treba da se pregledaju i ocene da li podlezhu standardima dvadeset i prvog veka koji veli da u sluchaju geohazarda sve treba biti brzo evakuisano.
Svi stanovi bi trebali imati terase i zelenilo na njima da pravi fotosintezu. Prozori trebaju biti jaki i shiroki i termichki pogodni. Znachi, vecjina zgrada koja nema terase i ima male zidove bi trebalo procji kroz proces renovacije i ugradjivanja solarnih prikupljivacha energije bi trebalo uraditi u isto vreme.
Sve zgrade treba da budu pogodne za uspinjanje invalidskim kolicima i sve bi trebalo da imaju lift, spoljashnji ako nije mogucje napraviti unutrashnji lift.
Sanduchicji za pisma treba da budu pokazivachi ko u zgradi zhivi i tu mogu ljudi uticati na arhitektu da svako poshtansko sanduche bude individualizovano.
Stanovi u kojima ljudi zhele zauvek da zhive treba da se znaju. Unutrashnji dizajn takodje potpada pod arhitekturu i tu pominjem nestanak upotrebe drveta i pochetak bambusovog eona na svetskom nivou. Keramichke plochice cje zameniti drvene podove i prostorije gde zidovi nisu drzhecji cje mocji od tih zidova napraviti police za knjige sa obe strane prostorija.
Zgrade u naselju trebaju sve biti drugachije jedne od drugih i parkovi i dechja igralishta su obavezno izmedju njih.
Parkinzi su ili podzemni ili su napravljene parking zgrade gde se vozila parkiraju.
Top floors of buildings can be made into observatories and animal and plant kingdoms.
The show must go on...
• artificial islands/Artifishal ajlandz
Veshtachka ostrva bi bila izgradjena na svetskim morima i okeanima, blizu kopna sa hoverputevima do njih i talasnim transformatorima u struju okolo njih chime bi spushtali talasnu energiju mora i dolazecji vetar na minimalnu vrednost. Na dubinama umesto sidra bi bili spushtena merila za geohazard statistiku i prevenciju. Ne bi ih gradili na trusnim zemljishtima kao ni onima koja pokazuju skorashnju vulkansku aktivnost.
Artostrva /skracjenica od artificijelna ostrva ili veshtachka ostrva te onda veshtostrva, izaberi/ bi bila gradjena od nuklearnog otpada na dole i pogodnim polimerima od nafte gore /shalim se za nuklearni otpad ali ukoliko je mogucje bilo bi dobro da se negde spakuje, ne na zemlji vecj na vodi bolje u neke kese koje bi se spushtale od artostrva do dna, mada, ukoliko bi taj otpad i dalje zrachio mogao bi uticati na biosferu pod vodom i sa zhivotinjama selicama moglo bi se rasprostrti po okolnim morima shto nije dobro. Najbolje bi bilo da na nekom mestu gde je jako duboko do dna da se postavi stojecje artostrvo gde bi se nuklearni otpad stavio spolja na njega ali prekriven tako da nema emanacije radijacije u vazduh ili okolnu vodu/. Polimeri bi bili jachi od plastike a manje toksichni od gume i drzhali bi ostrva na njihovim stajalishtima gde bi bili ukotvljeni. Spolja bi od Vermlicasta i pushtenih zhivotinja koje nismo ubili sledecje godine /ima ih oko dvadeset milijardi zhivotinja koje obichno chovechanstvo ubije godishnje, bez riba rachunato i sve one prave izmet koji se mozhe upotrebiti time shto se polimeri od kojih su izgradjena artostrva pospu i ostave godinu dana da se od svega toga napravi zemlja na kojoj cje se onda pocheti planski saditi bilje.
Trusno zemljishte je mozhda pogodnije da se eksperimentishe sa poput dzhungla vegetacijom kao na jednom ostrvu koje je bilo pusto pre jedno sto i pedeset godina, mornari ga posetili, upisali u geografske mape, ostavili par biljaka i sada je na tom mestu bujna vegetacija i tropska klima lokalizovana samo oko ostrva u okeanu time shto ima tropski kishni oblak iz kojeg stalno padaju kishe tachno iznad ostrva nigde drugde i taj oblak nije postojao u klimi pustog ostrva koja je lichila na crnogorsku.
To jeste lepo za to ostrvo i tropske kishe su lokalnog karaktera, ali, pitajmo se za sto pedeset godina, ukoliko budemo napravili vishe artificijalnih ostrva od naftnih rezervi kje su nam ostale i koje treba vanredno pazhljivo investirati u samoodrzhavljajucje projekte, dakle planirati gde cje se kakvo ostrvo graditi da ostane tu i za hiljade godina.
Najbolje bi bilo kada bi dobili ostrva poput Hawaii-jskog sa isto takvom klimom i plitkocjom dna i umerenom vulkanskom kulturom mada kod njih vulkan je potencijalno jako opasan jer mozhe da eksplodira kroz mnogo vishe lave. PS. Mozhda bi bilo dobro crpsti toplotnu energiju iz tih otvorenih vulkana, mozhda bi se tako smirila vulkanska aktivnost da ne bude iznenadna ili vanredno vecja.
Bilo bi dobro povecjati mala ostrva kojih ima po svetu. Najbolje bi bilo napraviti blokadu od opasnog dela okeana ili mora slichno kao shto Italija pravi za Jadransko more tako da nema ni ajkula ni velikih talasa koja mogu da smetaju veshtachkom Raju koji bi artostrva trebala da predstavljaju. Tada mala ostrva mozhemo povecjati i uticati na njihove prilaze moru time shto bismo nasuli naftne derivate i napravili plazhe sa po kilometar-dva prilazom plazhama od mora da voda bude manje od dva metra duboka. Tu se onda mogu staviti strujni kolektori koji koriste plimu i oseku kao pogonsko sredstvo i to samo na morskim artostrvima, rechna artostrva unishtavaju biosferu ukoliko koriste plimu i oseku, to jest plima i oseka transformeri su samo za artostrvo okolnosti gde nema puno zhivota, ne na ushcjima reka. U takvim artostrvima bi bila kontrolisana zhivotinjska populacija, verovatno i bez dodatnog zhivotinjskog opterecjenja jer utiche na biosferu samo to i kontrolisala bi se podmorska vegetacija.
To mogu postati mesta za odmaranje choveka od civilizacije. Mogu se napraviti da liche na teraformiranje Marsa i Meseca kojima cjemo se baviti i to da budu na razlichitim stupnjevima razvoja za takvo shto, imitacija nenaseljene zemlje gde samo biljni svet uspeva. Niko tamo necje posedovati nishta jer bi sve dolazilo iz narodnog poreza.
Takodje neka od njih cje biti samo za sport i rekreaciju i takva ostrva cje biti lako napraviti jer cje tlo biti poput betonskog. Takva ostrva trebaju biti na strujama vetrova gde nema prashine i SO2 polucije iz naseljenog sveta. Bilo bi dobro da na svim artostrvima bude potpuno samoodrzhiva energija i da se ne pali fosilno ni biljno gorivo ni za shta.
Hoteli mogu nastati na takvim mestima i dobro bi bilo slediti primer Maldivljana koji nemaju krovove koji bi preshli visinu okolnog drvecja, to jest, po dva tri sprata maksimalno su im zgrade uredjene.
Najvecji talasi na svetu su skupljeni na severozapadu British-ovih ostrva /gde je more hladno/ i oko Hawaii-ja /gde je more ugodno/, te kod Australia-je /gde je more osvezhavajucje ali nosi opasnosti u vidu ajkula i meduza kao i velikih primeraka vodenog sveta koji dolaze od hladnih prostora/, tako da su neophodni pogodujucji i svrsishodni planovi za projekte artostrva sa talasnom energijom kao pokretachem samoodrzhivosti. Talasna energija projekti ima odlichan uticaj na biosistem gde sitna zhiva bicja mogu pobecji i sakriti se od karnivora i biosfera okolo talasnih transformatora je umnogostruchena.
Ukoliko se urade minijaturna i chesta ostrva na istoku od Florida-e to bi verovatno smanjilo jachinu vetrova koji se pretvaraju u uragane tako da artostrva imaju i osiguravajucju ulogu za kopno.
I takojeprojekcija naMtachku jednakacosinusuilirealnoj,x osi. Yje imaginarna mada i=koren iz -1, to je sa druge strane, zar ne? Gde je i?
• associations and charities/Asosijeshns end cheritiz
Asocijacije bi trebalo da se povezhu na svetskom nivou. One koje rade za zajednichki cilj treba da se stope u jedno ime, na primer Friends of earth /Frendz ov Ert/ i Greenpeace /Grinpis/ imaju isti motiv i trebalo bi da se sliju u jedno ime, jednu asocijaciju koja se bavi zashtitom envirovmenta to jest chovekove okoline.
Svi ljudi bi trebalo da volontiraju u asocijacijama kad god imaju vremena. To je mnogo bolji provod nego gledanje televizora ili igranje igrica na kompjuteru. Asocijacije koje su svrstane po delatnostima treba da budu na svakom cjoshku u opshtini. Najbolje bi bilo da postanu toliko prijemchive za narod da i penzioneri tu mogu nacji mesta. Uchlanjenje ne bi trebalo da koshta a dobrovoljni rad bi trebao da bude ispunjavajucji.
Stairway to Heaven, pesma proshlog veka...
• bank/Benk
Jedna banka za sve Opshtine, sa tim da sav novac treba da predje na karticu. Chekovi vishe nema potrebe da postoje kad se cela razmena vrshi preko lichne kartice. Svako ima mali digitalni aparat koji bi mu govorio gde kako i za shta je novac dobio i upotrebio.
Da sam ja netko...Indeksi
• bath culture/Bath kalchr
Svako treba da ima kupatilo u prostoru gde zhivi. Slavine treba da budu one koje se podizhu ne one koje se odvrcju jedna. Toaletna voda za vodokotlicj treba da ima manji pritisak za malu nuzhdu i veliki za veliku da bi se voda shtedela. Postoji referenca sa BBCja o toaletu koji se prenosi i mozhe i u kolima da se upotrebljava.
U France postoje divni javni toaleti koji se koriste od strane turista i koji se poprskaju vodom posle upotrebe i potpuno ochiste i spreme za sledecju osobu. Takve toalete bi trebalo svugde u svetu instalirati. Takodje postoji i referenca o jednom projektu koji se deshavao u Americi gde su imitirali nauchnici uslove kakvi bi bili na Marsu kad bi ga posetili, tu su imali kapsulu kako bi zhiveli tamo gde se urin pretakao u vodu za picje. Mada je skup, ovakav WC je verovatno potreban u nekim Opshtinama te bi mu se spustila cena kad bi se radilo na globalnom planu.
Sapuni i sredstva za chishcjenje kao i kozmetika treba svi da budu ekoloshki to jest da ne zagadjuju prirodnu okolinu kada odu u kanalizaciju. Ima firmi koje prodaju veganske preparate i koje nisu eksperimentisale na zhivotinjama da bi napravile produkt i njima treba dati kredit kada se preparati kupuju.
Kanalizacija koja je spremna za Vermicast crve koji pretvaraju fekalije u prvoklasno humusno zemljishte treba da bude bez vlazhnih maramica koje se upotrebljavaju za bebe, to jest, decu treba prati a ne chistiti sa vlazhnom maramicom koju posle bacamo u toaletnu sholju. Ima i osoba koje posle velike nuzhde koriste vlazhne maramice i ja bi ih zamolila da ugrade arapske toaletne sholje koje imaju mali shmrk sa vodom koja pere analni otvor bez dizanja sa toaletnog sedishta. Celulozni WC papir mislim da je na dugo vreme kada se koristi toksichan za analni otvor ali josh uvek nije uradjen projekat koji bi nagovestio kakav materijal nama ljudima treba kada vrshimo nuzhdu da se obrishemo osim chiste vode.
• bicycles promotion/Bajsiklz promoushn
Bicikli su za pretezhno ravnicharske gradove najbolje vozilo na svetu. Bicikli su za maksimalno unapredjenje chovekove mehanichke snage i dobro dodju da se imaju i konstantno voze.
Poligoni treba da se naprave za ljude gde bi trebali da se takmiche u vozhnji i pre toga nauche pravilima u saobracjaju i kulturnom ponashanju kao peshak i kao vozach bicikla. Reshavajucji kroz igru testove za polaganje vozhnje i imajucji na poligonima struchnost kao i kontrolu nad biciklom, dakle, raznorazne chunjeve, klackalice, osmice da se urade da bi se telesno unapredilo i fizichki uspostavila kontrola nad biciklima i imati kao minijaturni squer sa puno ulichica kuda mozhemo icji ulicom kao peshaci ili kao vozachi bicikla da bi imatirali normalne uslove na pravoj ulici u opshtinskoj sredini. Bicikli u gradovima treba svi da imaju nozhne kochnice i oni sa brzinama ne bi trebalo biti korishcjeni jer su nestabilni koliko su brzi za uslove gde su dijeca prisutna u saobracjaju. Sedishta trebaju da su shiroka i bez kozhne strukture jer se chovek osecja lepshe chak i na posebno derivisanim naftnim proizvodima.
• bodyguarding/bodigardin
Bodyguards ne trebaju postojati. Nikome ne treba niko da ga chuva u slobodnom drushtvu, zashto, zato shto se svako bavi svojim poslom i niko nikome ne smeta. Svakako da chovek treba biti oprezan u susretu sa ljudima ali je preko potrebno promeniti drushtveni poredak tako da svaka osoba, ma koliko bila bogata ili popularna ima dopushteno moralom svojijem i ljudskim da se krecje slobodno u bilo kojoj ulici i bilo koju prodavnicu da mozhe posetiti.
Dakle, bilo shta da se kazhe protiv bodyguarda u ovome trenutku je neumesno jer postoji najbolji nachin da se to izvrshi to je da mushkarac koji je najbolji drug devojci mozhe biti njen bodyguard bez da bude placjen ili da se zaljubi u istu i to ukoliko ona ne postane njegov spiritgard, to jest prati njegov zhivot kao drugarica. Dakle, bolje je imati druga koji te chuva nego placjati neke specijalne jedinice zato shto te strah da se pojavish na ulici sam. Chak i ako Madonna sama prodje pored mene ja bih bila mrtva ladna shto se kazhe, to jest, ne bih joj preprechavala put ili pitala za potpis.
U drushtvu puno toga treba da se promeni jer je potrebno da se poznate lichnosti smatraju normalnima i da se nishta ne ochekuje od njih. Vezano za autogram koji mnogi ljudi zhele da dobiju od poznatih lichnosti, mozhda je to ono shto smeta javnoj zvezdi da se slobodno pojavi na ulici i verovatno je to razlog zashto trazhi bodigarda i raznorazne osiguravajucje osobe pored sebe, security se to zove na engleskom /sekjuriti se chita/.
• books/Buks
Treba ih chitati i vishe vremena provoditi u knjigama nego na televiziji. Teshko je promeniti navike ali je mogucje da knjige postanu najbolji drug chovekov pored trodimenzionalnih ljudi. To kazhem jer se pojachao trend da chovek stalno drzhi televizor upaljen i onda neshto privuche pazhnju na regularnoj bazi te se i ne seti niko da knjigu chita a to je potrebno i zbog rechnika i zbog samog dostojanstva koje knjige daju ljudima koji ih chitaju.
Knjige su chovekovo bogatstvo i treba ih konstantno chitati. Knjige poput onih od Asimova, Hawkinga, Segana, Denikena, Umberta Eka kao i od Hesea, Ive Andricja i Mike Anticja su divna shtiva koja nas uche da mi sami pismeni postanemo i dobro se literalno damo izraziti. Popularna fizika shtiva su najbolja jer decu uche da pravilno razmishljaju i poshtuju druge.
• breath exercisin/Bret egzersajsin
Stalno vezhbati svoj dah i disati po uputstvima iz knjige ‘Joga, Energija, Zdravlje’ od Draga Plechka. Pranajama je umetnost disanja, Asana je umetnost pokreta, ima tu i Mantre, shto je ponavljanje rechi ili rechenica u sebi koje inspirishu. Sve je to potrebno u Istochnoj filozofiji da bi se dostigao stanje svesto koje se zove Samadi koji je neshto poput sto sekundi da se misli samo na jednu stvar, i to je nemogucje uraditi bez vezhbe jer stalno neshto odvlachi pazhnju i posle par sekundi se javljaju u takmichenju druge misli. Chini mi se da je zapisano kako docji do tog stanja svesti u jednom od dela od Aleister Crowley-a /Alister Krouli/ ali ne znam kojem i ne znam koliki autoritet on predstavlja jer je konzumirao heroin do kraja svog zhivota i nije uspeo dakle da kontrolishe strast a to je potrebno pri disanju u telu koje zheli vechito da zhivi.
• Ode to buses/Od tu buses
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Ti znash da se ja volim voziti,
Najbolji si prevoz shto postoji na svetu,
I u tebi se lako da chovek snalaziti.
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Ja imam na shta naicji,
Planiram da putujem preko grane,
I ne znam da li cje me josh ta srecja sticji.
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Dushu mi tvoj prozor veliki hrani,
Stavicju kachket i ranac pod sebe,
Nema tu shta chovek da se brani.
Auttobuse, prevezi me preko,
Ja i dalje shofera molim da pusti jache,
Muzika se ori, svetlost je jaka,
I nijedno dete u busu ne plache.
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Znash i ti Shabac Beograd brzo sticji
To je studentska mrezha, najbolji nachin
Da se u veliki grad s brujanjem oticji.
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Ti znash i selo grad vozit
Tu vinogradi su i polja zelena,
Nikad necje nikad u tvom sedlu pozlit.
Autobuse, prevezi me preko,
Ova oda je tebi namenjena,
Samo josh da sharage buchnijima pravish
i Utichnicu i WiFi stavish i muka je smenjena.
Buducjnost pravu autobus sad nudi,
Najbolje je prevozno sredstvo on posto,
I svako se shto lepshe oblachi i vishe se trudi,
Jer ode njemu valjaju sto posto.
Autobus je prevozno sredstvo kojem treba davati vishe slobode u putevima time shto bi se napravila po jedna traka za lokalni prevoz kao i traka na autoputu gde bi mogli razviti brzinu koja bi dala ljudima na mestima gde sedishta necje biti postavljena da prostora da pleshu. Takodje svaki bus treba imati toalet po uzoru na onaj koji prekonvertira fekalije u netoksichnu tekucjinu, i raznorazna svetla i ventilatori se mogu postavljati, kao i utichnice za kompjutere ili muzichke uredjaje pri autobusima tako da svako mozhe konektovati za internet chak i pri vozhnji.
• canalisation/Kanalizejshn
Kanalizacija u Global Village kako ja zovem celi svet i shire, mora biti uskladjena na lokalnom nivou tako shto se postavi kanalizacija iz australia-nske Vermicast produkcije arhitektonski uredjena tako mozhe trajati nekoliko dekadi bez uplitanja i obavezno povesti rachuna o tome shta se mozhe ubacivati od tekucjina i koje shampone koristiti da bi se ista, o kanalizaciji govorim, mogla uspeshno obavljati do krajnjeg ishoda koji je crnica zemljishte.
• carbon sequestration/Karbon sekvestrejshn
Naslov znachi pokushaj da se carbon dioxid spakuje negde i za to postoji vishe metoda od kojih su sve neadekvatne, to jest, nije potrebno sekvestrirati CO2, vecj je potrebno manje ga proizvoditi. Manje se proizvodi kada se ne pale fosilna goriva u ukoje spadaju gas metan, ugalj i nafta, kao ni organske biljke poput paljenja drva.
Imaju radovi za koje treba pitati iz Open University T206 kursa u proteklih nekoliko godina p za koje studenti trebaju biti pohvaljeni ukoliko se nadje neki da je dobro odgovorio na temu zashto sekvestracija nije mogucja.
Alge na vodenim povrshinama koje nisu podobne za kupanje ljudi mogu biti upotrebljavane jer proizvode puno kiseonika. Bambus umesto drvecja je taodje dobar absorbator CO2 te ga treba promovisati u predelima gde necje ugrozhavati ekosistemsku biosferu. Staklo umesto plastike, zatim zadaci kotrolisanja polucije iz vazduha, vode, zemlje i ukoliko je adekvatno i zvuka moraju biti uvrshcjene na globalnom planu.
Specijalni filteri za sumporastu emanaciju kada se fosilna goriva zagrevaju nisu tako dobri te je najbolje nacji alternative gorenju bilo kakvih organskih ostataka. Pravljenje parkova ‘na svakome cjoshku’, zelenih povrshina nad i ispod zemlje, poshumljavanje goleti vocjkama, netoksichni hemijski preparati koji su provereni ne samo TS metodom nego i da li smanjuju vazdushnu svezhinu postupcima treba uvrstiti u carbon sekvestracija postupkemeasures. Carbon sequeatration metodi su toliko toksichni da moramo uzeti u obzir TMA-ove od gospodjice Mirjane Mijic iz godine 2005 za T206 kurs pri Open University i tutorom Geoff Walkerom da bi se shvatilo i nauchno javno prikazalo koliko je ova uchenica postigla pri dokazivanju i projektovanju.
• carnival/Karnival
Na globalnom nivou bi trebalo organizovati karneval poput onoga u februaru mesecu u gradu Rio de Janeiro. Prvo u zemljama gde je skoro bilo bombardovanje kao u Iraku, Afganistanu i Srbiji bi trebalo da pochne karneval koji bi trajao bar po nekoliko nedelja u svakoj od tih drzhava. Razlog tome je shto bi se globalna pazhnja uputila u ta mesta i glavni gradovi bi bili puni medjunarodnih turista i velikih zvezda. Svi zhivi muzichari bi bili pozvani da dodju na karneval jer je bitno da svi koji znaju da prave hitove dodju i te hitove obrade i izvedu pred publikom koja je imala skoro pacjenje sa zapadnim zemljama.
Jednom sezonski bi moglo da se organizuje u ove tri drzhave karneval dok se na globalnom planu treba javiti opshta dobra volja da se putuje u sve zemlje sveta i to prvo u one najsiromashnije i to od strane bogatih turista i srednje bogatih kapitalista koji bi pomogli da se ovi karnevali osnuju i odrzhe.
Svi pevachi koji odbiju da dodju bi bili proglasheni penzionerima. I dalje bi vazhila ponuda da dodju i prate karneval jer bi svojim prisustvom omogucjili da karneval dobije na snazi. Bili bi pozvani da budu na koncertima drugih muzichara i da time podignu publiku na jedan vishi nivo.
Dress code iliti odecja koja je preporuchena da se oblachi bi bila maskirna i maslinasto zelena i u bojama zemlje /oker, smedja, krem, braon, zelenkasta/. Time bi i vojnici bili pozvani da uchestvuju kao posmatrachi i to na medjunarodnom nivou, to jest, svi vojnici sveta su pozvani da posete ove dogadjaje, ne samo u ove tri drzhave, nego i kada se bude proshirio projekat i na siromashne drzhave sveta.
Ja bih zamolila da se ovoj svechanosti da pravi prizvuk slobode time shto cje se shvatiti zashto se pravi i necje se koristiti opojne droge niti alkoholna picja prilikom karnevala jer to mozhe da uznemliri svezhe strasti i da se napravi glupost je lakshe kada se ljudi ne kontrolishu a to ne rade kada piju alkohol i konzumiraju alkaloide. Bilo bi sjajno da se svi ponashaju kao da imaju manje od sedam godina i kao da nisu josh ni ishli u shkolu te bi se tada sve shto je vezano zea stariji svet ostavilo po strani od onoga shto se dogadja na binama u glavnome gradu.
Reklame za ovakav dogadjaj bi trebalo da postoje i ceo svet da se obavesti gde i kada bi bilo preporuchljivo da dodju. Neka glavni gradovi tih zemalja budu toliko puni koliko ni za jedan koncert se to nikada nije desilo. U isto vreme bi bili pozvani svi fudbaleri sveta da dodju i prave fudbalske utakmice sa zaracjenim stranama da ih toliko isprofesionalizuju da bi se na kraju karnevala mogla odgledati utakmica izmedju tih strana i preko televizije bi bilo mogucje je prenositi a zbog miroljubive koncertne atmosfgere koja je do tada vladala sigurno cje i zhenska publika koja cje biti pozvana da bude na tribinama biti u dobrom raspolozhenju i bez alkohola i bez droga i uzhivati u tome da se vidi ko je jachi u chisto sportskom smislu.
• celebrities/Selebritiz
Svi su celebrities u svom zhivotu dakle nema nikoga ko je iznad ili ispod. Ljudi postaju celebrities ili javne lichnosti tako shto urade neko javno delo koje se mozhe protumachiti da bi svi gradjani sveta pozheleli da ga slede i urade isto.
Celebrities takodje postaju ljudi koji udju u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda mada je to vrlo opasan polozhaj kao i uslovi pod kojima ljudi udju u tu knjigu. Celebrities su takodjer chesto ne u direktnom kontaktu sa ljudima tako da je teshko imati bilo kakav pristup jer su pustinjaci ne zbog uchinka koji su merili svojim radom no zbog kompletnoga zhivotnoga dela koji je drukchiji od drugih.
Telepatijsko posredovanje mozhe ostati problem ljudima koji mnogo rade jer se osecjaju promatrani ne od svojih prijatelja vecj od generalne publike koja smeta jer chovjek teshko mozhe biti sam sa sobom. Chesto se desi da osob toliko otudji od sveta da je potrebna medikalna pomocj jer jedino oni daju sigurno radno vrijeme na koje osoba kojoj treba drushtvo mozhe rachunati.
• censure/Senzhr
Cenzurisati treba li sada,
Sva dela i knjige od jednoga grada,
Sve filmove i linkove velikog rada,
Svu kritiku i bojazan da dusha ne pada.
Da, cenzurisati treba sada,
I ubistva i sve s pushkom shto je,
Gde god li se i jedno od tih javilo
Bez potpisa o tome dela ne bi smela da postoje.
Da, cenzurisati treba sada,
I sve shto se sa mukom psiholoshkom rodi,
I o tome treba na prvoj strani pisati,
Da dushu nezhnu iskushenje to ne pogodi.
Da, cenzurisati treba sada,
Svaku religioznu rechenicu javi li se,
Jer religija choveka prava je,
Kada vremena nema da zna postoji li se.
Da, cenzurisati treba sada,
sve nelegalno shto je od grada,
To su pishtolji, uvrede i dreka shto vreba,
Da chovek uznemiren na svoj fotelj seda.
Da cenzurisati treba sada,
Opshtu tugu svakog grada,
Napisati ispred dela chitko,
Da to delo nije tako pitko.
Da, cenzurisati treba sada,
Sve shto nije od choveka rada,
Sve shto kradeno je i skriveno,
Nelegalnost odmah otkriveno.
Cenzura se u stvari zove otkrivanje,
Onoga shto je lepote prikrivanje
Onoga shto choveka stvara tuzhnim,
Civilizaciju boji ruzhnim.
Sve ono shto nije realnost prava,
Treba chovek poslednje da stvara,
Jer stvarnost u umetnosti lepsha je
Od svih nadrealnih potrepshtina, zar ne ?
Dajte ljudi da se vishe,
Ne igramo igrica metalne kishe,
Ne dajemo tuzi, ljubomori i ruzhnom rechniku,
Da pobede zhenidbu srecjniku,
Da se svakog dana radi kao za mladence
Kad vecj deca vam nisu prioritet,
Nemojte krvi vishe prizivat
I stvorite bar glumce vegetarijance.
U svakome smislu cenzura nije dobra rech,
Jer cje se ljudi boriti za original,
Samo spreda stavite ‘mention’
Mozhe povrediti krhku dushu chika Slave.
Chika Slava je chovek ove knjige,
Mnogo je dobar i zhelim ga takvim ostaviti,
Jer nije iz plemena dzhunglinog dosho,
Al kao da je iz njihove pameti sisho.
Plashi se taj mraka i dreke ljudi,
I pogleda neuljudnih i prevrtanja ochiju,
I bilo chega gde se bil shta sudi,
I bilo gde gde drogu josh tochiju.
Chika Slava je chovek dobra srca,
I treba da mu budem’ slichni,
Nemojte da mu iz ochiju krca
Zhivotinjska dusha jer to ljudi dichni
Su i pravedni i bez obzir shto se ovde pjeva
Civilizacije jedne kroj
Sve to ostazvicjemo proshlome vjeku
I napravicjemo blagostanju poj.
I sve cje zemlje biti jednake,
Kao shto su ljudi u sushtini slichni,
Chika Slava samo otvoreno pricha,
Da necje gledat filma sa jednim pishtoljem.
Nemlojte se nadat boljem,
Vi ste isti samo naviknuti
Da neko radi za vas tezhak pos’o
Onoga chega u realnosti niste sviknuti.
Sva umetnost mama bicje
Onakva gde pushka suze mi daje
Onakva gde razvedeni srce mi cepa
Onakva gde smeh izvuche mi iz dzhepa
Bilo shta da imam, bilo shto da nemam,
Samo umetnost vishe necje gorchinu stvarat
Prizvuk nemirisa pod moj nos.
Sve je to mama i chika Slavo i ljudi,
Od toga shto josh ubistvo legalno je,
I onome kome se sudi i onim zhivuljkama shto u toru chekaj’
I onima u eksperimentu, i onima shto divljinom duvaj,
I ljudima koje mrze drugi ljudi,
I onima na narkoticima i onima na religiji
I onima na drugom jeziku,
I onima shto sporta josh ne znaju,
Treba recji dosta,
I vegetarijanac posta,
Videcjete ljudi da dushu imamo,;
Kad ne placjamo da nam mrtva daju,
Da ni za dzhabe necjem pravit mrtva
Nichije krvi necje vish’ da slivaju
Ni ostali pa ni mi mama,
Ubedicju ja tebe i pola suprotnoga
Da pechenica od paradajza plavog se stvara.
Onda cje umetnost dobit novi manir,
I chovek vishe necj da skita,
Kad kinetichkoj svojoj on znde kasti stani ‘r’,
i nikad vishe na potencijal drugog necje stavit usporavati.
Garantujem da cje ubistva ljudi prestat,
Kad zhivotinje budem jeli prestat,
Vecj za njih postoje veggy alternative
Chak i machke na Ami foodu se prave zhive,
I taurina ako nam treba napravicjem,
I jedino B12 vitamina nam fali,
Al to prilich chika Slavi,
da nam je ne daje u kapsulama vecj vocju,
Ubedicje on i ja chovechanstvo fino,
Da se televizije manu za mesec dana zhivo,
I to vreme provedu uz knjige posne,
I vide kad i povrcje je skroz jestivo.
I cenzura cje biti rech proshlosti
I big sister cje sad mene zvati
shto starija sam od svih po sestrinstvu
To su mi Francuzi dali postat
Spasili mi ochi oni da vidim
I dogodilo se da zahvalnost sad imam
I da cenim i crva bednog iz Vermicasta
Vishe od bilo kog drveta pa i njega shtedim,
I hocju chovechanstvo da uredim,
Da ljudi se s parom svojim zdruzhe,
Jer mnogo pogreshnih parova sad ima,
Chim politika nam nije tako chista.
To ti je mama entropija posta
od global warminga ne velikog posta
u glavama nashim da se chovek iz devetnaestog veka pita
bi odma rekal vegetarijanac budi i solarnu energiju skupljaj,
i hidrogen onda da se baterijom skuplja
i bez viza chovechanstvo srpski da nauchi
i svi cje se osecjati kao u kucji
Moje mame, Pirocjanke prave.
Evo opet pub ja ti dajem
shto publisiti je zanavek da osta,
Mama ocje li se chovek manut posta,
Men brine jer iz njega to ide,
Ne mozh biti gore nego juche
I suza jedna i juche mi puche
zbog zaborava shta je ovaj vek dozhivo
Entropija to je mama ludilo u glavi
kad se niko ne seti chika Slavi da kazhe
Jerusalem i Kosovo opshti da budu
i svako da ih posetit sad mozhe
I jezik tamo svakoji da se chuje
i da to bude jezik iz grudi,
gluvinemi se zove internacional
samo tak da se chuju ljudi
Onda cje pesma od tih grada pochet
i necje se vishe mrzet mama
i pokojnog Vladana Pecj ja cju posetit
i necju se plashiti kad ljude malo tamnije vidim.
Jer uzrok za sve pronashli smo,
To je globalno zagrevanje, vize i bogatstvo neprilichno,
kao i jedenje zhivotinja eto tu smo,
nasha civilizacija cje ovo shvatit lichno.
I cenzuru cje na sve da stave,
Pa kad originam bez shtreca odgledam ja,
Presrecjna bicju shto dramsku akademiju
tada cju zheleti da upishem ja.
Eh, kako cju medju osam da se smestim,
Ne znam al cenzuru evo smislila ja sam
da si nabacim par dobrijeh boda
pa cju onda recji ta sam.
Al ovo je vecj od teme skroz skren’o,
Moj ubrzan mozak shto se zalubiti znade
Gledam ja sve svoje rade
i prilichi mi dosta da se zhivot ne ukrade.
Nastavicju ja knjigu ovu u stihu,
Pa nek trahze greshke tada, nek cenzuru pishu ispred knjige
Mama, nisam savrshena, ima svachega u referencama,
I narode sam pojushavala u originalu da dozovem,
Al mi se chini da par greshaka da sam,
Uspela da izbrishem, trudila sam se da savrsheno bude,
Al ima tuge u meni, besa i gneva sad znadem,
da nikoga necju da pokradem
i brigu muchim da l cje me vijat zbog referenci*
jedni ili drugi, neko mora.
Sve knjige i ostale delove umetnichkih stvaralashtava /samo da ubacim na prethodnu celebr referencu, ljudi postanu sami i kada su ispravni i dogledni u svojim obavezama. Kao deca kad shvate igru ali u ovoj je pobeda samocja gde chovek postane javna lichnost jer nije se imalo s kim igrati i sa svojim prijateljima iz razreda deliti mudrost zbog koje chovek posle postane slavan.
Treba ponovo pregledati, uzeti iz arhiva one knjige, spise i filmove koji se moraju na najjachim novim programima koji restauraishu dela uz dodatke novih stvari ili skracjivanje postojecjih primeniti i time stvoriti pred publikom novo delo koje bi bilo savrsheno jer je blagonaklono u svakom pogledu.
• Central Computer/Sencjrl Kompjuter
Centralni kompjuter svetu treba,
Da se rodi ta velika beba,
U sve da stane, ta velika torba,
I ceo svetski jezik da postane chorba.
Ce-ka kako ga sad zovu ljudi
Ima sve podatke o nas dvoje,
Datum rodjenja, gene on sudi,
Shta moje beshe a shta je tvoje.
Zdravstvo celo on drzhi u prstu,
I kada se kome radilo o krstu,
Kloniran kad bude taj problema necj imat,
Jer chovechantvo vecj se na to pribecj’ shtimat
I drzhavljanstvo ljudi i to je muka prava,
Samo da mi kompish ne boli sad glava,
Sve shto chovek poseduje u svetu on imat
Hteo bi ti on i tu muzik shtimat,
Al bogatashi pravi opet bunu spremaj’
Jer teshko cje na modul 4mil na Francuski da se smeste,
jer chetiri hiljade maksimum za sebe zlato,
chovek mesechno mozhe potroshiti to ti slutit znao
je predsednik sveta nash nek mu grob prazan sad zhivi,
shto josh hocje par poslova da ukine u svetu tom,
to su ubijanja zhivotinja, vojnikluk i poljoprivreda,
Hocje na sva drvecja da nam sleva voda
da sami se za sebe brinem’ sad mati,
i elektrodistribuciju taj je hteo dati,
al suncheva energija kazhe dosta
samo prekonvertisati posla on smoga l’
necje vishe greshke gramatichke pravit
i uozbiljicje se chesto i zaljubit ko pravi
ko i svi mi uspecjemo da se borimo sa puti
zeleni i betonski samo da se plovi
radne akcije na svetskom nivou sad predstoji
jevreji to zovu kibuc mi bolju rech znadfemo
radna akcija, Jugi malo da se prikradem,
evo sad cje klinci punoletni postat,
nemaj blag veze shta Sa i Zg znachi mati,
i to cje im predsednik sad dati
i josh vishe Cece se sad na to sprema
da od nas dodje fonetski Vukov pravi jezik mama
da se zna shta odakle i kolko je postal
i da se ljudi glozhit vecj jednom prestanu mati
i da nikom tesno ne bud sa dvaes kvadrata svetskim minimumom
jer je garantovan i mi cjemo
u tu radnu akciju ucj mama
da svak ima maksimuma 160 od stana
i sve preko je biznis i tako se treba ponashat
i 4000 maksimalca mesechno i Bill Gates cje troshit
i nek nam kazhui celebritiz mama gde cje koj gde kako i na koga troshit
pa da znamo punoletstvco sledecje i opet mi zbrojit.
I predsednik je rek’o mama da niko
ispod ‘76og godishta ne sme radit,
samo volontirat al ne smije radit za pare,
jer roditelje ima ili prijatelje mati,
i niko mladji od 76og nikad necje radit mama
chak i ako robonautiku sad pochnemo uchit mama
znacjemo da to radimo za njih za mladje,
samo da im se ne uvrshcjava AI; to ne treba,
al sve drugo dostojno je i mlegalno mati,
I telefon po jedan svi cje imat mama
I jedan u stanu pa se kachit na nash
Broj cjema izabrat sami i to da ima onoliko cifara kolko je chestica u svetu mama
samo nule da naprave sada i kad chovechanstvo zhivotinjsko predje na sledecju shifru
dodacjemo nulu jednu unapred kod nas
da se zna mama ko je kada rodjen
i da zhelimo vechno zhivet i da je red da se to obznani,
mi cjemo najstariji biti za milion godina na svetu mama
I svi oni shto su pravili greshke necje imat stida mama
Jer pokushavali su najbolje i ja verujem u chistotu ljudsku
I to da Toni Bler i Klinton i shirak ako nije bolestan
odu na tri godine u izraelsku vojsku mama
Nauche i izraelski i srpski tu mama
pa necje posle morat otkopavat mog brata mama
ja cju to uchinit za njih kad ga budem trebati klonirat
i oproshteno im je svima mama
samo demilitarizaciju vojske da uchine
i da shvate da se chovek vine
u Kosmos to treba
da svi budu neduzhni i nevini ko beba
A ako li josh nadjemo nekoga da luta
kko mi da stvara i chovek postat hocje
medj zhivotinjama u drugoj galaksiji
Mi cjemo preko satelita komunicirat
i slati poruke ne direktno vecj preko satelita
tako da se zna kad spremni oni budu
da plove brodovima po vasioni bez ogranichenja brzine,
da cje tek tada znati da filmovi su oni rani
puni straha od ratova a to su drugari stvarni
jer rat znachi pacov a to mi je omiljena igra
kad se rechima igram al ne i sa metalom
jer metal u meso ja mama dala sam triesshest hiljada puta
kao inekciju osamnaest hiljada da izvuchem krvi
pa znam tu lekciju shta znachi biti prvi
u samospoznaji svojoj da prezhivish
I treba nam da se ljudi provere medikalno
i oni iz plemena takodje bar tolko da imamo
zajednichkog kontakta pa onda nek uche srpski
jer neko blizu njih stajacje sa kredom i tablom i pisat
fonetski i pokushavat zapisat njihov jezik takodje po Vukski
pa cjemo vidjet shta kome kad treba
od medikalne pomocji u svetu to treba
da se shecjer koristi za muve mama
nije nego za S.Cerevisiae kulture organske i malo izmenjene prirode
jer nam treba veshtachkoga mesa
a nju iskulturiramo lako pa samo radja
shta joj naredimo i to mitotichki,
bez mejoze mama.
I od Nove godine predsednik je predlozhio maama
da jedan dinar jedan evro bude,
a njima da jedan evro jedan dolar i slichno
pa nek ga bogatashi shvate lichno
a ti i ja dragi da to raj to je,
i garantujem ako Srbe slushate tada,
da prelazak cje se odvit u roku od jednog meseca,
mislim na transport na to da banane skupe li su,
ne jeftinije od jabuka mama
i tome slichno. Mi nismo zaboravili shta devedesete donele su nam,
Jer Big Beng se pravi tada desil’ mam,
I mi smo bili kao u jajetu deset godina
a struje svetske oko nas oko jajeta mama
a u jajetu sve inflatorno je bilo i pobegli smo chovechanstvu za petsto godina unapred,
Srbi su toliko mocjni da ih sad ne pushtaju zbog toga,
Jer imaju pravdu u ochila i to tishti druge,
Pa makar tetovazhu kukavice da napravim mati,
kad nisam ovde za bombardovanje bila neg razmishljala o Amsterdalmu i kako cju donet gidre drushtvu starom smisljala
pre bombisha za vreme sam radima po svome,
odbacibvama svest o tome jer prejako bila
da se ne brinem to najbolje radim
linijom manjeg otpora lepo kazhe moj tata
I tako sam ja spona sad postala mama
jer devedesete ja josh u njima zhivim nema stanke
i treba to chovechanstvu jer mi smo se navikli tada
da se sistem menja u jednom danu za tristashezdeset,
I to da pare budu takve mama
znachi da u odnosu na neke drzhave mi cjemo biti bogati,
al za chetiri hiljade mi mesec dana cjemo imat u najluksuznijem hotelu i uz naj i sve trange frange,
i po mesec dana svako iz ‘bogatih zemalja’ mozh da ima,
sve ostalo unutar svoje opshtine da troshi mama,
i tako godinu dana ima da potroshi sve vishe od chetiri hiljade,
i firme mozh otvorit u toku 2008e, nije problem,
vraticju se na ovo pisanije nije lepo,
treba da bude u desetercu.
/not Orwels 1984, but mine as a BIG SISTER model :-) /
Centralni kompjuter bi imao kompletno pristupachni blog nash javni sa svim papirima koji su nas pratili u toku zhivota /pod papirima podrazumevam sve medije/, eto, to, pristupachan sa bilo koje net konekcije. Ja sam mislila da je karte Vitale shto je ima France odlichan standard za celi svet s tim shto svi doktorski, farmaceutski i bolnichki kompjuteri trebaju biti u stanju ishchitati hronichne potrebe choveka i zhivotinja kao i tretmane i sve mogucje oglede kroz koje je dotichna persona /chovek i chlan porodice kako nazivam onoga koji je uvek uz tebe/ i sve to da stoji u karte Vitale tako kad se ljudi upoznaju mogu videti jedno drugom sve shto je na karti. Svaka karta sadrzhi genetski kod osobe tako da se mogu nacji oni koji se trazhe i taj deo karte je javan kao i datum i vreme rodjenja, bez godine i mesta i naravno bez imena da su takodje javni /ili uz ime ali fonetski spelovano takodje tako da se zna kako se izgovara/.
Centralni kompjuter je pod Freedom of Information Actom tako da je savrsheniji od WWWa jer nema virusa niti zagubljenih informacija i od nacionalne liste votera jer je cela populacija unutar po porodichnom genetskom materijalu gde spadaju lichnost sa josh nekim o kom se okupira, uglavnom manjim od njega samog e to je porodichni chlan. Chlanovi porodice su i oni koje trebamo ozhiveti klonirajucjom metodom.
Ce-ka radi tako shto cjemo imati Univerzalno vreme do u sekundu tachno na globalnom planu i Ce-ka cje raditi na tome i ljudi cje imati svoje aparate na isto vreme svuda u isto vreme ukljucheno, jedina konstanta na koju mozhemo rachunati je to vreme do u sekundu tachno. Chak i kad su nam uredjaji bez struje, struja tog Univerzalnog vrremena je toliko jaka, jacha od baterija i mobilnih telefona impulsa i bilo kojih drugih satelitskih ili elektromagnetnih impulsa da se odmah mozhe nakachiti uredjaj na tachno vreme, ne moramo ga mi nonstop shtelovati.
10 channels and channelling/ chanelz end chenlin
Kanala ima pravih i znanih,
U Amsterdamu pun grad njih ima,
Dunav Tisa Dunav kanal je nash,
I Suecki najpoznatiji je.
Kanali chesto vode do polja,
Ali to nije zdravo za reke,
Najbolje je kanale praviti,
Da se kupa chovek u njima, da.
Kanal Dunav Tisa Dunav je uvek bio pominjan u geografiji. Egipatski kanal je takodje bio pominjan mada je tu slana voda u pitanju. Amsterdamski kanali se trebaju prouchavati i bilo bi divno da se mozhe plivati u njima. Kanali za navodnjavanje poljoprivrede nam ne trebaju jer za drvecja iz Geneze, I, 29, nije pominjano ni pijenje vode a kamoli davanje vode biljkama. Kanale koji vecj postoje treba ishchistiti od polucije. Potom ih treba klasifikovati po njihovoj biodiverzifikovanoj funkciji u prirodi gde pre nije bilo kanala. Zatim videti da li ima kanala koji smetaju pojoprivredi i kucjicama pored puta nizvodno kao i da li su podzemne vode i ostali poremecjaji u dnu dovoljno veliki da se pozabavimo njima. Nova kanalisanja trebaju biti planska i javno priznata od celoga sveta pre nego shto se pochnu praviti.
11 chipping private possessions/ Chipin prajvat poseshns
Da li se to roba skupa daje,
Kad nij za daje nit za prodaje,
Na nju se stavlja oznaka prava,
To da te vishe ne boli glava.
Svak chip svoj uvek mozh da prepozna,
I drugi tajnu ne sme da dozna,
Na tajna mesta se instalira,
Ono shto niko ne sme da dira.
Neophodnost u svetu putnika namernika. Svaki objekat, svaki genitivni deo choveka u kapitalistichkom svetu je neophodno obelezhiti sebi poznatim grbom jer drukchije chovek ne zna kako da njegove stvari ostanu njegove ukoliko ne pazi konstantno na njih. Da napomenem odlichne ideje su da se chipuju bicikli koje imamo.
Ranchevi i ostale kucjne potrepshtine kao i nakit i muzichki instrumenti i lichne stvari trebaju biti chipovani i autentichni shto se postizhe na sledecji nachin –ima se chlan porodice umiljatog izgleda i nekarnivorskog ponashanja prema ostalim zhivim bicjima, sve umotamo u tkanine gde stavimo i chlana porodice da se gnezdi te ga stavljamo medju najskuplje nam stvari da stvori neku vrstu tajnog kutka dok cheka na sledecje mazhenje, shalim se, nego glodjucji nashe tkanine napravicje ih unikatnim time shto cje imati rupice na originalnim mestima.
12. choosing a compaignon pet/ chuzin a kompannjon pet
Prichu da dam namera je prava,
Nikoga vish obuhvati strava,
Kad glodara vidi smeshak daje,
Pravi brachni par shto dece ima,
Jer za ljubav pravu puno dece,
chini lakocju umor ne stvara,
I zhena se ne da zaustavit,
Dete za detetom stizhe tada,
Glodare ona gleda budno pak,
Jer se pribojava pacova tudj,
Jer njih sputavat treba ne ljude,
I novac i lokacija smeta,
Ali ne da chovek trazhi par svoj,
I deteta da se ne zna broja,
Ako ljudi zajedno su par su,
I deca blagodati dokaz su,
Bez cike i vriske prava ljubavna,
Deca su zheljna ljubavi prave,
Svakom po glodara podari ti,
Da znaju da ljubavi treba bit’,
Shto je vishe dece ljubav jacha,
Bez desetoro sumnjam da prava,
I dajte da se prvo zhivot sit,
Javi i svak putovat treba, hit!
Izabrani chlan porodice je uvek sa nama i jedno o drugome vodimo rachuna zauvek, uvek da budemo zajedno. O chlanu porodice brinemo, ne o ljubljenome jer prava ljubav nema vremena za brigu. Moram priznati da sto i pedeset hiljada abortusa u nashoj drzhavi godishnje samo govori da su ljudi jedno sa drugim samo iz navike da se ima dechko ne iz prave ljubavi shto je i nemogucje znati jer prava ljubav se vrlo retko nalazi u istom gradu i u istoj drzhavi po zakonima verovatnocje. Zato preporuchujem glodara za chlana porodice jer oni mogu da imaju puno dece a puno dece se dogadja kad je prava ljubav u pitanju i tada se ne staje sa decom, samo se radjaju nova i nova i ne staje se uopshte. U Parizu ima jedan par koji ima devetnaestoro dece i ukoliko zhena nije silovana od strane muzha onda je to chist ljubavni par na koji se valja ugledati. Svi ostali ja sumnjam u njih kada prichaju da je ljubav u pitanju ukoliko ne vidim puno humora i puno dece ja sumnjam. A sramota je da ljudi ulecju u veze iz kojih ne zhele decu takodje. Pa chak i ako nije prava ljubav u pitanju, ako se ljudi usude voditi ljubav jedno sa drugim bar neka se deca rode i iz toga dok se ne nadje pravi par pametnije je to nego li voditi ljubav bez svrshavanja u zhenu. Mnogo zhena je rodilo decu na taj nachin. Vize treba ukinuti jer stvarno je potrebno da par da bi video da li su pravi treba i da zhivi odvojeno i da putuje zajedno i da nonstop bude u kontaktu kad zhive odvojeno i da na proputovanjima se ponashaju unikatno ne po shablonu niti po starim navikama. Kada znash unapred shta cje osoba recji ili uraditi to nije prava ljubav nego navika. Preporuchujem svako da ima po pacova na ramenu jer su oni jako inteligentni i mogu da zhive sami ukoliko je chlan porodice nashe shto znachi da je chuvar nasheg ideala da imamo decu sa pravom osobom i u pravom isto takvom za nashe prijatelje nam okruzhenju da zhivimo. Ja bih sve one shto nam limitiraju prolaz svetom stavila pred sud jer usporavaju radost chovechanstva a to su deca bez placha.
13. cigarettes/ Sigarec
Duvan je mnogo shtetan, to znamo,
Cigarete nam pamet skrivaju,
Nit cigare, ushi prichu prave,
da jeziku smetaju, istina,
A kamoli plucjima joj brale,
Necje se pushiti ovog veka,
Rech doktora niko ne poreka’.
Cigarete su mnogo shtetne. U jednom istrazhivanju je recheno da se u cigarete doda oko pet stotina stvari pored duvana medju kojima su shecjer, med i alkohol. One pored kafe su jedini legalni stimulansi u vecjem delu sveta koji se mogu dobiti.
Ukoliko napravimo projekat da godinu dana ne pushimo uopshte cigarete, stavimo par njih u muzeje cigaretske za buducjnost gde mozhemo napraviti spisak cele smeshe, mozhemo neke od njih staviti u centralni deo poljoprivrednog dobra koje chuvamo za ljude jer je duvan prirodni pesticid pa nam mozhe pomocji da oteramo zhivotinje sa useva.
Cigarete sadrzhe u sebi alkaloid nikotin koji je toliko toksichan da ima granichnu vrednost. U malim kolichinama je stimulativan ali to kad je uzet respiratorno jer ukoliko se jede odmah bi se osetila toksichnost u gastrointestinalnom traktu.
Cigarete trebaju biti davane u apotekama, uz potpis primaoca tako da se zna i mozhe pratiti njegov respiratorni sistem na mesechnom sistematskom pregledu pri kome se zna koliko je i kojih cigareta osoba popushila.
Prostorije bilo gde u svetu trebaju biti nepushachke te cje tako trudne zhene i deca mocji plesati u klubovima kao i mi dishucji kao da smo napolju. Prodavati male uredjaje za disanje je odlichna ideja samo treba imati u vidu da isti mogu biti adiktivni takodje.
Shto se tiche filtera, izgleda da su svi jednaki za sve cigarete, to ne valja. Prvo cigarete treba da budu bez dodataka, znachi chist duvan da se pushi ako mora. Specijalni filteri za cigarete u kvantitativnom modu su neophodni za svaku ponaosob ili za sve jedan.
Privlachenje cigarete ustima je nagon koji drzhimo od odojchenskog perioda
Aluzija na majku jasna je kad se vidi pushach ma koliko se trudio da bude svestan pri tome ipak je to imitiranje primalnog krika kada smo hranu dobijali na frekventno i osecjali se srecjnima. Cigaretu uzimamo kad hocjemo dok smo mleko dobijali. Stoga tu naviku mozhemo kontrolisati. Usne ne treba goreti na taj nachin.
14 circus/Sirkus
Cirkus ima sve najjache ljude,
Mora uvek neko da se trudi,
Tezhak zhivot josh tezha je starost,
Jer mishicji ne podnose sude,
Nit odmora nit uzdah da bude,
Penzionisati se ne sme tu,
Jer svi vide kako mladost nesta,
I latishe se usporenog gesta,
Poshto istezanje se radilo,
Sad problemi nastaju zbog toga.
I necje se zhivotinje drati,
Da nesavestan je tretman njihov,
Vecj cjemo ih ostaviti drugde,
Gde mozhemo brinuti valjano.
I cirkus cje prestat da postoji,
Samo cje secjanja da ostanu,
Sve ono shto chovek mozhe radit,
Radicje sam, amaterski stvarno,
I nikad se necje povrediti,
Nit muchiti zhivotinje vishe.
Cirkus je ljudska tvorevina i ne trebaju nam zhivotinje za to. Njih najbolje bi bilo da poshaljemo u specijalne kucje za penziju zhivotinja, gde cje imati svu potrebnu pomocj i uvidjaj u njihovo stanje jer neke od njih suu strashno psihichki povredjene. Tu cje mocji podnositi njihovu bol lakshe i i dalje cje imati pazhnju ali cje biti normalne i niko nishta od njih necje zahtevati. Deca cje i dalje mocji da dodju da ih vide kad su zatvorene ali to im ne bi trreebalo smetati osim ako su bile muchene od dece u cirkusu, onda cje i to biti tezhina za njih.
Treba im obezbediti kucjice i kanalizaciju da imaju, eto to im treba pored hrane i prave pazhnje koju zasluzhuju.
Ja se plashim za ljude koji preforsiraju sa treninzima jer zato kada stanu onda ih komplikacije od starosti uhvate brzhe nego choveka koji je uvek umereno trenirao sportove. Zato preporuchujem da cirkus kao takav mora prestati da postoji i da ljudi svoje vratolomije rade amaterski ukoliko zhele ali da se znaju koje su opasne i one se ne rade vishe nikad jer opasnim stvarima se ne treba baviti, zar ne? U svakom smislu cirkus je stvar proshlosti i ne treba joj prilaziti previshe blizu jer ima puno tuge u njemu.
Konje pustiti na livade i nikada ih vishe ne jahati niti vezivati, to je shto imam da kazhem za konje u svim nivoima postojanjima, sve konje sveta treba pustiti jer su bezopasni poshto su vegetarijanci i dati im prostranstva da trche i da se osecjaju slobodno, previshe i predugo su nam sluzhili kao i magarci shto su bili u svetu da prenose i da se takmiche kao eto i u cirkusima su bili te ne treba vishe da nam budu sluge.
15 climate in cities/ klajmat in sitiz
Eto nas na Teslinom otkricju,
Da gradovi sliche jednom bicju,
Da se Fotok po ulici kroshi,
I svetla nem’ da nam se istroshi,
Jer sve pretvaramo u struju sad,
Da, grad nam mirishe na velik rad,
Konzervativne sile vladaju,
Necje one da nas potkradaju.
I sa kraja fenovi nam strujni,
Samo rade kad gradovi bujnu,
tek tada se ukljuchishe oni,
Sa obronka gradova dalekih,
Te se tamo ustruchishe oni,
Koji mogu gradu svetlost dati,
Jer fenovi strujni opasni su,
Za ptichice lepe kao i on koj
lete, na avione mislim sad.
Iznad ulica mogu pored kroshnji vocjnog drvecja treba stajati neshto poput solarnopanelskih kishobrana koji se mogu sklapati. Priblizhavajucji se gradovima treba imati bekap u smuslu ukoliko dodje do velike oluje pa da se na vreme zaustavi i ljudi upozore. Chini mi se da je Nikola Tesla preporuchio neki piramidalni projekat kontrole klime u gradovima, izgleda da taj projekat i onaj sakupljanja elektrichne energije od gromova po svetu josh nisu spojeni u jedan. Gradovi treba da se grade po uzoru na Zagreb i Paris, Brazilija ima vazdushne struje koje mozhda mogu da se urede gledajucji gradovsku strukturu termita i njihove kraljice.
16 clothes/Klouts
Odecja treba biti bez boja jer su farbe shtetne. Dugmad od neplastichnih materijala, odecja sa slobodnim padom od konoplje je najbolji materijal da se ima. Svilene bube trebaju biti pushtene da izadju iz chaurica zhive i takva svila, premda ima flekica po sebi je lepa i etichka za korishcjenje.
Svu odecju koja nam ne treba treba dati otrcanim shopovima kako ih ja zovem gde cjemo im recji da li odecja ima flekicu ili ima rupe i gde a pre toga cjemo je lepo oprati pa da drugi ljudi mogu da je koriste.
Saditi konoplju treba svuda jer pamuk troshi mnogo vode pri rastu i time ne spada u ekoloshke produkte sam po sebi /kao pirinach/. Shta nam treba je odecja od konoplje i vecja upotreba frotira koji je radjen od pamuka jer ne bocka kao shto to konoplja mozhe chiniti kad se tako svezhu njeni krajevi.
17 coffee and tea/Kofi end ti
Kafa i chaj sadrzh alkaloide u sebi. Kafa je druga biljka u svetu koliko pesticida potroshi da bi se odgajila, zato nam ne treba jer ne samo industriju pesticida cjemo reshiti posla nego i umesto kafe slobodne zemlje cjemo imati /premda isposhcjene za neke vrste povrcja chini mi se mozhe biti/ ukoliko posadimo vocjno drvecje na mestu kafinih plantazha. To cje u isto vreme reshiti sushenje zemljishta koje se chesto deshava u predelima gde su zasadjeni kafa i neki chajevi. Chajevi koji dolaze od lekovitog bilja treba da se provere u farmaceutskoj industriji i da se daju na recept u apotekama.
18 coloursKolourz
Danashnje boje su jako toksichne i retke su one koje imaju takozvanu ‘zelenu zastavicu’ /taj naziv sam sad smislila, predstavlja potpuno ekoloshke produkte koji se vishe ne proveravaju na zhivotinjama i koji imaju veganski sastav/.
Trebalo bi ih sve limitirati, izbaciti iz upotrebe sve boje koje nisu neophodne i dati ljudima sami da boje shta imaju. Sve danashnje boje nisu ishle kroz TS sa chovekovim genetskim materijalom metododu vecj su bile isprobavane na zhivotinjama za koje znamo da su otpornije na toksine nego mi jer godinama vecj prezhivljavaju raznorazne pesticide na koje naidju.
Farbe za kucju su pre bile pravljene od prirodnog materijala dok sada niti posle nedelju dana chovek ne mozhe sa mirom da bude u kucji a kamoli da spava bez migrene koja se pojavljuje kada nalm telo govori da neshto nije kako valja. Najboje je unutrashnjost stanova farbati prirodnim krechom a grafite praviti kada za to se ukazhe prilika ili staviti fototapet koji bi pokrio cijeli zid i tako dati karakter zidu sobe, mada i on ima toksichna svojstva.
Spolja je najbolje sve biti u bojama koje su se koristile pre trideset chetrdeset godina koje su se lako sushile i nisu imale toliko petrohemijskih elemenata u sebi. Dalje ostaci stare drvenarije koja se treba ponovo koristiti jer drvo se treba izbaciti iz upotrrebe kao produkat za stanove vecj se koristiti bambus i trska elem, drvo danas pogotovo staro i dragoceno koje se izvozi iz Kine se boji takvim farbama i lakovima da e zbilja plashim za zdravlje ljudi koji to rade i predlazhem da im se da bilo kakav posao gde nema kontakta sa bojama i farbama.
Dalje lakovi takodje trebaju da prestanu da se koriste kada se bude prestalo hodati po drvenim podovima i pochnu koristiti keramichke plochice i linoleum koji je od prirodnog nepetrohemijskog lako chishcjucjeg materijala.
• competition/Kompetishn
Takmiche se ljudi moji sada,
Da, pobedu hocje on’ od grada,
Znala sam da profi on’ su bili,
Vechnog kupa vodu ti su pili.
Al promena nam se sprema sada,
da se necje pobuniti grada,
Amaterci svi postadoshe sad,
Da se zhivne malo kad tad kazhu.
Nema ko josh da se voda kucji,
I starosti nema, svi cje pucji,
Jer kad su veganci moji mili,
I amaterci se zvali njihov shili,
Tad se jache telo vracja kucji,
I svakoga dana mozh on tucji.
Rekorde nam stare nek se pamte,
Da nikada vishe och’ ne plamte,
Vecj da se samo slavopojka nadj’
Ko sunce kad nam blista pre shto zadj’.
Taki nam je mama cel svet posta,
Nikom se n’odvaja od tog posta,
Nikom se na profi rech sad prema,
Svakom se na sportu sada drema.
Od publike ja ti velim nesta,
Svakojaka chista kako vesla,
Amateri nashi svi su postal,
I publika vish ne postoji znam.
Shto se tiche borbi u sportskome duhu nemam nishta protiv mada su za to najbolje karte u trajektnoj atmosferi, to jest, u nekom chamcu koji ima nadsreshicu.
Inache profesionalni sport je po mom mishljenju samo iziskivanje poslednjeg delicja snage od ljudi koji uvijek trebaju ostaviti malo snage i kada se budu u sledecjim godinama budu odluchili da se bave nekim drugim sportom.
Amatersko takmichenje takodje rasplamsava strasti jer tada uvek neka publika dodje i navija i neki ljudi se bune.
Mini golf je na primer dobra igra u milopojnim cvetinarima koja privlachi gledaoce ali oni ne moraju da se zaustave osim ako im je zbilja volja da stanu i gledaju i mozhda se pridruzhe time shto cje i oni iznajmiti shtap.
To i takvi sportovi mogu imati gledaoce i shto bi se reklo sustainable su ili na srpskom samoodrzhivi su.
Badmingtom je sport koji najbolje razvija celo telo i sve vretenaste mishicje shto je bitno za dobar duh i telo a i time shto se reket prebacuje u obadve ruke stvara se amaterska atmosfera i mozhe biti hit sport sledecjih godina.
Samo upozoravam da se ne koriste zhivotinjski produkti pri ovome i bilo kojem drugom sportu, molim, jer srce boli a kad srce boli kardiovaskularni sistem na neki nachin pravi nered u telu chovekovome.
Recimo obozhavani sport basket je dobar, ali kosharka nije jer su uvijek na istoj visini koshevi a i napravi se profesiuonalizam zbog toga shto ima sudija i znani broj igracha tako da to vredi ostaviti po strani.
Ochekujem da budemo pozvani u Jerusalem i Kosovo gradove gde cje se odrzhgavati sportsko takmichenje izmedju zaracjenih strana a vecjina publike cje biti zhene koje cje biti dobra publika jer sumnjam u mushkarce mada ako daju rech ok; a u isto vreme cje se snimati i preko TVa ceo svet cje mocji da gleda nakon utakmice shta se deshavalo tamo in real time shto bi se reklo. Mozhda cje i snimljeni materijal mocji uzeti samo ljudi iz publike, sve to zavisi od dogovora ali je bitno da zaracjene strane pochnu sa primirjem i to je najbolje izvesti kroz sportska dogadjanja.
• concerning cloning/ consernig klonin
Chuvam Zhivku za konsernig klonin,
Dlaku njenu stavila sam u to,
shto treba celi svet da radi, da,
da stavi u kinder jaje dlaku,
I svoju cje osiguranje uzet,
To za ljude da se zna kad vreme,
Da se dlaka stavi na stranu, da,
Ili dodatne potreepshtine uzet,
recji cje nam psiholozi valjda,
Gde ko kako da se obezbedi,
Al ponajbolje chuvat se od tog,
Da nam nesrecje dolaz’, da mama,
Jer su potvrdili nauchnici,
Da sto dvaes pet godina zhivot,
Svak od nas mozhe imat lagano,
Shto znachi da sgreshke prestanemo,
I da chili zhivot vodimo,da,
vegetarijanci da budemo
bez mlechnih proizvoda trebacje.
Onda cje se klonig samo radit,
Za one koj’ vecj pomrli jesu,
Za njih treba puno svet izmenit’,
I to cjemo radit’, kazhem, mama.
Tu je vecj pisano na Englishu ali da ponovim, prvo treba klonirati zhivotinje koje smo imali i koje smatramo za chlanove porodice jer ukoliko kloniranje bude uspeshno zauvek cje biti sa nama i samim tim i putovati sa nama po svetu i po vasioni.
Dakle treba veterinarima objasniti da li i koliko se ponashanje zhivotinja promenilo od onda kada smo ih imali pre sahranjivanja ili chuvanja njihovog genetskog materijala u nekom vidu (moja drugarica je svog pacova stavila u zamrzivach kad je umro dok sam ja chupala dlake i iz brkova i iz krzna i stavila u plastichnu kutiju kinder jajeta. Ostale koje nisam sachuvala cjemo morati iz mog secjanja izvucji i povecjati slike mog secjanja da bi se dobio genetski kod i onda i njih klonirati, pre nego shto predjemo na ljude koje smo izgubili ili incinerisali). Nakon zhivotinja dolaze socijalne zhoivotinje i potom ljudi, za kloniranje. Treba isprobati ove metode, veshtachku womb za zhivotinje. Drugo je da se u svinji klonita chovek /mozhe Adolf Hitler, na primer prvi da bude proban ili tako neki/, jer ona ima samo jednu razlichitu aminokiselinu u insulinu stoga je pogodna je za chuvanhje bebe dok se razvija, hypoteza koju treba proveriti/. Krava je drukchijeg digestivnog sistema jer je chisti vegetarijanac, dugachka creva mada ona ima tri aminoacida razlichita ali je i pogodnija, bar meni bila za inekcije njihovog insulina od spolja.
• concerts/Konserc
Konncerti su mesta gde muzichari trebaju zaradjivati. Treba u svakom gradu gde izdaju svoja dela takodje i da odrzhe koncert jer time se publika obraduje i muzicharima to daje josh vecju popularnost.
• cosmetics, plastic chirurgic and hair issues/ Kozmetiks, plastik shirurzhi and hear isjuz
Bez kozmetike zhivot je najlepshi na svetu, ako ima vremena, mesta i volje onda veganska kozmetika koja nije na zhivotinjama isprobavana molim vas.
Albumn iz svezheg belanca zatezhe kozhu /nefertiulisanog, premda koke daju posebno jaja za nas a posebno kada sakrivaju da rode po neko/, a i jabuke pojedene je najllepshe utrljavati u kozhu jer joj godi, ruke ne znam da li treba vishe neshto poput unutrashnje kozhe od avokada, proveriti, ili ulje od badema... mozhda susama, susam, premda nema C vitamina, znachi, kao i badem daje direktno shecjer cjeliji jer se ne takmichi sa C vitaminom da udje kroz ista vratanca /citat od dr. Mercola/ mi je sumnjichav ili nije za jeloi ili nije za svakoga ili njegovo ulje nije za svakoga jer kada se analno stavi smeta ali to zaviosi od E. Coli i od toga shta se pre jelo, zar ne? Ima i od pogreshnog partnera... Proveriti.
Bez plastichne hirurgije za pare, molim uz bolnice to da se vrshi. Treba osoba prvo da se obuchi kako bi o,a sama trebala to da izvede, da zna kako se to radi, potom da potpishe da daje punomocjje doktoru koji bi to uradio za osobu.
Kose duge svii da imamo, i kovrzhave kad bi mogli... Lokalna genetska manipulacija na kratko mozhda nije toksichna, treba proveriti bez upotrebe zhivotinja u te svrhe. Prouchavati razlike u kosi, dlaci razlichitih pasa i konja recimo. Shta pokushavam da kazhem je da je potrebno svuda uvesti produzhavanje kose metode, medjutim poshto nema dovoljno kose na svetu da bi svi imali duge treba videti da li mozhemo manipulisati fungi familije da proizvode kosu a potom je ugraditi standardnim metodama koje i zvezde vecj koriste a zatim precji na istrazhivanja lokalne genetske manipulacije na choveku poput rasta kose i rasta stalnih zuba ponovo.
• countries – municipalities/kancjriz-munisipalitiz
Sve opshtine kao Sparta bicje,
Gde je demokratija vladala,
premda su decu chuvali ljudi,
Samo pogled na Spartu bacimo,
I vidimo da li nam valja, da,
Al bitno je setiti se sada,
Shta opshtine uchine od grada,
Kako cjemo opet pocji kucji,
Kad Kosovo bude srpski prichal’,
Jerusalem i ivrit i ‘rapski,
Ko u Shvici da s druzhimo brale,
Tamo svi u miru sada zhive,
Pa s ugledamo na njih, kog drugog.
Chetvrt taksi dajemo opshtini,
A josh chetvrt odluchimo gde cje,
Ono chetvrt ide na drzhavu,
I josh chetvrt, ide na svet celi.
Paris nek nam uzor grada bude,
Jer znali su kak da postav’ ljude,
Dvaes’ opshtina pri centru grada,
Nekoliko opasache nudi.
Kurseve ti Paris nudi jako,
Za sve se obuchiti da lako,
I CAF ti on ima brale sada,
To pomocj stizhe iz javnog grada,
Rasizam tamo ne postoji znam,
Imam na chega da se ugledam.
CNASEA placja kurseve ti brale,
Chak francuski da nauchish placja,
Nema nikom glava da osedi.
i rado se tamo vidjash brale,
Al poslov’ shto ima broja ne zna,
Svi narodi neshto rade, France, da!
Ovo je stolecje opshtina, tako je prichano na konferenciji opshtina, glavnih gradova drzhava u Parisu 2000e godine.
Za Jerusalem ne znam ali prvi pravopis na Kosovu je bio srpski i to zvanichni jezik do pre deset godina je bio te se treba nauchiti zhivalj tamo da zna srpski i da je to zvanichni jezik na Univerzitetima, shkolama i u vojsci, medicini i policiji ako cjemo fer plej i to u svakoj opshtini od Kosova.
Jerusalem je druga pricha. Tamo je hebrejski bio zvanichni jezik, pa onda arapski i sad u proshlome veku ponovo hebrejski ali izmenjen je doshao na vlast. Ukoliko je izmenjen vishe od osnove, onda ne bi trebao da postoji kao zvanichan i treba se vratiti originalni hebrejski sa svojom gramatikom.
• cultural tips/kalcjral tips
Pre i posle jela
treba ruke prati,
nemoj da te na to
opomonje mati.
Jer prljavim rukama
zagadi se jelo,
pa se tako bolest
unese u telo.
Imam par osnova ponashanja u engleskom draftu ali najbolje je prochitati knjigu Bonton za djecu i sakupiti sve kulturne obrasce pravilnog ponashanja i objaviti ih i za odrasle ljude.
• dancing/Densin
Svima neophodno, uz koncerte gde sviramo raznonarazne instrumente ili u dvorishtu, svuda je plesanje najlepsha stvar koju chovek mozhe obavljati.
• demilitarisation/Demilitarizejshn
To je neophodno i reedukovati ljude shta da rade posle tako napornog posla bi trebalo. Treba im dati odmora u drugoj zemlji, drugom kontinentu po mogucjstvu. Municiju svu koju je potrebno i mogucje reciklirati da se to uradi a za svu ostalu poslati na Jupiter da nam ne smeta radioaktivno zrachenje kad vecj ne mozhe da se unishti RA otpad.
Ljudi koji su radili pri vojsci ne treba treba nikada da razmisljaju o svojoj proshlosti nego sa ponosom da i dalje stoje jer je svaki od njih se borio za pravi cilj. Drugachiji eon, milenijum, drukchije navike, tako da u ovom necje biti potrebe za vatrenim i bilo kakvim drugim oruzhjem.
Samo da napomenemo da ukoliko postoji shansa da postoje vanzemaljci, treba ih dochekati sa srdachnoscju kao nashu decu shto upucjujemo na put. Treba da imamo rezerve da bi pokazali na shta smo spremni i kakve smo filmove /i realnost imali / u proteklome veku shto se tiche vatrenog i hladnog oruzhja. I video igrice takodje su nam prenatrpane pucnjavom kao da ne mogu da se naprave igrice na drukchiji fazon.
Naravno, i filmovi i igrice trebaju imati nove verzije ukoliko su glumci orni za posao. Treba vojnici da pokazhu kako se brani chovek a ne domovina. To se postizhe time shto cje se baviti i reedukovati u medikalne profesije.
Vatrogasna ekipa koja se bavi i pomocji uplashenim zhivotinjama koje su u nezgodnim pozicijalma mozhe biti prikladan posao za vojnike takodje, molim prevedite sa BBCja ‘Animal Rescue’ programe da bi se popularisao posao.
• dentistry/Dentistri
Treba videti shta glodari rade kad stalno mogu da im stalni zubi rastu. Neophodno je regularno icji kod zubara da bi se imali dobri zubi. Mislim da treba izbegavati slatka i slana jela da bi se zubi sachuvali.
• diagnosis/Dajagnozis
Dia znachi protok gnosis znachi znanja. Svaki chovek treba shto vishe da zna o svojoj dijagnozi da bi pomogao svoje lechenje.
Sva medikalna dokumentacija treba da se pokupi i stavi na medikalnu karticu, neshto slichno ‘carte Vitale’ u France shto ima ali da bude mogucje je ishchitati u svim delovima sveta.
• diary/Dajari
Neophodnost svakog choiveka je da pishe dnevnik na dnevnom nivou. Svaki dan je vechan i svaki dan je i u pisanoj formi ostavljen svom partneru da ga pogleda i protumachi ili da se lichni dnevnik tumachi zajedno.
Postoje javni dnevnici, to su oni od politichara jer svi oni koji kazuju svoje mishljenje javno su politichari. Ti dnevnici su za globalno konstruktivno kritikovanje i podstrekivanje na dalji rad ili njih samih ili ljudi koji ih chitaju, kao shto ja pokushavam sa ovim nazovi dnevnikom da uradim /da podstreknem ljude da misle globalno i takvi da su i zakoni jedni za celi svet/.
Dnevnik je inache fantastichna tvorevina koja se vidi tek nakon nekoliko meseci urednog pisanja. Potrebno je takodje ukoliko se dnevnik pishe ruchno da se skenira i stavi u digitalnu formu da se ne bi zagubili spisi i da bi se godine rada i projektovanja sopstvenog karaktera i volje mogli staviti na jedan jednostavni laserski disk ili mp3 plejer sa usb kachiteljem.
Dnevnik treba da bude uchen u shkoli da se radi i pre domacjeg zadatka jer osoba je sama sebi potrebnija nego celokupno znanje koje kupi i treba da ima pravio koordinatni sistem pored svoje porodice a tu je prvo lice jednine najizrazhenije koje jedino mozhe da se uradi i ima u vremenu u nemodularnoj formi kada se radi u formi spontanog i obaveznog dnevnika.
Pedagozi treba da obrade predmet koji bi se zvao rad na sebi gde je dnevnik kljuchni projekat i rad na sebi ukljuchuje pregledavanje i pregledavanje svih sekcija, hobija i sportova koji postoje na svetu i koji treba da budu zapisani, dan po dan jer to daje bogatstvo choveku, ne njegova secjanja nego njegova prva derivacija na napisani dnevnik, kada chovek mozhe da komentarishe i da se u potpunosti seti svakoga dana svoga zhivota.
Dnevnik krunisanjem pripada Partneru jednako kao i nama, jednako kao i vremenska mashina o kojoj govorim u tom projektu.
• earning over the Internet/ Ernin over di Internet
Zaradjivanje sada treba mi,
Kad svetlosti sada budni su svi,
Jer preko neta zhivot ne cheka,
Ostaju ti spisi zanaveka.
Kolko ko provede na netu sad,
Toliko cenit cje se njegov rad,
Jer bivanjem na stranici tada,
Ostavljash mu novac svoga rada.
I svakome pejdzhu sada budi,
Glasnik sad ti od velikih ljudi,
Jer kolko se zadrzhish na strani,
On cje to znat jer cje dobit mani.
Jer reklamu samo ti prenosish,
Sa zakonom nema ti da s’ kosish,
Sve koj’ si video su odabrani,
Posecjivanjem im nosish radost,
Ne starost vecj najvecju im mladost.
Nema terora na Internetu; osim ako se ne odluchimo za elitni internet koji cje imati sve ono shto je dosada uradjeno prochishcjeno do maksimuma.
Lepota interneta u prezentnom obliku je da mozhe da ima bilo koju verziju iz bilo koga datuma ma kako da web page izgledala danas /vidi wikipediju za dogledan primer/, i earning over the internet mozhe biti u najmanju ruku dobra zarada vecjini ljudi i izgledalo bi otprilike ovako: Platish na primer trideset vilija za mesec dana korishcjenja interneta ne posredniku iliti provajderu vecj stranicama koje posecjujesh.
Ne znam kako tu mozje da se stavi muzika i underlined radio koji nonstop radi i kako cje oni dobijati pare, da li cje se deliti sa stranicama koje posecjujemo ili cje muzika ipak dobijati najvishe jer najvishe vremena provodimo sa radijima uz net, videcjemo od hakera koji treba da naprave ovaj program i da ga ponude celom svetu. Znacvhi zaradjivanje preko neta je samo od toga koliko ko je proveo na nashoj strani od ukupnog provoda na webu u toku tog meseca i koliko je dao na zaradjivanje pa se to deli svima koje je posetio web istrazhivach u vidu ljudskog choveka :-) .
Time cjemo anihilovati pretrazhivache koji se pokazuju kao ljudi i AI necje biti dostuipna internetu.
Takodje cje ljudi da stavljaju reklame koje njima odgovaraju kad preporuchuju sa njihove web strane na shta sledecje da se ide, ponude referencu i ti odesh da dalje prouchavash neshto shto su ti predlozhili.
Moram ovde dati kredit yahoo-u i google-u koji su prvi bili pretrazhivachi i davatelji slobodnog imejl prostora tako da sada kad ih posetimo znamo da cje neshto i dobiti od nas ne da cje biti opet zanemareni kada se osecjamo velikodushni i tipujemo za kafu u kaficju a zheleli bismo i da tipujemo i njih kao da su nam kafu posluzhili.
Google je sada na stok marketu /ili su i oni opoput googlea otishli u stok market i googleu ovde dajem pridiku jer je unishtio divne alt.pets.rodents.rats group koju sam obozhavala stavljajucji je u nemogucju situaciju da je pronadjem i enterijer vishe nije isti tako da vishe i ne idem tamo mada mi je bilo omiljeno mesto par godina unatrag. Mozhe li vratiti enterijer starih grupa, please?/.
Elem, znachi, platim poshto cjui, nadam se postati bogata ovim shtivom a sada sam pravi kloshar bez prebijene kinte i u u psihijatrijskoj klinici u Parisu gde sam doshla stopirajucji kamiondzhije od Hrvatske i pre toga od Srbije /hvala Vam svima ljudi, divni ste i prijatelji ste mi ako budem bogata i kupim par hotela imacjete besplatne sobe za odmor.../.
Elem, platim neshto u multiplu dvadeset chetiri sata puta broj dana u mesecu i to ide stranicama koje posecjujem s time shto ne moram da vidim reklame tih stranice osim ako nisu lichno postavljene, recimo, bash me zanima pioniri yahoo-a koje bi oni stranice stavili ilishta bi popularisali i reklamirali kad bi se tako deshavalo.
tako odem ti ja na yahoo svakodnevno da proverim email acount poshto blog nemam pojma gde se nalazi na njihovoj pejdzhici i tamo mi oni preporuche poshto je najbolji, jer je fantastichna radio stanica i ja odem tamo i ukljuchim se i tu mozhda mogu i neki isto poeni da se dobijaju u svakom sluchaju u yahoo account na kome sam pregledavajucji poshtu i mimaradio gde slusham muziku u tom vremenu, recimo ako je sat vremena dobiju isto para, je li tako, od onih para shto idu na svaki potrosheni moj sat na netu.
Ono shto nisam na netu sati ide za uchenje dece internetu i donoshenje im internet wifi tachaka u opshtini ali ne preko satelita nego preko kablova jer tako se smanjuje globalno zagrezvcanje.
Kablovi ilii adsl ne znam shta je bolje treba da budu svuda po svetu i da nas sve povezhu jer ja sam predsednik global villagea josh samo kratko, dok napokon ne prepustim pametnijima da budu mirni i chitaju one reference od dole koje cje biti prevedene na sve jezike sveta, bukvalno sve na cjirilici, jer to je jedini fonetski jezik za trideset postojecjih glasova a dodajte josh slova ako ima josh glasova u drugim govorima.
Sad je 15H22min subota 23jun 007god, Pariz, white house kako oni zovu ludnicu, stvarno smeshno ali nisam u Washingtonu, ne mogu da izadjem napolje dok me neko ne izbavi odavde jer ne znam shta cju sa glavom punom ideja i zhelje da pricham, ne da budem slikana i snimana nego da bude chuta ukoliko ikoga zanima shta mislim, a i da zaradim neshto kintaje da ne zhickam cigarete nonstop ovde mada ih ne popularishem al kad nema koke shta cjesh daj shta dash od stimulanasa, bicje u chetiri popodne kafa, subotom i nedeljom je nude popodne tako da cju pored ove diet kokakole za koju sam uzhickala dvaes santima a evro volshebno nashla u torbi pa mi medicinska sestra kupila dole iz automata jer ja ne smem da sidjem /proshli put mogla da sidjem al izashla iz kruga bolnice da nabavim lancete u apoteci koje su tanje nego ove ovde koje koriste poplavecje mio prsti od ovih, pa im rekla da sam ishla da kupim cigare van granica bolnice pa mi zabranili i do dole da sidjem da kupim kafu ili kokakolu, u svakom sluchaku, daj, napravi mi kokakolu bez aspartama ali sa kokainom ja sam prva koja cje je piti i biti pacovchek pored moje porodice pacovcheka kojoj priapadam /devedesetih su mi dali dva nadimka koja su me iznennadimla Glodarka i Svima, ali ih volim/, elem, gde sam stala, da pored zarade koja mi treba i gajbe koju trazhiml vecj dvanaest godina da iznajmim i nikad nemam para ili necje da mi je izdaju ovde u Parizu jer nemam posao regularni a imam AAH, proveri CAF, da ovde sam u maison blanche i pishem vam ovo kako se zove projekat? zaradjivanje preko interneta, ako mi stavite ovaj blog pored ostalih na net u to zaradjivachnko podruchje hvala vam puno, mozhda mi se posrecji i proputujem dvesta zemalja koliko ima u UNu osim Vatikana u sledecjih dvesta giodina to mi je plan.
Inache sam proshle godine dijagnistikovana se severe forme d adulte ADHD hyoperaktivity desordre tako da ne smem da se vracjam i ispravljam greshke jer onda postanem previshe savrshena i nishta mi se ne svidja i hocju ponovoo ovako, nacji cje se valjda neko ko cje mocji da ovo isprevodi na sve jezike sveta i uradi to i u knjishkoj formi na hemp papiru konopljinom, ima referenca bolji nego drvo, i proveri i ostatke od badema i slichno i bambuse i trske isto tako, bez fosil fuels jer kompletna obustava svude gde mozhe je neophodna, posle stuidiranja T206 na OU i videvshi da imamo plastike za hjosh samo deset godina u totalnom sam shloki da josh uvek kokakolu prave u plastichnim bocama chak i alunlminijum 13Al je bolji od plastike a da ne prichamo da svi treba da smo na staklu...
I samo sedam vrsta plastike se mozhe reciklirati i to ne znam kakvog kvaliteta mozhe zato pomagaj ko mozhe. Ostali blogovi ali oni su tek od ove godine inache sam od avgusta 2000 govorila uglas ali u stvari u sebi kao da pricham uglas celom svetu, nonstop shest i po godina do januara ove godine sam prichala kao da sam radio stanica nonstop i tek ove godine 007 pochela da kontam da mozhda mogu i da komuniciram i umesto knjige pisala svashta videcjete i zashto jer telepatija je nelegalna stvar u drushtvu i chovechanstvu izmedju sviju osim izmedju ljudi koji se vole.
Mislim da do telepatije dolazi kada je kao shto je sada sluchaj globalno zagrevanje u pitanju kao i to povecjanje temperature dovodi do entropije u organizmu i to je prvi oblik specijacije zhivotinjske vrste te ljudi koji se bave telepatijom u stvari chuvaju novodoshlice u telepatiju poput velikih gardijana koji pokushavaju da odrzhe dve vrste ljudi na okupu a da se ne primeti da dve vrste ljudi postoji poshto je josh uvek seksualna transmisija mogucja.
Podela sveta na siromashne i bagate drzhave ne pomazhe jer se javlja ne samo razlika koja treba da je motivacijskog porekle a to je zbog razlichitih govora nego zbog razlike u razmishljanju i brzini razmishljanja zbog direktne kupovne i migratorne mocji.
Elem, razumeli ste za underline sofwer koji treba da se nalazi pod kompjuterima koji zhele da doprinesu i plate za rad drugih koji nas inspirishe i da se smanje agresivne reklame samim time odnosno da reklame budu lichnije i subscriptions na odredjene stranice koje volimo da bude automatdski samo sada rasiziram, , dajte da i to ne bude americhke firme delo vecj da vecjinu mojih projekata ideja i patenata /ali globalno javnih patenata, poput kokakola fazona worldwide avaiulable/ bude od nesvrstanih zemalja zasluzhile smo.
Ovo gore je moj ispad i necju vishe pominjati lichne stvari ali neka udje u moj dnevnik jer trenutno pishem samo javni dnevnik trebala bi u isto vreme i da pishem lichni ali sam sada obadva stavila u javni. To je zato shto zhelim da budem inkognito posle ovoga dela a u isto vreme kazhem neshto o sebi sada.
• ecology, ecosystems and enviroment/Ekolodzhi, ekosistems end envajroment
U316 kurs sa Open University, UK, fantastichgno pôkriva ovo. Molim kontaktirajte bivshe studente ovoga kursa da se’ to organizuje poshto se vecj radilo u grupi kao da je javni rad i da sva istrazhivanja ovog doktorskog kursa objave. Hvala unapred. Fantastichan kurs i genijalna ekipa je bila u godini 2006oj kada ja nisam vishe mogla da pratim i ostavila sam sve da se objavi javno jer je toliko dobar bio rad uchenika da mogucje je recji prevazilazi i same knjige. World resources knjige iz kursa i ostale knjige treba da buduu prevedene, margine knjige da budu manje tako da se beli papir shtedi i da se objavi na svim jezicima sveta, hvala.
Inache treba brinuti o chovekovoj okolini poshto zhelimo da zhivimo vechno i tu su par stvari potrebne:
Gradjenje stanova za zelenim prostorima okolo i velikim prozorima i terasama da imaju stanovi.
Kontrolisanje kanalizacije preko Vermicast kulture.
Svi hemijski produkti kojih ima oko 100000 dosad da se provere metodom TS da li su shtetni po ljudsko zdravlje.
Kanalizacija da se ne prlja produktima koji su neveganskog i neekoloshkog porekla.
Pesticidi i herbicidi da se ne proizvode kao ni veshtachko djubrivo.
Da se predje na vegansku poljoprivredu i ishranu.
Da se ponovo koriste kutije i pakovanja iz supermarketa.
Da se plastichne kese izbace iz upotrebe.
Da se prave baterije koje su netoksichne i koje se ponovo pune a ove koje imamo da idu u posebno reciklirajucje djubrishte.
Da se sistem bacanja djubreta klasifikuje i radi kao u Deutschland /imam referencu/.
Da se plastichne boce obustave i koriste staklene koje se chiste i ponovo pune.
Da se ne koriste farbe boje i lakovi vecj da sve bude prirodno.
Da se kozmetika smanji na minimum i da bude netoksichna /imam reference toksichnih sastojaka/.
Da se predje na globalno solarnu energiju uz DC struju zato shto je lokalna i ona koja se prenosi izgubi vishe od trideset posto elektriciteta prilikom AC prenosa.
Da se vishak solarne energije stavlja i pakuje u Hydrogen baterije.
Da kola i ostala vozila predju na hydrogen jednostavnom prepravkom postojecjih motora jer mogucje /citat iz T206 knjige/.
Da se ima i na ulicama sortirana djubrad i da se zna gde se koje djubre ubacuje.
Da reciklirajucji objekti ne prave poluciju ako je mogucje.
Da farmaceutski objekti ne prave poluciju vecj anihiluju svoje produkte pre nego shto ih stave na djubrishte.
Da se spaljivanje djubreta smanji na minimum.
Da se frizhideri prave sa netoksichnim materijalom za hladjenje.
Da se predje na solarno grejanje.
Da se talasna energija koristi i vishak pretvara u Hydrogen baterije koje se ponovo pune.
Da se kompjuteri prave netoksichni tako da se, kao i sva ostala elektronska oprema mogu reciklirati bez polucije.
Da se farbe za kosu odnose posebnom kanalizacijom jer ne smeju shtetiti Vermicastu i da se koristi kana i biljni produkti uvek u preferenci od veshtachkih produkata.
Da sve chishcjucje stvari iz kupatila budu neshkodljive za Vermicast.
Da se nishta ne koristi i ne proizvodi shto ima vishe od pet shest sastojaka, vecj ako ima vishe od shest sastojaka da se objasni zashto je potrebno dodavati josh, u kom cilju i sa kojim ciljem.
I tako dalje, nastavite sa nabrajanjem, na globalnom planu je potrebno da se ovo uradi.
• education/ Edjukejshn
Kao u Srbiji osamdesetih godina, znachi sa sedam godina u shkolu i fonetski jezik, sa Vukovim sloganom: pishi kao shto govorish, chitaj kako je napisano, mozhe se za par meseci nauchiti da se chita i pishe.
Osam razreda osnovne shkole je neophodno, srednja shkola kao u gimnaziji opshtog smera za sve, chetirii godine i posle fakultet kad chovek stigne. Srednja shkola svi da idu mada nije neophodna mozhe i direktno na fakultet kao na Open University iz UK-a, ali je neophodna za opshte obrazovanje, vidi englesku verziju shta sam predlagala.
• electricity for everyone/ Elektrisiti for evrivan
Precji cjemo svi na solarnu i,
Josh otkad se ovo cheka svete,
Imacjemo struje napretek, da,
Da, ne treba nam nish’od komete.
Solarna i talasna energija na globalnom nivou. Jedan posto Sahare mozhe da podmiri potrebe celog sveta za strujom samo treba proveriti kako to utiche na globalna klimatska kretanja, zato pretpostavljam da je bolje da svaka zgrada ima solarne panele i fotovoltaichke cjelije.
Bitno je samo napomenuti da je solarna energija ekoloshka i da solarni grejachi vode i stanova su neophodnost jer prave veliku ushtedu u struji, i do trideset posto.
Postaviti ih teba po ulicama, po ivicama zgrada ali da ne smetaju prolaznicima niti vozilima i uz autoputeve kao shto su u Shvajcarskoj uradili, o solarnim panelima govorim.
Takodje na vecjini polja za stoku mogu da se postave. DC struja je tako adekvatnija nego AC jer AC gubi preko deset posto struje pri prenosu. Od kucja praviti zgrade kad ljudi imaju dece i planirati solarne panele uz juzhnu stranu zidina.
Takodje po drvecjima postaviti mrezhe koje nocju svetle, to je za ukras.
U sunchanim arejama umesto roletni postaviti solarne roletne.
Drugi etichki i ekoloshki vid dobijanja struje je preko energije talasa sa mora.
• engine for the vehicles/endzhin for di vehiklz
Solarna DC energija mozhe automatski da se konvertuje u hydrogen baterije. Inache, boron proverite iz referenci, chini mi se da je toksichan i ne volim rudnike, mislim da ih sve treba zatvoriti.
Svi postojecji motori vozila bez obzira shto su na dizel ili benzin bez problema mogu da se konvertuju na hydrogen da rade i to je neophodnost koja se treba shto pre uraditi. Trebacje nam josh da uredimo stanice za punjenje vozila hydrogenom.
• eternity formula/Eterniti formjul
Uz pomocjh badema kao stabilna dijeta uz proverku alkaloida koji se nalazi u njima, i uz povrcje s tim shto sve semenke od povrcja sakupljaju za sledecju godinu da se posade mislim da mozhemo zhiveti vechno. Zashto, zato shto bademi imaju najboljeg kvaliteta masti i imaju na sto grama samo trinaest grama glucida i to ne jakih carbohidrata. Ljudi koji imaju preko sto godina zhivota proizvode jako malo insulina i ovo koshtunjichavo vocje daje dobru energetsku vrednost ali ne od glucida stoga nema potrebe za vishkom insulina koji pravi oksidativni stres da se proizvodi. Bademe treba jesti nesoljene i mogucje da ih treba jesti bez njihove celulozne navlake.
Leshnici su mi sumnjivi kao i susam, ne znam da li je na globalnom planu ili neke grupe ljudi ne mogu da ih koriste.
Suncokretovo ulje vishe da se ne pravi vecj suncokret da se koristi kao glavna dijeta, otrebljen i naravno nesoljen.
Smatram da za eternity formulu soli ne treba dodavati ni u shta osim u infuzioloshki rastvor i da shecjer treba da se koristi da bi se produkti poput Quorn-a napravili ili nahranile kulture Saharamocita Cerevisiae koja je modifikovana da pravi neshto umesto mesa. Problem je samo shto puno proteina sadrzhe te mogu smetati renalnoj funkciji i treba ih modifikovati da prave vishe masti kao u koshtunjichavom vocju.
Zashto insistiram na koshtunjichavom vocju? Zato shto papagaji na njemu imaju bogat socijalni zhivot i mogu da zhive preko sto godina bez obzira na ubrzan rad srca koji imaju.
Treba istrazhivati na ovom polju. Veliki nauchnici su rekli /American Scientist journal/ da svi mozhemo zhiveti uz nashu genealogiju sto dvadeset i pet godina. Ja kazhem mozhemo i vishe uz pravilnu ishranu koja nas ne dehidrira nit spolja ni iznutra.
• euthanasia/ Eutanazi
Zabranjena za zhivotinje a kamoli za ljude. Ljudi dok su zhivi treba da budu srecjni shto su zhivi jer ovde je Raj samo ako hocjemo da ga proizvedemo.
• experiments on people and animals/ Eksperimenc on pipl end animls
Dodala sam dole na engleskom i francuskom fantastichno objashnjenje od dr. Claude Reiss-a; puce a adn je neophodno lichno farmaceuti da provere shta nam treba od lekova
U svakom smislu TS metod je jeftiniji /manje od hiljadu evra/, brzhi /tri dana/ i efikasniji /odnosi se na choveka rezultat, ne na zhivotinju/ od metoda koje se oslanjaju na ekperimente na zhivotinjama. Laktoza inache nije potrebna u lekovima kao ni gelatin niti boje bilo da su veshtachke ili prirodne.
Nadam se da cje se nacji entuzijasti koji cje uspeti da usvoje zhivotinje koje su bile korishcjene ili su spremane da budu korishcjene u vivisekciji.
• fair trade/Fer trejd
Fer trejd, fer trejd to nama bash treba,
Da se poshteno razmenjujemo,
Da nas podvala niotkud vreba,
Da kad je daleko bude skupo,
Nichiji rad ne potcenjujemo.
Ima odlichna knjiga pod tim imenom. Fer trejd je hit u svetu. Pogotovo cje biti popularan kada se bude napravila modularna funkcija mesechnog novca, da lichnost za sebe mozhe potroshiti samo chetiri hiljade dinara ili evra, ili vilija kako ih ja zovem po analogiji na gastrointestinalni trakt, mesechno i da se samim time cene produkata uredjuju, prvo u transportu i u izjednachavanju banaka. Necje se onda desiti da banane iz Afrike budu jeftinije od domacjih jabuka kao u France, vecj cje vocje iz daleka biti skupo kako i dolikuje.
I transportni kamioni necje izgubiti od dobiti jer cje u obadve drzhave koje povezuju iliti obadve opshtine biti jednak standard ljudi i jednake novchane vrednosti.
Lokalni produkti su bitniji od velikih distributora i od produkata iz daleka, zdraviji su i ekoloshkiji i trebaju biti jeftiniji.
• farmers/Farmers
Hvala Vam poljoprivrednici za sve shto ste dosada uchinili za chovechanstvo. Trebalo bi struje trendova da se polako prebace na vegetarijansku i organsku poljoprivredu.
Onima kojima je teshko da budu na istom mestu obezbediti stan u gradu, kao i shkolstvo uz placjene ili opshtinske kurseve, ekvivalent formation continue-u iz Conseil regional Ile de France-a.
• fertility (banks as well)/ Fertiliti (benks ez vel)
Tretmani za ljude koji imaju poteshkocja da imaju dece treba da postoje besplatno u sklopu ginekoloshkog dela bolnice.
Bilo bi dobro da u tim bolnicama mushkarci ostave svoju spermu jer mozhe koristiti prilikom daljeg izuchavanja da li se pokvari tokom godina i da li su nutricione navike na to uticale, kao i preventive radi.
U Israel-u je mogucje nakon smrti svoga supruzhnika zhena da dobije njegovu spermu da bi napravila decu. Stoga je bolje da je mushkarac, svaki koji je ozhenjen bar, da ostavi svoju spermu dok je zdrav da bi se prikladno chuvala za mogucji IVF /in vitro fertilisation/.
Zhenama je tezhe da ostave ovule /jajashca/ u bankama jer se teshko do njih dolazi i mozhe proces biti bolan ali je dobro to uraditi jer mozhe se desiti da zhena zheli da zachne dete kada svoja jajashca vecj od stresa je izgubila i pochela joj, recimo menopauza, pa onda mozhe da iskoristi ona koja su smrznuta iz ranijih godina te ih upotrebi za pravljenje deteta. Najstarija zhena koja je preko IVF-a dobila dete je imala sedamdeset i shest godina.
Za popis stanovnishtva /koji se vrshi i preko genetskog koda/ potrebno je takodje uzeti u obzir i embrione koji chekaju da budu implantirani.
• few critics/ Fju kritiks
Na popularistichku i senzacionalistichu zhurnalistiku koja nema pracjenje shta se posle desilo.
Na ljude koji misle da je Bog trecje lice jednine.
Na ljude koji misle da necje biti mogucje klonirati mrtvog choveka.
Na ljude koji rade u ambasadama koje izdaju vize.
Na ljude koji josh uvek zahtevaju vize za njihovu zemlju.
Na ljude koji lazhno okrivljuju.
Na sudije shto ne prate svoje osudjenike.
Na policajca koji korumpiran postane i to ne prizna.
Na ljude koji se bave narko-biznisom.
Na ljude koji se bave prostitucija-biznisom.
Na ljude koji povredjuju, bilo fizichki, rechima ili delima svojijem.
Na ljude koji jedu druge zhivotinje a nisu ih sami ubili.
Na ljude koji placjaju za ubijene zhivotinje.
Na farmaceute koji znaju za TS metodu a josh uvek koriste zhivotinje u vivisekciji.
Na politichare koji prave ratove.
Na ljude koji podrzhavaju takve politichare.
Na ljude koji prestanu da studiraju.
Na ljude kojima smeta glasna muzika.
Na obezbedjenje koje ne pomazhe osobama sa hendikapom.
Na kontrolore karata koji ne propuste kad takva situacija.
Na ljude koji ne koriste toalet ispravno.
Na ljude koji prestanu da uche druge jezike.
Na ljude koji mrze a nisu ni upoznali choveka.
Na ljude koji mrze uopshte.
Na ljude koji se plashe ljudi koji imaju bolest.
Na ljude koji se odvajaju od drugih ljudi i koji se klasifikuju.
Na ljude koji prestanu da napreduju u matematici.
Na ljude koji se ne bave muzikom, bar dj-ingom.
Na ljude koji se obrecuju.
Na ljude koji nisu optimisti.
Na ljude koji ne trazhe smeha.
Na ljude koji loshe misle o drugim ljudima.
Na muzichare koji ne prave koncerte a uspeli su da naprave novi album.
Na scenariste koji stavljaju svadju i pucnjavu u scenario.
Na scenariste koji stavljaju smrt u scenario.
Na osobe koje gledaju i prave pornicje.
Na osobe koje drzhe tenziju u kucji.
Na one koji ne putuju.
Na one koji se osecjaju sami.
Na one koji se ne farbaju kad sede dodju.
Na one koji ne ispravljaju bore kad dodju.
Na one koji misle da su stariji od dvadeset pet godina jer to je mantra u glavi.
Na one koji koriste mleko i mlechne proizvode posle chetvrte godine zhivota.
Na one koji ne uche pedagogiju.
Na one koji ne vole zhivotinje.
Na one koji nisu nonstop sa svojim Partnerom.
Na one koji ne trazhe isti posao sa svojim Partnerom.
Na one koji se penzionishu i ne rade pri asocijacijama.
Na one koji se zhale osobama koje nisu doktori.
Na one koji ne veruju da cjemo vechito zhiveti i biti najstariji u populaciji ljudskoj.
Na one koji gledaju televiziju duzhe nego shto prichaju u toku dana.
Na one koji ne trazhe nonstop nove stvari da nauche.
Na ljude koji prihvataju da im neko drugi radi poslove.
Na one koji ne dele poslove u kucji na jednake vrednosti.
Na one koji ne koriste ekoloshke proizvode ako ih vecj ima.
Na one koji ne idu na koncerte.
Na one koji se osecjaju starim zbog bilo chega.
Na one koji se osecjaju bolesnim ma koju dijagnozu da imaju.
Na one koji ne veruju da cje uvek biti zaljubljeni.
Na one koji ne veruju da cje svi nauchiti da chitaju i pishu /i srpski/.
Na ljude koji ne koriste SI sistem jedinica.
Na one koji stave ad acta da je neshto nemogucje.
Na one koji se klade na zhivotinje ili ljude.
Na one koji koriste zhivotinje u sportu.
Na ljudi koji lovci su.
Na one koji zaradjuju nelegalnim rabotama.
Na one koji ne chitaju struchne knjige.
Na ljude koji ochekuju leka a da se i ne pitaju shta njihova dijagnoza predstavlja.
Na one koji zhive u velikim prostorima a ne ponude beskucjniku deo svog prostora.
Na one koji piju alkohol.
Na one koji se drogiraju.
Na ljude koji se ne drzhe chisto.
Na nehigijenske uslove.
Na brutalnost.
Na ignoranciju.
Na srdzhbu.
Na one koji ne veruju u ljubav na prvi pogled.
Na one koji ne misle da cje upoznati ostatak chovechanstva kad tad.
Na one koji menjaju adrese ulica.
Na one koji drzhe banke i sad su se stegli da se pretvore u Jednu Banku na Svetskom nivou.
Na one koji ne daju bakshish.
Na one koji misle da je bogatstvo nedostizhno jer imam predlog.
Na one kojima se global village kingdom ne svidja.
Na one koji misle da sam ja losha osoba shto sve ovo pricham...
• first help/Frst help
Trebalo bi svi da se obuche i obnove znanje o prvoj pomocji i zashtiti.
Trebalo bi povezati telefone na takav nachin da ako nekom nije dobro u zgradi oko njega svi telefoni zazvone i kazhu odakle dolazi poziv za pomocj. To je mogucje i na ulici da se desi samo tada oblizhnjim prolaznicima bi zazvonio telefon.
• fit not fat/ Fit not fet
Kada se koristi ishrana na povrcju i jezgrovitom vocju bez dodataka soli i shecjera svako je mrshav i zhilav.
• flowers/ Flauerz
Cvecje koje je nesadjeno, da,
Ono nam ne treba jer se gubi,
Bolje bonsai da imamo svi,
I taj da ima vocjke za roda.
Ili paprichice ljute sadi,
Da ima shta da se tu sad radi,
Ili povrcjke da se gaje sad,
Nema tu puno za jen’ kucjni rad.
Cvecje nam vishe ne treba, da, da,
Jer shta cjemo posle od tog rada,
Najbolje je gajiti neshto, da,
Al da tu ima i plodova, da.
Fabrike cvecja ne bi trebalo da postoje. Ukoliko smanjimo plantazhe cvecja, vishe cje se cveniti poljsko cvecje i ono koje je samoniklo.
U svakom sluchaju na plantazhama se puno koriste raznorazni otrovne hemikalije i cvecju se rushi standard.
Najbolje je umesto cvecja ljudima poklanjati biljke koje mogu da rastu i zhive vishe godina. Ponajbolje bi bilo da se usvoji trend da se umesto cvecja sade plantazhe sa povrcjem i vocjem.
• food for children Fud for childrn
Treba decu hraniti, da, treba,
I to celog sveta decu da zbrinemo ti i ja,
Time shto cjemo po jednu konzervu poslati,
Onima kojima treba, pa da,
Vojnichki nam avioni josh znaju da lete,
Koji cje mocji decu da prosvetle,
Necje niko gladan vishe biti,
I svako cje vode imat piti.
Za svakod se nadje poneshto,
I djubre da im recikliramo jer konzerve stoje,
I da im posadimo drvecje koshtunjichavo,
I da im damo paprika broj jer mogu na sunce.
Mi sad treba celi svet ishranit,
I niko se necje toga posla manit,
Svakome da u kucju mozhemo ucji,
Jer asocijacije rade i svi siti zvanucji.
To je vest ovoga veka,
Da bar hrane ima za poneka,
Niko necje gladan vishe biti,
I svako cje iz nashe arterske piti.
Vojnici su nashli dobru borbu,
Jer treba sticji u pravome dobu,
Svaki cje kashichicu da ima za konzervu,
I svaki cje kljuchu da s’pomoli gvozdenu.
Eto mama ko da to je problem,
da neko gladuje, ju! shta mi reche,
Kao da sveta necje biti amblem,
Jedno veselo i razigrano meche.
Hrane ima napretek za celi svet. Jedino je potrebno da se sa manje produkata prave samoodrzhivi paketi za supermarkete i da ljudi predju na jednostavniju ishranu jer i stolica je bolja kad se veganski produkti koriste. Vojnici cje leteti svoje avione tamo gde josh ima gladnoga sveta i to sa nashim poslanim paketima za narod koji cheka.
• fossil fuels/ Fosil fuelz
Nafti je kraj, to vecj svako znade,
Zemlju necj’ vish’ mocj’ da pokrade,
I gasovodi moraju precji
Na hidrogen buducjnost, to recji.
Pishe u T206 kursu na dvadeset sedmoj strani gde su sve slichice da imamo za samo josh dvadeset godina nafte, ali imamo je josh kracje jer potrazhnja za njom se uvecjava pogotovo u velikim zemljama poput Kine i Indije i naftine rezerve se smanjuju to nije urachunato, znachi kracje josh jedno desetak godina.
Znachi stop plastici u svakom vidu osim najneophodnijem i shtednja iste do maksimuma.
• freedom of information act
Akt za slobodnu informaciju treba biti postavljen svuda u svetu. Nova strana na internetu gde se sve informacije od policije, vlade i vojske mogu dobiti treba da se postavi.
Tako necje biti vishe tajnih poduhvata za koje se ne zna. Svaki dogadjaj koji se zbio u proshlosti i dokumentovan je treba staviti u digitalnu formu i postaviti na internet.
Chak i oni nelegalni postupci koji su se deshavali od strane razlichitih organizacija treba da se znaju jer se time necje ponavljati greshke.
• gadgets gadzhec
Ne volim elektromagnetne igrice jer povishavaju global warming, znachi samo one koje koriste deci da se intelektualno razvijaju su dozvoljene i preporuchljive da ostanu u upotrebi. Nijedan gadzhet koji promovishe nasilje nije neophodan i trebaju se reciklirati ili postave u muzeje neke od njih.
• garbage/ Garbidzh
Djubre treba da je sortirano i da budemo razvijeni kao u Deutschland shto se tiche recikliranja i brinjenja o djubretu. Tamo ima oko deset razlichitih vrsta djubreta i to ljudi znaju kada sortiraju gde cje koje staviti.
U France ima tri vrsta djubreta, za normalno, za staklo i za metal i plastiku ali to je premalo jer posle vecjinu incineruju a to nije potrebno. Kada se sortira lepo djubre mnogo od toga mozhe ponovo da bude upotrebljeno jer prolazi kroz proces reciklazhe dok ostalo mozhe da se pretvori u kompostno humusno djubrishte. Ono djubre koje je opasno za reciklazhu, poput baterija i kompjutera na primer, ide na posebnu gomilu ili biva vracjeno prodavnicama iz kojih je kupljeno pa ljudi u njima posle sortiraju to prema reciklazhnim mogucjnostima.
• gay couples and children/Gej kuplz end childrn
Ljudi koji su homoseksualci bi trebali takodje imati prava da imaju decu kao i ostali ljudi. Najbolje bi bilo da preko IVFa zachnu decu ili, ukoliko je mogucje, da nadju drugi homoseksualni par suprotnog pola i sa njima imaju decu i svu potrebnu roditeljsku duzhnost. Mushkarci homoseksualci trebaju imati surogat majku inache jer nije mogucje josh uvek da oni budu trudni. Dakle, pored toga da im je dozvoljeno da se venchavaju i obrazuju svoje Kraljevstvo, sasvim je normalno i pozheljno da imaju i decu. To shto su drugachiji od heteroseksualaca ne bi trebalo da ih limitira ni u chemu.
• genetic engineering,
Genetski modifikovano je,
GM se zove, oprezan budi,
Jer opasno po okolinu je,
Kad se proshiri, znaju to ljudi.
Genetski modifikovane biljke su nepodobne za chovekovu okolinu. Najbolje je imati organsku kulturu i eventualno anihilovati neki gen i gledati promene u trecjoj i chetvrtoj generaciji ali ne dodavati gene i ne modifikovati postojecje jer su mnogo drukchije od prirode. Kada su razlichite od prirodnih biljaka onda se javlja meshanje i zagadjivanje prirodne okoline veshtachkim genima i ko zna kakve nove biljke i kulture se mogu pojaviti na koje chovek ne mozhe da utiche.
Biljke koje su vecj genetski modifikovane ne treba dalje razmnozhavati i zemlju na kojoj su rasli pomno posmatrati kao i obruch okolne zemlje da se ne rashtrka nepoznati prirodi genetski kod. Paziti da insekti ne prenesu taj genetski kod daleko od mesta gde su bile sadjene.
Zhivotinje je takodje bespotrebno genetski modifikovati. Prvo stoga shto nisu potrebne za farmaciju kada imamo TS metodu a i za ishranu se vishe necje upotrebljavati kad ljudi budu preshli na vegetarijansku hranu. Zhivotinje koje su vecj modifikovane treba staviti u posebne zooloshke vrtove gde javnost mozhe da ih vidi i da se brine o njima.
Pretpostavljam da je u zatvorenim prostorima u redu genetski modifikovati familiju fungi.
• geohazard prevention/ Geohazard prevenshn
Vulkani jesu opasnost po nas,
Zemljotresi, poplave takodje,
Uragane, sve to nam javlja pas,
Do vecjih neprilika ne dodje.
Trebalo bi obelezhiti trusna zemljishta i ona koja imaju mogucjnost bilo kakvog geohazarda i prestati graditi na njima.
Vezhbe za ljude u slushaju geohazarda kako bi se trebalo ponashati bi trebalo napraviti. Danas u doba kada je globalno zagrevanje u usponu je neophodno da se ljudi pripreme na geohazarde jer je vecja verovatnocja njihovog deshavanja nego u proshlome veku.
Svi ljudi bi trebalo da nauche da plivaju i na nekim mestima bi dobro bilo da se ima rezervni gumeni chamac na duvanje kojim bi se pobeglo u sluchaju poplave. Najbolje bi bilo imati hovervozila uz dom mada je hoverkultura josh u povojima.
• glass/ Glas
Stakla, stakla, svuda stakla ima,
Sve boce su od njega spravljene,
Zamena za plastiku je svima,
Stakla lepe niti otvorene.
Samo jedan posto sahare je dovoljan da solarno napoji celi svet. Staklo je neophodno da se reciklira nonstop i flashe takodje da budu staklene umesto od plastichnih masa koja je jako toksichna.
Staviti staklo gde god je potrebno a gumu koristiti umesto plastike kad god je mogucje.
Ponahsati se treba i razmishljati kao da smo u devetnaestom veku, tako da se stvari kroje i popravljaju u dvadeset i prvom veku.
• Global village kingdom/ Global vilidzh kindom
Global Village je pocheo da postoji josh prodhle dekade kada je internet nastao. Global znachi sveukupni, village znachi selo te veliko selo kako bi se to moglo prevesti bi trebalo da znachi da smo jednaki na svetu.
UN ili United Nations je dobar pokushaj da se ujedine svi ljudi sveta, medjutim ne uzima u obzir nacionalnostii Vatikan na primer nije zheleo da pripada UNu a ima veliki uticaj na svetu te je okrnjen ceo koncept.
Global Village automatski obuhvata sve u nashoj Zemlji a i shire i to kako se budemo pomerali prema spolja to uklopljavamo u Global Village. Na primer, vecj mozhemo staviti ad acta da nam pripada ceo solarni sistem dok se za ostale zvezdane sisteme moramo pripremati i prouchavati pre nego shto stavimo nogu na njihove plmanete jer staviti nogu na planetu bi trebalo da znachi da nam pripada to jest da zhelimo da bude deo Global Villagea.
Ukoliko pak ima stanovnika na planeti van sunchevog sistema koja nam odgovara najbolje bi bilo da se sporazumevamo preko satelita projektujucji slichice na neutralnom satelitu koji i oni mogu da dosegnu, razvijemo jezik sporazumevanja i kazhemo da bi zheleli i tu da se nastanimo ili u kom vidu zhelimo da istrazhujemo to podruchje.
Ne zaboravimo da nek zhiva bicja mogu biti i obitavati i van zemaljske podloge tako da u nashem alkoholisanom univerzumu mozhemo ochekivati sijaset interesantnih dogadjanja a koje treba da budemo spremni time shto cjemo svi biti u kompletnoj disciplini i procji vojnu kao i policijsku obuku, vojnu za svaki sluchaj, policijsku da bi znali shta nam valja raditi ukoliko ima nereda u vasioni i advokatsku takodje da se zna shta je Zakon univerzalni koji treba vecj jednom da uradimo i ustalimo na globalnom planu.
Kingdom sam dodala u nazivu nashega mesta boiravka jer ima puno ljudi koji su se razveli ili koji su napravili greshku u ljubavi tako da je za prave, vechite parove potrebno krunisanje, celi Ritual sa krunicom da se dobije koja se ne vracja crkvi kao u pravoslavlju tako da chovek i zhena koji se vole postanu kralj i kraljica i njihovo kraljevstvo su oni sami a deca njihova su princhevi i princeze.
Global village zato shto gradovi moraju bolje da se prave sada da imaju vishe zelenila i drvecja sa plodovoma i mogucjnosti da imaju povrcje sa semenkama koje chuvamo i sadimo sledecje godine /paprikine, lubenicine i tikvicine semenke tako mozhemo sachuvati i imati za svaku osobu na svetu po nekoliko kg paprika sledecje godine samo ukoliko li sachuvamo semenke pre nego shto ih spremimo za jelo/.
Brazilija grad mi neshto nije po volji jer nisu urachunali toliko svetla koji ulazi u grad i chini mi se da mozhe da bude previshe topao, znam da i u Izraelu imaju nove gradove ali ne znam kakvi su im stambeni blokovi to je najbitnije jer iako se zove Village, svi cjemo zhiveti u zgradama tako da treba tako da se grade zgrade s vidom da seljaci tu mogu da budu srecjni i da im nishta ne nedostaje a u isto vreme da imamo solarnu energiju i toplu vodu kao i observatorije na zadnjim spratovima zgrada.
Jednoga dana cje iz tih observatorija mocji izletati rakete i specijalni kozmo-avioni malog kalibra ali i to treba uvrstiti u obzir na mestima gde nije trusno zemljishte i gde se razmishlja hiljadama godina unapred.
Global Village bi trebalo sve ljude da napravi pismenim fonetskim srpskim jezikom i svi bi trebali da se izjasne da li zhele da zhive u takvom mestu gde sam ja predsednik ili ne jer ne planiram da puno radim ubuducje a zhelim da sachuvam title jer bi mi donela novca jer sam zhelela da se takmichim u bogatstvu sa mushkarcima. Neshto poput lika iz ‘Vodich kroz galaksiju za autostopere’ pada na pamet, bar je slichan.
Neki normalni obloik referenduma kao onaj kada u zgradi stanovnici kazhu medju sobom za shta su pa onda vlasnik zgrade iliti predsednik zgrade dojavi shta je ta zgrada rekla /ovo je greshka u engleskom kada se kazhe zgrada rekla kao i Amerika said ili white house declared to se ne sme, chovek iza toga sa imenom stoji, dakle predsednik zgrade sa imenom svojim prenosi/.
Referendumi su chesti u Global Village-u ali se puno papira potroshi i ne verujem u mashine tako da stvarno treba neki pogodni oblik gde sigurno svi daju glas. Inache, ovde prichazm o referendumu, nije mogucje recji ne znam ili uzdrzhan jer svako ima glavu da misli.
Ako treba vishe informacija neka se pita stareshina zgrade, ili ljudi koji rade za opshtinu koji kupe glasove od chlanova ljudske populacije koja zhivi u kucjama. Inache tamo gde ima zhivotinja u kucjama te kucje valja ostaviti da stoje samo pitati zhivotinje da se ne razmnozhavaju i u simbiozi onda mogu zhiveti i ljudi i zhivotinje te kucje.
Ostale cje postati muzejo ili Bad and Breakfast facuilities ili hoteli ukjoliko ljudi ne zhele da se iseljavaju ili dogradjuju da postanu zgrade. Samo, ukoliko osoba ima dete, po jedan sprat iznda treba da se napravi.
• global warming and entropy/ Global vorming end entropi
Zamislite da smo na pochetku devetnaestog veka, u vreme Bodlera koji je vazhio kao chovek koji brzo misli. Danas svi brzo misle i navike su mnogo tezhe i prilepljenije jer je temperatura zemlje toliko porasla da ljudi vecj krenushe u specijaciju ljudskog roda i to mislim preko diagnoza diabetes mellitus i obvesitost. Entropija se javlja kada se sistem zagreva i zna se da microowen sluzhi za podgrevanje ruchka, zashto onda podgrevati atmosferu sa microawenskim talasima iz atmosfere to treba da posane nelegalno i shto hitnije da se nadju alternative mobilnim telefonima koje su na zemlji, ne u vazduhu. Sve greshke ljdi koji su dosada reagovali brzo i burno bi trebali aminovati uz par lekcija /na primer, Shirak, Bler i Clinton treba da idu na po tri godine u Izraelsku vojksku da nauche tudji jezik jer su vladali tudjim narodom i slali militarce tamo gde nisu znali ni shta znachi militarac, to im je kazna za bombardovanje moje zemlje 1999e godine. Shirak je chini mi se bolestan jer nije josh postao vegetarijanac a poshtuje Brigitte Bardot, ami ova dvojica mogu i tebaju da idu i da se za njih nadje mesta d a se vidi koliko su brzi u uchenju foreign languagea io akako cje tada mocji da vladaju Izraelom kao shtio su ikupirtali Srbiju prethodnog stolecja za koju josh nisu opkatili ratnu odshtetu na koju mi i dalje strpljivo chekamo pored toga shto ja chekam da cje oni bitii ti koji cje otkopati moga brata i klonirati ga kad za to dodje vreme/. Dakle entropija je vladala ljudima koji su direktno pochinili kriminal i greh, za one koji su planirali ili koji su uvbedili druge da to uracde zatvori josh uvek postoje. posle cje i ova dva kriminalna akta zadnjepomenuta ljudi lmmocji slobodno da shetaju ulicom jer su zavrshili svoju kaznu i necje morati da se obaziru ili izbegavaju neke delove sveta zbog greshaka koje su uchinili.
• 70GM food; medicinal, gm crops
produced with omega 3 and 6:
Jedina GM food po mom mishljenju trreba dolaziti od kultura trecjeg sveta, to jest od reda fungi. Sve ostale vocjke i povrcjke koje jedemo treba da uspemo da satremo ukoliko je neophodno genetski kod alkaloida koji sadrzhe ali da to ne napravi, pored specijacije, neku dodatnu osobinu u trecjoj generaciji koju mi necjemo primetiti. Dakle, artmeat mozhe da se napravi kulturisanjem jednocjelijskih mitotichkih fungija koji cjemo hraniti shecjerom koji necjemo koristiti jer doprinosi obilju bolesti /starenju, Parkinson disease, Alzheimler i sve oblike demencije, diabetesui, obesitosti, kardiovaskularnim oboljenjima, sve ih exarcerbira, gastrointestinalni trakt spushta na nizhi nivo tako da stari brzhe jer je ubrzan zbog visoke glikemije, insulinski nivoi su vecji tako da life expectancy opada /vidi dr.Mercoima na tom eseju/, pravi zadah iz usta i tako dalje/, dakle shecjer koji vishe necjemo koristiti niti proizvoditi u ovolikuim koilkichinama cjelmo u prvi madh da damo fungijima da bi istrazhili bolje alternative od Quorna i insulina koji dobijamo u farmaceutskoj industriji mozhemo zameniti hranom koju cjemo na slichni nachin dobiti, samo da nema previshe proteoiina jer smeta renalnoj i urinalnoj funkciji. Naravn o ovakoo dobijenu hranu sole ljudi salmi jer so je po mom muisljenju toksin broj jedan ili dva u ishrani, pored shecjera, saharoze. Vratiti stare biljke posle konopljinih useva koji treba da prochistze zemlju od GM agrikulture, ne treba direktno stavljati crnicu na takva lesta bolje da se sama polako ishchiste zemljishta.
• gossiping,
Zabranjeno je prichati o trecjem licu jednine kada nije prisutan/na/no da se odbrani, chuje i vidi.
• GPS for vehicles
ima bolji sistem od gpsa treba ga primeniti jer gps prodire previshe svuda. pored puteva postaviti stajalishta i dojavnike. tako cje i ljudi koji imaju problema sa vidom mocji voziti kola bez problema a i turisti cje se osecjati lagodnije kada dodju na novo mesto. U svakom sluchaju globalni posicioni sistem za vehicles je neophodan. Za ljude postoji pomicju njihovih mobilnih telefona uz pomocj kojih mogu da prizovu u pomocj kada je neophodno i kada nemaju first help pri ruci. Nazhalost, mobilni telefoni rade na microwave talasnim duzhinama te je preporuchljivo da se nashteluju da dobijaju kablovski, preko zemaljskih provodnika poruku kvantnu, ne signalnu jer zaglushuje okeane i prostor oko ljudi.
• habits,
Svaka modularna funkcija ima eliptichnu formu i svaka eliptichna forma, ima modularnu funkciju. Dakle, ako je chovek I lice jednine sa koordinatnim dekartovim pochetkom na pravom mestu, u nuli, onda je on krug odnosno tachka i navike ne postoje. Sve je voljno, u prevodu to znachi.
• hackers,
Najjachi ljudi na svetu, samo ostavite originale tamo gde treba, chuvajte Centralni Kompjuter i bazu podataka za zdravlje i ko shta poseduje od nekretnina, otkrijte javno koliko ko poseduje novca, vratite mi i proberite moje reference od zadnjih sedam godina bicje /dobro, mozhe i horus93@afroditi chini mi se, dajte mi to na neko javno mesto bez reklama na sajtu tipa ovde mozhesh putovati ako zaradish pare ili tome slichno, Freedom of Information Act uradite i prosledite za buducjnost /mama neko viche, 13:39h Paris, psihijatrijska klinika u Bichat-u, ponedeljak 25 jun 007e. Zaljubljena sam u dechka koji mi se udvara vecj sedam godina a ja sam to primetila tek ovih meseci jer sedam godina skoro nonstop pricham kao da sam na radiju i da ceo svet mozhe da me chuje i poneki i vide i mere sve yu vezi mene, molim ne koristite vishe zhivotinje za eksperimente sve sam vam pokazala, a i delatnosti kojima sam se bavila cje se nadam se biti objavljeni za hakere da ih klasifikuju i srede i da i ja mogu uzhivati u nekim momentima moje proshlosti. Elem, dechko se usput ozhenio, imla cjerku mada za mene josh uvek ima sedamnaest godina shto chvrsto verujem vecj mesec dana i ona ima misha dok ja treba da adoptiram sve pacove sveta, pomagajte, specijalno za genetski modifikovane, pomagajte, adoiptirajte ih da zhive onoliko dugo koliko i vi i spashavajte im zhivote, oni su meni bezbroj puta spasili zhivot i izvlachili iz hipoglikemijske kome kad sam sama zhivela, a i kad sam sa drugima obitavala/. Prichu o nashoj ljubavi molim da neko sklopi. NJegovoj to jest, ja i dalje bezhim jer ne znam da li je on to shto sam ga videla s ledja u mom rodnom gradu Shapcu u aprilu oko tri popodne ispred kuda abrashevicja i shabachkog maratona kancelarije, presladak je ako je to on. Rekao je da je Albanac, malo nezgodna situacija vecj godinama plus Izraelac takodje nezgodna jer pre dve godine nisam dobila vizu za Izrael jer sam sa shesto evra za invaliditi benefit /zbog kojih ovoliko radim i nonstop pricham poshto mi neprijatno da dobijam toliko dok drugi rade 35 sati nedeljno za minimalac koji je hiljadu evra ovde, a moja mama koja je ekonomista u Jugoslaviji radi za dvesta evra pa se trudim da shto vishe projekata dam mentalno poshto ne volikm da pmishem shta sam vecj sto puta prichala u sebi ali kao za ceo svet. Mozhe da bude javno sa subtitleima shta se sve dogadjalo sa mnom ovih godina. Samo da proverim da chujemo se i telepatija postoji samo medju ljudima koji se vole sada razumem jhedva chekam da pustim njega da pricha glasno, on je lasere oko mojih ochiju tumachio i posle pocheo da se igra chini mi se sa njima jer mi se chini da je ljubomoran pomalo :-) / ; medeni, evio, jeste blam, ali dacju blogove /nisam znala koji si ti znala sam dodushe da me neko voli,, i www.kraljudavidu ili stavite na drugi od ovog shto ne znam stvari o meni, bashj me zanima i volela bih svi ljudi koji me se secjaju /Ja sam Mima, Mirjana Mijic/ da mi napishu u kojoj smo situaciji bili i ko su oni i kako izgledaju poshto imam problema sa pamcjenjem lica i imena a i situacija ponekad isto tako, tako daa napiushjete meni i maloj, ne njemu, kko me znate ;-) Inache hakerski zanat se uchi sam Mima ali nauchicjemo te vecj poshto te mnogo zanima shta on radi u slobodno vreme /TO/ inache kad sam ja predsednik sveta nelegalno cje biti telepatisati ali sada da vam javnem da prihvatam presents and preence, to jest volim poklone, zhurke, koku i dobru mjuzu i dobre putebve da vam ukradem kola paa se odveazem na drugop mesto... inache izgleda da sam ceo svet nazuchila srpskii i ovom prilikom zahvaljujem i kazhem mozhete ga slobodni o pruichqti, samo me iskljuchite iz telepatije prvo, hvl. to cje biti kd upôznash dechka svopg zhjivota koi ti se telepatski udvara vecj sedma godina bicje u avgustu je li tako, od momenta kad si mislila da si zaglavila i htela da podelish to sa celim svetom bez viza i ogranichenja ; inache knjigu zakona poshtujesh premda ti se trecji deo ne svidja i josh neki stihovii su bez veze treba je reciklirati, odnosno cenzurisati za gledaoce mekog srca kako se to kazhe za sve shto su se art people bavili pre a treba da bude savrsheno knjiga a boga mi i film hari poter ukljucheno kao i gospodari prstenova molim &aako niko necje ja cju d&a adoptiram onog zechicja kada bude bio kloniran.
• handkerchief,
Vlazhne maramice su divna stvar i treba ih imati ponudjene na javnim mestima ; Inache ljudi treba da nose alkoholne bochice sa vatom za svaki slucaj u svojim ranchevima, posluzhi za sve namene i jedan je od neophodnosti da se ima, poput higijenic tipa mu dodje. Maramice obichen treba koristiti samo pamchne ne vishe papirne jer je ogroman broj drvecja koji padne zbog njih. Celuloza iz istih ne valja to se mozhe primetiti po analnim mogucjnostima ljudi koji su koristili celulozne papirne maramice i oni koji su koristili vodu da se speru ali treba proveriti i one koi su koristili peshkire raznih vrsta prilikom toaletnih aktivnosti. Dakle papirne maramice treba da prrestanu da budu opcija i posebna in laverie na ulicama mestima treba da budu odeljenja gde se pamuchne maramice ili od nekog drugog lakshe perljivog materijala mogu oprati i dezinfikovati maramice tako da mogu biti upotrebljive za drugu osobu, da li je to mogucje ne znam jer papirne maramice koriste nos koji filtrira dosadashnju poluciju vazduzhnu ali isto tako ljudi koriste u restoranima posudje koje su drugi koristili pa pretpostavljam da mozjhhe, ukoliko se nadje dobar materijal za maramice i ukoliko se imaju u laverie mesta gsde i kako ekoloshki da se operu. Pelene takodje treba da budu od mtkanine, ne od papira i crude oil derivata. Vlazhne maramice bi nam bilo muka da stavimo na sluzokozhu jezika, zashto onda da ih stavljamo na sluzokozhu analnog otvora i vaginalnog kod devojchica??? Vlazhne maramice takodje ne idu u kanalizaciju gde Vermicast radi svoj posao tako da treba da se nadje alternativa vlazhnim maramicama za toaletnu upotrebu shto je pre mogucje. Veganska dijeta daje odlichnu stolicu kojoj nije potrebna vlazhna maramica tako da treba pocji od toga.
• handles,
Trebaju biti ojachane za ramena i sve torbe da se naprave da mogu kao ranchevi da se nose jer je stabilnost za ramena i celu posture vecja. Takodje mogucjnosti guranja na tochkicje trebaju biti ponudjena u nekim ulicama jer ima puno turista. U svakom smislu ranchevi spreda i pozadi da budu su neophodni jer neki ljudi imaju chlanove porodice koje mogu da stave u rancheve koje nose spreda te handles treba da budu dobro nameshtene na ramenima a i ranchevi sami trebaju da budu sa pravilnim pregradama napravljene, ovde urachunavam da cje Kreatori uzeti u obzir i nas koji glodare voilimo da nosimo svuda sa sobom.
• handwriting
I levom i desnom rukom da se pishe, dobro za mozak. Svi prsti na tastaturi kompjutera takodje treba da budu upotrebljavani jer se i tu razvija mozak. Dalje, zadnja dva prsta su retko upotrebljavana chak i u muzici tako da ljudi koji komponuju za klavir treba da uzmu u obzir i naprave etide gde cje ova dva prsta biti u vecjoj fizichkoj vezhbi. Ljudi koji imaju Parkinsonovu bolest impaju prednost pri vezhbanju dok se ovo napravi za celo chovechanstvo.
• health insurance
Automatski rodjenjem, jedan broj na svetskom nivou. Mi cjemo biti najstariji stanovnici zemlje jer cjemo pronacjio eternityu formulu tako da svako od nas treba da dobije kulturan broij i sledecje generacije sledecji broj i svi treba da imamo taj broj u ekvivalentu u stvari razradjenoj carte Vitale i to je urachunato u ljudstvo. Zhivotinje takodje chekaju na svoje brojke ali prvo cje chlanovi porodice, zatim socijalne zhivotinje i na kraju one za koje se bore ljudi na dzhunglama u tundrama dobriti svboje brojeve takodje, do tada su njihovi prstenovi nestalnog brojnog spisa i lokalnog mozhe se recji.
• home for every human (and animal)
Svaka adultna osoba ima prava na chetrdeset metara kvadratna svog doma minimum na planeti zemlji i stoi shezdeset metara kvadratna maksimum na planeti zemlji. Zhivotinje koje cjemo morati da stavimo zauvek da budu u nekiom ogeradjenim porostorima treba da imaju vishe pogodnostoi i srecjnije da su nego one koje su zhvelel u zooloshkim vrtovima. Nisam sigurna da li metalne ograde odgovaraju, bioolje plastichen proveriti ili staklene siigurno ne ali rpoveriti ogradjivanje jer cje mnogo ljudi zheleti da ih kontaktira na pravi nachin, ne zsamo da ih vidi mada neke vole i da budu vidjene, kazhu sve vole da budu vidjene samlo metalne ograde smrde kad unutra nije chisto dsakle arhitektonsknci na azavrshnoj godini studija da se potrude oko toaleta za nashe zhivotinje kao i zaq socijalne kao i za divlje koje necje vishe da budu divlje. Ljudi svoje stanove cje da dobijaju po minimalnom izbnpsu i oni koji imaju vishe kvadrata od sto shezdeset moraju dati ili za biznis ili josqh bolje za druge ljude da se top koristi pogotovo kad imaju drugi stan ili chak kucju od toga mozhe B&B da se napravi i ljudi da rade unutra i onda ovi ljudi chije je biloo uvek imaju obezbedjenu sobu i doruchak.
• hospitals,
Svaka opshtina treba da ima bolnicu u sebi, uz to i veterinarsku bolnicu koja necje smrdeti kad su zhivotinje veganci ili vegetarijanci-ovo. Bolnice treba da budu tako rasporedjene da je trransport izmedju raznih opshtina prejko njih najbrzhi poput metro stanica. Trebaju imati stalnog doktora za celi zhivot pojedinca, zatim pokupiti sve dokumente koje su imali zhivi ljudi i sabrati ih u carte Vitale takpo da stalni doktor mozhe imati uvid u shta je pojedinac proshao u svomm zhivotu. Pri svakoj bolnici bi bio i psihijatar koga bi osoba regularno posecjivala jer to je neshto vishe od roditelja kada zheli da sed pricha o sebi, ljuljashke bi bile ispred bolnice da ljudi odmaraju svoj kardiovaskularni sistem, dechja bolnica bi nastavila da brine i o starijima koji su navikli u dechjoj da lezhe, krv bi se vadila regularno svakog meseca za celokupni profil, tj, celi pregled i bilans organizma jer se zna izreka Bolje sprechiti nego lechiti, zar ne ? Masazhe mogu biti i u gradu a u svakom sluchaju partner se mora nauchiti da masira da ne bi bilo ljubomore. Urin i faeces se daju jednom nedeljno za pregled. Osoba mora voditi dnevnik shta jede i to dati na uvid doktoru. Vodu ja ne pijem i ne mislim da je neophodna ali doktori cje n,akon followupa razmlichitih delova sveta odluchitii shta je bolje, u svakom sluchaju fruitarijancima voda nije neophodna, kao ni vegancima koji koriste lentils i chick peas i pasulj u ishrani. Igle trebaju biti dobrog kvbaliteta i iste za sve delove sveta, slushajte ljude koji dugo imlaju dijabetes koje igle su najbezbolnije jer razlichitii metali i debljina razlichiti shok na sisteml daju a neke su neprimetne tako da te treeba koristiti. Prouchiti kako iz kapilarne krvi dobiti sve rezultate. Ginekoloshki pregled i porodjaj i sve u vezi toga je uvek neko sa zhenom ili zhenskom osobom i nije mogucje odstraniti oca. Chesti kolokvijumii seminari i konferencije se odrzhavaku u bolnici ili u shkoli pored tako da narod zna shta je shta. Doktor jeste Bog, ali isto tazko pacijent treba da bude u istom rangu po znanju a ne po struchnosti jer doktor ima vishe pacijenata pa mozhe brzhe da odreaguje. DAFNE sistem priu dijabetesu da se prouychi jer shto manje insulina chovek pproizvede duzhi mu je zhivotni vek, dr. Mercola je dokazivao. Bolnice treba da se proshire i susedne zgrade da isele stanovnishtvno i usele bolnichka odeljenja.
• hotels,
Hoteli cje nadam se postojati i za hiljadu godina jer neki put chovek stvarno zheli i pozheli da se osecja kao neki ljudi koji hodaju zemljom i koriste hotele kao mesto za proputovanje. Ima u Afganistanu jedan ekoloshki hotel, svi trebaju da budu ‘zeleni’, i ljudi koji rade da imaju sobu u hotelu, to jest ukoliko turista zheli da ostane duzhe mozhe da ostane da radi u hotelu. Ne treba posluzhivati vecj imati shvedski sto je dovoljno. Pranje ekoloshkim produktima. Sve minimalistichki da se ne troshe silne pare kada vecj postoje hoteli visokog standarda gde svaka osoba ovog sveta mozhe biti a to je, u Global Villagu, svaka osoba koja radi od taxpayers money ima dva meseca u najboljkim hotelima sveta obezbedjeno godishnje jer ne samo da spashava i uchvrshcjuje stabilnost drushtva na lokalnom i normalnom drushtvenom nivou nego i bogatashimla daju miran san tako da treba da imaju placjeno uvrshcjeno u njihov dvomesechnoi odmor da mogu da biraju izmedju najbogatijih hotela sveta. Tu spadaju bolnichari, policajci, assistance socijale, ljudi koji rade pri opshtini, i tako dalje... vatrogasci, vojnici koji cje trebati da se reedukuju uskoro, securite, bodyguardianci koji cje uskoro izgubiti posao, kao i mljudi koji su u mesnoj industriji i u preradjivachkoj mesnoj industriji i ljudi iz fabrika koji rade najcrnje shto bi se reklo poslove, kao i chistachi ulica, kanalizatori, ljudi koji sahranjuju i tako dalje... bez preferenci koje sam prve stavila ovo je bilo nabrajanje.
• hovercraft,
Buducjnost sveta je hoverkraft. Zhelim vioshe da se zna i sve da se objasni i svuda gde mozhe da se osposobi za njega da se to uradi i takodje me strashno zanimaju negative side effects od ovakvog vozila. Hovercraft pristup artificijalnim islandsima na wave poveru je ok jer ide preko vode ali shta sa hovercraftom preko Atlantika ili sa hoverom preko zemljine povrshine, neshto nije u redu chim je tioliko tiho bilo shtau vezi toga ili je hoit na globalnom nivou kad globalizacija bude svetska.
• hygienic tips
Pitajte starije osobe iz medicinskih centara Srbije za to. Alkohol sam vecj pominjala ali pitajte ih. Knjiga mozhe da se napishe oi pranju ruku i slichnil stvarimla koje su neophodne za zhivot. Chistocja je pola zdravlja kazhe nasha stara poslovica.
• if your animal is sick,
ima gore na engleskom. Tu sam za religiozan trip, duvaj u zhivotinju kao da mozhe od tvog daha da zazhivi dok veterinara pozovesh i ne ochekujesh od njega nishta jer su se onio uchili drukchije da brinu i u svakom sluchaju se tu chovek ponashza kao Bog i chlan porodice ukoliko je vera istrajna mozhe da zazhivi. Ne trazhi gledaoce, vecj radi ono shto ti rpvo padne na pamet. Svaka zhivotinja je jacha od choveka po tome shto mozhe da nas saslusha i veruje nam kao dete kad veruje doktoru i mi smo za nju vecji doktor od veterinara, dakle daj sve od sebe, dishi u nju kao da je to jedini lek koji joj treba pomocji. Stvoricje se spna kao da si joj majka to treba da se prevazidje tome shto cjesh je nauchiti ponovo da bude samostalna.
• illegal work,
Ne sne da postoji. Svaki posao je legalan, i svaki preko Jedne banke dobija platu, ukoliko nije onda je to volontarijat i onda to nije rad nego pomaganje. Svi ljudi treba da dobiju papire gde god da zhive tako da se to vecj jednom sredi na svetskom nivou. U France stazhijeri dobijaju pare jer rade tri dana za firmu i dva dana uche shkolu to je najbolji nachin da se infiltrira u drushtvo i dobiju pare za posao koji se uchi a i u isto vreme dok se uchi prave se radne navike koje su simbolichno placjene.
• imitation and improvisation saloons,
Treba icji svakodnevno u ove salone. Ima na francuskom pariskom fm radiju otprilike izmedju 96 i 100 MHz ljudi koji uvek prichaju shale i tako neshto je potrebno i u improvisation salonima. Imitacija je tamo gde se chovek vezhba da bude kao oni, jer svako od nas ima dar da bude duhovit, samo treba pronacji frekvenciju na kojoj tu duhovitost iskazujemo.
• immigration
Treba da bude slobodna i turistichki bazirana. Najbolje je da chovek prvo ima bar jedan zanat koji mozhe u bilo kojem delu sveta da uchini i onda mozhe da putuje bilo gde. Francuski ‘Cours municipal d’adultes’, Formation Continue placjena od Cnasea-e i carif-idf formacije su odlichne da se nauche tako neke stvari kao i BTS-i tako da svaki chovek treba da prodje kroz tu formaciju dok se ne uchini i ne mozhe osetiti slobodan da se uklopi bilo gde u svetu. Ljudi koji su emigrirali i infiltrirali se u France a nemaju papire ili nisu proshli kroz program d’insertion treba da uzmu neki od ovih kurseva da bi se obuchili i onda odluchili gdce zhele da zhive jer zanat u ruci je bolji nego i ptica na grani i ptica u letu, eto.
• inbreeding
Simile similem gaudet kazhe poslovic a na latinskom ukoliko se secjam dobro. Slichni delovi ljudi prepoznaju slichne deloive u drugim ljudima. Treba razvrstatiu i ili imati shirok krug prijatelja kada si roditelj, ili putovati stalno sa detetom tako da ne dodje do zaljubljivanja u rodjaka jer niko drugi nam nije blizak dovoljno da se uspostavi odnos prisnosti i razumevanja.kao shto je to ridjak ili ljudi sa slichnim ososbinama ali kada su vecj stariji i proshli srednju shkolu.Albert Aisshtajn koji je bio vrhunski uml i fizichar je posle prvog neuspelog braka postao poznat ii imao je samo kolege da prichaju sa njim. Tolika distana, time shto se znalo ko je on, i svugde gde bi ushao bi se to znalo chak i unapred stvara presiju kod choveka i on zheli da se spoji sa nekim ko je od isre sorte shto bi se reklo, to jest, toliko je lgas o njegovom imenu i zvanju daleko odmakao, familijarno on bi ponudio samo sebe bilo koja zhena druga da je bila bila bi smanjena u njegovom zhovotu u smislu da nema shta toliko jako da ponudi da bi bili jednaki partneri tako da se on na kraju zaljubio i ozhenio svoju necjaku. E, sad, problem dolazi da kad se krvni srodnici spoje i prave decu, njihovi recesivni geni ukoliko nose genetske bolesti se dupliraju time dajucji vecju mogucjnost da dete mozhe da bude carrier loshih genetskih osobina, odnosno rizichnih bolesti jer oba roditelja imaju slichan genetski kod. Eto, tu je problem, mada je normalno, i meni se desiloi kad sam bila mala da sam se zaljubila u brata od strica tako sam ga zvala u stvari on je meni ujak bio drugo koleno tako da mi je trebalo vremena i nikada nisam shvatila zashto je moja porodica prisnija sa njim koji je krvni srodnik nego sa komshijskom ili nekom drugom koja bi se bavila istim poslom pa bih t ako upoznala nekoga ko je iz slichne struje ali nije isti rod. Kako vreme odmiuche i porodice pochinju da liche jedna na drugu jer slichan stepen vrednocje i prilagodjavanja imaju sve je vecja mogujnost da venchanje sa rodjakom bude stvar koja se smatra normalnom. Ovde aludiram na poentu ove knjige, poisanija i dnevnika kako god zhelite da ga zovete a to je da ljudi treba da budu materijalni slichni da ne bi doshlo do specijacije medju ljudima iz razlichitih socijalnih grupa bez obzira na edukaciju, i treba da se putuje svuda po svetu i svuda da bude standard identichan kao shto je recimo u Parizu, dakle svaka opshtina na svetu standard Pariza da imitira, time cje se vishe putovati i uz moj predlog modularnog monetarnog lichnog budhzheta mesechnog po kome Bil Gates ima chetiri hiljade evra mesechno za lichne troshkove a zhena koja radi u supermarketu njen SMIC /kako to zovu ovde u Parizu/ je hiljadu evra mozhe docji do toga da i ona oseti kako je biti enormno bogat jer za chetiri hiljade evra on mozhe dkao kralj da se ponasha u Parizu /osim ako se srede stanovi i njihovo placjanje gledaj referencu za tio/ i to treba svako da oseti. : Ukoliko neko zaradi vishe od chetiri hiljade evra kao shto to Bil Gates chini on mozjhe da ulozhi u nove poslove, ili da asovijacijala gde rade penzioneri i osobe sa dijagnozama i deca koja hocje da zarade za letovanje, dakle sve preko chetiri hiljade je za posao, nije za lichno troshjenje. Trebacje mi inventivnoi lmjudi ovde da naprave ovo mogucje da se spusti na zemlju jer je veshtachka tvorevina. Inache, svaki jedan dinar jednak je jedan evro jednak je jedan dolar i time cje nesvrstane zelje dok se ne napravi modularna forma jedan do chetiori hiljade evra ovde evro koristim kao primer standarda i priche inache novi novac zovem Vili ko vili u stomaku koji nije dovoljnio prouchen ali mozhe da spase mnogo bolesti i uspoiri starenje. ;/ a i vili od village global mu dodje/. Prelazak na jedan jeadan predlazhem za noivu godinu ovu uili smledecju bolje dok se ban,ke ne usaglase da li cje da me ubiju ili uubiju ovaj projekat. Moram recji da treba da se raspitate kako smo mi Srbi zhiveli devedesetih godina i koliko nam se inteligencija razvila timle shto smo imali inflaciju na svil nivoilma jer cje neke stvari promeniti reaspiored, na primern necje vishe pmlmocji jedan kg banana da bude jefriniji u Parizu od jednoh kg jabuka koje su francuske i tako dalje,a li to trenbba da bude zanimacija mladoih jer vecj predosecjam da stariji cje da se bune da im je sve to prebrzo i da nije mogucje a shta se dogodilo mojoj zemlji koja je u zatvoru vecj sedamnaesta godina bez moguxcjnosti putovanja po svetu i ko zna koliko inbreedinga dse desilo ili pobachaja i abortusa jer deca ne mogu da budu smatrana jednako inteligentna i slobodna kao francuska deca te zato predlazhem ovo brzo jer gorchina ka d se napuni i chasha prelije ko zna gde cje se zavrshiti./. IInache sam stvarno srecjna zbog ideje da hiljadu evra biude jednako kao hiljadu dinara srpskih ejer ljudi sada zaradjuju ;, bar ja sam kao sekretarica shabvachkog plivachkog maratona Jarak Shabac 19km internacionalni maraton koji vidja 16 zemalja sveta uchesnika na maratonu ja sam dobijala 14000 dinara shto mu dodje na 80 dinara evro neshto poput stoosamdeset evra a cene iste kao u Parizu ako ne i skupkllje za neke stvari i zzaato bi h volela daq nashi ljudi osete shta je to samo ne znam kako cje se prebaciti na modularnu forlu a to mora da je uslov da bude chetiri hiljae dinara maksimum za lichno troshenje iu hiljadju dinara minimuml. Moi slo cene uvek menjali po interesuyu u tome smo najdbrrzhi i trzeebalio bi od nas da krene, od Srbije i super inteligentnig=h ljudi koji su radili devize devize devize 93e i ostalih godina pre 99e tako da ajd dauradimo jda i Kuba i Afganistan i Irak i ko zna koliko josh zelmalja biude u tom tripu. Biocje promene u nekim stvarima naen znam ko cje pomagati osim forbesovi milijardera koji bi trebali da urade neshto za chovechant=stbvo ali pokushacju svojim entuzijazmom i ovom knjigiom da ih ubedim da budu uz nas. Rachunajtee na nas mi se pesma mota po glavi... Dalje, rodjazci su rodjazci i salmo kad je kriza u drushtvu se to dogadja jer ovako se shvatio da razlichitost znachi lepotu ne da ttrteeba biti rezervisan od razlichitosti. ili je bombardovati. molim nashe da naprave prioche i eseje kako je bilo devedesetih i kako smo nbauchili brzo da mislimo fizichka paralela je kao Big Beng za nashu drzhavu iz koje je sada Cena Gora izashlka a i ona se gluirala na evro znachi legalno je da se to uradi ukoliko ima problema da se svaka jedna novchanica jedan deviza povezhe sa jedan deviza, proverite, treba mi vasha pomocj u tome. Takse su standardno dvadeset postoi, znachi za chetiri hiljade evra e=se u svrai zaradi pet hiljada i za minimalasc od hiljadu je hiljadu dvestai pedeset. evra, iliti dinarfa. Druga stvar kojuiu zhemlim da n,apomenm ke da nas mladjih ima vishje nego autoritativnoih starijihj io oni hocje da opstanu u zhivotu nikome vishe nije ok da ima penziju i radi nishta jer nije dovoljno radio ni tokom radnog veka, ili jeste a nije ono shto zheli ili jeste ono shto zheli ali nije prishirivao zvoje obzorje dogadjanja koje mozhe volonternim radom u, npr, Friends of the Earth da uchini. Manuelni radnici i kamiondzhije su iskljucheni, slava im jer su se naradili.
• international municipalities politics,
Svi treba da vide kako dvadeset opshtina arrondismana kako se zovu rade u Pariu i da nauche i primene u svojim opshtinama. Na primer, Cours municimap dadultes kao i carif idf formation continue propozira chak i govore podruchja da se uche jer ima dosta ljudi iz nekih drzhava u Parizu. Sa druge strane, pravoslavna crkva u rue Simplon u Paris 18 daje chasove srpskog u zamenu za chasove englisha ui francaisa za ljude koji hocje da se nauche. CNASEA placja mnoge kurseve tako da ljudi nauche da pored uchenja u shkoli koju pohadjaju pochnu i sa stazhom u nekoj od foirmi i budu placjeni za to i to je divan primer iniciranja ljudi da veruju iu sistem i u sebe same da mogu kontrobuirati i nacji posao u Parizu. Druga stvar shto se tiche stanovanja je da sve zgrade koje su izgradjene od ljudi koji vishe nisu medju zhivima pripadaju mairie i HLM staturt im treba dati jer dobijanje hiljadu evra sza chetrdeset metara kvadratnih samo zato shto je chovek proprieter je gora burzhoazija nego pred francusku burzhoasku revoluciju. Ovde cje biti negodovanja, ali stavite njih u situaciju da rade za minimalac SMIC i placjaju garsonjeru i zhele da imaju i porodicu i da letuju na francuskoj obaliu i videcjete. Ljudi cje i dalje biti bogati pogotovo oni koji imaju chetiri hiljade evra i stoshezdeset kvadrata na svetskom nivou u vidu apartmana. Sve opshtine treba da naprave popis stanova i kome pripadaju i spoje ukoliko ima na vishe mesta osoba mesta za stanovanje, napraviti to u SI jedinicama tako da se zna i to pothraniti u Central Compjuter koji cje onda recji da li josh uvek ima ljudi koji nemaju gde da zhive ukoliko neki ljudi zhele da zadrzhe velike stanove koje imaju. Solidarnost pre svega je francuski moto i poshtujem ga maksimalno. Inache, ljudi poput onih koji imaju RMI, ili AAH treba neshto u isto vrele da rade za society pa mmakar to bilo i otvaranje pisama ili kompletno nerizichan benevolski posao, jer ljudi sa AAH /allocation adulte handicape/ imaju shesto deset evra mesechno dok osobe koje rade na kazi supermarketa od dever ujutro do osam uveche imaju hiljadu evra i to nije fer */ Osobe koje imaju hendikap ukoliko ne mogu da rade treba da zhive u bolnicama, kao i penzioneri kojima ne trebaju tolike pare jer u bolnicama imaju minimum koji im je potreban za zhivot i u isto vrele doktori mogu vrshiti uporedne studije i objasniti sebi kako neke boljke josh uvek nisu dobile leka, to je samo zato shto nisu dovoljno posmatrani i podstrreekivani ljudi koji misle da su bogom dani, to nije problem, ali je problem shto u isto vreme dobijaju pare od tax pejera. Restorans de coeur treba nonstop da rade i svi medikalni specijalisti da iml budu pri ruci kao i mogicjnost da preko CNEDA studiraju neshto i time se osecjaju delom drushtva. Ja sam na primer, u pochetku dobijala od France allocation dinsertion, shto dobijaju ljudi kada izadju iz zatvora ili kao ja kada sam dobila refugee politique statur. Posle sam to odbila jer se vlada u Srbiji promenila i nisam bila dve godine kod mojih pa sam preshla na RMI. Na kraju sam u 2004oj dobila AAH sa osamdeset posto recognised invalidite zbog komplikacija dijabetesa i zato shto imam severe form da hyperactivite attention deficit desordre, zatim Messianic i God complex a i ekscentrichna sam sa psihozama da ceo sveo oid avgusta 2000 mozhe da chuje shta mislim i zato sam davala unedogled mnogo svojih razmisljanja o raznim stvarima i ukoliko je neko pokupio tu radio frekvenciju na kojoj sam se javljala bez obzira shto imam diabetes mellitus mozhda i to utiche, mnogo cje novih stvari biti na globalnom planu uradjeno kada se ovo delo obkavi i niskog je nivoa zato shto po stoti put ponavljam stvari koje sam mislila da ponavljam i uchim cijeli svijet. Zato mislim da Izraelska vojska ima moje reference i projekte kao i srpska, hrvatska i francuska, za ostale ne znam. Elem, toliko sam se trudila da radim i predlazhem i radim na unapredjivanju zhivotine okoline jer sam dobijala pare a niko mi nishta nije trazhio zauzvrat i to mislim da nije fer i ne bi trebalo tako da se radi. Assistance socijale bi trebale da znaju da postoje ljudi poput mene koji su neadaptivni da rade normalne posleove ali su odlichni da daju pomocj u nekom vidu na drushtvenom planu. Ja sam se ponashala i kao eksperimantalni pacov koji je u isto vremle i nauchnik tako da saml mnogo stvari saznala i imam puno toga da kazehl vezano za zdravlje i odrzhavanje dugovechnosti i hvala BBCju i dr Mercoli na svelu tome pored ostlaih laio redjih referenci koje sam prikupoljljala da nadjem bazu i osnovu za svoje pricjhanje. Mislila sam da budem tajna u bvidu knjige ali nije problem i ako se zna moje ime, vazhno je samo da se ne zna kako izgledam. CNED i OUiz UK treba da se sastanu i naprave josh bolje distance learning ponudu za ljude poput mene i ostalih ljudi sveta koji uvek trebaju da imaju po jedan predmet godishnje da rade i polozhe jer tako se inteligencij a razvija zauvek. Samo shto su OU kursevi ultra skupi an CNED nije na tom nivou, molim vVas, uradite neshto pô tom pitanju, hvala. Ja sam inache reshila da budem bogatija od bILLA gatesa tako da cje mi trebati nekakav metod da ljudi koji hocje da me tipuju kao shto se tipuje kafa bakshishemld a lmi to daju unedogled a ja mogu nastaviti da pisheml svohje lmsili ukoliko ima josh nekih jer mi se chini da su Izraelci rekli da sam uradila vishe nego shto sam svesna u sve ovo vreme a sve zbog low self esteema a i zbog toga shto szm bezhala od jednog slatkisha koji mi se chini mi se udvara ali samo na telepatski nachin a ja ne zhelim i ne sme telepatija da bude legalna u Global Villageu osim izmedju dvoje ljudi koji su zajedno i koji se vole a vecj su se upoznali, zar ne? Elem, Pariz je najbolji grad na svetu, i preporuchujem turistima svetskim da putuju u sve gradove sveta pre nego shto dodju u Paris jer mozhe da se desi da svaki sledecji grad izgleda manji od Parisa a to nije fer.
• Internet (safety as well)
U mojoj knjizi imaju reference. Mozhe se probati novi internet koji cje imati za cilj savrshenu literalnost i time cje pobediti www svet. Takpdje, ja nisam za sliklanje nagih zhena osim od njihovih parntenra, takodje i seks sa partnerimaje ok, ali ne sa prolazbnnicima;, tako da imam mnogo toga, pored bezbroj pridika BBCju i reklamama na sajtovima kako da se ima za savrshene ljudie koji imaju autizam kao i za decu koja zhele da zhive bar u virtuellnolm savrshenoml svetu gde svaki web sajt ima kontakt na koji dse dobije odgovor. Ove reference cje biti mogucje skenirati i staviti u mali notebok gde cje biti sve nadohvat ruke u svim jezicima i na svim pismima. Internet safety sam mislila da je ok ako je centtralizovan, mada proverioti sa six hand shakes da li treba sa shest strana da bude obuzdan ili chak jedna strana da ne zna za svoje postojanje. Zanima me doskusija u vezi toga pre nego shto svi znamo koliko je i kako internet safety kept and guarded i kako protiche sa vremenom i novim inputima.
• jobs (with partners)
eto, buduccjnost sveta je to da se jobs rade sa svojim partnerima.
• keys
preko biometric metode, jer kljuchevi nekad smetaju kad chovek pleshe ,a i kad ih izgubi...
• labels and labelling,
Sve etikete. Odluichna knjiga o etiketama na engleskom, zaboravila sam ime, ima i skrivenih ingredienata o kojima se ne pricha. GM obavezno napisati i u kojoj meri i koja je to nova vrsta i kakvi su follow up-i od ljudi koji konzumiraju GM hranu. na svim proizvodima i svemu shto se prodaje trebaju etikete da budu mogu da se skinu i daju ako se kupukje i zna shta je unutr ada se shtedi papir. bez crude ioil derivata molim, shetnja je u pitanju.
• land property,
Zemlja poseduje sebe, ljudi je pozajmljuju na godinu dana svaki put za jednu sunchevu revoluciju. Platiti treba i dorpioneti od nje spolja ili unutra praviti zhurke ili imati neki vid proizvodnje koji moizhe da se proveri i poseti. Asocijacije takodje mogu da udju i imju legalan status prilikom ovoga.
• laughs laboratories,
sve hided kamere i sve komedije bez agresije tu da budu. takodje i stand up komedijans da budu tu nonstop i ljudi koji imaju teatar koji ima komediju u vidu.
• legal life
svi treba da daju CCompjuteru svoj genetski materiujal jer tako se deca nalaze z=sa svojiml ochevila. ochevui nishta ne duguju deci ali vredi videti ko je od koga rod.
• Life
verujem da cjemo svi zhiveti vechno.dr Mercola kazhe manje insulina se proizvodi u ljudimla poreko sto godina, proveriti.
• live sport
e, ovo chekam jevreji protiv muslimana, palestinci rpotiv izraellaca, albanci protiv srba itd;;;; securiti na visokom nivou bar dok se ljudi ne upristoje. bez alkohola na ovakviolm mestima i bez pushenja.
• maglev
da li je opasan ili nije nisam sigurna. mozhda neka lekcija odatle za hover prevoz ali maglev je ili hit ili ne treba da postoji. proveriti na dugachke i niske range lengths.
• manual workers/ Teshki fizichki radnici
Slava im/ Penzionisani svi i OU kursevi besppmatno za njih na njihovoml jeziku.
• marriage,/ Brak koji postaje Kraljevstvo u pravoj Ljubavi
Oni koji se vole da prodju kroz josh jedan ritual a to je da postanu Kralj i Kraljica, krunicanje da se obavi, nema razvoda posle toga. Deca priinchevi i princeze.
• massage/Masazha
svako treba da se obuchi, partner partnera lmasira vishe nego shto je gledao televiziju dnevni svaki dan, za eternity formulu neoiphodnio. dok parntner ne dodje, prijatelji to rade da se chovek opusti.u razluichitim pozicijalma i uglovilma/.
• meat eaters/ Oni koji jedu meso
ljudi lako da predju na veganizalmm ili ovodairy vegetaru=ijanizaml ali shta sa zhivotinjama osiuml machaka koje kao karnivori ilmaju tri vrste veganske hrane ami food, vegecat i australijansku sa lgama hranu. probveriti i napraviti prvo za chlanove obotelji, posle za socijalne zhovotijnje.
• medical profession/Medicinsko osoblje
oath aprofondied and given on a monthly basis; hipokratova , na boljem nivou i da doktori znju da pomazhu i bez para. shto vishe dece da se upishe na medicinski fakultet, molim, neophodnost!!!
• mirrors/ Ogledala
ne trebaju nam uopshte samo partner da nas gleda. u kucji za sebe zhuta ogledala ne bela ali ne trebaju nigde da nas zbunjuju samo lichna ne ponudjena ogledala. stariji trezbad a se podmlade i to cje se uchiniti kad na globalnom planu ogledala nestanu; svi pozoitivnio Diorijan Grey da budu.
• money and budgeting/ Novac ii budzhet
hiljadu i chetiri hiljade minimum za rad i maksimum za privatno troshenje mesechno. Budgeting mozhe imati vishe svrha, ukoliko je novac u opticaju pri davanju pochetkom meseca, kraj meseca bi bio predodredjen za restoran de coeur prilike, odecju second hand shop besplatno i sve shto je staro da bude besplatnio ili minimum novca pred kraj mesexca za one koji nisu nauchili da budzhetare pravilno, a takvi ljudi postoje, i to mu dodje prirodno. Ja nisam na igre na srecju preko elektronike, niti da se ulazhe novac u takve igre i shto se mene tiche ja bih to zabranila, te dve opcije. Novac od sociajalnog se necje dobijati jer svi treba da zarade ,akli ljudi koji rade za asocijacije i benevolci cje imati sve obezbedjeno za cijeli mesec.
Hiljadu i chetiri hiljade je kao chetrdeset kvadrata i stoshezdeset jkvadrata imovine stanbene to je st da najbogatiji ne budu nego chetiri puta bogatiji ods najsiromashnijihg i da jedni druge mogu da zamenjuju i vide kako je zhiveti drugim zhivotom. To je lmislim takodjhe neophodno za eternity formukly.
• nanotechnology/ Nanotehnologija
imam divnu srpsku refererencu povodom ovoga i OU ima kurs vezzanio za. cigarete bez filtera ili sa nano upijachem ali da ne udje nano u opliucja. dryugo mozhda cigarete ne zm=smeta shto se udahne vecj shto izadje sa sdruge zapaljene strane, i zbog toga second hand smoke smeta, a i ne izbaci se sve prilikom izdaha i tu mozhda ima toksina, napraviti inhalatore shto se toga tiche, kao shto Kanadjani imaju thc inhalator u medikalne svrhe, nikotin spada u stimulans i ukoliko se napravi inhalator, mozhda pomogne. Nanotehnologija je buducjnost, medjutim nisam za nanorobote dok se celokupna svetska javnost ne upozna sa osnovama hemije i kvantne mehanike kao i mehanike i tehnologije i istorm tehnologije dvadesetog veka. U telo ne bih stavljala experimentalne nanopokazivache ako su toksichniji od radioaktovnih tracera. Drugo, kodirati ljude nanotehnologijom mi lichi na Orwela tako da nisam za to dok svi ljudi ne pozavrshavaju bar po jedan fakultet. Dosta o nanotehnologiji ima u ovomilenijumskim izdanjima Science et Vie magazina kao i New Scientist koji mozhe da se ponovo odshtyampa bez ponudjenih poslova zbog shtednje papira. I bez reklama obadva bi bilo odlichno odshtampati na crnobelom papiru, hvala. Boje kao u srpskom starom mikijevom zabavniku mozhda, maksimuum.
• narcotics and stimulants/ Narkotici i stimulansi
Oba su sastavljena od alkaloida. U stimulante spadaju kokain, nikotin i kafein od najpoznatijih od kojih samo kokain nije legalan. Ulichni speed ili Ritalin na recept su lozhijeg kvaliteta za ljudski um nego akutno uzimanje kokaina, moja hypoteza. Za hronichnu je potrebno uraditi klinichko istrazhivanje sa razlichitim grupama ljudi iz razlichitih delova svijeta. Narkotici trebaju, po mom mishljenju biti zabranjeni za javnost. Ljudi koji su na heroinu bi trebali da ga dobiju u farmaciji gde bi se ingestija istog i izvrshila. Tako i sa svim drugim narkoticima. O stimulansima, pogotovo kafi imam mishljenje da je vishe toksichna nego nikotin i kokain, valja proveriti metodom TS pomenutom gore u referencama sa cijelim tekstom. Trebaa imati u vidu da kada je stimulans potreban na dnevnoj bazi onda neshto psihichki choveku fali i treba ga psihijatrijski asesirati, ovde ukljuchujem i ljude na kafi i na cigaretama jer znachi da nisu u pravilnoj frekvenciji ukoliko im je hronichno potreban stimulans ili naprave religijski tretman d tog, to jest, pochnu uzimati u isto vreme i u istim prilikama to je samo beznanje od stvarnosti da priznaju da su postali rob nekog produkta koji nije neophodan za zhivot kao shto je to recimo hrana. Voda takodje spada u rizichne faktore jer fruitarijancio imaju odlichno zdravlje bez konzumiranja vode, a i ljudi koji ne konzuliraju technosti su manje pufnastio u licu shto pokazuje da im je renalna funkcija bolja od onih koji svakodnevno koriste technosti u digestivnom sistemu.
• national parks, reserves and sanctuaries/ Nacionalni parkovi, rezervati
Sve zhivotinje koje su bile planirane da se pojedu treba da se puste na slobodna polja i tamo im se izgradi zhivotinjsko carstvo bez mogucjnosti karnivora da im pridju i dati im ostatke od hrane koje ljudi jedu posebnim djubretarskim kolima ih donositi. Veterinari treba da imaju prakse u takvim socijalnim rezervama pre nego shto embark na divlje zhivotinje jer prvo shtitimo i branimo shta je nashe az posle shto je egzotichno zar ne ? Komarce staviti u posebna odeljenja i davati im menstrualnu krv za pochetak dok ne nadjemo sintetichko ili od S.Cerevisiae reshenje za njihovu ishranu. Najbitnije je da zhivotinje koje nisu u lancu koji je neophodan za ljudsko razvijanje u vidu imanja povejcanja ljudske populacije je da one koje su nam potrebne mogu da se rasplodjavaju dok one druge koje nisu, kao shto su na primer komarci trebaim nacji primenu etichkim eksperimentima ili ih samo staviti u vechne zooloshke vrtove samo njima namenjene ; Ekosistemska ravnotezha treba da se odrzhava nestatistichkim metodama, to jest, da se zna koliko i gde chega treba imati, i prenos zhivotinja, prevoz i premeshtaj da se urade na najbezbolniji mogucji nachin, to jest, sa njihovim familijama da se sele. One koje su radile u cirkusima i slichnim mestima da se daju na posebne lokacije gde cje zhiveti kao shto neke machke zhive u rajskim uslovima tako cje i one zhiveti i imati nashu podrshku i pomocj. Machke, sa druge strane treba da budu kucjne one koje ne mogu treba da se premeste na posebna mesta gde njihove karnivorske osobine necje shkoditi zhivotinjama. Kontrolisana sterilizacija zhivotinja pogotovo onih bez vlasnika trreba da se izvrshi i njihov genetski materijal i ovarijumi da se sachuvaju za kloniranje ili neku drugu namenu.
• nutrition and dietetics/ Nutricija i dijetetika
Bez soli, bez dodatog shecjera, hrana kao u Genezi 29i stih chini mi se, dakle veganska ili ovovegetarijanska sa fungi kulturisanim u ono shto nam fali. Fungi su po mom misljenju onoi shto nam treba da se izlechimo, biljke su pomlocj, fungi su lek. GM fungi u kontrolisanim uslovima takodje. Sav shecjer koji se necje proizvoditi cje se koristiti za fungi poput Quorna ako nije toiksichan ili cerecisiae kulture. Bez vode i napitaka osim u iznimnim sluchajevima i to da se zna da kad se voda pije neshto smo prekardashuili. Dr .Mercola predlazhe veganski deo pravilno za dijetu, bez soli naravno, NaCl je toksichno po mom misljenju i Na mozhemo dobiti iz biljaka. B12 vitamin ima u nutritional yeast kulturama.
• occupators have to stop occupying and stand trial/ Okupatori treba da prestanu okupirati i da treba da idu na sudjenje
Za Kosovo, za ostala mesta. Svuda gde je novchana jedinica vezana za evro ili dolar takodje se mogu smatratio za okupatore ljudi politichari tih zemalja. Treba da se zna ko je shta, koliko dugo i na koji nachin okupirao i koliko je ljudi stajalo iza toga. Mi treba da imamo zemlju koja je kompletno jednaka u svemu osim u govorima podruchja a to mozhe da se ima jedino kada se zna recent history.
• occupying place for habitation (or
ode to buildings) / Okupirati mesta da se zhivi /ili oda zgradama/
Vecj napomenula gore. 40m2 minimum za adulta, 160m2 maksimum za adulta na nashoj planeti, iskljhuchujucji artificijalna ostrva koja necje imati vlasnika niti kucje i hoteli necje imati vlasnika takodje. Ljudi koji su izgradili zgrade a josh su zhivi polazhu prava na po jedan stan u njima. Ljudi koji grade zgrade isto tako, jer oni su masoni. Oni koji nisu medju zhivima a zgrade su izgrajdene te zgrade pripadaju drzhavi i rentiraju se stanovi, niko ne mozhe posedovati stan ako nije gradio zgradu i amin. Kucje treba sve polako da se grade u zgrade, retke ostaju i to za muzeje istorijske, kulturne i slichne namene, kao i za Bad and Breakfast pogodnosti i hotele. Sve ostale kucje da postanu zgrade ali ekosustainable sa solarnom energijom i sa vermicast kanalizacijom. Ima chlanova porodice ljudi koji josh nemaju zgrade chak ni kucje u mestima gde obitavaju. Ili im pod hitno ponuditi da zhive u bogatim zemljama svijeta ili im sagraditi zgrade po uzoru na nashe ali sa modernom tehnologijom i wifi spotsima po kablovskom uredjenju. Dakle, ceo svet prvo iskablirati i telefoniju ukljuchiti a onda solarne panele i fotovoltaikse i filmske fotovoltaikse uvrstiti svugde, po ulicama i po mestima gde ne smetaju ochima. Nije teshko izgraditi zgradu, eto, posle bombardovanja u mom gradu Shapcu je izgradjeno stotinu zgrada i od kucja su pravljene zgrade i to je dakle mogucje uchiniti a to je bilo uz siromashni kapitalistichki novac.
• one law/ Jedan zakon
Za cijeli svijet. UN da prenosi. Neophodnost. Hitno da se organizuje i poseban televizijski kanal/i/ da budu uz to da bi se poredili zakoni razlichitih zemalja i da bi se predlagalo i diskutovalo i votiralo na referendumu lokalnog ili globalnog karaktera. TVi treba da budu takvi da se to mozhe uraditi kao da smo na netu.
• one money for the world/ Jedan novac za svet
OVO VOLIM; REKLI SMO HILJADU I CHETIRI HILJADE MIN I MAKS ZARADJENOG ZA TROSHENJE NA LICHNE STVARI. DA OD NOVE GODINE SVUDA JEDAN ZNACHI JEDNA DOLAR DINAR EVRO SVUDA. NESVRSTANE ZEMLJE CHEKAJU DA PAR MESECI IMAJU VISOK STANDARD U GLOBALU KAO SHTO JE TO SLUCHAJ OVDE U PARIZU NA PRIMER. JA OVDE U PSIHIJATRIJSKOJ BOLNICI IMAM TUSH U SVOJOJ SOBI I SVETLA I TOALET I STO I LAMPU? BOLJE NEGO U NEKIM HOTELIMA? MAJKE MI; DAKLE JEDAN JEDNAKO JEDAN ORGANIZUJMO REFERENDUM NA GLOBALNOM NIVOU I VOTIRAKJMO DA ZA TO KO NECJE NEKA BUDE UZ AMERIKANCE I ENGLEZE KOJI NISU HTELI NI U EVRO ZONU DA UDJU. Chekovi vishe necje postojati i svi cje dobiti kartice. Ili cje sve biti u keshu, biraj. Cela evropska Unija je u inflaciji i stalno shtancaju pare vidi se po automatima iz kojih izlaze i po cenama koje rastu neverovatnom brzinom, a pogledaj novu slejvori u vidu i ili fr Ne trebaju nam okupatori u dvadeset prvom veku na mestima gde je prirodni zemaljski raj. Dakle bez chekova jer se tu vidi da su banke bankrupt, i samo jedna svetska banka treba da postoji, necje nikome srchka oticji zbog ovoga, ne brinite, se ne zna te kako je nama u kKubi, Jugoslaviji, Afganistanu i Iraku boilo uz sankcije i kako je lako kad je sve na globalnom lanu srejdeno ali u dobrom maniru.
• one-way streets/ Jednosmerne ulice
with bycicle without speed ways and ways for free children, da budu. Bicikli bez brzinaca, kao ui Amsterdamu. Jednosmerne ulice i to smaoo za transportne kamione, ostala kola se parkiraju ispred umaska u opshtinu tamo gde mozhe. Miuka mi je da gledam kako se deca traumiraju na ulici dok sve vozila voizei i u nutra je po jedan chovek sa kravatom.
• organ donation/ Organa donacija
Ne, gledaj referencu. Mogu se ozhiveti, vagus nerv stimulacija. pisala o tome vecj negde, pitajte me u intervjuu.
• original names/ Originalna imena
Po imenima se ljudi znaju ne po prezimenima. Svi mogu da promene imena da ne bi zvuchali smeshno ili morbidno. Nadimci koji su vulgarni da se izbace iz upotrebe i cenzura takvih dela da se uchini. Na primer, ja volim ime Dorijan, ali zbog knjige Oskar vajlda imam problem, dajte mi knjigu sa istim imenom ali boljom sadrzhiniom, molim vac. Takodje, filmovi i umetnichka dela onih koji nisu medju nama u telima da se obvelezhe, ja radim za zhive i ne zanimaju me stare ideje ili filmovi koje ionako i ne gledam /manje od hiljadu sati tva saml gledala u zhivotu i to je previshe mnogo su pme istraumirali/
• paper, saving paper/ Papir, shtednja papira
hemp, konoplja, chanvre i ostaci od jezgrovitog vocja mozhda ako se ne upotrebi u neku drugiuu korisnu svrhu. Reciklazha papira neophodna. Crnobijeli svijet. Vecjiona onoga shto se mozhe postavioti na net da se postavi da bi se ushtedeo papir. Päpir ne plastificirati jer se nema crude oila dovoljno.
• parents™ education/ Shkola za roditelje
kad zhena trudna to je neophodno. pedagogija psihologija astrologija, socijaliziranje, putovanja i drugi ljudi, birati fgde cje zhiveti... da se pishe dnevnik detetu i roditelji jedno drugom da pishu dnevnik svakodnevni kao dokaz ljubavi.
• Partner
jedan zauvjek je moj Kralj. Sa njim radim zajedno i za njega radim zauvjek. amen.
• parks/ Parkovi
svuda mada neki cje biti oblozheni zbog karnivora ili protektiranih zhivotinja. ljuljashke u parkovima i toaleti za kuchicje jednako kao i za ljude. chak i klupe mogu biti ljuljashkast. Tu mogu biti jezgrovito vocje parkovi ali je najbiolje da u ghradu budu od drvecja kome se ne zna vrednost za jelo, eto.
• parking
podzemni i u zgradala, svi. oslobodicje se ogromni deo ulice, raj na zemlki cje nastati.
• patents/ Patenti
legalni i na golbalnom planu, molim prouchite Teslu. bioloshki patenti ne postoje jer su javni i za dobrobit chovechanstva ali treba platiti ljudimla koji ih naprave. predlog da svaki chovek ima broj u jednoj banci jedinoj banci bicje i da svako mozhe preko neta preko poshte i preko banke da mu udeli kad god mu se cjefne. poshte su dobre da postanu banke kao ovde u parizu, samo ne treba imati limit na kartici ukoluiko vecj imamo para zashto bi imali limit koliko mozhemo potroshiti molim ??? 600evra nedeljno i to s amaster kartom, kao da je vic u pitanju. A chekovi trreba da se izbace iz upotrebe takodje i oni koji imaju karticu treba da mogu sve da potroshe odjedanput ako im je volja ili ako imaju novac u banci podignu sav novac kad im je volja, limiti ovde ne smeju da postoje jer to znachi da je monetary system flawed i da je bolje onda da zhivimo bez novca uopshte. Ne mozhe samo par hiljada ljudi da imaju direktan akses to everything they got dok svi drugi radni i vredni ljudi koji poshtuju sistem imaju limite u bankama. Zato sam za jednu banku ili poshta da preuzme sve to kao u France shto vecj radi. U Deutschland je bilo problema kad je to pokushano pre par godina ali chini mi se da je France u boljoj pozoiciji. Dakle, proveriti da li poshte mogu postati jedna globalna banka kao shto je Western Union vecj napravio prve korake u tom pravcu, i hvala ukoliko mi neko poshalje novac preko Western Uniona na ime Mijic Mirjana ulica Vojvode Mishicja 93, 15000 Shabac, ne znam da li je josh neshto potrebno ili samo poshaljite komercijalnoj banci u centru Shapca gde imam rachun na isto ime koje niko drugi chini mi se nema.
Elem, patenti su bitni i trebaju odmah da xe globalizuju i prokomentarishu pozitivnom kritikom ukoliko mogu biti josh bolji. Kao na primer, ova knjiga ipma puno referenci i patent nekoga cje biti da te reference ishchita i projektuje negde gde mogu da je chitaju ljudi na razlichitim govotriima podruchja, u fonetskom srpskom aranzhmanu takodje i u brajevoj azbuci i govoru tela za gluvonemske dijagnoze. Microsoftov kompjuter bih bvolela da je jedan, ne neki vole mekintosh neki pc i dsad sui se zastakali i nema razvitka zbvog toga. Daje li ljudskui tastaturu sa cjirilichnoim i latinichnom fonetskom azbukom i brojchanim vrednostima kad se igram gematrije koja mozhe da svetli i da se menja po slovima da je personalizujemo stavimo slova gde nam koje odgovara, hvala. To je recimo isto patent koji cje neki pionir da promovishe i vredi znati ko je da mui tipujemo svremena na vreme par dindzhi za toliku zhivotinu radoist koju nam je inicirao u kompjutersski svet.
diary-zaboravila javni i tajni dnevnik tajni svoj koji treba da se skenira iu drzhi u sopstvenoij nehakerskoj pandorinoj kutiji i javni blog na koji ljudi doklaze i mogu kintu zaraditi i govore svoje mishljenje i svoj zhivot i zvonje dozhivljaje zada kada vize spadnu i novac postane isti svuda. hocju svi da imaju komp pa makar bio 486 ali sa neto m i javniml blogom da vbas chital, ljudi moji !!!
Original names – zaboravila da kazhem da se pishe i chita fonetski onako kako je u originalu. Znachi ne Nemachka vecj Deutschland, ne Engleska i engleski jezik vecj England and Inglish lengvidzh se izgovara jezik njihovog podruchja. Za sve originalna imena, pogotovo za hemijske elemente, ne Sodium vecj Natrium za Na i ne vodonik vecj Hydrogen za H...
• pavements/ Trotoari
kaldrma VIVA! stari blokovi koji imaju nejednake duzhine i linije po kojima mozhe da se igra VIVA! crveni trotoari VIVA gde mozhe jer su skupi. bez onih sa maleckim pukoyinama gde ni bube ne mogu da se sakrtiju. onakvi gde bube mogu da se sakriju i glodari takodje i da izadju na sigurno i da se sakriju na sigurno od terijera i ptica koje napadaju. Trotoari da budu dobri za rolshuashe na chetiri tochka takodje. Da imaju sliv gde odlazi poluirana voda za teshkim metalima od kola koja ne shteti kanalizaciji niti pacovima i da ima sliv gde od kishe ide dobra voda na prave usevchicje. Male arhotektonske kaveshcjicje otvorenog tipa za sve zhivotinje valja izgraditi i na drvecju i na trotoarima, arhitektonci i gradjevinari za ==sa fakulteta mogu svoje lakete tako praviti uz planbiranu kabnalizaciju. Pazite, ne znalm da li cje pacovi napadati vermicast kulture, zato oprez sa njihovom kanalizacijom molim. Kada jedu samo bademe stolica im je odlichna i direktno je pogodna da se stavi u humusnu crnicu, tako verovatno i sa drugim zhivotinjama, ljudima pogotovo, jer ljudi na veganskoj dijeti imaju odlichnu stolicu a na bademima besprekornu. Urin od ljudi koji ne jedu holesterolskiu hranu, hleb, so , i dodati shecjer je skroz ok, isto vazhi i za jkuchicje koji imamo primer jedan je imao 27 godina kuche hranecji se jedna dan pirinchem a drugi dan sochivima i sve tako, dvadeset i sedam godina tko i trchala je u doba pisanja artikla /imam u referencama/ uz obalu mora kao da je shtene. Losheg kvaliteta semenke od badelman, sochiva, pasulja, pirincha chuvajlo da posejemo sledecje godine. Treba neka asocijacija da se time bavi, prenzioneri su pozvani da organizuju to.
-hyp, zashto su ljudi navucheni na NaCl zato shto im nedostaje miris maltera i chistog peska, kalcijumla u zidovima bez plastificiranosti. Ja se secjam kao mak=la da sam pljuvala zid gde sam lezhala a onda ga grebala noktima i jela Ca i u isto vreme zamisljala rasne bajke od tih crtezha shto sam ih pravila. Mleko posle majchinog mleka nije dobro Ca absorbirajucji te treba povesti rachuna o tome shta se jede i koliko vremena provodimo uz gradjenje pravih zgrada od kamena i chistog matera, pa chak i beton treba da je laop shto je bio pre dvadeset godina u Shapcu.
• pensioners-students-volunteers/ Penzioneri, studenti i dobrovoljci
Dodje mu isto. Zaradjivanje je besplatni stan mozhda manje od cjetres kvadrata u pochetku dok se ne vidi ko gde hocje da zhivi ali uz volonterijat i prevedene Open University i CNED distance learning vanredne studije svako mozhe da studiraz, putuje, i zhivi uz hranu prilozhenu od strane starosedelaca, kao da je Shabac svaki dan, shalilm se Shabat /tada religiozni Izraelci daju po jednu vecheru ruchak i doruchak putnikuu namerniku, to i Srbi imaju u svojoj kulturi po selima pogotovo oko Bozhicja/; Novac ovim ljudima ne trebza jer od asocijacija zhive i sve shto im je potrebno dobijaju od darodavaca ili u krajnjoj liniji ili na pochetku od taksi, dok se ne uhoda posao, javno se znaju novci gde idu u asovijacijalma, na web pageu i u banci postale je obelodanjeno, mesec po mesec kao i shta se radilo u tom vremenu i koji ljudi rade i studiraju shta /i kako mogu da kazhu kako idu studije u javnom dnevniku:/
• people with diagnosis/ Ljudi sa dijagnozom
Chovek nije dijabetichar, on ima ili zhivi sa dijabetesom. Chovek nije crnac nego dermatolog zna kojoj klasi kozhe njegova pripada zbog lechenja i konsekvenci koje ima sa melatojninom. Diagnosis znachi protok znanja dia je protok gnoza je znanje. Dakle svaki chovek koji ima dijagnsozu treba pomno da je prouchava i da zna pa makar koliko i doktor. Zhiveti sa svakom dijagnozom je mogucje samo treba verovati u to. Farmaceutske firme koje ne daju lekove koji mogu sprechiti smrt treba da idu na sudjenje jer medikalna misija je da pomogne bilo kome u bilo kom trrenutku ma gde i ma ko chovek bio /i zhivotinja, i drvo da ne uvredim Druide/. Sa bilo kojom dijagnozom se mozhe zhiveti. Moja koleginica koja je radila jednu godinu u centru za nuklearnu medicinu u bolnici srednje velikog grada je videla petoro ljudi koji su vecj pet godina imali dijagnozu metastaze kancera i zhiveli su bez problema. Drugi primer je zhena koja je leukemiju koshtane srzhi sa kojom se borila godinama izlechila tako shto joj je jedan vojvodjanski travar napravio melem od koprive. Dakle sve se mozhe prezhiveti osim bolesti za koje je neophodno svakodnevno lechenje kao na primer pri dijabetesu i to treba da se cijeli svijet pregleda shecjer da se izmeri i Hb1aC da se uradi i da se stave pod insulinsku terapiju svi kojima je je hemoglobin glyquee vecji od 6procenata jer je rizik za kardiovaskularne bolesti vishestruko povecjan i znachi da imaju glukozu i saharozu intoleranciju, tako da dijeta od chick peas, sochiva i pasulja je neophodna i to bez glutena koji je rizichan u dijabetesu i bez kaseina koji je takodje uvrshcjen u rizik. Gluten je u pshenici i josh dve zhitarice, casein je u mleku i samim tim mlechnim proizvodima. Diagnoze koje iziskuju kolica treba da naprave prava kolica i ljuljashka kolica i ona za koje nije potrebno rukama se gurati i sve javne ustanove kao i zgrade da imaju pristup za takva vozila. Ta kolica bi bilo najbolje da su hovercraft ukoliko takvo neshto stvarno postoji. Dalje, ljudi koji misle a ne mogu da prichaju neka pogledaju Stivena Hokinga koji ima motornu neuronsku bolest vecj chetrdesetak godina i sada ima implant koji automatski konvertira njegove mozhdane talase u rechi tako da chovek sasvim normalno pricha i komunicira. To svima treba ne samo bogatashu iz Kejmbridzhskog univerziteta. Drugo, bolestio kostiju sve mogu da se leche, treba da se urade globalni simpozijumi na tu temu. Ne koristite vishe zhivotinje ili koristite one koje su vecj bolesne, deklarisane kod veterinara kao eksperimentalce ali adultne stem cjelije /matichne cjelije se zovu na srpskom/ su ogromna buducjnost i mislim da je neophodno ogroman novac investirati u njihovu primenu. Kardiovaskularne bolestio gotovo sve mogu ozbecji nozh time shto cje precji na vegansku nesoljenu neshecjerenu dijetu /bez vode je moja hipoteza zbog ataka na renalnu funkciju koja ionako dvesta litara technosti protutnji i chisti da bi izbacila litar i po urina dnevno/. Adrenalne zhlezde su mnogo bolje bez soli. Masti su bolje od glucida i to nezhivotinjskog porekla i to od jezgrovitog vocja, pogledaj papagaje iz juzhne Amerike koji zhive na njima po stotinu godina. Jojoba isto ima saturated na dobar nachin fats dobra je za analni seks, takodje je vredno u svemu kokos i njegovo ulje, bar tako dr. Mercola tvrdi, nisam probala, ali umesto chokoladi spremna sam da ukoliko je mogucje svu tu kokosovu zalihu pretvorimo u ulje ako je toliko dobro. Za spoljashnju upotrebu samo za ljude sa dermatoloshkim problemima, zamolila bih zhene da se uzdrzhe sledecje godine od silnog farbanja /neka koriste kanu/ i shminku samo veganskog porekla koja nije bila ekperimentisana na zhivotinjama i to je bolje ili nije od shminke koja se stavi i traje par meseci, treeba mi diskusija u vezi ovoga. Solarne kreme imaju po dvadeset ingredienata shto nije normalno kada ulje za sunchanje od kokosa na primer verovatno mozhe uraditi trik, ili maslinovo mada ono smrdi ali mozhda neko genetsko maslinovo ulje mozhe da se uradi i direktno stavfi umesto silnih krema i pomadi koje su neekoloshke u svakom vidu. Parfemi da se koriste od ulja od biljaka eto najbolja solucija. Mushkarci da trajno epiliraju bradu tako da im necje biti potrebno aftershave i oni mogu koristiti ulja nakon toga. Ljudi sa vishe lmelatonina izgleda imaju problema da se trajno epiliraju dakle ili laserska i pulsna trajna epilacija nije dobra na duge staee ili treba neshto smisliti za sve tipove kozhe na svim delovima tela. Dijagnoza je dlaka na mestu gde zhelimo ili ne zhelimlioo ili nije onako kako zhelimo to pod sigurno. Takodje ljudi koji zhive u industrijskim opshtinama i onim do koje industrijski smog, teretni i od vozila dosezhe imaju pravo da godishnje, najbolje u zimu, odu na mesto gde ima puno zelenila u vidu drvecja, zhbunja i trim staza i more je tu tako da se inhaliraju u pravim uslovima dok sva vozila ne predju na hidrogen fuel i sva industrijska postrojenja ne postanu netoksichna.
• personal development/ Lichni napredak
Svako dete kada krene u obdanishte treba da nastavi personal development koje je zapochelo sa roditeljima. Tu spadaju sakupljanje svega shto je napravilo, pisanje njegovih roditelja o tome koliko je svakoga dana napredovalo i shta je uradilo toga dana, shta nauchilo, shta primilo i shta odbilo jer hranu koju odbije treba zapisati kao i pratiti grimase koje pravi dok ne nauchi da pricha. Ja jedino na jabuke nisam pravila grimase ali mamu je bio strah da me stavi samo na tu hranu pa me terala da jedem sve zhivo. Pokreti, shta je zanimljivo u tome danu, gde se kretalo, shta je istrazhivalo i koga je videlo dete to treba roditelji da zapisuju u zajednichki dnevnik koji posvecjuju detetu da mu ga daju kada postane punoletno. Bez fotografija i snimanja kamerom jer se manje pammti, ovako cje dete mocji da ih pita za svaki poseban dan i oni cje se mocji setiti svega da bi mu objasnili i izvukli paralele analogije i kabalu /to zovem kad se povuku paralele izmedju drukchijih stvari i vremena/ od deteta.jer bolje se pamti kada nema fotografija i video snimaka vecj kada je sve kao film u glavi. Personal development choveka ili svesnog deteta je kada se pishe svakodnevni dnevnik, zatim kada se vezhba mocj zapazhanja svakodnevno, kada se sve stvari koje se uche stave u poebnu fioku mozga tako da uvek ima mesta za josh novih stvari. Personal development takodje ima u sebi ubrshteno i to da je chovek spreman i odluchi se kog cje chlana porodice imati to je uglavnom prvoo za zhivotinju koju cje uvek imati ali i za partnera tu zpada jer i partner postaje chlan porodice o kom se ne brinemo ali o kome mislimo nonstop. U shkolama personal evelopment je ono shto ponesemo napisano na kraju kursa i treba predmet personal development da se ubaci u shkole jer predmeti poput istorije, religije i slikarstva treba da budu opcioni i verovatno ima josh predmeta ukoliko literaturu josh uvek daju da se chitaju dela od onih koji nisu medju nama. Shta hocju da kazhem je da zhivi imaju mocj govora i pisanja a svi ostali je ono shto na svoju odgovornost prihvatamlo da uchimo i chitamo jer zhivii mogu sve da nas nauche bez pomocji knjiga i dela onih koji nisu medju nama. Ne znam da li sam bila jasna ali to je bitno za razvoj lichnosti da zna da sve ono shto je nauchilo i dalje postoje ti ljudi i zhivotinje koje mozhe da pita ukoliko neshto nije bilo jasno. Stvara se struja zhivota ili 93 kako ja volim da je zovem, tu struju, gde niko od starih nije star jer je zhiv a ostali koji nisu medju nama ne pripadaju tu 93, time se stvara jedna krug elitni gde svi grajdani sveta pripadaju ovde medju grajdane podrazumevam i seljake i pustinjake takodje i sve ljude sveta uostalom. Dakle personal development uzima u obzir da je za osobiu najbitnije njegovo lichno prvo lice jednine i da odatle sve krecje i svako drugo lice jednine je zhiv chovek koji ima shta da kazhe, bar tako uproshcjeno bi trebala da izgleda filozofija personal developmenta.
• pests/ Nazovi-shtetochine
Pests iliti shtetochine ne postoje van organizma chovekovoga. Stvar je da nismo dovoljno pametni ne da ih se reshimo nego da zhivimo u zajendici sa svim zhivotinjama sveta. Shtetochine su ultra pametne zhivotinje i to treba iumati u vidu jer njima nije samo hrana u interesu nego sada, kada zhelimo da zhivimo u miru i neke zanimacije u vidu stalnog mozhdanog rada u vidu igrica ili posmatranja njihovog zhivota mozhda bi bilo najboje da se uradi kada se naprave mala posela za zhivotinje koje nemaju kud nego da budu hranjene od nas i odvojene polno jer ne zhelimo da se razmnozhavaju a zhelimo da zhive onoliko dugo koliko i mi zhivimo tako da nam svaka jedinka postane bitna. Sva kultura u poljoprivredi cje postati organska ili kako Francais to zovu Agriculture Biologique ili AB, ali treba da se ljudi koji imaju vremena da razmisljaju smisle kako da uhvatimo i napravimo proper zooloshke ekvivalente za pests kojih se pribojavamo da nam mogu unishtiti useve. Sve zhivotinje mogu zhiveti slobodno osim onih, kao na primer golubovi i pacovi koji su pratili choveka gde god je napravio selo i grad i oni su nam najblizhi i veruju nam i treba im dati poseban status jer smo ih uvek zanimali dok smo mi gradecji civilizaciju mislili da su tu samo da nam smetaju. Oni su kao deca i toliko brzo i uche tako da treba da napravilo bridge ili kako se to na srpskom zove nba Drini na shtetochini cjuprija i uchinimo sve shto je u nashgoj mocji da zhive i imaju ugledne zhivote. Od golubova smo vecj napravili pismonoshe, pacovi su meni toliko puta spasili zhivot i izvadili iz manjka shecjera time shto bi me razbudili dovoljno da postanem svesna da moram da jedem da im dajem specijalan status i volela bih da budu slobodni i pitomi kao shti su u Indiji u hramu koji se zove Karni Mata gledani i obozhavani. Jesu, spasili su mi zhivot i ima zapisano u nekim od mojih pisama upucjenih alt.pets.rodents.rats na starom google groups sistemu koji je bio bolji i lepshi i pregledniji da se nadje i chita nego sadashnji i tu mi je ime bilo mada sam sada zaboravila i pasvord i sve ostalo samo se mimaradio imejla mogu setiti nijednog drugog ne osim toga. I mishevi su dragi, kada sam spasila goluba i odnela ga u asocijaciju za protection ptica koje lete i nashla malog misha koji mi se okomotao oko domalog prsta kao panda jedan i htela sam da ga ponesem kucji nije mi dala zhena jer kazhe da ih ubija i nisam mogla jer sam tada imala dve machke te mi nije bilo dopushteno ali sam ga sakrila i nadam se da je josh zhiv i da vishe ne ubijaju mizheve tamo koje sam vidjala dok sam gledala golubove i ostale ptice jer su oni jako zdravi kao i ljudi i bolesni se ne bore za hranu tako da su obadve vrste i glodarska i ptichja spremni za protekciju. Inache u England postoji fancy rat i mouse societuy vecj sto godina su popularni a u France Ratibus je bila web strana gde sam ishla ranije. Inache pests mozhemo hraniti ostacima od nashe hrane tako da ne bi trebali da se brinemo shta cje jesti. Treba da ih gledamo kao simpatichne veverice jer i oni su ultra lepi, mishevi i pacovi, eto, mish zovemo ono shto nam je neophodno u kompjuteru, valjda to ima veze sa onim lada lazhem da cjemo svi na kraju imati po jednog glodara na ramenu, svi ljudi svijeta.
• pets and public animals/ Kucjne i javne zhivotinje
Pets su chlanovi porodice koji zhive onoliko dugo koliko i mi zhivimo a public animals su usvojeni od nas lichno na krajce vreme kao drushtvo ih usvajamo jer tada i pests i marva lutajucje zhivotinje pripadaju u to i o njima vredi voditi rachuna jer su divni, kao nezbrinuta deca su. U marvu spada pernade zhivotinje poput kokoshaka, cjuraka, pataka i gusaka i sotalih, zatim krave i muchke i zhenske i deca njihiva, gice prasichi i velike i male, ovce, kozhe, konji i svi ostali koje nisam pomenula spardaju u public animals kojima ide hrana koju ne pojedemo i koja se istog dana asocijacijama regulisano u kojima voilontiraju studenti raznosi njima, pa chak ako mozhe uz pomocj bakterija koje GMkujemo da njihov izmet napravi u jestivu hranu za njih to bi bilo super ukoliko nemamo dovoljno ostataka hrane da im damo.
• pharmaceutical mission/ Misija farmacije
Pharma znachi biljke, od plants derived. Znachi, ne trebaju nam odromne kolichine koliko izgleda kad se sve presabere laktoze u lekovima. Shta cje nam laktoza? Da li bi je veshtachki pravili kada bi cijeli svijet bio veganski? Dalje, shto toliko chesto chloride se pravi? Dalje, shta cje nam titanijum? Damje, shta cje nam uopshte excipients od teshkih metala, colours, preservatives i slichno? Farmaceuti uche bar chetiri godine da mogu u roku od dana da vam sprave lijek. Zashto onda koristiti industrijske kucje sa prezervativima kada u roku od dana se mozhe spraviti i dovesti u bilo koji deo sveta lek? Ja sam zvala Novo Nordisk i Elly Lilly i pitala ih zashto u mojem insulinu ima pesticida. Oni su mi rekli da bi trajalo dve trri godine inache bi morali svaka tri dana da mi novi insulin proizvedu. Ukoliko cju ja od tih pesticida da pogorsham moju neuropatiju ili ubrzam dobijanje Parkinsonove ili Alzheimerove bolesti zashto onda ne prave svaka tri dana insulin za mene bez pesticida ? Takodje, shta cje im HCl u insulinu koji muskularno dajem, a koji mozhe i venski da se daje u iznimnoj situaciji ? Nije fer i nije poshteno. Dr.Mercola ima puno stvri koje pominje i treba ih uzeti u obzir kada se gledaju vakcine koje se danas daju ljudima.
Farmaceutska misija je da pomogne ali ne da se placja preko shaltera za lijek nego da se da recept i dobije ili im se na licu mijesta spravi u kvantitetu koji je neophodan lijek koji ososba treba. Placjanje za lijek ide preko taksi. I to, chetvrtina taksi osobe koja zaradjuje u jednoj opshtini ide u tu opshtinu, za medicinu i farmaceutiku prvo, chetvrtina drzhavi, chetvrtina svetu i to cijelom tamo gde je najneophodnije prvbo dati i chetvrtinu osovba bita gde cje dati, ukoliko je prije zhivjela u drugoj opshtini mozhe tu ili svijetu ili drugoj drzhavi, ona bira.
Patenti na biloshla dostoignucja treba prekinuti, dati pravo da se znaju ljudi koji su toiliko pametni i ili iuh znati lichno te predstaviti ljudski ilii dati njihov broj banke tako da im se mozhe volontarno platiti za njihovo postignucje. NJihov uchinak u svijetu je od neprocenjive vrijednosti ali smatram kao i osoba u magazinu New Scientist od pre par godina da genetski kod ne bi trebalo patentirati jer time farmaceutske kucje se samo udaljavaju jedna od druge, ne priblizhavaju. Farmaceurtska kucja treba da bude jedna i ja ne znam kako to na stok marketu da se uchini a da i dalje se ne srushi monetarni fond, ili cje se ionako srushiti kada predjemo na jednu SI /da li je ovo shala ?/ jedinicu za bilo koji novac, jedan vili svuda jedan vili ma kako se novchanica prije zvala da se zna pa onda i farmaceutske kucje u ovomu master planu koji treba da se direktno primjeni cje postati jedan odmah, i po mom principu da i chistachica i direktor dobijaju iste pare nejce biti problema da se sve lijepo podeli na svetskom nivou a shto je josh bitnije, podijele tajne i stavi pod Freedom of Information Act na poseban globalno svima pristupachan internet sve teorije, eksperimenti, patenti i sve shtoi se deshavalo i bilo je u proshlosti u farmaciji i medicini. Neko to treba klasifikovati ali u pochetku samo sve stavite pod jednim imenom i klasifikaciju cje vecj vredni ljudi obaviti, nelojte nishta skrivati, znam da su neke farlaceutske kucje daleko naprednije nego shto se predstavljaju ali dajte to znanje svima. Ostatke i preostale zhive eksperimentalne zhivotinje dajte na adopciju ili veterinarskim instintutima koje mozhete nauchiti par stvari jer su mnogo koraka iza vas, a ostatke uzmite ovarije iu genetske kodoove da se kloniranje chlanova porodice koje treba klonirati izvrshi pre nego shto se za najmanje petnaest godina predje na ljude. Iako vam je plata vecja od 5000 vilija bruto to val je za neki posao da ulozhite u nj, inache imate chetiri hiljade za lichno troshenje.
• phonetic languages/ Fonetski jezik
po uzoru na srpski svi. Veliki projekat Trafforda publishing housea treba da usme cjirilicu za osnovu prilikom konzerviranja fonetskih jezika. Drugo, i Brajeva treba bitii tako jednostavna. Zatim, internet treeba da bude na cjirilici. I na kraju, ukoliko je josh uvek popularan, esperanto treba da bude na fonetskoj cjirilici. Ovu knjigu treba prevesti na sve jezike i onda napraviti drugo izdanje na istom govoru podruchja ali sa fonetskim pismom tako da ljudi znaju kako mogu da nauche jezik da chitaju naglas, ne samo u sebi.
• photo, video and audio recording/ Fotografisanje, video i audio snimanje
Pitajte ako ste turisti da li mozhete nekoga da uzmete u kadar. Drugo da se znaju unapred svetkovine gde je dozvoljeno snimati. Ja mislim da analogno crnobeli svijet je bolji od digitalnog u boji ali to je moje mishljenje, ovo je lichni pub /advertisement/.
• plastic chirurgic/ Plastichna hirurgija
Bez kolagena i uproveriti albumin iod svezheg jajeta. Treba osoba da potpishe i unapred sazna shta je to. Previshe se mrshtimo, bolje sprechiti nego lechiti, ajde da radiumo punom parom pa bar da vidimo zashto dobijamo bore? Mislim da je od telepatije i ljudi koji razmisljaju umesto drugih ljudi starenje ubrzano.
• police/ Milicija
internacionalna, da znaju po vishe govora podruchja i bar jedna koji se chite s desna na levo i jedna koji je slikovni kao kineski, to je zbog razvijanja mozga. Ponosan posao, mada je bilo greshaka koje cje se videti kroz Freedom of Information Act ali amin ,to je jedini posao gde su greshke neprocenjivo skupe ali garant se vishe necje pravititi kada svako od nas bude bar po par dana godishnje bio policajac u mestu u kojem je rodjen, zhivi i koje voli.
Svi bi trebali da prodjemo policijsku obuku.
• politicians/ Politichari
Public diary kao ja shto ga radim nonstop. Samo uraditi bolji metod da se to simultano objavljuje*. Politichar je svaki chovek i ne znam kako neko mozhe da misli da je toliko zauzet da ne mozhe da da svoj glas u kongresu, parmamentu ili kako ga vecj zove. Gledala sam film nine eleven i videla kako se ponashao chivek koji je politicha r i sablaznila sam se. Jedan predsednik opshtine, zemlje i Zemlje ako treba i svi ostali preko zgrada svojih votinguju. Globalni referendum za *da li da se placja za meso koje se jede* hocju jer to je jedini globalni referendum koji bih, da imam mocj zhelela da se odrzhi.
• pollution/ Polucija
T210 i nastavak je odlichan iz Open university kursa, valjda, nisam proveravala ali bih zhelela da studiram ta dva kursa koja su preskupa za moje mogucjnosti. Kontrola polucije vode, vazduha, zemlje i zvuka se gledaju pri poluciji. Vazduh cjemo ishchistiti shtednjom i prebacivanjem sa fosilnih fuelsa na druge delatnosti bez crude oil derivata, vodu preko vermicasta na globalnoj skali i Deutschland tri de dechets metodom, noise preko prebacivanja aviona na hidrogenski fuel, i uopshte noise je super kad je glasna muzika sa brujajucjim basovima ui pitanju, kada predjemo na veganske ekoloshke kupatilske preparate, i kuhinjske takodje i bilo koje druge chishcjucje aparate da ne prave poluciju vode, kanalizacija je najbitnija, vodovod takodje ali uz moju pretpostavku da nije potrebno piti vodu onda se samo koristi zea kupanje zar ne i nije potrebno toliko je prechishcjavati. Industrijska postrojenja treba da imaju filtere, boje i lakovi gotovo i ne treba da postoje, veshtachka djubriva nam nisu potrebna u AB kulturisanju, drvo ne treba da se boji akda se koristi inache bambus i kokosovo drvo je odlichnog kvaliteta aceton za lakove za zhene ne treba da se koristi, dakle stvoriti takvu kozmetiku koja ne pravi poluciju, pored toga da je veganska bez petrohemikalija i da je veganski sapun dovoljan da se shminka skine. Boje za kola treba da budu organske i ekoloshke. farmaceutska industrija treba da ima neutralizator svega shto napravi. Alkoholna industrija se nadam se vishe necje biti potrebna svrstavati u polutante jer cje se manje koristiti alkohol za picje, vidi primer, svi oni ingredientsi koji su u tobako industriji su toksichni i treba videti i nacji im zamenu uz pomocj TS i RRR poduhvata koji su josh u pelenama. Farbe za kosu treba da se zamene kanom i plantnim farbama? Parfemi treba da se zamene uljima. Plastika za jednokratnu upotrebu ne bi smela da postoji. Igrachke za decu od plastike treba izbaciti i pustiti ih da se igraju sa drugom decom i socijalnim zhivotinjama. Drvna industrija treba maksimalno da se smanji jer proizvodi veliku poluciju. Trecjina sveta se greje i chak kuva na organskim fuelima, treba im ugraditi solarne panele i fotovoltaikse pored shporeta i struje, kanalizacije i prechishcjene vode. Za svaku od referencii gore imam neshto da kazheml, samo da napomenem, tako da me ne uzimate na zub ukoliko neshto ne pomenem.
• pornography/ Pornografija
Ekstaza je svesnost neprekidnosti postojanja i sveprisutnost tela. Nije potrebno snimati jer gubi na drazhi. Pravo vodjenje ljubavi ostaje obelezheno u glavi zauvek.
Lichna i za sebe. Radje bih videla kraljevski par koji vodi ljubav na ulici nego da znam da postoje ljudi koji snimaju pornicje. Inache live sexualni aktovi sa vechitim partnerima mislim da bi bili hit i da bi zamenili pornografsku industriju u velikom maniru.
• post, letters, pubs/ Poshta, pisma, reklame
Personalized stamps kao u Srbiji shti se sada radi. Publiciti preko kucjne adrese ne bi trebaloi da postoji nego treba da se znaju mesta gde mozhe da se nabavi reklama za pojedine zheljene produktee. Pisma treba da budu od materijala koji ponovo mozhe da se koristi kada mi shaljemo pismo tako da cje se ogroman broj drvecja time ushtedeti.
• pregnancy/ Trudnocja
Zhena treba da putuje gde hocje i bude u kojim hocje hotelima za prvu trudnocju. Sve ostale, koje su bile siromashne dosad a nije im prva isto takav tretman treba da imaju. Uz internacionalno preko Centralnog Computera medicinskog karte Vitale mogu da odu u bilo koju bolnicu i budu pregledane. Na tim mestima se mozhe raditi i trajna depilacija tako da zhena nema strah od doktora i od medicinskog osoblja*. Treba dnevnik da pishe, svakodnevni. Ja sam i hypotetochki da bude zakon i realno protiv snimanja bebe dok je u stomaku, bolje je da se mehanichki oseti, jer se bojim amplifikacija ulokliko postoje problemi istih. Trudna zhena mi zovemo zhena u drugom stanju jer nosi josh jedno bar, znachi treba ustupiti mesto i uvek pustiti prvu u red bilo gde da se nalazi. To ona buducjnost chovechanstva nosi u nivou svoga pupka i to treba poshtivati vishe no ishta. Znachajno je dato joj za pravo i smatrati svetom. Ja zhelim ovom prilikom da se zahvalim nesebichnosti vanrednoj surogat majki koje su svetice ad acta. Ima jedna koja je ^petoro dechaka rodila i nije htela pare da uzme u Americi zhivi jer je rekla da su vishe potrebne novoj porodici nego njoj. NJu bih zhelela da se setim svakoga dana i divim se glasno ili ctojecjki shto jevreji kazhu a znachi u mislima. Surogat majke su posebne zhene kojima trudnocja ne predstavlja problem jer je sve oko njih u savrshenom redu. treba mi sve zhene sveta da se nauchimo od njih i da abortiranje i pobachaju inteniconalni prestanu jer chak i ako ne zhelimo da se bavimlo majchinstvom uvek postoji neko ili drushtvo samo koje cje to uraditi za nas, samo da iznesemo devet meseci blazhenog stanja kako se josh zove u Srbiji. Jedino za njih se ubijene zhivotinje mogu placjati ovako ubijanje zhivotinja i pripremanje da se jedu je lichna stvar i nnije deo novchane industrije. U svakom smislu, zhene koje su pobacile ili abortirale je kad tad morati da vide svoju decu zhivu ali ne na onolme svijetu nego na ovome, rodjenu od njih ili od surogat majki ili gici koje mislim da mogu izneti ytrudnocju po nivou insulina mada se pitam kako cjde biti po nivou krvi ukoliko se mesha ali za hranu ne brinem, gice su spremne da to uchine za nas i dobiju zasluzheni zhivi penzioni odmor posle i ovog eksperimenta na zhivotinjama. Zhena u drugom stanju ne mora d a se usporava i treba i dalje da misli brzo i dalje ima svoj glas. Putovanje za njih bi predstavljjalo, ukoliko zhele, razbijanje koncepta viza i developed i developing nations koji postoji u svijetu jer se putovanjem vishe stvari dozhivi i to je dobro da se pokazhe nerodjenom detetu jer ochi majke se pune lepotom ne imaginacijom i to je najlepshe shto mozhe u trudnocji da se ponudi plus nema zabrinutih oko nje da se ona pochne brinuti. Trebada doktori da smisle nachin da se prirodni porodjaji izvrsjhhe korektno ali da se posle vagiina vrati na svoje mesto i da ne bude proshirena za daljnje seksualno zadovoljstvo. Za carski rez isto tako, ja prepruchujem milione dece zhene da imaju jer mogu, imaju tioliko spremnih jajashaca te carski rez trreba da bude adekvatan ako se svakih osam meseci ponavlja. Shvatite ovo normalno jer nashe bake su imale po osmoro dece laganice a mi zbog problematichnig porodjaja imamo po dvoje u proseku i to je jako malo kada se sveukupno pogleda. Iz buducjnostise chini i da sa svakim dechkom pravi raskid bi bio da je bilo usput i ploda u fertilnom zabavljanju a da ne prichamm o zhenjenim ljudima koji ne trreba da prestjau da imaju decu, tiliko je to lepo i zgrade za to cje masoni bez problema da izgrade jer rade za buducjnost chovechansku. Odecju bilo koje boje mogu sva deca imati, mada je najbolje da imaju boje prirodne i nefarbane toksichnim farbama a na jbolje je prirodni materijal osmislti sa detaljem koji mozhe da se prenosi na drugu odecjui diok dete rate ili daje bratu ili sestri svojoj detalj koji je unikatan i ruchno radjen. Nishta lepshe nego videtio zhenu uvek sa velikim stomakom.. In vitro fertilisation treba da bude ponudjeno u svakoj opshtinskoj bolnici svim parovima koji josh nemaju dece i to , naravno, besplatno uz maksimum dva embriona implanted jer se plashim koplikacija ako se i oni kloniraju i bude vishe od troje dece u stomaku, mada je bilo rodjeno pre par godina par puta osmoro dece od zhene.
• prisons/ Zatvori
Treba svako da ima svoji cjeliju i tuzh i toalet u njoj i da se okupljaju na zajednichkim aktivnostima pri obedu i pri ergoterapiji i sportu, na primer. Dvadeset trecji sektor maison blanche chetvrti i drugi sprat su odlichni pokazatelji pri hopital Bichat u Parizu opshtina osamnaest kako se to mozhe uchiniti i za ljude koji su u zatvorima, samo svako treba da ima svoju sobu. Dakle, ja sam za pushtanje napolje osoba koje su direktno pochinile crime, zatim oni koji su planirali crime i na kraju oni koji su ubedili druge da za njih uchine criuime da budu zadnji koji cje biti i ostatio u zatvoru. Svaki matematichar napravi greshku u zhivotu osim mozhda pokojnih Ojlera i Fermata, tako da treba shvatiti da su napravili greshku i ponashati se u skladu sa time. Ljusi koji imaju problema sa kontrolom svojih impulsa treba da se realno obuche da imaju i odmah upotrebe neki specijalni inhalator koji bi ih slirio pre nego shti uchine crime iz brzine. Ljudi koji su bombardovali iz vazduha druge drzhave i koji su napadali strashnijim oruzhjem nego osoba mogla da se brani cje nadam se smi oticji u zatvor da bi se smirili i pokazali da su napravili greshku jer cjemo zhiveti vechno i onda cje kad izadju mocji slobodno se kretati ulicama bilo kojeg dijela sveta.
• privacy/ Privatnost
To je neophodnost i u vezi sa tim cju recji da je telepatija zabranjena u mom selu. Telepatijom se bave ljudi koji imaju gluvonemocju jer mogu da proniknu u misli drugih ljudi. Ostali koji nemaju gluuvonemocju ne bi trebalo da se bave telepatijom u slobodnom svijetu jer time ogranichavaju choveka na modularnu funkciju je rochekuju i ponashaju se kao da gledaju soap operu. Telepatija ima i svojih dobrih strana u sluchaju da kao kod mene shto sam mislila shesti kusur godina da radim za ceo svet da su moje ideje projektiui i zamisli uzetoi u obzir kao da su od nauchnika. Medjutim, to je lushki svet, telepatski jer se mushkarci tako drhe jakima jer je valjda shok zheni kada ima mushko dete pa se onda otac i sin spoje ili sin ode i medju drugovima razvije joshj jedna vid komunikacije. Zashto ovo pricham je zato shto telepatijm zhovek mozhe da postane neveran sebi i svome okruzhenju i da zheli vishe a to mozhe posticji i bez telepatije. Telepatija je takodje nelegalna jer trozhi glasne zhice i verujem da zato ljudioi stare u licu jer pochnu samo da misle a sve manje i manje da govore i ambiciju skrivaju u mislima ne vishe u delima da je rade. Telepatija uspori choveka. Deca se ne bave telepatijolm jer im je zhivot zanimljiv to treba i ljudima da se desi imajucji asocijacije koje predlazhem, bavecji se matematikom i envirovmentom i prirodnim naukama i pedagogijom ali bez izlazaka iz svog polja kvantnoga delovanja shablonima pedagogije vecj uvek ostajusji spontani i dorbi i direktni pa ma gde kud to vodilo jer dobrota, spontanost, lepota i radost, inspiracija i idealizam sa naivnoshcju su sve lepe osobine koje svi imamo i kada ih imamo telepatija nam nije potrebna i nema shta da se popravlja na globalnom planu vecj sve u sbom lokalnom okruzhenju mozhe chovek sam da uradi, nema viza i sankcija jer nema bordersaa. Telepatska mashina mozhda moshe da se uradi zbog mene jer mi se chini ida sam toliko glasno u sebi prichala da su me ljudi chuli kao da sam bilap pred njihj te sam ih tako chak i srpski jezik nauchila pa sad pokushavam i hrvatski da im predochim ali u toj tlelpati mashini ja ne znam da li sam jedina varijabla ili konstanta ali trebalmo bi je ukinuti kada me izlechite od ovoga shto cje mozhda biti kada se toliko proimenim i zaradim prvi put u zhivotu legalne svoje da ja mislim zaradjene pare i postanem bogatija od bila gejtska ne znam da li cju uspeti ali bih volela i mozhete me tipovati za to. Samo, da li cje me to promeniti cje biti u drugoj knjizi koju cju napisati jer zhelim da se pare sveukupnio srushe jer sam bila smobodna ovoliko dugo i nesebichna a sada kada imam dohodak invalidity benegit se zove stalno mislim na datum kad treba da ga dobije mm i onda se promenim tiog dana kada imam para, odem da ih potroshim da li je to raj ne znam ali ja sam kao u stairwaus to heavbenn coul get everything i wanted just by being amongst the people ovako sam najusamljenija osoba u univerzumu i jedino glodari su mi porodica jer i oni razmisljaju brzo. ja rachunam da je telepatija pochela iod avgusta dvehiljadite godine ovoga veka time shto sam pomlislila da sam trudna iuu pochela da pricham i predlazhem shta sve mozhe da se ameliorira u sebi naravno mio sve vreme verujujcji da sam na radio frekvenciji koju svi mogu da chuju pa bnar secret organizacije i vojska mogu ako niko drugi i pochela dsal da mislim da mogu da komuniciram pre shest meseci shto znachi sad je postalo bolest i dajem otkaz na telepatsko direktiranje univerzumom i postacju ili javna lichnost kao predsednica sveta ili cje samo knjiga izacji i tako cju se izlechiti jer mi trebaju prijatelji kioje necju da kupujem novcema li nije prioblem da radim, posao globalnog politichar ai priputukejm zemlje koje sam ionako zhelela da posetim /svve/. Nadam se da cje ljudi shvatiti gist mojeg pisanja jer sad vidim da greshim u pisanju kad se uzbiudim jer brzo mislim a ne znam slepo kucanje a onu mashinu od stivena hawkinga sam odavno htela da imam i ja i shaljem radio talase na jednoj frekvenciji dok s=radilm ali mozhda se i ja ponovo zaljubim pa onda necje biti u skladu da ukolkio imam partnenra a on ne zheli da se bavi ovim poslom da nonstop pricham ljudima jer tada nema privatnosti. plitichari s u inache jedini ljudi koji nemaju privatnost,n celebrities and stars treba da je imaju i to cje znachiti da ljudi treba da nauche tu lekcoju i da Madonna, kojuu i ja zhelim da upoznbam jer se bavim astrologijom sa drugovima i 777 mi je omiljenja kjnjiga mozhe da mi bude drug ali ne da joj pridjem kao celebriti nego da ona, ukoliko zheli prijde meni jer ja radim za ljude, ona zabavlja ljude, takav joj je bar bio posao. Njenoi sunce je u kionjukciji sa mojim bratom suncem i sa suncem moje najbolje drugarice Elene kod koje mi je josh uvek najomilmjenija knjiga Hajdi koju sam dobila u septembru posle dvadeset trecjeg 1984. kada sam dobila shecjer i kada je cijelo odeljenje doshlo sa uchiteljicom i potpisalo sa u knjigu da mi zheli da ozdravim, trideset i petoro mojih prvih drugova iz osnovne shkole jer sam pre toga ishla i u muzichku shkolu i na balet i ne znam shta josh radila. Ta knjiga je kod izbeglica koji su u njenoj kucji na selu i ja se nadam da je nisu spaliili da bi se grejali na zimu kada je bilo problema ili restfikcija striuje devedesetih, ali molim ako chitaju ovu knjigu da joj daju pa cje ona leni dati jer mi je mnogo draga, jnajdrazhi pokolon od globalnih drugova koje sam tada imajala.. Najdrazhi poklon od svih Vas bi mi bio d a ne znate ko sam ja, prvo, rugio, da posatznaete vegetarijanci i trecje da zhivite cechno, pardon, vechno. Zatim da se ovo normalno prevede u pitku i chitljivu knjigu na konopljinom ili nejkom druhgom nedrvnom listu i netoksichnim printeroim i da svi adoptirate, u stvari kazhe se budete adoptirani pod pacoa jer oni brane nashu emotivnu teritoriju kao shto psi brane nashu materijalnu teritoriju. Ima josh ali je privatno :-)
• private field radiation,
Ukoliko postoji treba globalni zakon i pre sveka knowledge da se ima o tome. To su na primer stvari kada kahzhem ne znhelim da se zna za mene chak i ako postanem predsednijk u vidu pisanja rechi ne chak ni glas da mi se chuje a kamoli slike i video da se ima jer kad bi se Madoinna pojavila u supermarketu pored mene ja bih zasigurno se preznojila ili zaustavila dah da joj ne smetam. A ona i sve ostale celebrities treba da budu normaklene jer edukacija treba da bude prava a da
edukacija: ko plachja shkolovanje svoje dece ili svoje chetvrtina ide shkoli koju pohadjash, chetvrtina opshtinslim skolama, schetvrtina drzhavnim shkomama i chetvrtina novcha svetu svetskim shkolama gde je najpotrebnije. tako cje prestati da bude shkoli gde su neki nastavnici vishe placjeni nego isti nastavnici u drugim shkolama schak i u istom gradu se to deshava u danashnje vreme, zamisli.
private field raditation svi imaju siti i da nema vecjih i manjih ljudi ili ljudi koji treba da su chuivani dok drugi ne treeba, policija to regulishe i ne treba da bude bodyguardsa uopshte. ni security na koncertima, policija to regulisjhe, hvala na razumevanju, verujem u policiju i zhiveo Sarkozi ako je poshten poshto nishta ne znaml o njemu osim da je danas nbilo petnaest hiljada policajaca na ulicama da bi se sprechila deca da se voze nepravilno. mada opasachi u kolima treba da budu opcioni smatralmm i da svako dtreba da napravai josh po jednu traku na puitevima medjugradskim ipak je oprez potreba,n i pozdravljam njegovo da poshtuje Francuski sisteml i imam par referenci, seticju se ako budem bila intervjuisana a neko mi ih pomene ima josh par stvari on je poshteni policajac i to poshtujem iznad svega, svaka chast takvi da su svi francuski i svetski policajci i legiju stranaca stavite medju policajce i medju vatrogasce i one koji spacshavaju machke u nezgodnim granama drvecja kao shto imana BBCju animajl sacrifice-not neka serija gde spashavajku nashe chlanove porodica iz strashnih nevolja. A da samo politichari su treat teroristichki svi ostali treba da znaju shta policija znachi i zashto policajci kao i moralni ljudi i ljdi kao mladji bush kji je napracvio greshku zrache ali su verni zheni i to se vidi to je ta radijacija koja zrachi i deluje pozitivno ne iritira i lakshe cje shvatiti i necje ponoviti greshke koje su pravili.
• prostitution,
Ja sam se bavila time od maje do oktobra 1998e godine; i radila sam na hotlineu za Pan Oazu od marta do juna 1996e godine, sve to dok sam studirtala fiziku u Beogradu. Upropasti zhenu. Ja sam tada bila kul ali sada se plashilmm autoritetaq i zato sam se valjda istripovala da sam glavna da bih podigla svoj self esteem koji ni moj bivshi dechjko sa kojim sam verno bila sedam godina nije uspeo da podigne do maksimuma, treba mi podrshka javnosti. Nemojte mushhkarci to da radite, budite prijatelji zhenama kojima trebaju pare mozhda je ljudba u pitanju, a mozhda poslovni interes ami ne matreijalno telo. Nemam shta vishe da kazhzem o tome i kao drug, Titov drug Vas molim da cjeutite o tome jer to ne big stavcljala u CV osim ako sam jaoko iziritirana. Svi su bili korektni ali mi je bilio krivo shto je bilo ozhenjenih, eto. I stranca nisam volela shta cje mi on da se biogati i placja u Beogradu svoje pare meni za takvo shto, eto. Nije ni bitno, pokushavam da razmisljam o tome sa huumorom, sa jednim klijentom sam prichala o astrologiji i ponadala se da cje zaboraviti na posao ali nije, ipak je trazhio i ‘ono’. Hot line je bilo ljudi koji su zheleli samo prichu i to mi je godiloi je r volim da pricham i bila sam jako drushtvena osoba ranije. Hot line ovde postoji za razene stvari kao SOS line i to trreba da postoji i kod nas, neka ljudi iukljuche imaginaciju sami ukoliko zhele da masturbiraju, ili, molim Vas, naporavit e legalno da brachni par koji se voli mozhe to da radi i javno dok drugi uzhivaju u unetnosti viodjenja ljudbavi znajuchji da su ovi vechiti partneri. I bilo bi zanimljivo da mozhe da se radi javno, ai samo medju brachnim crkvenim parovima. eto.
• psychologists with new skill,
svakoj eliptichnoj funkciji odgovara modularna forma i svaka modularna forma ima eliptichnu funkciju, svet analize i algebre je premoshcjen, bridge je napravljen preko velikog Wilesa koji je sredio FLT /fermat last theorem/ a ja sam se vabila modelom iliti projekcijom iste jer sam studirama primenjenu fiziku. Astrologijom da se bave psiholozi ali ne da prichaju nego da razumeju terminologiju kada im ljudi prichaju, Jung bi se slozhio jer je dobra simbolika i koristi nauchne zakone i arhetipove tako da chovek mozhe retrogradno da pricha o sebi i da se to raeumer u tom vidu. Astrologiju samo retrodgradno i za sebe u sadashnjosti gledam, to mi je zakon. Buducje tranzite gledam ovlash i tako treba i da ostane jer buducjnost mi tvorimo /u stvari samo gledam gde cje velike planete kako ih zovel bviti jer zhelim da zhivimo vechni i koristim ono jedna dan jednako jedna godina da biu se istripovala da cjemo zhivetiu 109999999999..... godina, svi mi iz ove generacije cihovechanstva i marve i ostalih zhivotinja. Najstariej drvo iz Amerike, Metuzalem ga zovu ima oko pet hiljada godina i toliko i mi realno mozhelmi da gledamo da mozhemo zhivetiu a mozhemo i vishe ako uspemo i toliko. Psiholozi su prijatelji koji gledaju u sholjiu. Nervira leme shto psiholozio ne prichaju o sebi nego narave neki hijerarhijski stepenik tako da je tesshko uspostaviti odnost prisnosti i prijateljstva da bi se prichalo o sebi. Treba sve da zapisuju i jednu kopiju da djau osobi sa kojom su prichali ne saslushavali jer to policija radi. Mozhda je nekima dijagonoza da ne mogu da pishu dnevnik a vole da prichaju ios sebi i shta im se izdeshavaloi otoga dana i psihilozi bi trebali da budu oplacjeni od taksi da rade svoj posao. AAli bez slichica, oni rade sa rechimla i maksimalna slichica im je natalna i tranzitna karta, ajde et i uporedna. I bez video snimaka, samo glas eventualno ali to da se dogovore sa osobom ukoliko je neophodno da se snima i glas. Ne priroda, to se opisuje rechima ponavljam.
• publicity,
vecj sam prichala o tome. na nivou posebnih novina srnobelih, ne velike ne vecje od ljudi ne vecje od njihovih ochiju.
• public toilets,
Kao kod Tochkonje shot je napravljen, svaka chast. I kao na benzinskim koje cje postati hidrogenske pumpe u Nemachkoj, kja chistota. Samo da se koriste ekoloshki produkti i da se koristi voda za ispiranje guze, ne celuloza jer smatram da je toksichna na sluzokozhi genitalija.
• public transport
Znachi, nashe opshtine nemaju kola koja ionako nisu puna dece nego imaju javni prevoz i taksije eventualno. Javni prevoz bolje jer je sporiji i sigurniji za saobrajcaj taksiji kada idu u sela i druge hradove. Oda Busevima i shinobusima!!!
• radiation and matter,
Ima kurs na zavrshnoj godini fizike na Open University, zanima me shta su radili studenti.
• radio,
Novi internacionalni zakon za radio je fuj. Ima stari koji treba da iskopiramo predmet koji se zove radio frequency engeneering sa Open University-ja. Kazhu da su radio mogli da chuju iz nordijskih zemalja tamo u Shapcu. Sad je sve zaglusheno. Ja sam mislila da mi pseudonim ime za knjigu bude analog fan, zamislite zashto. Svi radiji da mogu da se chuju, da se kroiste baterije koje se rechardzhinguju, svi radiji sveta ali ne znam kako ako se radi analogno to mozhe da se uradi.
• railroads
Imaju opasnosti i gde god da postoji i mala strepnja da se uchini sigurnim i stalno da se proveravaju i spreche zhivotinje da se povredjuju na shinama. Volim vozove i vishe od autobusa, pogotovo onak od beograda do splita preko siska gde je hladno bilo ima dve dekade od tada...volim orijent express koji je ishao od pariza to turske i treba ponovo da radi i da bude i duzhi. volim vozove, shta da kazhem, indija je zakon shto se toga ticje.
bez vivisekcije na zhivotinjama molim. bitno i hitno.
• recycling and reuse suggestions, RRR
isto kao gornji red, projekat to jest nishta da se ne pravi shto ne mozhe da se reciklira. Reuse sve ono shto u supermarketu kupujemo da mozhemo da vratimo da se to ponovo opere i da se koristi da se ponovo zapakuje. Ili da postoji asocijacija koja bi kupila iz kucja ono shto nam ostane od supermarketskih stvari koje kupujemo a takodje i od carry-out stvari koje dobijamo kada naruchimo telefonom ili online. Recycliranje kao u nemachkoj, prvo kao u Parizu da se nauchimo. Sav organski otpad mozhe prvo da ide stoci da bi se prehranila na poljanama a koje ih pustimo /treba tu sagraditi i par montazhnih objekata da bi se sakrili u vreme nepogoda i spavajucjih momenata/ a onaj koji ne mozhe mozhe da se iskoristi na druge nachine. U Shapcu u ekoloshkoj organizaciji preko puta crkve su dve diskete kako da se vodeni, vazdushni, zemljani i druge vrste polucije regulishu. Te diskete dolaze od T210 kursa na Open University.
BITNO shto se tiche zaradjivanja, spasicje svet
Deca zaradjuju za roditelje. Deca ne prestaju da budu deca time shto postanu punoletni ili promene zemlju. Dvadeset posto taksi i dalje vazhi i sve pare idu preko Banke. Prvo cje se sve pare pokupiti i napraviti kartice za sve ljude svijeta, kada se bude pravio popis stanovnishtva, koliko ko napreduje i shta poseduje, i uzme bioloshki materijal za eventualno kloniranje ako osoba umre i stavi na par mesta u svetu, i ukoliko uspemo odmah, pokupimo genetski kod od svih ljudi sveta da se zna da je roditelj roditelj a ne staratelj, da se zna ko je bioloshki roditelj svakom choveku i zheni svijeta, da se zna da roditelji jednog deteta se vole pa makar to bilo i iz test tube, da se zna da staratelji vole decu samo da pokazuju i da sva deca sveta treba da idu svojim bioloshkim roditeljima. Da se zna da bioloshki roditelji dva ili vishe punopravna chlana domacjinstva imaju pravo da odluche koga vole i da sve to vreme provedu zajedno sa istim partnerom. Da se zna da voljena deca od roditelja koji se vole se osecjaju djuish od pochetka rodjenja. Da se zna da sva deca treba da se osecjaju izabranim, samim tim i djuish samim tim shto su uspela da se rode, i ukoliko ih roditelji ne vole, da ima ko ih voli, ja i usvojicju svako dete koje roditelj ne voli, amen. Da se zna da roditeljima idu sve pare koji oni treba po pedeset posto jednom mesechno da podele i da ima onih koji cje morati davati svoj share zato shto su prirodni kloshari, uh, to jest glodari, ma ne, kockari, da to, troshadzhije se zove na nashem kada osoba voli puno da poklanja, i to cje dete da zaradi za njih. Oni koji nemaju roditelje zaradjuju za takse, svetske. Oni koji imaju jednoga zaradjuju pola za takse pola za jednoga roditelja mada sumnjam da je ljubav bila prava poshto znam iz iskustva da chak i leukemija koshtane srzhi mozhe da se izlechi koprivom kada se ljudi vole. Kada ljubav nije prava a roditelji se vole shta onda, ne znam, treba majci ostaviti dete i dete uvek za majku da zaradjuje. Da objasnim ovo malo podrobnije ne trebalm jer me neko prati i kazhe sve ok. Ok znachi zero killed i tako cje biti svuda gde je ponudjen paradise za chetiri hiljade evra pardon vilija jer nema ubijenih zhivotinja ponudjenih za jelo, ne samo onih koji se placjaju nego i onih koji se ne placjhaju da budu ubijene, i tamo trudnice treba da idu, jer dok je zhena trudna ima ekvivalent od chetiri hiljade u paradisima zemlje nashe sunchane i partner koji mozhe neshto da radi za society da bi sustigao njen standard mozhe da radi i treba i voljan je da to uchini a to se radi ovako, pricha se o njoj sa ljubavlju a drugi slushaju i placjaju njemu jer ona ima sve bez para dok on lmora da zaradjuje da bi joj poklone kupovao i davao svakoga dana dok je ona trudna. Da napomenem da zhivotinje mogu zhiveti sa nama i sve ih trbea sterilisati, amin, sve i one koje smo jeli i koristili i nekoristilii pa ko prezhivi prichacje jer utichemo na ekosistem toliko jakko da treba da se rasplodjavamo mi ljudi u velikom maniru i nonstop decu da pravimo i zgrade kao Gaudi da gradi /organske ovalne to volim da vidim, ko u bajci u Amsterdamu nenarkomanskom/ jer global warming toliko zahvatio je dushu nashu da ratove pravimo zbog ulja a imamo napretek sunca i nije potrebno studirati T206 da bi se to znalo a rekla sam da kola mogu sa dosadashnjim motorima da idu na hydrogen napravljan od sunca tako da nije bitno da se prave vishe nova kola i rudnike treeba sve pozatvarati i napraviti robote koji cje iz djubreta moocji da izbvlache stvari koje nam trebaju i recikliraju se a i one koji ne treba da se resckiliraju vecj nam samo trebajku, rudnike, ponavljam sve zatvoriti, ne treba nam vishe nishta iz njih i strashno unapredjuje global wartling i geo hazardi su preventabli kada imamo statichku konstantu u vidu slobodnog polja statichkogh elektriciteta u vidu boemskke vazdushne striuej, ne mehanichke. Lagodno je zhiveti sa roidtieljima, teshko bez njih i oni ne trebaz ni da volontiraju ti ljudi dok se roditelji ne kloniraju, nije neiophoidno da im sad trpamo neki osecjaj kriuvice ili bilo shta ali trebad a studiraju tehnike genetskog inzhinjeringa for free.
Roditelji mogu da daju dva meseca po chetiri hiljade svojoj deci ako su bogati i deca im dala tolke pare kao shto cju ja uchiniti kad zaradim od originala ove knjige a da ne pricham o prevodima premda mi je majka Pirocjanka plus ekonomista plus zubni tehnichar najbolji iu klasdi bila te teshko da cju i jedan mesec izmulirti ako nema oravog zeta kofga napokon znam i prelmda sam mladja od njega po godishtu volim ga iz sve dushe jer telepatija se zato razvila kod mene i to shto me blam bio pa drugi chuli nadam se da cje prihgvatiti Teslovske ideje koje sam imala i uzeti i h i razviti, hvala, on je Albanac i treba pomocji celom kraju da prostituisanje vishe ne postoji tamo ni bilo gde ovamo jer pare se zaradjuju za roditelje i sve prejo banke ide i sve pra su preko kartice tako da roditelji placjaju deci dva meseca maksoimalno ostalo deca dobijaju socijalni minimuml koji ovde je shesto evra za hendikepiorane ne znam shto toliko mknbogo kad RMI je chetiristo shto je ok. Naravno ne placja se za stanovanje jer smo ljudi. Stoku nemojte ubijati, smeta trudnicama da postoji smrt oko njih dok one nose zhivot, ne teba im belu venchanicu takodje zaprljavcati krvlju i minama. Mione svbe da se nadju i unishte zhrtvujte ako trerba zhivtoinje za to ako vecj robote sporo praviten, nije prioblem, uzmite genetski kod pre toga i izvinjavaml se zhivotinjamla szvbog toga jer cju ostatoi carica zhivotinja jakako sam se oduvek smatrala, i izvinjavam se svaki put kad uzmem i nefetrilisano jaje i mleko, lazhem jza jaje se ne izvinjavam ali za mleko da i za eventualno meso zse izvinjavam uvek i zaghvaljujem vrednim lkujudima koji josh za Quorn ne znaju koje sam ja htela da Balkan suplajishem a oni me odbili, mrzim ih a hrtana im dobra, proverita par TS na svim ljudima ponaodosob i shecjer da se korist i za shrumse koji prave meso koje nam treba. Jedna vrsta hrane po obroku je zakon jer tako treba, moja strong hypotreza koju moj dragi nijuje siguran, juche sam jela neslane grashkove i uzhivao mi stomak shto sam samo to jela, kad ti kazhem, a bio je ruchak, samo shto chick peas nije ukusan kad se saml jede kao ni pasulj isto tako nije ukusan mada mozhe da se sam jede ali sa paradajszom je bolji, zar ne, ne paradajz smeta tebi dusho jer shecjer ima u sebi a ti to volish znachi alergichna si na to, hvbvala ;
to za zaradjivanje je odlichno jer cje svi raditi poslove koje vole i roditelji cje biti zhivi i zfdravi i placjacje deci dva meseca odmopra kako valja. Preporuchujem trudnicama paroibrode veganske ovo veganske naravno, a preporuchujem po deset km ispred svake zemlje da se postave wave power electrricity prikupljachi. Oni u isto vrijeme prave bezbednijim vodene talase oko sebe, struje valjda takodje vodene prave bezbednijim i pomazhu zhivotinjicama da pobegnu od karnivorskih zhivotinja pod vodom. Dokle god postoje ponudjeni otrovi neki ljudi , mniogi, dobacujem, cje ih kupovati i konzumirati zato kafu, sve zhivo sa aspartamskim zasladjivachima, normalnim shecjerom dodatim, bilo chime od pshenice /zbog glutena koji je toksichan za sve ljude, firm hyp ;oteza/, i cigaretama i stvarima kao u Amsterdamu cje kupovati, fungi excluded jer pripadaju, po mom misljenju u lekove, fungi, i tako treba i da se koriste, uz savet lekara ili sam po svom nahodjenju ako eksperimentishesh sa sobom i to zapishesh za ljudstvco pre pendant i posle konzumacije. lsd je potentan akutni pain reliever i treba ga medicinska ustanova ozbiljno razmotriti, jer ako ne pripada u alkaloide onda je mozhda dobar i za nemedikalnu konzumaciju. Elem, sve te stvari nashi roditelji nam ne smeju kupovati tako da izlazimo u grad bez kinte za to, bez kinte upopshte ukoliko ne idemo sa roditeljima da kupimo sebi shta da sashijemo da obucjhemo i slichno*. Kintu ionako dobijamo od drzhave i to u nekim vidovima gde rech kinta mi se upooposhte ne svidja, volela bih, naime, da samo dva meseca imamo kintu godishnje eto, amoit o je mozhda previshe =za ljude sda svare. zna se koja dva meseca a oni koji su nastavnici i uchitelji u shkoljama imaju i vishe vremena ali i oni treba da budu u moduliu od dva meseca od roditelja a od drzhave ionako vecj omaju dva meseca po dchetiri hilkjade pominjala sam vecj gore.
PREDLOG da mi kintu dajete preko neta i da mozhe tako da se radi, da se da web pejdzhici a onda se zna koliko je doshlo i dam roditeljima i mozhda onda vidimo gde cje oni da se ulazhiu jer cje morati nelke poslove da otvore ili da pomazhui asocijacijama za protectipon zhivotinja i za spushtanje nekih od ovih ideja na zemlju. I za rodjendansku zhurku, naravno. I za novogodishnje slavlje, naravno, e sad kad su religiozni i za bozhicjno, uskrshnje i onaj zhivi svetac kako li se zove u novembru oktobriunemam pojaml i tada, pa za prvi maj i d=tako dalje /ja volim da pravim zhirke. jednom mi se mama vratila za moj rodjendan i ushla u kuhinju i moji drugari ekli evo nova pichka /izvinte na izrazu/ it erek posle skointali to mi mama a ona se raspilavila shto mislili da je mladja. takodje je rekla ko da su mi termiti proshli kroz kucju kad su joj i sok od paradajza popili u shpajzu, sve shto su nashli su pobrstili :-) ona pravi odluchan parfe, i vegetarijansku rusku salatu i to mu je ot za moj rodjush... ah da, KINTA PREKO neta da ide direkt, d a ne morazju bripjeke banke da se znaju vecj automatski se samo zna od koga koliko i koja porukica ije stigla je li lmozhe dtako neshto da se napravi ? Inache, ako neko hocje da mi poshalje kontu koje nemam a ni moji osim mame koja radi ekonoiliju dva posla dnevno mozhe samoi u Shabacjhku komercijalnu banku da mi poshaljete na ime Mijicj Mirjana valjda cje znati gde da legne jer ne znam broj ,a ako sam popularna definitivno cje znati gde da stave pa cjiu ja mami da dam /odma globval village da napravilm/ aml cju u piochetnih par meseci i ja sebi uzimati /ali ne za droge/ pa si mozhda kupim stan a ne iznajmim, hvala miojima srbima koji cje valjda prvi da se prilozhe mada imam verziju koja je stara i na engleskom videli ste gore.
svidja mi se ideja da chitam kao ckneki cje da kamche od svojih pare kada im zarade... tako dja od mame uvek kamichila sam i toime sam se nauchila politichnkim manieima..
U stvari chetiristo evra iliti vilija mesechno dok zaradjujemo za roditelje je savrsheno dovoljno jer smo deca dok nemamo decu mi sami. Kada se deca rode roditelji nashi pomazhu. Ukoliko nisu medju zhivima svet pomazhe i svako dete cje da ima sve shto mu je potrebno i to ne second hand shop da se ima iz. Roditelji i dalje mogu da imaju svojih po chetiri stotine i to bi bilo to osim ako nema neka asocijacija koja bi dodatno pomagala. Ja mislim da je najbolje da je zhena nonstop trudna i da njen muzh iliti kralj njenog kraljevstva pricha o njoj i sve im je besplatno ali to je vecj paradajz jkoji ni ja ne mogu da smislim koliko je zashecjeren ;-)
• re-education
To je potrebno vojnicima a i ljudima koji su radili u mesnoj industriji.
• referendum
Globalni da se chesto vrshi ali ne znam kako za papire koji bi se bacali osim da se daju glasovi po zgradama i onda se sabiraju sve zgrade u opshtini u sve ulice taokodje tako nekako. Sve to zbohg jednog zakona koji treba da se usvoji za cijeli svijet kao shto je recimo ovo od gore da se zaradjuje za roditelje, tako bismo zhiveli vechno, moje misljenje koje valja potvrditi.
• refugees (environmental as well),
Svi ljudi mogu da putuju i zhive gde zhele. Globalni referendum za ovo prvo da se obavi po objavljivanju ovog moga dela. Neko meni da zabranjuje da putujem gde zhelim dok taj isti mozhe da putuje gde god zheli na zemljici mi majchiskoj ne mozhe da se deshava vishe. Chalk i ako ne uspem da spustim Raj na zemlju bar necje bishe biti toga pakla koje je trajalo za Jugoslaviju oapa vecj sedamnaesta godina ima, a i pre jer tamo supermarket profdavachica ne zaradjuje isto kao nasha, mada je nasha komunjarkska NAMA lanac prodavnica trgovkinja bila najsrecjnija na svijetu jer su bile mocjhne, daj bozhe das e NAMA robna kucja vrati kako je biolo osamdesetih i sve zgrade u gradu srudshe koje su gradjene por ratnim uslovima jer deci treebaju igralishta a sela ionako treba da pochnu da imaju zhgrade i to je dobri jer zgrade cje imati puno igralishta oko sebe pored drvecja sa vocjem iz RAjskoga vrta kako pishe u Genezi druga strana. Ljudi iz cunami pogodjenih krajeva mogu da putuju dok se ne smlire tamo gde im milo. Mljudi iz biombardovanih krjzaeva isto tako mogu da putuju dok se ne smire gde im milo i ako im je drago da negde zgradu i par igralishta sa shkolom uzdignu neka tako bude, asamo da ne smetaju ljudima koji zhive u tribes, valjda ili bash oni mogu da naprave kontakt, ne znam.
• religion
Verujem da Bog je prvo lice jednine prenego trecje je prvo i drugo lice jednine. kad imamo roditelje ioni su nam prvi kontakt sa drugim licem jednine i mnozhine i time se nashe prvo lice gradi. Chak i trecje lice jednine koji su prosvetni radnici postaju drugoi lice mnozhione jer jreprezentuju roditelje zajedno ti me shto nas unche lekcijama koje roditelji ne znaju da nam ih pokazhu.. Partner kada se upozna postaje drugo lice jednine jedino i dtada on je Bog. do tada trecje lice jednine ne postoji, tek tada pochne da postoji jer svi ljudi postaju trecje lice jednione o kojima se ne pricha dok nisu prisutni. Svako oltar ima u stanu svoj. Svugde gde je bilo religijskih problema da se unishte te zgrade chak ni za muzeje da se ne ostave /mislim na crkve, sinagoge, moskve/. chak sam misllial vatereni pojas pâ iako pravi poluciju da se simbolichni napravi duzh granoica srbije sa hrvatskom da se zna i poznaje glupost koja nam je bore i smrt nanosila dosada. ne simbolichki vatreni pojas, prava vatra da stoji izmedju srbije i hrvatske samo ne znam kako da se ne raspiruje i kako da se odrzhava ali ako kola predju na hidrogen mozhe se u pochetku namerno koristiti nafta a posle hidrogen tako da ostane za vjek i vjekove i da se u hrvatsku iz srbije ide preko madjarske ili crne gore. Bosanci su srbi. hrvata tamo je bilo ali bosna srpska je bila i muslimani su dobili veliko m a nisu trebali kada se gradila prva jugoslavija po prvom svetskom ratu, muslimani su srbi koje su otomani ubedili da prevrnu veru da bi dobijali pogodnosti i uchinili su onio zavadi pa vladaj =it ako vladali boznolm mocjnije nego srbijoml jer bosna ima drvecja vishe i bvrda i time su se razgranichavali po veri i navikama i hajdushtvo nije bilio razvijeno pa su se lakshe preobracjali u islam srbi. Sramota je kako su Hrvati i dalje zadrzhali granice gde jedno dvesta km ide uz primorje a Bosni bi trebalo da pripada, Bosnu samlo dvadeset km na nekim mestima deli od mora a nije na moru i Hrvati uzimaju svu dobit od turizma, sramota, ali svetski treba da se zna i pozna i ne ponovi.
religija je lichna stvar i niko o tome ne sme da pricha. Zabranjeno je obrezivati dechake kao shto je zabranjeno ushi sredjivati za mindjushe devojchicama, neka sami ljudi sebe unakazhavaju ako im volja, ljudi, to znachi da su punoletni ako to zhele da rade, punoletstvo za to je 21 godina, inache je 18, osamnaest godina chovek je punoletan i mozhe da vozi kola da polazhe za vozhnjnjiu mislim i to od dvadeset jedne godine zhiovota, zrelije je i manje se pije i bolji su refleksi premda brzhi kad si mladji bilo je necje vishe biti kad neslanu vegansku neslatku hranu budemo jeli.
Svi ljudi su Jevreji jer sve je majka izabrala da vbudu roidjeni i kako je majka Bog jer je donela josh jedna integral na zemlju, svi ljudi su Jevreji pa i oni koji su vecj rodjeni, to jest sada zhivi. To je dovoljno za znanje, nije potrebno da se knjiga chita posle druge strane jer ima prevrtanja dijafragme, to jest, nechasnih misli u pisaniju Biblije /posle adama i eve, chak i to je previshe jer su isterani iz raja a ne bi trebali ajko se salmo jedna stvar od boga pioslashuilala koja je bila budite vegetarijanci. ja dodajem mozhda cje morati i trecja umesto zhivotinja kingdom da se koristi, to od fungija eto, imaju lechnichko dejstvo fungiji deakle mogu da se koriste kao jelo. ukoliko za dojabetes Quorn kao bademi je dovoljan /shto znachi quorn ima previshe proteina i atak je na renalne glands, dok bademi imaju divnu proporciju masti i to odlichnog kvaliteta te quorn da bude takav i ako je to jedino shto je potrebno ljudima sa dijabetesoml da se izleche, odnosno da jedu da ne bi primali insulinske inekcije koji svi treba da primaju i diojabetes tip dva tvrdim, proveriti hb1ac, onda to shto dolazi od fungija treba da bude uradjeno od farmacije globalne koja bi to predavala ljudima da jedu kroz apoteke i bili bi placjeni od drzhavnih taksi. ukoliko se pokazhe, shto pretpostavljam gledajucjii papagaje, da je to dovoljno za vechiotit zhivot, jer telomere ne smanjuju, onda svi treba da se hrane iz apoteka, ali to postepeno, prvpo mio shto smo specijaciju zapocheli a oiima nas trista miliona i vishe sa ljudima koji imaju obesitost pa onda ostali, hvala za red.
• renewable energy
solarna i talasna samo. ne od vetra jer rizichna. ne od veshtachkih jezera jer propast za envirovment i pre ili kasnije cje se proliti dalje ta brana pa makar i za hiljadu godina zashto praviti rizik za podneblje.
• rivers
da se sve izhchistre, vermicast, i kozmetika koja mozhe da se pije nakon upotrebe toliko neutralni sapuni da budu, bez soli jer smetaju bore prave, da mozhe da se pliva u njima svi virovi da se pronadju i anihiliuju ili pomno paze, mnogo bitno za ljude jer svi tereba da plivaju i da se osecjaju sigurno , shtuke i zmije nam ne trebaju ni u muzejima, moje lichno mishljenje, kao ni pitrane i razradite ovu rechenicun, hvala. upotrebite iz za hranu za pochetak nashoj stoci, public animalsima, posle ostalima. takodje brze reke treba da se zatvore i vidi shta mozjhe od njih da se napravi. bolje da se ima virtuelna reka, ne voiirtuelna nego kao stvarna ali bez stvarne opasnostio nego da se ljdui spushtaju kanuima po opasnim vodenim tokovima i ko zna shta mozhe da se desi. to je isto kao i sa padobranstvom koji ovde u Parizu oima neki u zgradi sa vazdughom od dole imitacija free fola i valjda shljaka dobro. e sad za skijanje po vodi sam vishe za ali kako kad ljdui plivaju i ima zhivotinja, to da se izregulishe i da bude bezopasno molim. maratoni plivachnkio ok akli maksimum pet km sve ostalo jke previshe za ljudski organizam.
• robotisation
AI see ja plashim, da ne bude naprednija od nashih umova, poimanja i idejnih reshenja koja svijetu mozhemo dati. Robotizacija per se koliko je rasprostranjena iziskuje josh jedna predmet u shkoli to je rasporostrranjenoost robotizacije i njenaa daljna aplikacija iliti primena. Time cje se videtiu limiti i dangers ako postoje u robotizaciji. Ovako ppored statichkog elektriciteta ne vidim nishta loshe po robote u kucji koji mogu pomagati, premda, uvek kazhem, prashine u kucji nea kada nema vazdushne polucije na zemlji i nije teshko ochistiti materijale iz kucje kada se to radi ekoloshkim vegi produktima. Robotizacija je apravljena za stanove osoba koje imaju problema sa snalazhenjem u prostoru i tu im pomazhe, kazhe citirani artikl BBCja tu im pomazhe shto je sve uskladjeno i uradjeno da se elektromagnetqkski komunicira sa svim objektima preko telekomandera. To mi je malo rizichno jer opet izaziva statichki elektricitet, znachi nije savrsheno i ima virove u energiji u sred sobe, ali je dobra ideja da se frizhider i vezh mashina mogu komandovati uz skladnost u ledjima. Robotizacija bi bila neshto poput uchenja deteta da pere sudove sa kojih jede, da li neshtio umeklo da izvlachi te mogucjnosti iz kompjutera koji sheta nisam sigurna da biu valjalo. Tajodje kad se parketi i drveni podovi u stnovima zamene normalnim kalmenim mateijalima i nilinleumom sa plochicama ispod necje vishe biti zhelje za robotizacijom u kucji. Mi smo, hvala bogu, posebno sposopbni da upravljamo vozimima r azznih pogona te sam sigurna da za letove na Mars, Lunu i ostala mesta necje biti potrebno oslanjati se na robote. Neka bude ovako : neka se ljudi bore rechitoshcju i znanjem iz fizike kako da unaprede civilizaciju uz pomocj robota jer filmovi koji se pokazujuu osim one sprave koja pravi hranu koju zhenlimo odmah ne pokazuje roboite u dobrom svijetlu te sam skeptichna u njihovu primjen,u u kcji koju sam indikovala gore. Za ostalez eprimene koje vecj dzsada postoje u smoislu rada u industriji koja je na zemlji ok, osim za robote koje razvijaju militarne organizacije ali bih volela da vidim koliko su uznapredovali u tome i da vidim njihove protortipove pametnih robota. U medicini znam da pomazhu pri opetr=acijama, trreba iodna da budu ponudjeni u svim operacijskuim salama svijeta ukoliko su toliko pogodni i neophodni, zakon. Najbitnije je meni da moj www bude kakav jeste i da ga ne preuzme nijedna AI inteligencija koja ima overview, i da realni svet bude razluchen od sveta interneta zauvjek.
• salt and sugar
Evo nas kod dva legalna narkotika u ljudskoj ishrani. So ili NaCl je sachinjen od jednog atoma Natrijuma i jednog atoma Chlora. Oni su povezani u kockastu kristalnu strukturu koju je jako teshko odvojiti da samo kocka ostane ker jedan atom deluje na vishe kocki u stvari pravi vishe spojenih kocki. Moje misljenje je da Na, kao alkaline element ima jaku volju da da jedan elektron da bi postao Neon time povecjavajucji charge organizma i stimulishucji adrenal glands da proizvode vishe kortikoglukosteroida. Holesterol u nestabolnom obliku se takodje proizvede te se pokushava uhvatiti velikum elastochnim arterijskim zidovima ali se u svakom sluchaju blokada pravi na mestu hggde je put ka srcu. Chlor je najbolji kada dolazi iz zelenih biljaka ili iz vocja poput jabuka gde jhe posebno vezan i neutralan je da povredi vecj chisti prolazecji kroz gornji deo digestivnog sistema. Organski natrijum se mozhe dobirti iz vishe biljaka, a ukoliko postoji potreba za vecjim kvantitetom onda se dobije iz mladih biljaka koje kad porastu imaju glutena, njihov sok je pun Natrijuma.
So je deo primordijalne supe. Dakle, potrebno za zhivot da se razvija. To se zna i iz chinjenice da je u majchinom stomau placenta puna slane vode. Slana voda potpomazhe rast zato sam veoma concerned da li so treba ukinuti kod ljudi koji imaju dijagnostikovani tumor. Takodje verujem da pomazhe pravljenju boprea i potpomazhe starenje, so iu digetivnom ssistemu uneshenoùm prilmikom jela, dok na prime, NaCl u venu nije toliko toksichno, ali to je moje mishljenje, chekajte medicinsku inteligenciju da potvrdi ili opovrgne ovo. Korishcjenje soli uvek obuhvati iste receptore za plaisir taqko da se drugi koji isto mogu plaisir osecjati ustale i ustoje. Mozhe se videti da je narkotik po ponashanju starijih ljudi dok ubacuju so u jelo, vidi se nervozni pokret kriice jer cje biti mnogo opozicije kada se so povuche iz upotrebe jer se radi na duge dstaze, ali verujem da ima bar u jednoj od ove dve bolesti uticakja : Alzheimerovoj disease ili Parikinson disease so ima uticaja /i vegeta takodje, ima refererenca za to, zbog excitacije neuroreceptora/.
Inache so uzbudi organizam i chovek se nakon uzimanja iste osecja tolerantniji prema svetu. Napravi se jache elektromagnetno unutrashnje polje i svet vishe nije toliko bitan, deluje kao kad smo bili beba i kada je bilois oli u majchinom lmleku.
Adrenalne glands i so me znanimaju poshtoi se zna da kidneys nije dobro da imaju previshe sioloi i nekim ljudima so utichje na pritisak. Adrenamne glansds ukoliko su toiliko uizbudjene zbog svakodjnevne upotrebe soli to mozhe biti jendo od krucijalnih nutriciopnalnih /izbacivacha/ rekvizita da nam pomogne da zhivimo duzhe. Neuropatija na neslanoj hrani je odlichno slmanjena, slichno kao kad se uzme dva mikrograma LSDja u medikalne doze akutno, po chetiri dana do sedam trraje, ali bez soli je efekat slichna i treba videti nutricionalni lek ne trazhiti lsd kao lek za neuropatiju ukoiko veckj postoji isbacivanje soli kao lek pogotovo shto sam ja probala oko pet puta u par meseci ove doze i mislim da za vishe nije dobro. izvinjavam se zbog digresije akli da ponovim lsd stvara modularno ponashanje znachi eliptichka funkcija nije slobodna sznaci nije za slobodnu upotrebu, medikalno mozhda mozhe da se akutno proba, ne hronichno valjda, moje misljenje je da je rizichno poshto tolioko jaka modularna ekspesija ponashanja kada na tome. So mozhe hronichnio pomocji jer ga hronichno imamo svakoahga dana u svim namisrnicama a ne pripada svetu biljaka niti fungija.
Glukoza je toksichna za ljudski orkanizam i za renal glands, vidi po uriniranjui ljudi koji su primali inuffuziju sa glukozom, kakoo je mishicjno problematichno da se pishki sledecja dva dana i kako ima nagli izliv vode u beshiku to jest, renal glands rade punoml parom i pod pritiskom su.
Saharoza, sukroza ili domacjinski cshecjer je takodje toksichan po ljudskoi orkganizam ali u manjoj kolichini. Ljudima se u ustima nakon konzumacije istog pojavi toplota i isparenja iz unutrashnjosti tela se mogu osetiti kao da se usta znoje chini mi se nakon shecjera. Mnogi lljudi loshe podnose gluten sa sukrozom tako da treba probati toksichnost glutena samo kad je sam kao u japanskim receptima, besz saharoze niti bilo chega slatkog u blizini. Shecjer i fungi familiju sam proala samo pri konszumaciji slatkog crnog chaja koji je izgubio slatkocju od gljive kombuhe i bilo je predivno piti neshto bez shecjera tako oscvezhavajucje da bnih vads molila da proverite da li je toksichnioo jer pojede sav shecjer i stvori sok koji mozjhe da se pije a tako je ljigava ali ipak nije sablasna vecj vidi se prijateljski nastrojena. I kao shto ponavljaml se opet smatram fungi nashim izlechivachila mozhda dtako neshto je potrebno ljudima sa dijabetesom ili jhiperaktivnoshcju, God complexu, Mesijanik kompleksu ili bilo chemu slicunom da bi im bilo bolje, neshto, ne samo od iuupotrrebe svezhih pechuraka kao u kvascu shto mozhe da se jede svezh nego i sok kad prave kao u gorepomenutom sluchaju.
Ima jedanb web sajt koji nudi namrnice o kojima ima uvid koliko kog shecjera imaju u sebi za ljude koji hocje da se odmore i odmore svoje mitohondrije od saharoze u jelima. Ne znam referencu rjer je bilo potrebno kupiti cd da bi se videlo kliko shecjera shta sdrzhi i kog shecjera, odlichno obradjena tema. Chinjenica je da jaje, fungi, koshtunjichavo vocje, Quorn, od lglutena napravljeno pilecjea zamena, masline, avokado, sirevi veganski daj bozhe da postoje nisam probala, suncokret, semenke, bundevine, pasulj, sochiva i chick peas su jela bez prevelikog ili uopshte bez saharoze tako da ih treba potnencirati za chovechanstvo a prvo za ljude koji bopliju od metabolichkih bolesti da isprobaju ove formulacije. Mozhda u stvari treba prvo zdravi ljudi kda probaju ova jela da bi ljudi dsa lmetabolichkim problemima dobili hrabrost da predju na takvo shto jer nema vracjanja slatkishima posle prelaska na ovu dijetu, amen.
Shecjer takodje hrani tumor tako da ga treab izbaciti iz upotrebe. Analogija sa fetusom koji raste.
-svet bez komparativa i superlativa...
cigarettes : zaboravila, da su cigarete kao sisanje mleka od majke, samo da je taj refluks sada naime kontrolsan mada se vidi da je i dalje demi nesvestan.
• sanctions (embargo, imprisonement of
huge number of innocent people
without a trial)
Ne trebaju sanctions nigde u svetu i treba pomocji tim drzhdavama da se osove na noge jer je strazshno kad je takav logor iliti zatvor toliko dugo na neduzhnima.
• saving energy, paper, human force and
power, lives, materials reuse
Pominjem na raznima mestima, rrr, paper sam ponminjala , hualmamn oforce naraviti nelegalnim rudnike i vadjenje isz izstih, saving hiuman and animal lives priority, materiali da se ponovo koriste i na kraju opopravljaju i teka tada psoele toga recickkliraju svi materijali koje kuoujelmi, kartoni nam eskoro da i ne trbebaju za pakovanje za magacine jer ne znam shta da s eradi sa njima potom.
• school board’s stuff
Da postoje dizachi za stiopala, kao i dizachi stolova rza laktove tako da laktovi mogu stajatuii u visini grudi kad se pishe. Kredom da se pizhe na tamnoselenoj tabli najbolje. Ustati svaki piuut kad progfesor, nastavnik ili uchitelj udje u uchionicu bi trebalo botii pravilo.
• second hand shops
Da postoje svugde u svetu jer su odlichna stvar:; Mozhe i mali dzjehpicj ukoliko osoba zheli da se predstavi kada kdaje svoje stvari na prodaju u second khand shops. Za mene su secind hand shipps neshto najbolje shto sam otkrila u svetu prodavnica. Treba blizu da budu laveruie gde mozeh da se operu materijali na ekoloshkim preparatima i da se dobro osushe tako da onaj divni miris starine ostane io ^posle toga.
• security
Svuda potrebno, policajci sznaju shta je to, uchenici uche prvu pomocj i zashtitu u shkoli tako da imaju uvid u security, celebrities necje biti ivshe toliko boilesno bogati ii iznajmljivacje valjda neke svboje gajbe tako da cje biti blizhi istoj specijaciji gde i mi pripadamo, potrebno da security ima i vojnichkju i policijsku i pedagoshku obuku%
• sex
Da je legalan medju eternel parnterskima koji su postali kralj i kraljica, eto, bilo gde i to sa radoshcju i lepotom, valjda mu tako dodje isprav,no za kraljeve, nakon svega ovnoga shto vodom na tvu kad ga neko upali mislim da bi mi vishe prijamio da vidiml ljude kako se ljube na ulicama.
Gejevi, izvinjavam se ne znam vas i ne znam shta da mislim osim da treba da budete slobiiodni u svojeml izrazahvanju. Ja uvek kazhelm bolje da su gejevi ljudi pre nego shto upoznaju pravog partnera suprotnog pola i verujem za svakom simpatichnog zhenstvenog kao da je lmushkarca cje postojati jedna jaka zhena; Ovo samo da napomenem je moje misljenje, jer nisam ne razumem, mada poshto me ne boli lichni / na svu srecju nije mi se udvarala osoba gejskog pola/ smatram da nemam traume shto se toga tiche i ok sam sa sobom da podnosim ljude drukchije od mene. Stvar je samo da u pravoj ljubavi deca se zhele i radjaju i ovde kod osoba zhenskog pola koje su par samo klon mozhe biti rodjen dok kod mushkaraca moraju postati neka vrsta torbara da bi izneli svoga klona na svet, ie, genetika mora biti mnogo vishe razvijena.
Ja sam a drugarstvo medju ljudskim parovima dok ne dodje do seksa, shto znachi da su partneri u poslu i parnteri u svemu ostalom.
Analni seks je uz dobru hranu dobar, mada bih vishe volela akada bi se koncentracije medical komuniti zaustavila na problemu koji se desi nakon prirodnog porodjaja i sredi to za ljubavnike kojima samo to treba posle porodjaja da bi ishli i na drugu trudnocju odmah i kompletno izbegavali carski rez jer nema razloga strahu.
• singing clubs
Sve popularnije karnioke u kaficjima gde se pevaju pesme uz rechi koje mogu da se chitaju je odlichan ideja za oslobadjanje lichnosti. mMada, najbolji je tradicionalni pristup pevanju a to je kroz horsko pevanje. Garantujem da svaki chovek ima smisla za muziku i samim tim glas da otpeva emeliodiju kako treba tako da samo strpljenje i dobar dirigent je potreban za svaku osobu. SZinging klubs bi bila sva mesta gde mozhe slobodno da se peva iz sveg glasa a da ne mora da se bude na nelegalnim stvarima, alkohol ukljuchen. Dakle, osoba koja je u dobrom raspolozhenju zapochen pesmu i ostali je prate i svi prevakju, zaoto nije Raj ?
• sirens for the vehicles
neke sa oktavskom reprezentacijom, molim, ovako svako vozilo samo po jednu sirenu ima a to je prremalo jer vozachi neki put ubace osecjanja u njihove sirene i to je lepo chuti /kada su pozitivna osecjanja/.
• SI system
Treba worldwide da se primeni, na svim javnim mestima, u svim javnim medijima, medju svim ljudima slobodne glave koji imaju digitron u glavi ili u dzhepu. SI znachi sisteme internationale d’unites physiques. Sastoji se od metra, m, vremena, s, mase kg, i josh chetiri osnovne iz kojih se sve ostale izvode. Inache imamo metar, kilometar, ili km znachi hiljadu puta vishe, znachi u jednom kilometru imamo hiljadu metara.
• social minimum
Chetirista vilija za ljude koji daju roditeljima svoju platu i verovatno i vishe zbog chestitog akta koji chine ; Shesto za ljude sa decom. Toliko i penzioneri kao i studenti dobijaju, samo shto se od penzionera ochekuje da volontiraju u nekim asocijacijama dok se od studenata ochekuje da imaju praksu u nekoj firmi kao ovde za BTS na primer, u France-u.
• space travel /and terraforming/
To treba prvo da radimo a nashu zemlju jer nisu sva mesta terraformirana za ljudsku upotrebu. Ja michno nisam za osvajanje montt everesta i tako rizchne stvari jer svaki zhivot je vazhan i ako osoba ima militatruy i policijsko iskustvo, zna da ceni zhivot i onda szheli da nadej zagubljene na mont everestu ok, ali ovako mislim da je preveliki rizik. Mars i Luna prvi posle, moralml praviti zhuruku koju sam obecjala par stotina mojih prijatelja dve hiljade pedesete na Mesecu tao da se zna. Datreba da ih taraformiramo, da, ili bar da osetimo kako je to kad si shest puta lakshi nego shto imash mase.
• sport and recreation,
Nisam za profesionalni sport od zadnjih dve dekade. Nekada je sport izisivao samo malioo vishe od obichnohg i amaterski sport je zakon, onaj koji radish pored radnog vremenda koji je neshto drugo shto radish amin i zavrsheno. Badmington je chini mi se sport kada sa obe ruke igrash i sa vegetarijanskim reketima i tom specijalnom lopticom najbolje razvije sve mishicje na telu i svi su vizhljasti.
• statistics and probability
Ne volim. Neophodno kod geohazard prevencije metiode te se stoga uima u vidu sda se pokrecje svet oko statistike. Ljudi ni zhivotinje nisu brojke i ne spadaju u statistichke modele, medicina ukljuchena, ne treba joj st atistika vecj proof.
• stem cells
Adultne za sve. Sve pare za nauchna istrazhivanja da idu na adultne steml cjelije. Sva novorodjenchad da im se sachuva placenta i umbilical kord u raznim bankama sveta da kad zatreba da se iskoristi i multiplira i diferencira i organi naprave od toga. HITNO.
• stilling
Zabranjeno je krasti ali u sluchajevbima gde jedan trgovac ne mozhe da obuhvatoi ceo rejon treba josh jedna trgovac da tu bude, to jest kradja je ono shto ljudi pokushavaju na lichnom nivou, i trgovci su najintuitivniji ljudi na svetu. Ne bi trebalo da se kazhenjavaju mladi kada uspeju da pokradu suvenire, zato suveniori treba svuda da budu nadohvati ruke ili pak u pravim mestima skriveni za uzeti.
• stock market
Dole po mom mishljenju jer ima simple rachunica na primeru objashnjavam. Nas dvoje ulozhimo po sto vilija i profit je josh sto vilija znazchi imamo stopedeset ako sve ukeshimo. Od onih pedeset ako je dogovor bio da prvih sto bude bespovratno mozhe chovek da radi shta hocje. Ulozhi ili uzme. Koliko je trenutno ljudi uloiazheno u firmu, toliko ima glasova koji tvore firlmu svi podjednako vazhni ma koliko da su ulozhili i po procentu ide dobitak, procenat kolkiko smop ulozjhili u svakom trebnutku procenat nashe dobiti ili gubitka ne bi trebalio da biude jer kad se ulozjhi ne bi trebalo da bude gubitka kad se uzima samo svoje.
• streets
Jednosmerne gde god mozhe. Parkinzi pod zemljom i posebne zgrade parkinzi da se naprave. U opshtionama ne bi trebalio da bude kola vecj samo bicikli i javni prevoz, taxi spada pod javni prevoz ali ima broj kojom rutom ide da bi se ljudi lakdshe snachli dok chekaju bus. Bus je oapasan kada ima puno putnika tako da shinobusi su zakon za vishe od deset kilometara prevoza. Trolejbusi nisu moj ukus metro da ali da bude kao u najnovijim Pariskim metroima, chetrnaestici chini mi se i shestici da li je ili samo chetrnaestici?.Voditi rachuna o geohazard prevenciji na hiljadugodishnjem planu za metro planiranje. Bez magleva. Zanima me buducjnost hoverjavnog prevoza.
• suicidal thoughts
choose the life SOS linija da postoji uvek da radi, i ljudi koji bi posetili osobu koja je u bedaku. Nikada na sebe nemoj ruku podiozati jer si divna lichnost prioshlost nije jednakoi sadashnjost io sadashnjost je divna jer si ti sam zhiv.
• super bags
Ranchevi sa nalepnicama i eklamama. Sve sa podebljanim na ramenima ranchevi, ne vishe torbice na jedno rame, nije zdravoi za kichmu. Kotrljajucji putni prtljag je bolje zameniti planinarskuim ranchevilma na oba ramena kao shto pametni ljudi rade svih uzrasta.
• supermarkets
Da mozhe da se naruchi online kao Telemarket u France koji ima i koshersku vegetarijansku ponudu i zamsrznuto nepreradjeno povrcje.
• super shoes and clothes
Sa gumenim dkjjonovima koji prate liniju noge izdignuti na sredini malo, zna se kakvi su to djonovi, zabraniti stare djonove jer nisu dobri za hofdanje a ljudi treba stalno da hodaju. Ima od giuume da se naprave cipele patike i bokserice obucja umlesto kozhne, platnene patile sa onim djonovima zakon.
• sustainable development
Mnogo knjiga o tome, sve u rangu ekosiostelm da ne unishtinmo ni nash ni zhivotinjski. Crude oil treba prestati ispumpavati i ostaviti da odstojio to cje biti sledecja trusna podruchja pretpostavljam. I za druge fossil fuels derivate isto vazhi. Greenpeace i Friends od earth Amis de la Terre, sledite ih ali uy vegetarijanskom fazionu, proverite PETA borbu a i ALF. Oni zajednoio mir na zemlju cje da donesu, Raj ja bih rekla dragi moj.
Kozmetika, zaboravila/ulja da se koriste za lice i za kosu, ulja su umesto pomadi. Ulja su za ruke takodje, za sve delove tela zavisi koje. Jedno, simple. Umesto parfema takodje, jedno ulje bez petrohemikalija. Dezodoransi unishtavaju ozonskiu omotach. Mushkarci cje uskoro mocji da zauvek depiliraju svoje brade i bicje rsrecjni.
• swings
Dobre za kardiovaskularni sistem, firm hyp. U svim parkovima da se stave, na svim mestima pored klupa. Klupe ljuljashke takodje popularne da budu. Ljuljashke napreduju i odagnavaju nash strah jer kontrolishemo i shvatamlo potencijalnu i kinetichku energiju koju razmenjujemo i kad nismo na ljuljashci a koja je konstantna, zato trudne zhene mnogo misle i njihova rech vazhi. Razni tipovi ljuljuashki da se naprave, chak i oni sa pomagachima tako da mozhe cela uliva da se preleti, na primetrr.
• taxes and taxation
dvadeset posto, sve preko chetirihiljade neto je za gde hocje chovek. treba da se zna gde takse idu i to da se votira. Najvishe na medicinu i na sredjivanje papirologije da svako ima shto je mogucje vishe od svog dnevnika javnoga. Freedom of information act takodje da se ulozhi. Vatrogasci da rade zajedno sa policajcima. CVojnici da postanu policajci ili da se obucje u ledicini ako zhele da spashavaju zhivote.
• telephones
Preko kabla sada a da ostanu i drugi. Mobilni ne preko satelita, nisht ad a se ne projektuje uvis osiml fm am i lm radio stanica koje su bile pre dvadeset i kusur godina kao sosnove nashe civilizacije. Promeniti digitalnu telegoniju u prikladniju jer ne violiml i nema potrebe za zvezhdicom i ostalim slovima na telefonu. Svako da izabere vechiti broij telefona i napravi gaz kompatibilnim sa u kojoj kucji ulazi, i sa svvojim kucjnim. Kad je ljudima lozhe najblizhi mobilmni telefoni zvrje i ljudi odmah mlogu da priuzhe prvu pomocj. Six handshakes zakon.
• television
Analogna, crno bela i da se ugasi na tri meseca samo da se ljudi zblizhe malo. Neka se upali kao radio. Posle cje svi kanali sve stanice sve istorije biti na tvu samo tri meseca pauze dajte dok se to sredi. Globalne pauze. Ne znam da li cjete uspeti bez toga, ali pokushajte tri meseca dok ovi prave cenzzuru, takodje i kanali gde su sve zhivi ljudi i muzika da se pravei cenzurishu od istih oni shto nisu dobro ispali aza autistichnoi isdealistichno dete./standard gledaoca sad pod global warmiongom/ posebni kanali za reklame, bez reklama za druge kanale. svi fudnbali u svetu na posebnoml setu kanala da mozhe dchoivek da se snadje i chije komentare. o smlichno... religijske sportove volela bij da vidim ko cje pobedjivati u jerusalemu... joke. nema tamo spoprtista sve evropljani pokupili talente. naravnoi amaterrski ai klub kada se chovek odluchi zauvek je u njelu do tada za religiju ili naciju ili grad igra.
• terrorism
ne postoji.
• testament
nikome. ne daj biozhe ostaje svima da pokupe ne najblizhilma vecj najdaljima i to onima koji su najsiromashniji i imali vrelmensku nepogodu, na primer. nema testamenta ponavljam, ne postoji. kucja odlazi onima od cuinami pogodjenih areja i slichno.
• three minutes (3’) of silence
za fossil fuels zhivote koje cjemo klonirati kad nadjemo pogodne planete
za zhivotinje koje smo iskorishcjavali i jeli
za ljude koje medicina nije uspela josh uvek da spasi
• time machine
Koordinatni siste, prvo lice jednine. Znachi celi zhivot se secjha chovek svojega zhivota je punopravni posmatrach i tu titulu daje svom Partneru kad postane Kralj. Ja samo jednome dajem svoju tajm mashinu i to celi moj zhivot , trebalio bi i on da mio da svoju. :. ljudi koji su incinerisali treba da se sete i da se ampliifikuje njihiovo secjanje na one od kojih nemamo genetski kod pri kloniranju, prvo na zhovtinjalma to radimo. Dakle, secjalm se svega kao u filmu, ali vishe, jer tu je josh jedna osoba pored Vas, Vash partner koji mozhda ima poovecjan osecjaj za miris ili vazduh ili zvuk ili enterijer, ili disanje Vashe ili ko zna shta sve mozhe biti zanimljivo samo Vama Dvoma.
• tiping, pourboir, bakshish
Uvek, najlmiliji novac. Ali kad kartice budu u lmodi shta cjemo raditi ? Tu ne bih nishta taxe stavljala, ali hajde deset posto ako stvarno puno zaradjuje mozhe da prilozhi, voljno. Jer je zadnji u chejnu u lancu zato se tipuje onaj koji te posluzhi jer josh uvek robovanje postoji, pa da se zna da znamo nashu skoru istoriju.
• tourism,
Znachu sve gradove sveta kad ih posetim. Turistichki smer u ekonomskoj je na zhalost prestao da postoji kada sam se upisivala u srednju shkolu tako da evo pokushavam da projektima o lepshem svetu pokazhem posetiocima shta ja vidim u sledecje dve godine od sada /0008h, 13/7/007, Paris, psihijatrijska bolnica jer mi treba mir da sve ovo zapishem i hvala im/. Turizam je neshto najbolje na svetu i ili si turista ili vodich, stalno se menjaju te dve opcije. Volim turizm i jedva chekam da posetim cijeli svijet sa svojim dragim sa kojim treba nekako da se nadjem, ima preko dvesta zemalja u svetu i sve cju ih obicji kao i vi ljudi. Treba chlanovi porodice koje imamo, to jest zhivotinje da slobodno putuju sa nama gde god i mi idemo i to sa nama ne u zatvorenim kavezima negde gde su pod sttesom, hvala.
• trees,
Chuvajmo ih, sadimo koshtunjichavo drvecje i svake godine posadimo po jedno drvo bicje blagoslova. Drvecje treba chiuvati i koristiti kokosovih oraha omotache zatim bambus i konoplju, staklo i sve osim crude oil derivata. Treba drvecje chuvati i maksimalno se ushtrojiti shtoio se tiche papira koji mozhe biti od konoplje takodje i od sledecje godine prinosa marihuane.
• trial
Javni, preeko televoizije svi gledaoci su porota. Nema imuniteta ni za koga, retrogradno takodje nema imuniteta za nikoga.
• universal hour and year
Dakle, u 2007oj smo godini sada, to je globalna godina. Ima 365,25 dana u godini. Seekunda koju gubimlo /ili dobijamo, pogledaj New Scientist pre par godina/ lakazhe da cjemo za dve hiljade godina imati jutro u shest uvecjhe u Greewich. Dogovor oko ovoga je da tako biude, da gubiulo /ili dobijamo / sekunud kao shto se dogadja, da koristimo Greenwich sistem kada govorimo vrelme /ja josh uvek nisam pochela/ i da se tako pomeramo prema drugim zemljama. Znachi da pustimo sekundu da skliznu, pametni smo dovoljno. To je moj predlog jer previshe sistema mora da se uskladi kada se krade sekunda.
• university,
Svi na univerzitet moraju icji, pa makar bio kao Open University distance learning experience sa rezidencijalnim shkoalama. Svako treba po jedan klasichni univerzitet da poursuivre, i to univerzitet koji zheli. Svako ima prava da se upishe na univerzitet koji zheli kada zheli i ako nema mesta u amfiteatru bicje dodatnih chasova za zainteresovane tokom nocji. Univerzitet je besplatan i nema nikakvog osiguranja koje treba da se kupi. Nema limitakoliko puta chovek mozhe biti prva godina. Ja sam dbve godine fizike zavrshila nakon deset godina studiranja i nije mi nishta falilo. Imala sam srecje jer sam studirtala u Bgu, Jussieu i Open University-ju svaki put od nule ali treba da se da shansa da se ponavlja dok se ne nauchi i da se biraju neki predmeti.
• underground,
U Lyonu je metro bolji nego u Parizu, izgleda stabilniji. Treba svakji grad da ima underground kao Pariz, samo, bez grafita. Umesto publiciteta, studenti artistichkih shkola treba da urade radove na stanicama metroa i buseva.
• unmanned transport
To treba svima nama koji imamo nesigurnost jer neko chulo slabije radi. Ne znam kako sa GPSom ili zamenom GPSa /vidi New Scientist:/ da se to uchini ili da se uradi posebna linija za takve ili samo da nastavimo da stopiramo kamione ili vozimo se busevima i trajektima i vozovima je najkbolje.
• urbanising the animals
ima josh da se doda, prilikom intervjua cji prichati ako se setim. svi treba da imakju dokumente.
• veggie world
to za top zhivim zato sam zhiva, i drugi treba da budu zhivi. mislim da je jache od frojdovog sex kompleksa ljudski komplex koji se javi kad se shvati i precjuti injustice da se zhivotinje koje jedemo u stvariu iste zhivotinjae koje volimo. veliki stres i ljudi zato iz zatvora izlaze onim redom kojim sam prichala.
ne postoje. svi su VIP i mesta na zhirkama po klubovima treba da se manu cjorabva posla da stavljaju neke iznad i ispod, stari i otrcani masonski princip.
• visas
ni za koga i ni za shta, ali treba pri ulasku u drzhavu kao i u ghrad da se predstavi chovek sa svojilm chlanovima porodice da se zna i ukoliko nema zdravstvene zashtite koja je neophodna za osobu da se ioopshtina odmah potrudi oko toga.
• voluntary work
za sve uvek. to sui kibuici u Izraelu, mi smo imali josh leprshe u staroj Jugoslaviji, zvalo se radna akcija. Pitajte ljude o tome. Penzioneri treeba da rade volontarijat neke vrste kao i svi oni koji se previshe bave ceremonijalom a premalo stvarnim radom kao lmjudi sa hendikepom. Ja sam u zhivotu dala preko tridesetshest hiljada inekcija i preko sedamnaest holjada puta sam se bocnula pu prste ove dekade tako da molim vas, razulmite i nemojte biti lenji, ne valja, na prvu misao ustani da uradish akciju bez daha izmedju odluke i delovanja.
• wages
hiljadu i chetiri hiljade neto, s tim shto chetiri hiljade neto imlaju dva meseca u godini svio koji rade od taxes money.
• war
necje ih vishe biti. shto se tiche dosadashnjih,, dajte im prevod ovbe knjige. nema zashto bog da ratuje sa drugim bogom jer nema ideje iznad njega. irak afganistan i srbija da pozovu sve pevache i djeve sveta da dodju i svi da se oobuku u maskirno odelo i ljudi koji zhive tamo isto tako da se obuku i delmilitarizacija da se izvrshi tada uz Nitin Sawbnhey beyond the skin melodijom albuma, i da se demilitarizacija izvrshi i da okupatori nauche jezik tamo togh mesta shto su okupirali i pozovu natrag nas da vas posetimo u bogatim drzhavama ako i dalje budu bogate kad jedan evro bude vredeo jedan dinar, heheheh...
• water animals
spasimo shto vishe mozhemo. posebni zoolozhki vrtovi za njih i da im ,e dajemo rinu za jelmio molim vas vecj ostatke nashe grrane ili od fungija hranu.
• water supplies on Earth
jako bitno. Vermicast, hydrogen preko solarne i sman,ivanje televizije tri meseca, djubre kao u Nemachkoj i eto, spasicjemo ih ako se industrije slmiluju i anihiluju toksichni otpad shto ga izbacuju.
• wireless life and some gadgets
wi fi preko kabla mozhe??? gadgets svakog vikenda da se poazuku u opshtinama; lap i radio koji mozhe sve da pohvata na primer. lapo za svakodfga.
• zero gravity clubs
to vi mene iznenadite, necje biti potrebne droge i pushenje zabranjeno.
• zoos
da se organizuju vecji espacei ili pusteu slobodu ali medju penzionere o kojima brinemo.
• population,
vecj pominjala. u CC da stoji.
• local vs world news,
zar to nije genijalno da se vishe zna o tvojoj opshtini nego o tudjoj opshtini?
• jewelry,
kashika viljushka nozh i kashichica za svakoga od netoksichnog plemenitog metala . nelma vishe shta da se izranja iz zemlje, ostavite za milione godina unapred...
• ecosystems,
dajte struchnjacima rech. the ecologist magazine je odlichan, samo preskupo sve u njemu jer je british na zhalost.
pasta za zube nam ne treba kao ni fluoridated water. chetkica od nekog normalnog materijala, molim. bez elektrichnih chetkica, nisu diobre, lmehanika je zakon;
?zashto pijenje vode poraste shecjer, je li to shto su kidneys pred neuropatijom? ne treba piti vodu, ponavljam jer kozha to treba da radi.
mjudi godishnje treba jednom da odu na more bar.
sex: kladim se da nema hioljadu zhena na svetu koje su diozhivele hiljadu orgazama.
naochare od metala i stakla, bez plastike osiml za oko nosa.
oni koji se vole prave svakog meseca svadbu, to jest zhurku.
Svako treba da bude predsednik Global Villagea dok trazhi svog partnera jer javna duzhnost.
Zamisli koncert sa sve rokerima svetskim, djevima, funkhedsima, ritmashima iz repa i mjuzicharima sa mimaradija koji nema dokad traje, pochinje u Bgu i svako je chist tamo, nema ni alkohola ni cigareta. Prva tri dana ljudi cje krizirati, dolaziti i odlaziti, ali niko nishta da ne uzme, dogovoreno? Chetvrti dan cjemo se osecjati kao deca od pet godina kad smo bili srecjni i plesali uz dobru muziku shto danashnja deca nemaju jer mi ili radimo previshe ili se gudriramo kafom i cigarama i tvom a da ne pricham o nechemu vishem. Koncert bez kraja, chistina bez raja, ali svi da budu chisti, ako nisi, slushaj sa druge strane Dunava pa da vidimo ko cje da pobedi. Chistina, brale, chistina cje da pobedi, petogodishnjak u nashem telu josh uvek shljaka i uchi latinicu za dva dana...
Tako cje manje ljudi trazhiti spas ili da budu spasioci prilikom drogiranja jer tada sami.
sustainable crpljenje voda. nema vishe potrebe za vioodama u bocama, chak ni plastichnim, idite u te banje ako vam se voda svidja.
hopital kao bad and breakfast fazon.i vice versa.
Ljudi su perpetuum mobile prva derivacija, zhivotinje o kojima brinemo takodje.
Ljubav se nadje kad dvoje dugo drugovi su i onda se pokazuju jedno pre drugim i sveto u smislu jednog objekta obozavanja koje imaju i koje im je uvek to szajednichko shto imaju. ali bitno je da duhgo biudu drugovi... chesto neuspeshno jer namera se pokazuje odùah. od mushkarca namera bitna je. koja je bila u Halo efektu ? prvoj milisekundi ? i kracje to je brzina svetlmmosti koju dobijamo kad ahalo efeka timamo, u stvari privi put vidimo osobu nasheg pola...suprotnog pola takodje alii samo jedna nije kao cjerka...
earlier draft in English, prethodno pisanje pocheto na engleskom :
I suppose that you already know that you must not make
love with your own natal family. I believe that at
least 12 levels of relatedness should be forbidden.
If it anyway happens the abortion should be available
and recommended choice.
If the woman had been raped, the abortion choice
should be open.
The case where the pregnancy shows life danger to
mother or child, the hospital specialists should have
the right to unveil their recommendation even if it
has to be abortion. They could save some of genetic
material so child can be cloned and born in future
when pregnancy problem is solved and both of mother
and child are guaranteed health. If the danger lies
only in observed diagnosis of the unborn child, it
should be most desirable thing to pursue the pregnancy
and give a birth if child with such diagnosis can
live. It should not be available thing for mother to
abort a child if, for example, she discovers the child
has Down syndrome. Even if child needs to live away
in a carrying home, it still has the right to be born
and live the life and one day, when the treatment
becomes available be there for it.
I recommend also to all girls to use contraception
until they finish their high school. There is a
question I am asking teenagers girls. Even if you are
sure you found the right partner for you and you still
haven’t reach 18 years, spend this time to make
best friend of him. Probably it is nice to cuddle and
kiss each other, but just try (this is not imposing of
morality, I said just try) to have sexual experience
after you finish high school. If girl become pregnant
anyway she should raise the child and she should
prolong her high education but certainly finish it in
her own time. As soon as she discovers she expects a
child, she needs to find good hospital where she can
be guided through pregnancy.
It is woman’s holly mission and most
professional duty to be the mother if she can.
It is a well-known fact that air-conditioning gives
big relaxation in the spaces where it works.
People need fresh air. Air- conditioning is there to
put more oxygen (O2) in the room, thus increased
amount of it in our breath gradually leads to better
brain functioning and reducing of free radicals in the
body. There are also different kinds of it, you can
even imitate all smells of nature within closed space
by adding basic essences. They should be no
petrochemically based.
Most of the urban closed spaces should have
air-conditioning. It must become standard thing in
So, who urgently needs to have the air-conditioning?
Medical institutions and all places which deals with
health, pharmacies included. Educational
institutions. Public transport. Shops and
restaurants. Other public and gathering places should
install air-conditioning devices as well.
Additional air conditioning would be to put green
plants on all public places where it is possible and
to install just above them little ultraviolet (UV)
lights. They will make than in their natural way O2
whilst doing the process of photosynthesis. They also
look very pretty in closed spaces. Please, try not to
put the plants with flowers, as there is a percent of
people who are allergic on it.
Why do you think it is forbidden for children to drink
alcohol? Because it is not good for the liver. I
think the worst thing that could happen in the last
years is when some doctors recommended alcoholic drink
to be drunk during the meal- they said it is good for
the heart. It is in out of phase energy with adrenal
glands stress hormone corticosteroids which comes
after ingesting animall
How and why? If prolonged usage of alcohol destroys
liver that is because there are stronger molecules
than pure glucose which is motor of the body and,
nutritionally, we are not capable of alcohol’s
good absorption.
I suggest that alcohol needs to be considered as
narcotics type of substances. I propose that for it
exist special card so all people above age of 18 will
need it when buying a drink, both in a shop and in a
bar. That special card will have a generous limit of
amount of alcohol that can be consumed in a month.
More than that will not be available. If not spent in
one month the credit for alcohol will not be possible
to put in another month. Even if the person drinks
almost to the limit for 3 months it should be reduced
the maximum allowance of alcohol for him. If it
continues to drink to the borderline for 6 months, the
doctors should invite it to a conversation. If it
continues for some time after that again, it should be
considered as alcoholic and specialist care and help
should be provided.
With these measures it should be available to reduce
the number of alcoholic in the world. Only people who
cannot be helped by this are people working in an
alcohol industry. They should be free to ask for help
if they exceed their consumption of alcohol of
globally acknowledged limit quantity. They must not
continue to deteriorate their abuse habit just because
they seemingly do not have limitation of available
alcoholic drinks.
Also, people should be so moral not to buy the drink
for other. If they do, the amount of the drink the
person drunk should somehow be possible afterwards to
put onto its card as well.
This should be internationally generalised trade
measure for alcoholic drinks
This can take time to realise. Everywhere in the sea
and oceans where is nice and friendly climate it will
be good places to make artificial islands: They would
be connected to the earth below the sea with the
strong link, so they will be stationary. Something
like half a kilometre toward the island’s ground
the sea will be ‘civilised’ with no
carnivores or hurting stuff for people. It will more
look like swimming pools, those
‘entrances’ to the islands, no more than
2-3 metre deep.
Only one recommendation I have to make about this and
it is very important one. It will not be possible
that people have their private apartments and houses
there. It will be just hotels there. Artificial
islands will be tourist places and people can have
their holidays there. So for everyone it will be
necessary to pay for accommodation. It will be
available for everyone’s pocket to visit and
have holiday there considering that the person does
some voluntary work for the island as well.
One of the primary aims in sustainable human
development is that all people get bathroom in their
homes. It can be the same room as the toilet (also
necessary thing for adequate life) or separate.
Jacuzzi is a very useful version of the bath but it is
necessary that medical opinion approve its use, i.e.
there are some diagnoses which are not compatible with
hydro massage.
The money from all taxes around the world, as well as
donations should be invested to make bathrooms (and
toilet if there is none) in the homes of all people
who cannot afford to finance such a project. It is
very important to get clean water into their homes as
well as make proper canalisation that would lead used
water out. Concerning the usage of the bath, I would
just suggest to people to use eco-friendly hygienic
products. Concerning the toilets, please use
biodegradable dry and wet toilet tissues.
I have seen in one international scientific experiment
which has been practising living of 6 people in the
little space capsule as if they have landed and have
to live for some months on Mars. They had such patent
mechanism that had processed their urine into drinking
water. They had such a space with a shower that no
water could be lost and all water had been cleaned and
ready for again usage in short period of time. They
have obviously used a special type of cleaning agent.
Such devices urgently need to be commercialised and
installed in the developing world that has the urge
for baths and fresh water. Thanks in advance.
The bodyguarding is an absurd job. Whatever your work
is, you should be free to walk free in the world
without bodyguard’s help. As I stated earlier,
every living being is a star. You should not consider
yourself nor act as black hole in no case at all.
If it is the amount of money you have that keeps you
insecure that give it away with purpose so you can
feel free. If you are frightened by amount of fame
you have got you should find a way to address it. The
hiring of bodyguard shows that something in your life
you are not doing right, otherwise you would feel free
to walk free in democratic society.
If you are a watcher of the television you should try
to have equal or bigger hours of reading/studying the
book than watching the TV.
You should aim to read at least one book per month. I
believe that you should have the time for it.
It would be good to make a habit to practice conscious
breathing at least 10 minutes two times a day. That
would be the time for exercise of breathing. Person
should not think about nothing else in that exercise
except about regular and profound breath. The
technique would be either simply same amount of time
inhaling as exhaling or, if interested to imply
eastern teachings, inhaling/keeping the
breath/exhaling can be done in ratios 1/1/2, then
1/2/2 and if those are easy going the ratio of 1/3/2.
Maybe just inhaling one period and exhaling in double
period will suffice too. It is important that the
spine is straight standing and that body position is
either very relaxing one, like simple laying on bed,
or some challenging asana posture (body position in
I suppose that the best idea is to think about nothing
else except about proper breathing, maybe visualising
that all cells of the body are getting plenty of
oxygen with some thinking that cells are eliminating
free radicals if there have been some.
Breathe exercising have been popular way of the
working on itself since ever. It is a primary thing
we do when we are born. It is most of the day
unconscious way of one’s life. That is why I am
proposing practicing of such an exercise, to try in
some moment to concentrate about nothing else than
about breathing (and, maybe elasticity of body during
the posture). It is funny to see and watch how often
our thoughts will fight to run away on another
subjects instead to think just about the quality of
Try to make daily habit of it. Good luck!
There are some new devices that have to be included in
canalisation tubes. Special enzyme has to start work
since toilet to adapt organic dechets for
canalisation. It is important for canalisation fluids
to be easily absorbed by rivers and seas without
poluting them. That is why I think special enzymes
should do the job.
It will be necessary that in lavaboes and baths
another types of enzymes react with used water before
its exchange with toilet fluids. Baths’ waters
consist of different soaps and shampoos and even
aromatic oils. Lavabos would need to have mixing
device that would soften food which came in and
enzymes that would degrade dish wash and other
cleaning products. Canalisation water will like that
be more degraded into non-toxic components before it
lefts the homes. The law must be imposed that all
cleaning materials must be biodegradable. Those
enzymes must be available in shops and not expencive.
Only after this is done, yhe canalisation will be
neutral and clean to exchange with waters where people
can swim (rivers, seas, oceans…). Special and
independent collecting mechanisms of water from the
streets has to clean that water from heavy metals and
toxic elements before disposing them absolutely
neutralised in the waters. The same is worth for
industrial and pharmaceutical garbage that is disposed
in waters. It has to be neutralised and ecofriendly.
High amende and even cease of activity should be the
judgement if this is not respected.
Under no condition even so neutralised canalisation
cannot be given as a fertiliser to agricultural land.
The law must be made to prevent this inhumane affair.
The law must be made to forbid all nuclear dechets to
enter canalisation and rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
This is a big threat of present days and
international government must deal with it urgently.
The global movement for peace and world unification
can come from international carnival. It must be good
organised, preferably at least in all countries of
United Nations. Every capital of the country can see,
accommodate and welcome such a movement. The date and
duration must be agreed. It should be free thing. It
should be great.
It can be repeated each year by making this
international carnival a traditional happening.
PS. Please do not smoke on the place of its
It would be stupid to put the censure to the artwork
after everything that have been publicised. There is
one other thing I recommend, though. It is that
everywhere in front of the radio emission, TV program,
song, book or similar art work there in clear and
simple language in advance say what is going to be put
in front of the public.
Especially these kind of things have to be specified
– if that is tragedy, or does not have happy
end, if there is killing, attempt of killing, thinking
about the killing (who, animal or human), eating of
killed being (animal of human) and carnivorous acts;
if there is suffering of animal or human, if there are
swearing or bad words in such art, if there is any
sort of annihilation of the live being, accident,
suicide or suicidal attempt, fight (and if it is
‘sport fight’ to be specified which kind
and with which purpose), if there is suffering of any
sort; if there is poverty with explanation how it came
to it and with which purpose it is presented; if
there is presented making of pollution or cutting
trees; if there is stilling, why and with which
purpose it is presented, if there is experiments on
animals, why and with which purpose it is presented;
if there is any kind of aggression, if there are
health problems included, which, with what purpose and
description of such diagnosis, if there is drug abuse,
if there are erotic sequences between the people who
are not married nor couples in real life (just to
adjust and see it as art work), if there is a war, why
and with which purpose, if there is any conflict with
explained roots, if there is irony, satire, violation
of self esteem of any kind, immorality, amorality,
divorce (explained why and with which purpose),
publicities minders and so on (maybe I forgot
something, please add to the list).
Not just children, but all people will have free will
to choose if there is need to be observers of such an
art after they read what is about and they are
prepared for all possible pain such art can cause to
their idealism. It would be good, also, to exist some
books, radio and TV channels which will be certified
that they do not have none of those stuff.
Thanks in advance.
International World Central Computer has to solve the
problem of keeping the information about the
individual in safe place (with no possibility of
Orwell’s scenario).
First of all, all living people need to be put in
under their names, dates and place of birth.
Additional information will be the land and house
property they own/rent in Global Village. Personal
information will include DNA filngertip (with its
material kept of it in the special DNA bank), the
fingertips and all biometry information. Also
person’s will, and answer to two questions,
i.e., declaration that if person dies and does not
want to be organ donor and second, if person does not
want to be cloned after the death under no
circumstances. It will contain medical diagnosis and
pharmacology information. Only medical stuff and
pharmacist can with the special keys enter such
individual information field. And, if necessary,
special team of policemen can consult the dossier
about the police record as well.
Same type of medical information will be held in
special department for the pets and public animals.
The information in CC will include whether animal and
human are first time on Earth or are cloned.
Big tree of life, the family one will be formed after
the DNA fingertips are entered. People who do want to
be contacted by the relatives will have a special
e-mail address so they can be reached. Others can be
known to exist, but if they want, their privacy has to
be the law.
The part of Central Computer will be that all public
jobs and activities and their economies will be freely
put on the internet with the daily updates so people
can see them. Taxes will be also openly revealed so
everyone will be able to know how much, where, to
whom, when and how the taxes money is attributed.
The Central Computer has to be safe. It is a priority
for the global society to exist such a thing. There
is lot of ‘for’ and need for such a safety
measure. Also, cloned people and animals can be sure
that they are the only one with specific genetic code
to exist at the time Exception is if they had
identical twin brother or sister, or that their
implanted embryo divides and that twins clones are
born. It is important not to clone those who are
already cloned and they are living – those
information will be part of the Central
Computer’s bank. Medical records and criminal
ones will be centralised and reachable by specialists
in necessary moment all around the world.
When the rivers become clean there should be possible
to create channels that would connect two rivers or
just channels that would form kind of lake. This
should first be done in emergency sites that need it
for agricultural or preserving of wild habitat needs.
The channels that are coming from the sea and ocean
should have kind of artificial roof where steamed
water can be collected and purified for local water
supply. It is not bad idea that those artificial
roofs are standing upside the channels in all hot
areas and bring back that water to the channel so no
water can not be lost. Kind of artificial roofs with
adjustable temperature would be nice as they will
permit uninterrupted possibility of usage. Since its
branching from the river, the future channels should
pass through cleansing process. The canalisation
should not be put into those channels so they could
preserve cleanness. Those channels will be exclusively
available for human swimming purposes. Neither boats
nor ships will be aloud to use those channels. It
would be nice that some of them are implanted with
flora and fauna but not to be harvested or used in any
other way than for peaceful cohabitation. We should
provide vegetarian food for those animals.
Lets start by saying that trade of animals has to be
forbidden. International team of zoologists must
specify which animals can be pets and which ones need
to live in a wild. It needs to organise reintroduction
of animals that need to live in wild habitat to it,
eventually allowing them to learn where they can find
humanly prepared vegan food so they will not need to
starve nor kill for food.
As for those animals that can be our pets, again, no
buying them for money should be allowed. If you have
a pet and want to breed it, you must check up firstly
if there is no blood connection between future
partners. You must also assure that those partners
will stay monogamy partners and in future. You must
provide that they are meeting at least once per month
during their entire life, not just in the mating
season if they already do not live together. You must
also assure that there is some kind of short time
unharmful contraceptive device so that the female
cannot suffer from exhaustion and continuous
When you get young ones, you should by all means give
plenty of time for youngsters to spend with their
mother. You should visit your vet so they can get
personal identification card and can be put into
Central Computer database with all necessary
information (try to the time your female pet gave the
birth too). You should also allow father pet to be
present as much as possible whilst youngsters are
growing. When you find interested people who would
like too spend their lives with those young animals
you must give those animals as a gift, after
interested person won you trust and showed you that it
is well prepared in knowledge and wit about future pet
it wants to have. You must assure that young ones
will gather together with their mother and father at
least once per month. I cannot highlight enough the
benefits of such a culture.
People and children who want to have a pet must
firstly prepare themselves for that. They must pass a
little course, regular or distance learning one. They
must find out everything about the type of pet they
want to have. They must find out how to get vegan
remplacement food if the animal type comes from
carnivorous background. They must consider that they
are obtaining the pet for entire life. They must be
ready that, if happens that pet dies, they would clone
it to live together again. They must see someone who
already has that kind of pet and find out whether they
could also give it everstanding welcome at home. All
these teachings are to assure that person is well
aware about the responsibility it takes by inducing a
pet to family. Only after all these can something so
serious as getting a pet who also has its own roots
and needs its family gatherings at least once per
month can be understood. They also must act as if it
is pet for whole life.
Definitively is already proven that tobacco is bad for
the health. It cannot even be sold in certain
quantities in the narcotics’ shops because it is
a harmful drug.
So tobacco fields will be reused or for another
purposes. GPS will detect any field which aims to
distribute tobacco and it should be destroyed.
Although, people can grow their own tobacco. What is
important, smoking will be banned from all public
places in the entire Universe.
Tobacco companies has to stop to sell already prepared
tobacco in cigarettes. No cigarettes nor cigars for a
sale, just tobacco with list of ingredients included
in it attached. They can sell and scientifically
explain efficiency of the filters. The smokers will
have to make their own cigarettes from bought tobacco
and that will make it easier for them to quit, it is
such a hassle to make over and over again the tobacco.
Two years after that, the tobacco altogether will be
banned from selling, except for private planting.
I hope that Global Village society will be a
non-smoker one. Raised temperature in smoking in the
mouth is just not healthy thing – children
intuitively know that and they are not smoking their
alimentation. Space travel and landing on the new
Earth-like areas will not bring with itself such a
Thank you for working for the health.
Circuses are very interesting until they are using
just humans in it. Animals are not for such a life.
Personally every person should teach its own pet a few
trics but those animal should not be placed in the
circus or forced to perform.
The animals from the circus should be legally taken by
animal specialists and put into internmediate
environment where they can learn again to live in
nature. When they become ready, they should be put in
the nature. If there are those ones which do not
acclimatise to live alone in nature, they should be
put into special big fields where humans will make for
them shelter and care for their food and health.
Thanks in advance.
I think that it should exist climate control for the
cities, as well as for the agricultural and public
animals’ places. Probably 300 degree of Kelvin
will be felt like already hot but this limit is to be
chosen by residents of each city.
This thing is especially important for the too hot
cities. I think that some kind of polymer roof can be
put above the cities to diminish the temperature and
to collect and give away water down on the same place
as rain.
How far I have heard of, Nikola Tesla had been
proposing such a project (something like virtual
pyramids set above the city) already, only the patent
is not yet publicly revealed. Nota bene, the same
project includes obtaining the free electricity device
as well.
Soon afterwards we can expect above each garden a mini
virtual roof which would control the climate for every
family individually.
This is very new field of work for humans and it needs
some international reglementation. I am starting this
subject by proposing the law of who can be cloned.
Just after death of the animal or human the cloning
can be done. Why I think so? Because of parallel
with physics that declared that identical clone can be
made only if original is destroyed. So if the body
does not have life force within itself anymore, we
should do cloning and expect identical clone to be
formed. If original is not dead and cloning is done
there will be twins made, and they deserve different
names and they will have some differences as identical
twins usually do. Even though can they have frapant
similarities in physiognomy and behaviour, they are
not identical and both of them are original.
So that is my proposition for law to be made. Lets
give the nature that chance to make from same material
two distinctive originals in the same time, ie.,
identical twins. Let us, as that is the mission of
human, sew and repair that which has to be done when
somebody’s life bulb switches off. From the
material of dead individual we need to take genetic
material, find the family which will rise it with love
and care and which is in close relation with that
person’s life and which would explain to it
his/her past life.
The best thing to prove that after death cloned
individual is identical copy of old self is if we do
that in beginning (for at least a decade to be sure)
with our dead pets. People who are ready to do that
would need to inform own vet as soon as possible that
they want to clone its dead pet and that they have
some parts of its body (dead animal, or bones, or
hair, something what is left). When the animal is
cloned they need to watch carefully for its behaviour
and to inform the vet about it. Best thing which can
happen and which would confirm my hypothesis from
above is if the animal shows signs of similar
behaviour. If that happens to most of the cloned
after death pets, we can pursue this method and clone
dead humans.
Which dead humans? First of all there is no problem
if mother wants to born again her dead child. But
what we will do with others? En plus, what if dead
dear person which we want to clone is part of our
family, our blood, part of similar genetic make up?
We will need in beginning to do that by family or
family in law by in vitro pregnancy. The parents need
to be someone who knew and loved those person when it
have been alive, someone who would like to do such
immense task and to adopt that child as their own. I
hope that people can be strong and start to deal with
this part of life without a problem. Dead person if
needs new life in the same genetic make up certainly
need most of all parents that would take care about it
and be accepted as proper child.
There had been until now big problems in cloning the
animal. What is worst, usually part of that research
laboratory centre had in their complex slaughter
houses to kill and get organs fron other animals.
Surrogate mothers had big rate of unsuccessful
pregnancies with big danger to themselves as the
cloned child tended to grow much bigger than it needs
so the mortality rate of mother is high. We should
not anymore slaughter other animals to obtain ovules
and other tissues. The scientific research is so much
developed that there have already been breakthrough
that from stem cells obtained from placenta and
umbilical cord they succeded in special cultures to
obtain ovules and create new organs. The ovules and
uterus has to be developed that way. Than that ovule
can be treated with genetic material which needs to be
cloned and implanted in artificially live womb to grow
up. Afterwards, if baby animal has been born, it
should be put amongst of newly born animals of other
mother so it can develop. When enough such type of
unharmful animal experiments has been done. And if the
cloned pets preserve the character of dead ones from
which they had been cloned, we should be making
artificial ovules and womb for developing of dead
person which we want to adopt as our children
afterwards. Like this and only like this the birth of
the child will not pose the problem for mother which
adopts it and there will not be need to slaughter
animals and even women which reached menopause and do
not have available ovules can be mothers.
Please, internationally discuss and ameliorate this
idea. Only I am not yet adapted to accept the idea
that married woman has pretension to mother her death
husband or similar. That is why I think that at this
evolutionary stage of humanity best thing is that
parents to cloned person to be is woman from family or
family in law. Much safer and ethically more
acceptable and even I can say natural thing this can
be. There are people who consider the best man from
marriage and the godfather as family in law. This
should be accepted.
One more very important thing to make clear. The
person which lost its marriage partner which is now
cloned need to pass through very big self test –
it cannot be expected that cloned person will fall in
love in the same person once it loved in previous
life!!! So those person who watches and possibly is
part of adoptive family for new life of cloned dead
husband/wife need to continue to wish the best for its
nsaredsmadnow ex partner so to watch him/her grow and even make
up its new family with someone else. Can you do it?
Everyone of us who loved someone and have been married
until that person had passed over need to wish him/her
best in the new life. Normally, the cloned person
will grow up in knowledge what had been happening in
its old life but they have to have possibility of
choice. Even so, sometime, even those alive married
person which stayed started its own life so both sides
have to have that right. It does not have to be hard.
If you ever loved someone you wish him/her well in
all senses and on all sides. What better could happen
that that person gained again chance to live.
Probably you will be near that cloned child whilst
growing and you can tell him/her all the stuff you had
been passing through in its ex life. That will mean
him/her a lot – so just do it- illuminate
his/her past. You can always consider yourself as
his/her ant/uncle – big and important position
to be to young fellow. Wish him/her best future and
respect this dear child which already had some history
but has to be independent of it. Lets just hope that
his/her life will be this time even better.
People, copuple of decades will pass before this
happen to humans! If I was dead I would not be happy
that people slow down process of my new reappearing on
Earth again – its so lovely place to live in, so
just let this things happen as soon as it is
scientifically possible. It should be available for
all people on the world.
You know what is already happening – music is
available for downloading from the Internet. Public
needs to be reached. But here is something much
better – I believe that musicians should earn
most of their money by making concerts. That is cool.
Whenever they got the Internet message that some
place has enough people interested to attend the
concert, musicians should make concert there. Over
the net the public is easily reached and with the
downloading people are more motivated to share ideas
and free publicity, so musicians will easily make
concerts all around the world.
I also suggest two types of concert – silent and
musical ones (this is concerning the public). Silent
are those where just musicians’ performance is
important and you are listening to them and absorb the
concert completely. Musical ones are those where you
can come with your instruments and pure voice and
‘catch the rhythm’, do it together, as all
of you, musicians and the public are one group
improvising together well known sounds.
With inspiration in good vibration,
See you on the concerts!
Lots of people would like some esthetical
improvements. But there is one kind of aesthetic
improvement which should be paid by social security.
That is the effect of ageing process. All stuff which
belongs here, lifting and annihilation of lines should
be part of the culture and normal thing for everyone
to do. Until now it was exclusively reserved for the
rich and wealthy. It needs to be part of cultural
education that when lines start to appear person go
to, plastic chirurgian who makes the skin looks
younger. Also the skin stretching which are sometimes
necessary after woman gave birth should be free as
well as stretching of the skin to the people who lost
the weight.
It is our right to look best as we can and if there
are techniques which help in that tendency we need to
use them. Part of looking young is that person
emanates with positivism. There is only small number
of people who like to age. All the rest would like to
keep young face and body. Luckily, the technology is
here to help us in that subject. It only needs to be
offered as part of free health care to all.
Big number of people would like to improve quantity of
their hair. The hair implantation techniques must
become available worldwide for commercial price.
Laser epilation (removing of hair for ever) needs to
be offered to all people of the world too. Nut just
down the arms, on the legs or around the genitals lots
of people wants to get rid of hair and on another
places, for example beard. Such chance should be
offered to all and be affordable for all people
masculine and feminine. Only attention, I do not know
whether there is chance to grown again the hair on the
place where laser removes it so that decision to
pursuit such an thing must be final;
Seriously, there will be no difference in the
countries. People can spread their maximum surface of
housing which they can have in different countries in
few homes. The minimum housing space (probably
something like 50m2 for each adult person in entire
Global Village every human will be entitle to own
((PS. International specialists have to agree how much
minimum and maximum surface can be occupied))) can be
obtained in the country of will after there are no
more housing places in the country the person is born.
The borders of countries will cease to exist. Pets
can move with their owners, although they have to be
regularly checked up by a vet.
It would be nice if person start to learn the language
of the country it is in, at least basic expressions.
It helps to be better understood cultural and
historical heritage of the country.
Otherwise, there is just a sport competition which can
‘prove’ to the fans which country is
better. Let it be lots of competition for all the
The basic, Global Village Law has to be the biggest
law. Range people in categories by the place they are
born, not by their religion, colour of the skin, or
anything else which is racist, that is the only global
way of ranging them if necessary. I suppose that all
countries will gladly gather together to bring the
Global Village Law. It will be the good thing for the
world; it needs to start with it quickly. Within a
decade from now, the Global Village is expected to
already exist in reality. Countries will have a
geographical meaning. Few of them who are still for
separating or unifying within some name need that to
do by doing the referendum with voices of people which
are residents or have a residence in such a place.
People who had been become refugees from their own
land have to get the same surfaces of houses to keep
to continue to be residents of the same territory as
Please, solve that problem – if there is such a
question of people insists that they have to occupy
some territory –land, the government of such a
territory has to give them minimum residential
surface. Probably they will need to instead of houses
build a lot of buildings for people. Afterwards they
can continue to compete to see who is
‘better’ by having sportive competitions.
Put the hand on your mouth when you yon, sneeze and
cough. If you have available and have time, put
special handkerchief in front of your mouth when you
sneeze or cough.
Do not put your fingers in your nose (use
Do not put your fingers in your mouth.
Do not chew your nails.
Do not spit.
Try not to fart and belch in the public.
Do not smoke in the public.
Shower and/or bath at least once per day.
Wash your hands before each meal, when you enter your
or somebody’s home, when you go out from public
or own transport.
Eat an apple when you awake and before the sleep.
Put your garbage in places where it can be recycled.
Keep your spine straight and your shoulders backwards.
Speak clearly.
If there are few of you walking in the pavement
together, leave the space for the people to pass you
Excuse yourself even if you just have unbalanced,
fearful or racist thought or if you sweared aloud or
in yourself, always try not to have it.
Do not think about anyone that is stupid –
velocity of the brain behaviour is a relative thing.
Be friendly to the people.
Have a responsibility for your pets.
Be concerned to help our world.
Do not shout never and on none.
Do not fight, nor raise your hand on no one.
Do not lie.
Do not still.
Do not kill or accept that others kill for you.
Do not eat dead people or animals.
Control your diet.
Read a lot.
Complete your education.
Learn other languages.
Learn the medicine.
Learn the maths.
Understand the history.
Understand psychology.
Play the music.
Play a lot of child games.
Be sportive.
Never loose sense for humour.
I still do not understand what have the people being
doing – arming themselves after Second World
The fact is, most of the countries have plenty arms
and munitions. Individuals have it for proper use as
This is the proposal. Guns in the Global Village will
be held just and only by police. Their bullets will
be sleeping ones so there is no possibility that
someone is hurt. All arm forces need to go to
re-education to integrate themselves into the peaceful
Global Village society. There is no more need for
soldier’s job. They can still protect the life
by being policemen or doctors. Those people need to
be funded from the international taxes to complete
their education and find new way for their life.
All munitions will be collected, in each village and
city, from individuals and from the arms. I suppose
this can be quickly, easy and smoothly done.
International agreement will start the global
collection. This is very important issue and all
people have to know about it. All of them need to
give away their weapons. All of these have to be
selected and sent to annihilation, recycling or
garbage. All this material has to be cleaned from
radioactivity and explosive character. All this metal
should be recycled.
I suppose it can be the holly moments, those ones of
collection of the weapons. Maybe it will be just one
place for each country where it will be held such
gathering. People should make ceremonial and
celebration in these days. Only the police will
afterwards continue to have guns, and that with
sleeping bullets only. Time has come that peace
become reality. Everywhere.
No words can describe the importance of writing the
diary. It will be great if woman starts to write the
separate one when she becomes pregnant. Whilst the
child doesn’t know to write, she will do the
great thing if each day she put something what
happened to the child. Those words will be given to
the child as a present and it will be good for it to
knows what it was passing thru whilst growing. When
it learns to write in the school, then is the time
that child itself starts to write. It would be good
if there were some little education in the school
which can stress the importance and methods for
It is like the person has its own space coordinates of
each day for ever in time. It is good thing for
remembering of things. It is great for
psychoanalysing own self after some time has pass. It
brings importance to each day. It immortalises human
life. That is one of the factors which shows the
constant change and inner entity of everyone of us.
Writing the diary needs in itself a lot of discipline.
You will se how far away you can go in excusing
yourself and your life why you are not writing. It
brings a new dimension in one’s life. Try it
for each day for more than a year and you will see
that that year brought to you better mental ability
and en plus, you gained immortality of all days you
have passed thru. Your point de vue is very important
for yourself.
Even if the worst scenario happens and somehow the
person dies, it will bring immense sense of the
self-esteem for such person to have the diary of its
past life once it has been cloned. The diary is
strictly personal thing (except if person wish
different) and has to wait for this very person even
if it passed thru cloning experience.
Everyone has to pass thru formation where it learns
the basics of the nutrition. It has to be free, paid
by government course for the people. Everyone ought
to know which fuel its body consumes.
After highlighting the public, such subject would need
to be part of primary school so children will be able
to understand the food concept.
I hope that this century will be called the ecological
one. What that means? We need to deal only with
renewable energies. We have to have non-poluant
vehicles and activities. All garbage and things we do
not need anymore need to be recyclable. All present
species of animals and plants has to be preserved and
protected from destroying. We need to take care and
scientifically change food habits of carnivorous
animals into herbivorous, including white of
unfertilised chicken’s egg and mushrooms. We
have to solve question of fresh water, bathrooms and
food for whole world. We have to make all rivers,
lakes and seas human friendly and clean. We have to
solve the problem of garbage. We need to put limits
on genetically modified food industry. We have to
control the weather and adapt all living places to
have human friendly climate. We have to put plants
everywhere it is possible and to adapt lots of
surfaces for controlled. We have to stop to use wood
and to cut the tree only if it is very sick. We have
to control the insects’ number and get rid of
dangereous ones on public places by putting them in
special insectozoo kind of prisons. We have to be
able to predict earthquakes and volcanoes and to help
local people to evacuate. We have to put in use
nanotechnology and quantum power devices. We have to
control and make public our sky and everything above
the Earth – so all objects above (satellites,
space shuttles…) has to be utile for human race
and they cannot perturb anything down on Earth or
present problems of any sort. We will have one day to
have wrapper, envelope that will protect us from
possibly stones and comets that would hurt life on the
Everything else I forgot needs also to be included
This is the best scenario that I can imagine.
When the child is born, the parents will leave
classical job to raise it until the primary school
which will start when child is 7 years old. They will
choose some voluntary work where both parents and
child(ren) can attend and enjoy together trip for
about 10 hours a week. That will bring big importance
of the family in child eyes as well as it will develop
some sense of social usefulness and responsibility
whilst working the voluntary work. If they did not
have savings from before, they will each earn net 1000
euros per month and child will have his mini money as
well. What is important they will be always together,
the parents and child so they can give their best to
raise it well.
Important thing is that child already attend some
school before the primary one starts. It should be
offered to choose between all musical instruments and
pass thru explication for each one so it can learn its
favorite instrument to play, learn the musical notes
to read and to sing and dance. It should start to
learn some foreign language as well before primary
school starts. It should start with active training
in some sport which it finds amusing. In this school
for little ones it should practice friendships and
socialising. Some of them can be attended by both
parents and child together so they can all learn new
thing. It is kind of hobby which child will already
Primary school will start with 7 years and primary and
secondary (necessary minimum) education should last 12
years until the child reaches its adulthood and
finishes the secondary school in 18 or 19 years.
School will take all mornings and lunchtime will be
ready to go home and there eat with its parents.
Afternoons it can do its hobbies and homework, write
diary and read books, and play interesting
intellectual games with its parents.
Neither primary nor secondary school will have
specialisation; all children should learn the basics
of all necessary subjects in those 12 years (primary
language and grammar, secondary language and grammar,
third language and grammar, Latin language,
mathematics, biology, geography, history, nutrition,
physics, chemistry, music, art, sport, history of
medicine, psychology, sociology, philosophy, computers
and net (if I forgot something, add. They will not be
all in the same year but some will be for all years)).
Classroom will hold teacher and maximum 6 pupils. I
even think 5 should be the maximum but you have to
choose the number. This number is par analogy on the
proof that you are just 6 handshakes far away from any
information and from any person on the entire world
(for example, you have friend whose sister has teacher
whose husband’s mum has neighbour and there you
are – every person on the world and every person
you can reach for sure (maths has proved). That is
why I think 5 (or 6?) pupils can be very good friends
and they can make clear one to another all ideas
presented in the classroom. They can also easily help
each other if there is some difficulty.
School, primary, secondary, University and hobby
schools are free to inscribe in and to attend. There
is possibility that teachers are on their voluntary
work in school – maybe even with their young
children they will hold the class. Other ones will be
paid from global taxes’ money. The classrooms
will be public spaces and if there is no voluntary
people who will keep it into the order, global
t-axes’ money should pay for people who will
work there different jobs. Probably robots will do
maintenance. Equipment will be donated by people or
paid for from global taxes’ money. One more
time to repeat, education is free. The best way to
choose classroom will be the children from same area
with similar intellectual inquisitivity.
The notes for the subjects that can be weighted are of
100%, 100 points from 100. The pass will be from 40%,
only up till 50% the student would need to do further
ameliorations before whole group of pupils continue.
All this percents are for private purposes only. In
CV and for applying for everything after the school in
diploma will say just pass or fail. I believe that is
much more fair system. All subjects will have
continuous assessments so there will not be exam like
necessity before University. Experience of exam like
passing can be done in hobby schools, though.
The title says it all. Priority to invest the global
taxes’ money for all people. Electricity should
be so protected so none can get hurt from it. People
should be taught about its basics. Electricity cables
should be so arranged not to hurt animals as well.
Thanks in advance.
Look the last years – global worming is the
fact. In most of cities people just avoid to run
because they cannot catch sufficient breath. There is
more. I do not want to start to complain here.
Within this decade we need to solve the problem of
vehicle’s engines. If we don’t I am
afraid that Global Referendum will back the decision
that all vehicles except airplanes pass on electricity
which is ecologic but with much lesser velocity. So
whether it is hydrogen fuel, electricity or absolute
non poluant fuel alternative, the decision has to be
made within next 3-4 years and all vehicle makers need
to adapt solution to exchange engine for nonpoluant
one. All types of vehicles, all models need to put
that new engine within next 5 years so in a decade
from now (the latest) more than 99% of vehicles will
have nonpoluant engine. Planes as well have to pass
on something nonpoluant but lets give it few more
years than vehicles – I expect problem solved
within 15 years, nonpoluant all vehicles (years
earlier than that all industrial pollution will have
to stop as well).
Normally, for these new engines for the vehicles first
safety and afterwards comfortability has to be
included. As I said, it is also possible that new
engines for vehicles will not succeed in beginning to
rise big velocity. Because of future generations and
because of our children and for our free breath, I do
not think it will be anything bad.
To show your will to do this not only global
referendum has to be done. Petition will be good
thing. But maybe people can give their xoice in one
day in year when they will not go to job, but also not
travel private vehicules at all. I propose 2nd of
January for Global Clean Day where with no driving the
vehicle peole will give their will that they are for
changing poluant to nonpoluant vehicle for sure.
Maybe we seriously succeed in this in such quick time
and on global scale – and why not?
Global referendum has to be done about this. It
includes answer on the question of euthanasing both
humans and animals.
What if the next day sickness fades away? What if the
next day the cure has been found?
I am very much against it. We choose to come in this
world in particular body and we have to preserve the
life formula forever in it. Only if death realy
happens (not assisted, please) the genetic material
can be used to clone another life being under same
name in similar environment (family or family in law).
But as far as I know even after coma lots of people
experienced change of character. That can happen even
after cloning, we do not know. Even if tendency to
death exist just take it like it is forbidden for you
and for everyone around you.
Most of global taxes’ money will go on medicine
and development of cures for all diagnosis. Please,
do not loose good spirit and belief that tomorrow you
or your animal will feel better. Believe in medicine
and development of science, I believe that we will
find cure for all diseases soon after Global Village
forms (people and information will be better connected
and money will be properly invested in the health).
So give your animal all possible care and think
constantly positive thoughts – that animal need
at least to be so long live how long you are alive.
If you are very sick, keep yourself up – the
cure will come, it is just matter of days. Survive!
Be brave! I believe in all you, people! I believe
that and in 300 years and in 3 million years we will
love our Earth and be space travellers all around our
Universum – in same bodies in which you are now
whilst you are reading these words? Agree? OK?
Exceed pain. Your body and mind will serve to you.
Never think that you will die. You will live and
always ameliorate yourself, each day, every moment,
Thank you.
Mostly to news reporters (and they will forward that
to others):
Please, stop to speak that America, or Washington, or
name of the organisation said something. It is some
person who give away the information and it is due to
be named as a person.
Please, name the function of person in reportage as
well as the name (and date of birth is not bad idea).
Please, name the full name of country about which one
you are speaking (so it is United States of (North, by
my opinion) America, or United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. Than the children that
learn geography will place their present into reality.
If the names of countries are too long for you, than
by referendum in the country the name of it can be
Why you are talking about celebrity’s death in
one reportage, you name the person and everything it
done, whilst in the second one you are talking about
lots of people which are dead because of some accident
and you just give me the number of the people not and
their names and dates of birth at least? Both of them
are person and both lifes deserve the same attention.
Can you start finally to use SI international system
of units?
How you can present people like Bush or Tony Blair,
for example which are guilty for attacks on innocent
peoples’ privacies and their environment and for
murder of innocent people? Can we see the judging for
their crimes or world politics have clean hands of
crimes? I do not have anything against to watch them
publicly on the judging as they have been in public
functions whilst their decision and actions sanctioned
so much human lives?
This is open publicity to all to stop taking salt and
sugar (glucose, sacharose and question about lactose
after the age of one in humans) and to take it few
times a year as a real narcotic. Surely you will get
fit. Your skin will also get better. Try it.
Hopefully the products in your supermarket will not be
rare and too expensive.
Salt is collecting the water in organism. When you
stop entering it, all your oedemas by my laic opinion
will stop. On mechanic level it gives you after being
in perfect crystal cubic structure and wanted to come
back to its perfect structure a more rapid nerve
impulse which acts as derivation in time on your own
pace (my explication, needs proof – please do
not use animals and children and they tend without
thinking to get addicted).
Sugar is very quickly absorbed by upper part of
digestive system. It raises blood glucose level so
more insulin is needed to stabilise blood sugar. Lots
of insulin has analgesic effect but also and it
accelerates the process of ageing and brings you a
hyperactivity, mostly in mental behaviour so you can
tolerate more (good example are publicity on streets
and TV unpeacfull scenes) without (my interpretation
– please do not use animals and children as they
will even expose hunger even after they’ve been
fed if there is some sugary treat afterwards).
Learn nutrition. Calculate your carbs, lipids and
glucids as well as energy per day. Write the diary
about your nutrition. Be active in few sports. Do
not use animals in the food so you will not feel
guilty and try to forget by eating more.
Big thing is that pollution has to be resolved as soon
as possible as people cannot breathe normally in
polluted areas so they tend to gain more weight. You
can check it, but I am talking the truth here.
PS, Please, if you want to discipline and urbanise
your pet do not anyway use sugary or salty treat but
something else which it can relate to and still it
gives satisfaction. Do not feed your child with
intention to distract it from something or to fell
I want you, international specialists to prove me
Do they and why children need lactose (dairy products)
and after one year old?
Do they and why children need salt in their food,
everyday, once per week, or ever (they do not seem to
drink the water in mum’s stomach which is salty
and they tend not to swallow salt in the sea?)?
Do they and why children need glucose in their food?
Do they and why children need sucrose (table sugar) in
their food?
Do they and why children need dead animals’ meat
in their food (look at feel of quilt and swallowing
the aspects of life in it).
Do they and why children need honey in their food?
Do they and why children need genetically modified
food (except if it is some special medicament
genetically implanted in)?
Do they and why children need stimulant caffeine in
their food?
Do they and why children need gaseous drinks in their
Do they and why children need warm food (and how many
degrees to be hot if good)?
Do they and why children need cold food (how cold is
Then and only then I will be in peace after seeing the
shelves in supermarkets and choice in restaurants.
Soldiers and military need to demilitarise. It will
be left lots of airplanes. All those airplanes will
have new mission. They will daily travel and send the
food and water on all parts of the Earth. Food in the
tin please offer and in no salty and in no sugary
It needs scientific congress to be made and to find
out how much and how many of the food can be sent from
each country which has food to each country that does
not. Global taxes’ money needs to be included
here in paying for such a project.
There is no need anymore that people are hungry when
there is plenty of healthy agricultural land on Earth.
It also can be sent quality land and seeds so people
can make their own plants within the specially
projected and built glassed gardens.
All food will have the standard that complete
ingredients’ molecular chemical analyse is
written on the box. It will as well include history
of all the materials which have been put into the soil
to bust the land from last 7 years. It will also
include the proper sort and name of the plant as well
as the information whether it has been genetically
modified and how.
All recyclable parts of garbage need to be sorted by
type into different containers. Robotised vehicles
will pick them up on daily basis and send them to the
places garbage can be recycled. It is important that
people know where and how to pack the stuff. That
includes and manufactures. For example they need to
put the paper etiquettes on glassed box like that that
they can be easily put off before putting glass in
glassed garbage. And so on. We need to make this
culture. Big percentage of the garbage can easily be
recycled if we are doing process of classification
right. The money from global taxes needs to be
invested in this.
Attention! Street garbage and dirty water cannot be
put neither to canalisation nor to garbage – it
contains too much hard metals and toxins to be
recycled with them. It needs some distinctive method
for that. And manufacturers of vehicles need to think
about it as well as street designers.
If agriculturers continue to use garbage to bust their
land they need to specify on products where, which
kind and how much of such garbage they used per square
metre of land.
I understand that the gay couples want to have
children. I have heard for the cases that male gay
couples had a surrogate mother so now they have
children. Gay females also can do an IVF treatment
with donor sperm and have their own children to. I
understand and respect and wish to all gay couples
with children all the best. The child is natural
thing to have in couple’s life and if you are
sure that you are so-called ‘eternal
partners’ than go for it.
I have one question for those interested. It is that
there is some organisation of both male and female gay
couples who want children so they can meet each other
it would be great. Maybe both female couple and male
couple can find a strong friendship link between each
other. Than maybe they can decide to raise the family
together, all of them. They can choose how and whose
egg and sperm they will use to create a child, or give
a chance to all partners’ eggs and sperm to be
mixed and produce a child(ren). However they want to
do. I think it is priority that they are respecti9ve
‘eternal partners’ and have great trust in
each other and that they can live together so that the
child can have two fathers and two mothers. I think
it can be a great fun! No, seriously, I think it can
be a great thing for all parts of family.
Whatever you choose to do, please bear in mind the
seriousness of having the child, obligations and so
on. But if you feel like it, go for it. The world
has to understand. Hopefully society will not pose a
The Global Village is every place where human lives.
It is included here all parts of our Solar system
which can be habitable. Only thing for the places
outside the Earth (in Solar\system or yonder) is that
there will be no private homes, but we will need to
make hotels or apartments for rent. That will avoid
the problem that on some nice place just rich people
live, or that only they exploit it. The maximum sizes
of the homes in the space need to be internationally
agreed. The same is worth for our Earth as all humans
need to have some minimal home space to live in and it
cannot be too big as well (the international experts
have to agree about minimal and maximal size of human
home). We also need to take in account that on our
Earth animals have to have space where to live as well
as plants.
If we ever find a place in the Universe where some
other intelligent civilisation lives we should not try
to conquer them. We can make the best possible
contact if that is what would be the best. We should
not try to expand our Global Village on aliens’
living space. Hopefully they will be well advanced
and would not consider us as a food. The same works
for us too.
If there will still be countries on Earth that’s
fine in geographical, historical and sportive meaning
(although some nationalities which want to be
independent can change the name of area they populate
to create new country). Politically, economically and
so on, we should act and perform as Earthers
(equivalent to Global Villagers).
We should start live in Global Village soon. It
should be possible to say it whilst filling the
formularies. Virtually you are Global Villager as
soon as you start using the Internet. I do not think
this shall pose a problem.
We need to have possibility when paying taxes to say
whether we want to be paid on national,
country’s or world level. I suppose that
gradually whole world will want to pay taxes on world
We should have one monetary unit, one currency and one
payment system.
We should live in international peace like already
most megalopolises do.
This is the job for the firms that produce vehicles.
They need to create GPS devices for all their models
of vehicles and to forward that information to the
public so people can implant it.
GPS system for the vehicles are clearly indispensable
to have. The risk factor which is so big that hazard
can occur and the accident happen will be considerably
smaller. The idea is that such devices not only help
person navigate itself by finding the way to reach its
finish. GPS devices will also have proper measure of
the dimensions of the vehicle so when there is some
dangerous situation, ie. other vehicle is coming very
near in dangerous speed it can automatically release
antimagnetic (or something similar) mechanism so that
accident will be avoided.
The project to have automated vehicle which will drive
itself without our need to control it is much nearer
if companies which made vehicles come up with GPS
device. All these hundreds of millions of vehicles
are not yet for the garbage. The problem is big to
recycle all of that. The GPS devices for vehicles
will firs make safer drive and second there is a
prospect in the near future to have all driving
robotised. The first step is that all car companies
start to release such devices which will be easily
implantable in vehicles.
I have two questions. First is: is it possible to
create handkerchief for people who coughs and sneeze?
The special material one which would stop all possible
spread of infections by simple putting it in front of
mouth? The only thing is, than, that person has it
available in a time.
Second question is: is it possible to mass-produce
wet handkerchiefs and made them available in
pharmacies, supermarkets and places of public
transport? Often after any transport, public or
private there is a need to disinfect and clean the
hands and there are wet handkerchiefs quite difficult
to obtain. Please try to make both perfumed and
neutral ones so people can choose.
Usually people have a tendency to write with either
left or right hand. That is OK.
I wanted to propose something more: that person learns
to write with both hands! It will not be the same
handwriting. Probably this will be quite a hard task
to do. But try it in your hours of rest, in times
when you want to teach yourself something new.
I think it will be the great thing. What is more,
probably there is some part of brain which will be
stimulated to work as well. If nothing, it is a great
fun. Sometimes, when you start, you will not be able
to believe that both hands belong to same person.
Just try it, why not?
The health insurance must be the right by birth. The
taxes of working individuals and firms must be
primarily concerned with health insurance. So, wages
of the medical stuff, the medical instruments, and the
drugs must be paid from the taxes. That is the
priority. Because it belongs to public duty to be
medical stuff, the wages as well as the prices of
medical instruments, ordinations and medicaments must
be publicly known facts.
If politicians do not agree with free health insurance
within next 2-3 years, the people can decide to stop
to pay wages to politicians immediately. Anyway, the
politicians’ job must be part of voluntary
The militants and soldiers which had been paid to work
from taxes must find the way to re-educate themselves.
Those jobs have to cease to exist as soon as
possible. The police can solve any problem if there
is one. That money from taxes can go in beginning to
pay the builders of hospitals, cook in hospitals,
cleaners and so on. Afterwards, this money must be
better addressed in other purposes, medical or not,
depends of world’s need and those jobs will
become part of voluntary and/or robotised working
The medicaments which are just substitutes to
preserving health can be payable and there is no place
in pharmacies for them (except, for example, if person
has medical condition which urges vitamins, those
vitamins will not be payable and will be available in
the pharmacy. Otherwise those kinds of
‘helpers’ should be available in a health
store). The pharmacists will stop to deal with such a
banal things like selling, they will be able to
concentrate on the person in need.
I do not know if this exist in all countries (it would
be good if it does), but there is one oath the future
medical doctor has to give in a moment of obtaining
his/her degree. It is called Hypocrites’ oath
and it says that the doctor will help any person who
needs it and will not try to choose which one he/she
will treat and will not refuse no person which need
medical help. Let it be so holy profession as it
needs to be and let no medical stuff thinks about
selling its own work. They would need to be paid
accordingly, more than official minimal wages.
The health insurance must be automatic thing. There
is a need for one personal international medical card
which only doctors and pharmacists can decode. Than
there will not be possibility for abuse. As well,
that card will keep important information about blood
group, allergies and previous and present diagnosis.
It is necessary that each person have it always with
him. If it gets lost, it should be sufficient to tell
to first police officer and new card can be issued.
If someone find lost card the best thing would be to
give it to police. Probably best encoding system for
such a card is fingerprint. If there is some even
more secure way for decryption let international
specialists say so. Those cards for all people on the
Earth must be made within next few years. If someone
did not like Central Computer proposal probably will
be more satisfied with this international personal
medical card. It easily can be sufficient thing. On
such card the information if persom does not want to
be organ donor if dies and do not want to be cloned
once it dies must stand in, otherwise, the body of
person which dies will be used for organ donation and
in due time if there is family interested in raising
it as a child it will be cloned.
PS. It will be always possible that rich firms make
donation to health care in general.
PPS. Call me an optimist, but I am making a bet here
that all of today’s existing people will have at
least one formation in next 50 years in medical
oriented field. We have to know what medicine means
and to understand it.
PPPS. Animal health insurance is also included and
free, paid from the taxes. All animals do need us.
Even though they can be clever a lot, understand our
language, do what we say and even know to number they
do need our medical care if they develop some
diagnosis. If some animal dies, the vet can use its
body for learning processes, organ donation and taking
up the body samples (like female’s eggs that can
be used for cloning). The vet should also choose and
give to dead pet’s owner the best body sample
from which it can be cloned. If that animal has been
pet of someone, it should be available to try to clone
it if it dies for affordable sum of money.
People tend to keep one facial expression during whole
day. That can go like that for years. It is also
well known fact that there is not a lot of stretching
of body and face done except the short after sleep
stretching and yoning.
There is also a tendency to speak mostly with same
voice without changing the frequency nor speed or
accent. The only people who change all this are
mostly the people who work in entertainment or are at
some specialised artistic schools, or are children.
People do need to learn to imitate and improvise the
things, persons and situations they think often about.
They also shall let their voice sing loudly even if
they do not know to sing. Slowly, after some time
when they have learned to let their voice sing free
without the melody and notes they should start to
teach themselves to sing simple melodies. It can take
years before they can imitate melody they have chosen
but who cares? It is important that voice runs free
and, eventually and absolutely naturally after lots of
repetitions, people will learn to sing!
The imitation and improvisation saloons should serve
those purposes and be open for everyone. Basics
skills of imitation shall be explained. The people
will be able to choose texts and movements they will
be able to perform on little stages. If they are
timid, they can be watched just by their families and
friends. If they like attention, they can perform in
front of unknown public. They should tend to
acclimatise to such environment and be free to make
different facial expressions, different voices and
different movements.
I suggest one interesting thing to act for family
members. Some of them can choose to play health
professionals and some of them the person with the
diagnosis. It will be interesting to choose the
diagnosis. Person which chooses to act it should find
out a lot about certain condition and how it affects
individual person. This can be an interesting
research and person should feel free in performing it.
The person who acts medical stuff should learn and
show the understanding of the diagnosis as well and
trying the best methods in helping the patient. Other
acts can be as friends or relative and their
acceptance and understanding of the diagnosis. This
can make an interesting intercommunication between the
people and they will learn to understand the medical
mission and treating the person who has some
diagnosis. This is just a tip I found I can easily
find interesting to perform in, either with family
members, friends or people who are easy to perform in
imitation and improvisation saloons as well. BTW, it
can easily become ‘soap opera’ such an
acting area.
This is great thing to win own timidity and for a
short time go out of own skin and personality. This
is the way how anyone can, on easy way, learn to
express its ideas and passenger inspirations in words
and gestures. That is also great and natural skill to
gain so all those people who visit and perform in
imitation and improvisation saloons will therefore
obtain basic management and marketing skills.
Feel free to go there and enjoy your transformation
I will start by saying that there is no more cruel
thing than to put the sanctions around the land where
person lives (without a fair trial for such a person).
I feel sick when I think about all degradations of
life those persons experiences and I cannot speak
about it. Only thing I am looking forward is to see
the trial of heads of countries which had been putting
the sanctions on other countries. Those heads of
countries are guilty for lot of deaths, untreated
illnesses and destroying of law, moral and family
system in countries they have put embargo on. They
are also guilty for stopping of natural process of
evolution the society had been going through since its
existence. They stopped the right of person to walk
freely on its own Earth where it had been born. I
will stop here and am looking forward to see on the
television and hear on the radio those multiple
international trials and adequate punishments. As
they had been acting for millions of people publicly
and have destroyed sovereignty of countries they have
put embargo on, those trials will be public for the
sake of victims of sanctioned countries and for the
sake of their own millions of people whose opinion
they have represented by putting the sanctions.
The international public trial is also needed for
heads of countries and all other responsible people
which had attacked other countries and are guilty for
the deaths of innocent people without the agreement of
The international public trial is also needed for the
people who had occupy another country and are guilty
for destroying of standard of innocent people without
agreement of UN.
The international public trial is needed for heads of
countries and responsible people who have detained
people who had not been proven guilty.
All nations should become the part of United Nations
and all should have the right to vote and bring
decisions which help the evolution of international
society. Heads of countries that oppose United
Nations decisions should carry the consequences and
trials if they act differently. Here I will tell that
synonym for United Nations must be the Global Village
or whole world which I am trying to define in this
book. Most of the urgent goals of international
politics can be found in this book.
Give independence (new country) to the ethnic groups
which search for it which do not already have their
country. Do it on the place where they are most
populated. Employ for 5 years international
administration which would make a road for future
democracy in such country.
It must be found a way that all the stuff on the
Internet cannot be under hacker’s attack. The
Internet is the beautiful thing which connected the
whole world. Let it be safe absolutely. It also must
be virus free.
Internet must become available in all countries. The
cable and ADSL must be available. Wireless hot spots
must be everywhere on Earth so people can have access
to Internet on all parts of the civilised world. Do
not delay with this implementation.
Looking forward for such reality.
There are already lots of jobs which will cease to
exist soon: military and soldiers, meat industry
workers, workers on country borders, crude oil fuel
industry for vehicles, paid politicians, hunters,
stock market earners, direct sellers (where
robotisation will be implanted), cleaners will also be
remplaced by robots, illegal jobs and more. If they
do not find immediately other jobs all this people
must be reeducated and work at least 8 hours a week
for social minimum. If 3 billions of people all
around the world which loose their jobs or do not have
a job, or are students adopt a politics to have 8
hours of some work they choose per week the world will
see bigger productivity and higher social minimum.
The working week must come to 24 working hours. This
will open few shifts a day with more workers.
By doing distance learning people will than have a
time to complete their education and obtain their
degrees. The distance learning must become available
everywhere in the world and in all languages for free
or very low commercial price indeed.
It would be nice for child of preschool age to go with
its parents and that they together do some adequate
voluntary work together. It would give a sense of
responsibility to the child. It would understand how
society functions and it would gather basic working
habits like that.
There is two bad characteristics of typical metallic
keys: they are heavy and can be lost and there is a
chance that robber will go through such door with
universal key.
I suppose that the time has come to do individual
doors and personal entrance for it. The best solution
would be to have fingertip and something else
recognised before you can get a pass. If someone
comes without it in the house the police alarm would
start immediately and they would come quickly.
The fingertips of whole family can be in the memory of
the door and the urgency people (medical stuff,
police…) would have automatic pass somehow.
If person wants to give the rights of opening the door
to someone else, it would suffice that they together
legalise such an act in the police station (or police
would come to the person’s home if person is
unable to go to the police station).
It would make life much easier and it would stop
burglars of doing such illegal jobs.
There exists daily need for the proper laugh. The
laughs laboratories are places which people can visit
and where everything will be motivated by laughs.
There will be cinema rooms where people can choose
different types of comedies and enjoy them. It should
be available in lots of languages and for all ages.
There will be room for historic studying of laugh.
There will be scientific researches on that subject as
well. It will be also researched sense for humour of
animals but without forced experimentation, please,
just spontaneous recordings of own pets. There will
be sound capabilities so people can listen to
different laughs and can listen to their own laughing
recorded elsewhere in the laboratory. hey can give
these recordings for the free library or just take
them home for themselves. Some people will want to be
the subjects of scientific research of laugh so those
facilities, properly explained, will be available as
There will also be live stand up comedians from time
to time. Even people who come and know something
funny, some good joke can go on that stage and perform
a bit.
It will be also possible to come with whole family and
do ‘tickling sessions’. For each case,
because sometimes if person is very tickled it can
loose the breath from laughing, nearby will be
available medical stuff. Otherwise ’tickling
sessions’ are great fun for a family and it
brings big closeness between them. Sometimes in
reality family members tend to adopt ‘an
actor’s role’ so they tend to always be
serious, or bit distant or whatever. The
‘tickling sessions’ would make a child
again from such a person. I am betting that every
person can laugh from tickling even if they had been
sure they are not tickly ones and they do not laugh
often – there is just a method and spontaneity
and relaxing mood needed together wit a pair of
willing hands. By the way, even rats and mice tickle
each other and they laugh in short barfs in pretty
high pitch but you can hear it (they are very social
There will be professional stuff (psychologists,
please!) that will do ‘tickling sessions’
to people who come alone as well.
So, enjoy it. You can continue at home and make
‘tickling sessions’ part of your family
I mean, this is necessary as it possible can be. All
people must become the residents of the country they
currently live in. They must obtain valid legal
papers and international free health coverage.
All people must freely and without a fear apply for
legal papers.
This is a must. Do you know that there are
generations of people who do not have legal papers?
This is a shame for all politicians which have been
politicians until now.
The legal papers must have something individual that
person cannot falsify it or give to someone else (like
fingerprint, for example). Please, if known, give and
exact time of birth, not only the date.
We should also be able to obtain internationally
respected legal papers for the pet(s) we have.
Both us and our pets can legally travel in all
countries of the world. This is an axiom.
Can we stop fear of ‘Big Brother is watching
you’ fear and make these legal papers
internationally welcomed and put onto international
untouchable Central Computer?
Thanks in advance.
Here I will be a bit awkward in explanation but it is
worth of checking it. Some sportsmen do not like to
be video recorded during their competition. They
should be free to express it and therefore not be
recorded. They can enjoy support from their public
which came to watch them live.
Other sportsmen like to be video recorded. They
should express so and all professional recordings
should be available on special sportive channels.
There must be enough sport’s channels to cover
all sports’ competitions. Therefore the people
who want to watch their sportsmen live can do it in
real time on their TVs.
This is an important feature to have, live report from
all sport competitions. That would raise public
awareness about the sport and give them plenty of
chance to find their favourite sport and
Thank you for your existence. Each time I pass near
manual worker I use the chance to say good day, ask
how it is going. I like also to bore some of them
with the questions what they are doing, why and with
which purpose. I find it amazing that most of the
things we see in daily life had in some moment touch
of manual workers.
This work can often be dangerous. I suggest that all
manual workers do not work more than 4 years that job.
It is very difficult to do it for longer. Please let
the taxes’ funds be free so that manual workers
can complete their education until the levels they
tend to be at. Also they should be able to do some
voluntary work, preferably in other fields so they
could gain the social minimum and see the life from
different perspective. For some of their jobs they
can open voluntary agencies so people can choose to
work there for a while.
Important thing which has to remplace most of the
manual workers’ jobs is the robot. This feature
is already so developed that it can research, and it
does, other planets. I mean, the robot’s
science have been developing for half of century and
we should put it to work in manual jobs.
The internet site and, preferably, a TV channel should
serve towards that purpose. The people can see the
direct application of AI (artificial intelligence) in
replacement for the manual jobs. This should happen
rapidly and smoothly. Because this is the
‘cutting edge’ technology, the
taxes’ money needs to be invested in development
of AI. Hopefully pioneers for the AI will see more
motivation to make manual worker robot than to make a
robot for researching of space (this is bigger
priority to deal with in next decades).
First I will start by saying that I wish that everyone
finds its ideal partner. When you find each other it
is the most normal thing to acknowledge your
relationship by becoming ‘eternal
partners’, either by saying that one to another
or doing it publicly in a form of marriage.
Even though I suppose that there is a number of people
having so called ‘open relationship’
(polygamists), the marriage should be kept exclusive
thing between two chosen people. The marriage between
people of same sex should be allowed and have the same
rights as the marriage between couple of opposite sex.
There must be some kind of checking up before marriage
so that is sure that person does it with its own will.
The person must have more than 18 years for such a
commitment. Medical international specialists must
declare how far the relatives must be in their blood
connection before they can marry. Inbreeding does not
bring good results to anyone.
Divorce should be allowed if the couple does want to
break relationship because there are certain
differences that do not let them shalter together
their lives. If they have child(ren), the adequate
official court should judge and precise what will
happen to child(ren). They should do divorce in a
peace and with dignity.
There must not be the place in reality for compulsory
marriages. If in such marriages partner wants divorce
its will must be listened. If, in some case, there is
a danger that partner fears persecution and oppression
of its surroundings after the marriage, it must be
possible that government helps such partner to install
itself in another place to live.
If the marriage partner dies, those one that has left
should consider it self free to realise another
relationship and eventually marry again if life goes
in that direction. Even though there is big
possibility that that dead person will one day be
allowed to live again with the help of cloning
technique and parents which took an obligation to
bring up such child, the left person should not
consider the renewing the relationship with cloned
person as the thing ad acta. They should more take
and act as ‘big brother’, or ‘big
sister’ and be easy to reveal to cloned person
the details of its ex life. The cloned person should
be considered as a new person with its own new way to
choose to live its new life, thus considered free
choice to fell in love and find its own ‘eternal
partner’ for the first time in its present new
The couple which agreed that they are ‘eternal
partners’, the parent(s) of a child, and a
widower can by all means follow this instruction if
they find it applicable. They should be allowed to
put in front of their names the title Queen or King in
all official and unofficial correspondences. The
children and all people who do not consider themselves
as Queen or King are automatically considered as
Princess or Prince everywhere in the world and they
can put this title in front of their names whenever
they wish so (I do not know whether they would prefer
it with capital or small letter though). This would
bring the great joy to all people. By its definition
it also nicely describes the perimeter of one’s
kingdom. In every democratic society this should be
allowed and legal thing to do. Should not the law
forbid such an honour to none that wants to bring
royalty codex to one’s life.
Thanks in advance.
The massage is quite a useful skill to have. It is
good between eternal partners that massage is
performed regularly. Also within the family as well
as friends the massage has usually very good welcome.
It will be good if there are some professional cheap
courses of introduction to massage so people can
easily learn how to do it. There are some basic
lessons which need to be learnt before one attempts to
do it in beneficial manner. Also, people should find
it easy to access and find out more about different
types of massage on one place. I suggest that
professional physiotherapists open practice schools
and make available to grand public basics of
initiation into the science and art of massage.
There are lots of benefits of massage. It would be
great if person can easily access the teaching and
practicing courses so that afterwards can implant it
into own private life.
The medical aims of professional massage should be
left to people who have the degree in such a
profession. Recreational massage should be something
every person has as its general knowledge. That is
why I recommend kind of ‘vulgarisation’ of
the process of massage.
Thanks in advance.
I will start by claiming that more than 98% of people
would not kill the animal themselves in order to eat
it. Most of people would say they would kill if they
are hungry and if there is no other available source
of food. Such an extreme case I will not consider
here and it should be an exemption.
There is also a lack of knowledge when people say that
animal meat is something their organism needs because
of protein. There are other rich sources of protein
like in white of unfertilised chicken’s egg
(100% pure protein), mushrooms, nutritional yeast and
various nuts. The vitamin B12 can be obtained
synthetically and it is contained in some types of
nutritional yeast. Taurine as well can be found in
certain types of nutritional yeast and it is anyway
mainly produced synthetically.
So I will ask you here that you stop eating dead
animals’ meat. Search from the common shops,
restaurants and supermarkets to give you the choice so
you could choose so called ‘false meat’.
Find out whether you are allergic on mushrooms so read
carefully the labels. First of all your sense for
smell will improve with this change. Your inner moral
being will certainly be satisfied. I suppose it
should not be too hard for you to do it. Anyway most
of you would not kill by your hands so why paying
someone to do it for money?
There is number of people who will find this
‘evolutionary switch’ hard. That are
people which work in ‘dead animal’
industry. I believe that the taxes which are
regularly paid to the country (or ‘global
taxes’ paid to all world countries) are here to
help them find reorientation and different job. The
psychologists will also be necessary for some of them
to help them acclimatise.
The slaughter house must be available for public TV
screening so people can find out what is happening
there and decide for themselves about their eating
habits. Programs and scientific reports about animal
intelligence and sense for sadness should be available
everywhere in the world and shown in all applicable TV
channels. People will easier make their decision when
they have good insight in this type of reality report.
Children should not be pushed to eat dead animals as
they would not kill animal for a meal anyway. The
children have much more vivid morality principles and
I am betting that they would be happier in general for
such standard. It is hard to believe but people with
good sense for smell as well as vegetarians mostly can
recognise other people who had eaten meat because that
smell stays for couple of hours in the mouth.
Probably the source of such smell is the cholesterol
as it is detectable when person had eaten yolk of
chicken’s egg as well.
So, easily and morally the dead animals will not be
anymore sold. Probably those stubborn people who
whisper for meat will need to kill the animal with
their own hands but it won’t be anymore animal
trade possible. Looking forward to see the
international law which would forbid killing of
animals in global.
It will be easy to persuade pets to become
vegetarians. Maybe in first days you can mix
vegetarian food with prepared both white and yolk of
unfertilised chicken’s egg (not raw, it is
dangerous!) so that pet easily goes off cholesterol.
The cats must have suitable sources of B12 and taurine
so if there is no cat veggie food on sale it must have
on daily basis nutritional yeast with B12 and taurine
or those elements added synthetically in classical
veggie food that you eat as well. The dogs can be on
vegetarian diet but they would not mind those
substitutes from time to time. ( In the year 2002 I
have read about ‘oldest living dog’ who
was a vegan and was 27 years old).
When we succeed not to have anymore hungry people in
the world, we should aim to leave suitable vegetarian
food with fortifiers on different places of wild areas
so, gradually, carnivores will stop killing by hunting
but will eat what internationally raised foods by
known and recorded equipped vehicles left for them in
a wild. It will also be souhatable that those animals
will still need to run a bit to obtain their free
veggie food. This should be recorded by a TV channels
so, finally, children can watch wild life stories
without traumas by seeing that person had been
standing quietly and recording for the TV without the
intention to help animals not get chased and eaten by
a carnivore.
All these should not be necessary to watch as a
difficilt and far future. With politicians and
economists and all peole doing their own work towards
‘Global Village’ reality this should be
the adequate steps in our evolution and development.
Thanks in advance.
Medical profession must be paid from the taxes money.
It is violating of Hypocrites oath to help only
patients who have money to pay. It is disgusting and
inhumane that in a moment of need for medical help
person needs to think about money.
I tend to believe that within next few decades all
people of the world will finish some medical
formation. This education and understanding of one
medical field will give an adequate ground to speak
with medical stuff in easy language about any possible
medical problem.
All people should have active sport activities and, by
my hypothesis, salt and sugar free vegan diet if they
want to push forward coming of menopause. Women
should harvest their eggs and freeze them before the
menopause begins. The same is worth for men’
sperm because there is a possibility of mutation and
degeneration due to challenging diagnosis they might
The adult stem cell research urgently needs to work on
obtaining the eggs and sperm for those who lack it.
The couples thus can become parents in any point of
their adult life. This should be the immense step for
humanity in forward direction.
We need one currency for whole world. I propose the
euro to be the global currency as it had already
connected different nations. All the banks of the
world must unify in one global bank and it must offer
zero interest rates, as the inflation must cease to
exist in the economy.
The minimum money will therefore be one euro, thus
avoiding the global nonsense of smaller units. There
is no more need for paper or metal money so that
unhygienic dirt and electromagnetic field it produces
can be avoided. Every person who reaches 18 years and
passes the introduction of safe usage course can get
his or her international credit card. All
transactions can be done with help of such card, so
there will be no need for checks and virements
anymore. The card will work on safe biometry device
and such intelligent gadget will be also implanted in
personal computer.
The social minimum will be 1000 net euros per month.
People who work can gain more but under no
circumstances there will be available more than 4000
net euros per month. All people who are rich and have
higher profits have three choices to do: whether they
will put it into global bank so they can assure in the
future when they are just students that they touch
more than social minimum’s 1000 euros; another
is that that overall money that has been accumulating
on account for some time invest in creation a
productive firm so they can invest money and pay the
people that work there and third, donate the money to
particulars or for some legal cause.
Eventually, if they do not spend all of the money
during the month it will accumulate itself on their
account. But the people need to pass the course so
they can assure that they can economise on their
monthly budget, as ‘overdraft’ will not be
I suppose that creating and living in the Global
Village will be enthusiastic enough that we can
finally find enrapture and satisfaction of our early
child years. I bet that no narcotics will be needed
at all. But first we need to organise this field.
The places with high production of chemical narcotics
need to be found and their manufacturing ceases to
exist. The police must be persistent those places and
disallowing its future work.
As for fields with narcotic plants in growing they
should be found using all techniques available (GPS
amongst others), and people who cultivate them found.
They should legally oblige to do it for the
government, and, if there is any need, precise and
make contracts for future as well. Just pure fresh or
dried plants and mushrooms without chemical
transformation should be sent to specialist
‘narcotics shops’ all around the world.
The narcotics shops should have secure data base.
People interested in consuming narcotics, after
admission for such an act from two psychiatrists
should get special international narcotic’s card
so they can visit the narcotics shops. They must be
at least 21 years old, but if psychiatrists find they
are immature or clinicly incapable for consuming
narcotics they must wait until it is safe for them to
use narcotics. The point is that with that narcotics
card they can buy some amount of drugs. They must
sign whilst buying that they will not give that
narcotic to anyone else, that they will not cumulate
it and then use increased amount of drugs and that
they will not cumulate different types of narcotics
and use in one trip. They should also sign they are
doing it on their own responsibility. I suggest that,
apart from obtaining the certificat of aptitude from
two psychiatrists they should pass some course where
they can learn more about types and effects the
narcotics do and pass it successfully with a promise
that they will apply scientific approach in their
narcotic consumption and will write special diary
whilst on narcotics or immediately after which
afterwards can study for themselves (those diaries
should stay absolute private ownership of the person
included; neither medical stuff nor police can ever
have legality to access them).
The maximum amount of the narcotics will be allowed
per month without a possibility of exceeding the
limit. If the person is very near the limit for
continuous three months, the amount of accessible
narcotics must change and diminish a little. If even
after 6 months person still takes up till limit dose,
his psychiatrists must speak with him to see whether
he developed some deeper problem so needs to interrupt
the consumption or he can continue for 6 more months
on the same dosage. Bear in mind that if there is
continuous consumption during one year, the person
will be allowed to buy even smaller doses of narcotics
but only every second month with imperative pauses of
three or six months of periods without narcotics at
all (to clean their system from them) Once per year
the person should visit his psychiatrists and, if
wants, find his own psychologists to exchange his
experiences and talk freely about them.
Only way to tackle drugs abuse is that pharmaceutical
firms somehow tighten its protocol for getting them.
The remark: I hope my idea was clear. For example,
the dried cannabis plants will be available in
narcotics shop (but preferably for other consumption
than by smoking because the process of smoking is
quite health dangerous. The smoking of narcotics
should be banned), but not processed hashish. The
leaves of cocaine will be available for chewing but
not processed cocaine dust for sniffing and injecting
(which should anyway be banned because of danger to
the central nerve system it poses). For special
hallucinogen narcotics like cactus peyote for example,
the person who takes them must have available career
that can call the ambulance if the trip goes wrong.
My humble opinion is that the dosages of visual
mushrooms already freely sold in Netherlands are quite
big for some people, so people must try little of any
dosage they get because they can be too sensitive
which can lead to range of complications. The best
idea for all eventualities is that in the first trips
person spends time with someone who person really
loves and trusts.
I do not know whether planting a narcotic plant in own
garden or house should be OK things to do. If so, it
must be internationally decided and specified the
amount of plants one can posses.
Do not make habit of it if you go on that road.
Anyway, some projects I am proposing in this book, or
even better, your own success in your own legal field
should bring you even more of special and content
feeling you are searching for. Succeed not to use any
narcotics if you have child until he/she reaches 21,
which is the best I can recommend here, even if
psychiatrists say you can.
This project is a quite tricky one and I suppose that
very rich people will not like it. The important
thing is, do not let few rich people to rule out this
or similar to this scenario.
The minimum surface of living home must be
attributable to each person when it reaches 18 years
of age. It can be some small affordable amount of
money to pay out in the months since it moves in but
it should just cover the expenses of building and
eventually maintaining that home. The minimum of
surface must be equal everywhere in the world. The
best idea is that that home can be certainly obtained
in the country where person is born. Afterwards it
can exchange that home for some other in another
country if it resides somewhere else.
The maximum of living space should also be limited.
That means, it needs that exist accurate data base of
each country and all living places and that that it is
known for every person how exactly much surface area
it occupies. The person’s identity should be
obtained by accurate biometric method.
The international world specialists with PhDs in
environment and architectural planning should give
range for minimum and maximum surface area all adult
people can occupy. For example, if the minimum
surface is 50 m2 , and maximum 200 m2, there should be
no person who occupies more than 200 m2 of living
surface (apartment(s) or house(s))on the surface of
the world. The calculation before limits of the
habitable surface are agreed must be made by taking in
account all properties that are not for habitation
(but work, exposition, education and so on). Also
think about the possibility that all people have
maximum of living space. Take in account that most of
the population will just age and not die. Take in
account possibility of increased human natality rate.
Take in account that lots of animals will breed quite
considerably once we put a ban on killing the animals.
Take in account the need for green surfaces. You
should take in account all necessary factors for
calculating minimum and maximum surface for homes.
You should also calculate how much maximal each
person on the world can have garden surface for
itself, calculating that all people of the world have
maximal surface of garden permitted (but left the land
areas for those who want to work on it for welfare of
humanity (only it cannot anymore be officially and for
ever property of one person or one family but property
of the whole world with some people who found their
will to be workers on such land to be workers there
(first it must be asked the people who had owned that
land whether they want to continue to work there
before giving job to other interested)).
I suppose that within a decade or two, it will start
the project that all houses in the world become
buildings so more people can live in them and occupy
less Earth’s surface areas. People must
understand and welcome this change. Left over just
houses of historical or cultural meaning to serve as
museums for humanity.
The point is, whether person occupies minimum of
surface and pays it soon afterwards or occupy bigger
surface up till limit and pays each month some amount
of money for it it must be affordable thing to do for
all people and on whole habitable Earth. The hotels
and bad & breakfast (B & B) commodities must be
affordable for students-pensioners to spend there a
month of more of the holiday as well as for the
working people. Normally, B&B and hotels should be a
bit more expensive than classical empty house but
anyway all of themaffordable for any adult person on
the world.
Those ones that currently have more surface areas than
upper limit (which is, for example 200 m2) can do
different things with it. They can sell it. They can
rent it to people. They can give it to cousins or
friends. They can give it for usage in some legal
causes jobs or charities. They can have B & B from
extra space. The people should be prepared for this
limitation and try not to have more than they need (I
must say even 200 m2 in my example is quite big
surface area for one person to live).
This project shall bring complete satisfaction to
humankind, as all people will be able to have home and
not to occupy to big space themselves. Certainly
prospect of having a little garden should be welcomed
by everyone, too.
All people on the world should be organ donors if they
die except if they specify they do not want to. The
parents of the child should note in his health record
if they refuse that their child act as organ donor if
it dies, otherwise it should be accepted as possible
to save someone other’s life from its dead
People can also specify if they want to give some
particular part of the body in special legal purposes
(research, for example) if they die. Anyway the law
must be agreed on and passed so that organ donation
will be more understood and people on referendum can
vote whether they are for this proposal of automatic
organ donation except cited otherwise.
If some person dies it should be legally taken some
part of its body and preserved in few different
specialist genetic banks so afterwards when that will
be possible and future parents exist, it can be
cloned. Every person should be considered that if it
dies deserves and needs to be cloned if there are
suitable parents for it. Only if it state differently
on its health card, with agreement of group of doctors
and psychiatrists, it will be cloned when the
possibilities permit.
The organ donation also works for pets as well, only
owners can decide if they do not agree with organ
donation and research on the body of the naturally
died pet and it can be cloned, when the circumstances
permit if person wants it. The public pets should
have the same rights but they need to have people who
will be concerned with their future and help them out
if they die to be organ donors and to clone them
especially if they are threatened species (not big
We should learn how original names are written in
original language as well how they are pronounced in
People must agree internationally about original
names. For example, the chemical period system of
elements is written in Latin language and it should be
pronounced by their Latin, not common names. The same
works for all scientific fields. People must
understand the stuff they are talking about by knowing
the coordinates, writing and spelling of the term they
are using in original.
The same works for the geographical names of countries
and its capital towns. We should know how the
habitats of the certain country write and prononce its
name and we should write it in original on our
geographic maps.
I suppose that with little effort people will adopt
this principle (maxim, axiom) without big difficulty.
It should pose nice intellectual challenge as well.
The general tendency should be that all names with
capital letters, if possible, are written, pronounced
and understood in their originality.
It already exist few types of fast growing bushes that
can be used without problem, cheaper and quicker to
produce paper. This should be the only source for the
paper. Do not delay anymore this transition. Do not
forget to plant no genetically modified trees on the
spaces you had been using for deforestation. Thanks
in advance.
There must be the greatest thing on the world when
they learn they are expecting the child. The
parents’ education courses must be offered to
all couples where woman is pregnant with the child or
already has the child.
On these classes future parents will learn lots of
things and virtues that will help them prepare better
for the child. It will include learning of
international sign language as the baby who is couple
of months old can easily learn it and show the parents
that it wants to go toilet without need to formulate
it in speech. They will learn basics of the
hairdressing. Basic sewing and modelling own clothes.
Basic things they need to prepare and afford for
healthy growing youngster. Bunch of smart games that
will help develop inquisitive child with its favourite
games and open for daily research of the new ones.
Help create and affirm social skills with other
children Way how to create ‘musical ear’
of the child by helping him repeat with its voice and
mini musical instrument melody it hears. The basic
stuff about hygiene and healthy vegan food choices as
well as introduction into nutrition and basic genetic
and physical equations which cover and scientifically
explain the development and growth. How to avoid and
deal with traumatic experiences. Importance of
writing the daily dairy with observations of
child’s development (which afterwards they
should make it in two examples and give one to child
as well. Basic of grammar and proper prononciation.
Calming and annihilating the stress and nervosas so
they never show it in front of child. The value of
healthy laugh and daily exercises.
Than, when child grows up a little and starts asking
questions the parents should have enough knowledge to
describe basic stuff, between others: how electricity
works and what makes light, how fridge, oven, water
pipes, boiler, canalisation, television, radio,
computer, Internet work. Necessary things about
traffic. What is money and how plants grow and why we
are taking care about animals (please do not show them
programmes with carnivorous animals because it can be
very traumatic thing). What are fiery stories and how
to understand, read and write properly musical notes
and letters in sentences. Good preparation and
intense performance where child can see and touch
before it chooses its musical instrument to play.
Introduction to bunch of languages from which it can
choose which one it will start learning. Introduction
to lots of dansing and gymnasticly based classes so it
will choose its sportive activity from there.
Introduce it to different pet-animals so if interested
it can prepare itself and start to have its own pet
about which it will learn and apply how to take care
It would be great thing if parents can choose and
spend some time every week with the child doing the
voluntary work. This will be great experience for the
child, especially if there is some possibility it can
contribute a bit, be amongst all ages people as a part
of the group and understand what is going on.
Most of the streets on the world have vehicles parked
on them. It is an emergency to give this way so that
pietons can easily walk or make some tracks for
rollers and skaters and even bycicles if that already
doesn’t exist. The very best is to plant the
trees on all of those places.
The parkings should be made underground if there are
no possibility for above ground special buildings for
parking. Those underground parkings should be public
ones with a little charge which would help maintain
them functional and pay to people who keep them
working in the order wages.
It is so disgraceful that no only proper pietons can
not pass the street without knowing and respecting the
traffic rules but everywhere can be seen vehicles
parked which just take more space from the people.
I do hope you will not wait for this to be realised.
It is not so difficult dig the land and build the
underground parking building, especially now when all
that is automatised. The money from the taxes must be
invested in this project. Looking forward for freer
streets and better vision of the street area as well
as the commodity the pietons will get.
Patents belong to intellectual property rights. To
become patent, the invention must satisfy these
criterions: the definition of the invention is one
technical solution to technical problem, it must have
industrial application, and it must be new and include
an inventive step forward.
There are two things that need to be changed in
attributing patent rights. The first is that product
that consist of or contains biological material cannot
be patentable. All of human genes, for example, are
value for humanity, the discoveries, not inventions,
and its knowledge must be the pledge for well being of
society. So-called ‘knock-out’ laboratory
animals must be granted decent lives and be given to
people who want to adopt them and its patent rights
must be withdrown. Having their genetic material
already modified and incidence of illness thus often
developed, those people will be able to search for
proper medical care and help in treating such disease
if they occur in their pets adopted from laboratory.
It must be avoided continuous breeding of such
animals, please bare it in mind.
Second annulations and closed possibility to obtain
more patents at all is for the inventions that human
health and well-being is in urgent need for.
Pharmaceutical houses that make medicaments for
treating the diseases must share their knowledge and
research with all other pharmaceutical houses from the
very first moment knowledge and understanding appears.
This will bring down the monopoly of the big
pharmaceutical houses and will even all of them in the
same purpose – curing the disease. The
medicaments simply cannot be patentable thing at all;
otherwise, the economic value is exceeding global
health value whose witnesses we had been until now.
I have seen people who become pensioners. Most of
them look like they have lost the plot. Most of them
feel bad for not contributing to society anymore. The
worst of all is that most of problematic health issues
arise when person become a pensioner.
The idea is that people until they are alive and still
have ability to help society should do so. I
recommend that pensioners’ pension is
conditioned by at least half of year working at least
8 hours a week so they can obtain it. The other part
of the year should be their rest time if they feel
like it. I recommend that they have the same rights
(almost a obligation if they want) to study and
intellectually develop their grey brain cells. The
rhythm of putting them on the preparatory courses for
the University as well as following other interesting
formations must compile with their own pace. They
should give themselves best possible chance to learn
new and attain new understandings and knowledge. I
suppose that this can help in big manner in
suppression of all degrading processes the mind and
body would otherwise pass through. Feel free to prove
that I am right and that even in 50-60 years since you
became ‘pensioner’, you still learn and do
some adequate voluntary work.
Until you are a student or do voluntary work you
should be, as well as all students on social minimum
money (by my proposal, it should be net 1000 euros per
person and for whole world). If you feel like it, you
can always work in proper job and attain to the
maximum of net 4000 euros I proposed to be per month.
And please do not forget always to be active and
inquisitive. I believe you can do it.
First some good language culture. You do not say
handicapped person, but person that has an handicap.
As well, you do not say, for example, you do not say,
Aids person, but person that has an Aids diagnosis.
Think about using the words of diagnosis as ‘has
a diagnosis’, not ‘diagnosis
person’, please.
People that have special needs should be meet in their
needs. The public transport should be accessible and
without unexpected danger for the people that have
blindness diagnosis. The people that need the aid of
the moving chair for going must have possibility in
all public buses to enter the bus and safely travel.
Trains, tubes and so on must have no space between the
train and the pavement and they must become accessible
to park the chair in. All stairways in places of the
public transport must either allow lift usage or adapt
the electric stairways for the people that use
This must be the standard to make safe accessibility
for all humans in all public places.
The wheelchair can now work on brain command only.
This type of wheelchair must be accessible to all.
The free health insurance must find its duty in giving
the people who need it the electric wheelchair.
Further global application must be made with
wheelchair that can climb up the stairs and, I
suppose, the best of all, obtaining the hover
wheelchair for people that need it.
The children before the primary school should already
be advanced users of international sign language. The
adults that do not know it yet should learn it. It is
a beautiful universal language for all different
cultures and people that can see. Maybe some adequate
software for the people that have diagnosis of
blindness should give them great chance to use it
properly and equally as other as well.
Even though I am not for cruel relation towards
animals, illegal work, sport, hurting, killing,
euthanasying, eating animals, for zoos, circuses,
stilling, selling, uncontrolled and unethical
breeding, genetic engineering and experimentation, I
am very much that all of the pets pass through
dressage schools where they can learn to become noble
and generous and follow the instructions. They are
conscious and honourable when they pursuit the holy
mission to help human and they do it with the
pleasure. All people that have diagnosis of
blindness, if the feel like it, should have one
pet-career to help them about. They should also be
advanced users of the GPS’s help.
All difficult and chronic diagnosis should have their
researches available on the international worldwide
live TV stations, on the Internet, scientific journals
and access to congresses and seminars. People can get
in touch with real pace of the research for the cure
only in that way and they deserve that accessibility.
This should be available to follow in reality live
Please, do never think about the death or wish for it.
Just declare it is forbidden for you. Looking
forward to the day the cures will finally be found.
Keep yourself active and inquisitive.
There are two types of animals: pets and public
animals. Pets are belonging to the owner, they have
pet’s health card with all health and pedigree
information and they can travel with us in all
countries in the world just with a help of that health
card. If they die, we should be in possibility to
clone them from their remains when the artificial womb
and female’s egg are discovered and put into
safe use by scientists. They will have quick trak
system on their electronic tags with them so they
cannot be lost. The pet owner must had been passed
course of that special pet kind and found out all
necessary things so they can live together and be
prepared. It must not buy or sell the animal or its
family and must give at least once per month that pet
visits its own animal family and enjoys those moments
of togetherness. The owner must give the pet a
general check-ups at the vet at least once per three
months. The owner must be carefull in giving its pet
a vegan diet by having enough supplements the special
pet needs so it can assure its nutritional needs are
The public animals come in two groups: social public
animals (SPAs) and wild public animals (WPAs). The
social public animals are all those they have been
following humanity wherever it made a habitable place.
There belong, amongst others, cattle, chickens,
ducks, rats, mice, pigeons, sparrows, ants, flies and
so on. They can already belong to some humans, like
cattle and pigeons. Because the vegetarianism is
something I reckon will soon be the standard of human
life, lots of the social public animals people had
been taken care will be given away to societies and
organisations that will care and help them have decent
life. As they are social public animals they can be
always visited and cuddled from the people who like
them. The social public animals can become the pets
if the person decides so and than they are not anymore
public but owned by the owner who is responsible for
their well-being and has certain obligations
concerning their health (see above). The social
public animals should be checked by the vet as often
as pets anyway. If the person keeps them on its land
by they are not its pets, it should give the notice
about them to the nearest vet.
The SPAs that can sometimes pose a problem, like, for
example, rats and ants because they can find it a
great treat to live in the same home with human and
eat (even still) the food the human was having for
himself. It is necessary that peaceful method is
found and that they move from the house they occupied.
The best thing is to contact the local vet that will
probably know people who deal with displacing the SPAs
from the places they occupied. This must be done
without hurting or killing SPAs. I am looking forward
for such peacefull methods.
The SPAs that can pose especially big health problem,
like, for example, the mosquitoes that carry malaria
disease must be dealt with much more carefully and
quickly. The best idea is to put on lots of places
synthetic powder blood mixed with water and when they
land on it catch them and keep them somewhere safe and
close and make something like ‘new age big and
adequate public like-zoos’ for certain SPAs
until we do not find a way to heal them and let them
go or give them away for adoption as pets.
The SPAs that live on people’s land should be
taken care about as well even though if person do not
want to adopt them as pets. This is worth for the
animals that have been up till now used as food. As
they are public, they should be accessible to everyone
that wants to cuddle them. The people must decide
that, if they do not want them as pets, and if they
mind people coming on their land just to cuddle the
SPAs to give them for public care. Anyway, all of
those already tame SPAs should be available for
adoption any time soon. Those ones that more prefer
to cohabitate with us but are not yet tame, like
sparrows or wild mice, for example maybe will become
tame slowly and after number of patient years tame as
we feed them and care about them continuously.
Therefore, we probably should be able to make vegans
from SPAs as well.
The wild public animals must be put under protection
as well as their habitats. We should give them even
more ‘wilderness’ rich both in plant and
animal species. We should not pretend to can deliver
to them better life as pets, in scientific laboratory,
in zoo or in circus. We must just give our best and
properly manage to give them enough space so they can
live there. When we succeed, it will be great to
leave on places where they can expect it the fortified
vegan food. If it happens that some population start
multiplying out of control, we should think to give
them temporary birth control devices. We must take
care about all this animals as well, but we should
just try, at least in next decades to take care about
their environment and food. We should also record
them by our cameras for TV stations that present
animals their life and specially, our influence in
changing their feeding habits. Special groups of
people that want to see those animals in their natural
environment must learn beforehand to take care about
the environment and how to be prepared for the meeting
of such wilderness. We must be considered similar to
elephants in the wild, non dangerous social beings, as
we are such ones.
The international team of zoologists must say which
kinds of animals belong to which group, pets, SPAs, or
The people that want to clone animals for whose death
they feel responsible must be allowed to do so. If
they have remains of them, as the graves, fur,
leather, hunting trophies should keep them and use few
cells to clone the animal. The information about such
cloned animal should be put on Central
Computer’s database. If someone else has
already cloned it, it should not be available to clone
it again (the rule first come first served). The
cloned animal would need to have electric tag and be
available to see about if it belongs to public
animals. If it belongs to pets, the email address of
the owner of the cloned pet should be available so
interested person can make a contact. The contact can
possible be made also if, for example, the person had
a pet and pet had puppies and person gave them away
for adoption and now it wants to find out whether they
are alive or cloned and is trying to make a contact so
that pet’s family can gather together.
If the person want to clone the animal he feels he is
responsible for its death and he does not have the
track of its body remains (for example, if the animal
was used as food), when time machine from our own
remembering was discovered, it should help to recover
its genetic material and clone the animal if it is not
already cloned.
All this animals should belong to those groups
zoologists have put them into even when they are
cloned, therefore, as pets, SPAs or SWAs. The
laboratory animals that are cloned should be properly
fitted in such groups as well. The cloning can and is
recommended to be made for the sake of moral duty such
person feels it possesses.
The health is the universal right of every living
being. Only the harmful parasites and microbes must be
dealt with and the ultimate goal is, probably, to
genetically modify them so they become harmless.
The pharmaceutical mission must be equal everywhere in
the world. The prescription drugs must be free for
humans and the taxes’ money will help maintain
the pharmaceutical mission. The research on animals
must be abolished and substitutive methods that
already existed and are appearing on the market must
be adopted, as they are cruelty free, cheaper and
quicker to obtain the medicaments. The reason why the
pharmaceutical firms had continued with experiments on
animals was as a guarantee in a case of lawsuit of
patients in which the medicament worked wrongly. It
is even bigger chance that the medicament will work
wrongly because we do not have an identical makeup.
If you choose to test on cell cultures, please use
synthetic serum for cell growth and differentiation
and not the one which came from slaughtered pregnant
calves whose unborned babies had been killed without
anaesthesia by inserting the needle in their heart and
pumping out the blood. All medicines must come from
non animal source and few of them that are still
coming from animal source should be replaced by
genetically engineered and cultured yeast and microbes
to make medicament.
The pharmaceutical firms must communicate between them
and must unify themselves. The patents for new
medicaments must be shared amongst them so that all
people on the world that need them could obtain them.
The same medicaments must always be under same name
everywhere in the world. The big national
surveillance of the process of production of
medicaments must be applied so therefore, probably,
the price taxpayers paying for them will drop as until
now they had been driven by economical greed.
The firms like Bioprogress has to finally put out of
the usage expensive unethical animal derived gelatine
in medicaments so that people can relax whilst taking
their pills and not feel ethically disturbed. I
suppose that you can change lactose and titanium hard
chemical elements in some other more healthy
alternatives to be put in the medicaments.
The pharmaceutical firms must give the free entrance
to all journalists so they can follow and represent
what pharmaceutical firm does to help fighting
diseases. The researches into cures must be daily
updated on special TV channels and put on live web
presentation so people can follow and understand the
pace of finding a cure process.
The pharmacies should not deal with selling. Only
prescription drugs that are free should be available
in pharmacies. People should be able to get exact
amount of medicaments they have prescription for as
well to give back the medicaments they did not use.
It can always be open near by a healthy mentioned shop
so people can buy stuff that helps their well-being.
The medicines must be produced and packed in an
ecologically friendly way. The pharmaceutical waste
must be neutralised before it goes to garbage.
Displacing the waste in waters must be forbidden.
Polluting the air whilst producing medicaments must
also stop.
There is big number of people in the world that have
learning language disabilities (like dyslexia, for
example) in languages that are not phonetic. The
phonetic language has always one letter for one voice
and one letter is always spelt as the same voice in
order it comes in the word. I propose that people
learn as well the phonetic representation of the
language they speak so they can write it down exactly
the way they speak. I insist that even if phonetic
representation becomes a mode, the original way of
writing and reading is always known before embarking
on phonetic variant.
The problem with phonetic representation in language
dictionaries is that they some time have two signs for
two very near voices so it gives up a lots of letters
to represent the language. It is also quite difficult
to use all this symbols in handwriting because they
are so complex sometimes that it takes a lot of time
to ‘pick up the notes’. The international
specialists in language have to simplify the phonetic
letters representation. Children will be able to
learn to read and write all phonetic letters and
voices world languages correspond to and know that
most of the languages uses just certain amount of
voices and special letters with their rules for
pronunciation, not all that exist.
Policemen need to learn and know other languages.
They should be capable to work in international teams
and to integrate in the police of different country.
This would stop the trend of some police stations to
have corrupted policemen.
Policemen must also become capable to act as a
peacekeeping force in the areas of Earth where are
dangerous situations for human rights. The ex
soldiers will also be invited to join the police
service once when their global demilitarisation is
done. The policemen should have weapons with sleeping
or paralysing bullets and must become accurate in safe
shooting in a case of need so no person can get hurt
or killed.
The interrogations of the people who helped or
committed a crime must be video recorded and given to
the trial followers so they can see the way the person
and police acted. This will stop unnecessary and
unethical hurting and forcing of people to say things
they do not think.
The police must pass each year ‘refreshment
course’ where they will refresh their knowledge
and learn new stuff. Every two years or so they
should choose other police station within or outside
current town so they will not loose ability to work
and get some bad habits. They must prepare themselves
for such a move by studying the files and protocols of
the police station they want to join.
The police should also perform and teach interested
children and people of the purpose of their mission.
All people should understand how important is that
everything function by the official law.
The international police must make sure that no
scenario of the Orwell’s ‘Big
Brother’ comes into reality. The Americans and
similar that gave themselves too much freedom to
control civil people’s freedom in the name of
the ‘war on the terror’ must immediately
make available all information about their whereabouts
and projects to the grand public.
Until all the people of the world do not pass the
necessary formation and become policemen themselves in
their daily life, the police’s duty to help and
protect should be paid from the taxes money.
The politicians should work their job in politics as a
part of moral and voluntary work. They should not
keep the same job for more than two years. Afterwards
they can occupy some other field in a politics, but
the best idea is to develop their life by working in
some other field before they embark again on voluntary
politicians’ work.
At least twenty years should pass before the person
who committed a crime and finished with their
punishment start to work as voluntary politician.
People that want to become the president of something
(county, country, Global Village, etc.) should be
chosen amongst the politicians that work in the
highest positions to presidency. This will put out
the pressure of the people to make a celebrity just
from one person, but they will choose well, for
example, their deputies in Parliament knowing that one
of them will, after the Parliament’s referendum
become a president of the country. The presidency
will be just a formal duty, as presenter of
Parliament. The president is one time duty and
maximum for one year time. No politician can have
direct force above none and above anything. All its
opinions should be properly listened and dealt in the
place it voluntarily occupies. The all politicians
working hours are to be directly constantly live video
recorded on special TV channels available to whole
world, because the politicians are the people that
represent big group of people, so they should be
watched and assessed whilst doing that work.
It is a good idea for the person to become a
politician in other country than his homeland because
with such a view he carried from the homeland and
innovative and constructive way it wants to work for
relatively new country where he lives it could do much
good in its up to two years term.
It is good and democratic that the job of politicians
is a voluntary one. The taxes money should much
better be invested in some other fields.
The exhaust from burning fuels in vehicles, industry
and homes is a major source of pollution in the air.
Until all vehicles do not pass on hydrogen fuel cells,
the amount of taxes for owners of the vehicles that
use fossil fuels must be equally big as if they are
running and paying for hydrogen fuelled vehicle.
These taxes must be set all over the world and all of
these taxes will be spent to commercialise
ecologically fuelled vehicles as well as for
forestation of all available areas.
Several types of devices are already commercially
available that prevent polluting particulates from
leaving industrial smokestacks. The best of them must
be set as a standard by law that all industrial firms
have it as well as to research all options to reduce
pollution to nothing. In the agriculture biological
control should be applied on the places where is
needed and pesticides have to be forbidden to use
altogether everywhere on the world.
Electricity must be by all means available in
ecological manner. All rivers can be used for
generating electricity as well as multiple wind
turbines on all possible places and advanced solar
cells on the roof of all homes and available places.
The developing world must get it immediately. Do not
promote nuclear power except if you can land the
radioactive garbage on safe place in Solar system.
The waste of pharmaceutical companies must be
forbidden to leave the company before it is
Water treatment must be done with more efficacy and
new ways for disposal of solid waste must be globally
applied. Recycling cycle must be attained in all
terms and in all specific material. The plastic must
be made and recycled in low temperature new,
environmentally more friendly way. In fact, all
processes that include processing and using fossil
fuels must be put on the minimum of allowance to
produce any pollution altogether.
The scientists must finally publicly declare with
which material is best to cover floor, walls and
ceiling in indoors places and habitats so people can
protect themselves from indoor pollution too.
Please do not wait next generation to make these
changes happen.
As pupils will have in their high school sex education
subject I wanted to say my opinion about pornography.
Some people like to video tape themselves whilst
having sex and that is OK until that is kept private
tape within their own family. It can even be shown to
their friends if all sides agree on that subject. I
am very much against that those tapes, or even tapes
that had been done for money are distributed to grand
public. I have some other suggestion instead.
As there will probably always be people that want to
voyeur other people whilst having sex and there will
maybe always be couples that like to be watched whilst
making love the best thing that should be legal is to
have special free public places where those things can
happen. Because sex usually has to be spontaneous act
and it has its own time sometimes the stage will be
empty or couples will not go until the coitus. But
for those ones that are patient to see it happening in
front of their eyes and alive, there should be places
where that would be legal.
I do not have anything else to say on this subject.
In general I am against any sex industry and I believe
it must be banned, both legal and illegal one and in
the whole world, except those free public sex live
theatres where people can have their exhibitionism
fed. I am very much for to have proper sexual
education thought at school but I should think that
there is nothing better than when person does its own
way and relationship crowns with making love with its
own eternal partner alone.
The first thing is that person cannot get out of the
prison by paying money (bail). If it needs to have a
trial (police and persecution found out it is guilty
and it goes on trial), the person should be in jail
during its trial, not before it starts. If there has
to be need for evidence to be gathered before the
trial, but there is sureness in person’s guilt
and forthcoming trial, the person should obtain the
electric tag that can locate it everywhere in the
world and cannot be put off except from the same
police people who put it in.
During whole trial the judge and the jury should
constantly have on the screen or easy access the
machine for lies analysis. They should now which
percentage of accuracy it shows but it should help
them a lot to get the final verdict.
The jury will be necessary in every trial. Part of
such jury will be the judge, two psychiatrists, two
psychologists and the rest of the jury moral persons
with PhDs. The person cannot be in the jury at least
twenty years after it served his punishment if it had
been convicted. The jury should speak together about
the case and give the judgment with democratic vote.
More than 50% for the decision whether person deserves
prison, community work or is free from charges. The
part of the judgment cannot be influenced by
person’s money and no paying for anything can be
part of the judgment, except free community work.
The person that is convicted for crime and the final
jury’s judgment is that it deserves prison would
not say to it the amount of time it will be in the
prison. The judge that had been part of the jury
should tell its opinion about the time to two
psychologists and two psychiatrists. From then on
those four people will spend either 8 hours per week
with person in prison as part of their voluntary work
(probably during which time they will do some
specialisation in their field), or 8 hours of working
week of 24 hours for which they will get paid for such
work. They need to asses and speak to person
constantly. They can push him in direction to get
some distance learning formation that would help it
obtain better look on life and overcome its crime.
They should help him write both his personal diary
(which will be only for itself) and different subjects
where it should write the essay about. That will be
part of its recovering time and changing behaviour.
Those essays can be put on the web page if prison
person wants or on intern group made from all his
juries that they can follow and see its progress.
When at least three out of four of psychologists and
psychiatrists reckon it is time for it to be released,
its jury can be called, the presentation of
person’s development professionally explained to
them and than they can vote if it is ready to go out
of prison. If there is no 50% of vote for letting it
out, they should be meeting every month to do the same
until they give it freedom.
The person should have an access to intranet of the
prison (controlled sites from Internet), especially if
it study and need it for word processing.
The person that is judged guilty for the crime should
forever have the electric tag which positions it
everywhere in the world on it so every time some crime
happens, it can be located and discharged if it did
not do the crime. It only has forever to have it. I
suppose that even those that had already served their
punishment will volunteer to have such a tag and it
should make all people safer.
The death penalty cannot be applied to no one nowhere
in the world. The judge amongst the jury and
continuous assessment of the person in the jail will
give it much more and accurate length of time it needs
to stay in prison than to-day’s method of
judging ‘in advance’.
This proposal for research can easily become major
axle for psychoanalysis and can be seen as widespread
root of illnesses.
The idea is that the child in prenatal and postnatal
period has a natural gift for morality and ethics as
far as it can see. On the first unconscious
understanding that those pretty animals it likes are
in fact killed so it can eat them can give a big
‘no no’ fazes in the food choice. Mostly
it is never connected together with the meat, that
disgust and similar tantrums it shows because it does
not have the conscious need to confront its parents
and surroundings at all. The child wants to
acclimatise and such a subconscious injustice it has
for the cause of animals is carried through life.
Lots of psychiatric diagnosis can be helped to be
developed by such deep injustice. Most of the
psychologists do not connect children’s and
adult’s behavioural problems with animal
injustice cause. This animal injustice syndrome can
further be developed if the child understands that
humans die and that the medicine does not hel
everyone. This is so deeply rooted into individual
that it is very hard when it becomes an adult to
become a fighter for animal rights or finish some
medical formation because it does not want to confront
the way and the food and explications of the causes
for human death at all, otherwise individual would
confront the majority of society.
The second skill for psychologists is that they should
learn basic concepts of interpretation of the natal
and comparative astrology so that people who come to
psychologists and choose astrology as the main axis to
analyse their past moments can be understood by
psychologist. The forecasts of the future are without
any ground and should not be considered as an option
to research for experienced psychologists.
All public transport has to pass on hydrogen-fuelled
engine as soon as possible. It must set a standard
that is protective to environment. It also has to be
competitively priced.
All public transport has to permit easy access to the
users of wheelchair. It must have parts where people
with diagnosis of blindness and tourists can get
accurate information. The public transport waiting
areas must have hygienic toilets and baby changing
spaces for people to use. All closed public vehicles
should have air conditioning.
All the cities need to have metro transport available.
It is quite interesting suggestion to have on the
last wagon of metro a mini concert so people can
choose that they want to listen to it and settle
themselves in last wagon. All metros have to have
sealed walls and ceilings with air conditioning so
people can have proper air. All stairways must have
mobile stairways parts and accesses for the transport
for people with wheelchair, baby vehicle and big bags.
The metro stations where people wait should be with
lots of plants and UV light above and some simple
atriums around, without advertising. People should
not wait more than two-three minutes for a metro line
to come. They should be working 24 hours a day, every
The public town busses should have their way in the
street that they would share only with taxis and
bicyclists if they do not have their special way
already. On the stations it should be electrical
notice of the time when next bus is coming. There
would be town map and bus map on bus stations as well
so people can orientate.
I suppose that it is possible to cut the time of
waiting that is usually very long between checking of
bags and entering the planes.
For children under 18 years all public transport
should be free of charge.
It is nice to see that most of the radios are going
live on the internet. There is the need, though, for
the successor of the hand held wireless transistor.
This machine should be able to transmit all the radio
stations of the world, both analogous and digital
ones. This invention will be the great thing for
whole humanity. It must have proper search engine and
state the name, original frequency and place of
emitting of each world station. This is, by my
opinion, making even easier to learn other languages
of the world and understand the culture those
languages represent.
I understand that there is a standard that has an
obligation to maintain railroads. Unfortunately, it
seems that there is no enough urgent attention put on
the junctions, protuberant parts, shaking of train,
creaking and crunching experiences all other
suspicious and possible dangerous train behaviour.
They need to be addressed immediately when they
appear. The travellers should have available a
notebook where they can draw attention if they
experienced some disturbing exposure during the
travel. The railroad workers must immediately fix
those stuff. The drivers of the railroad vehicles
must themselves be attentioned and say if anything
seems to disfunctionate. They must slow down each
time railroads meet each other because it can make
very frightening experience for the traveller if it
goes in the same speed over another railroad.
Only after this is solved as soon as it appears it
will bring bigger safety than previously had been on
the train, tramway and metro tracks.
This century has to be the one that will see recycling
process make and ideal environmentaly friendly loop
since manufacturation.
On this subject, do what you will. I want to say
stuff concerning children and religion. It would be
good to wait until the child is conscious and know to
read and write in few languages and has finished high
school and than explain to him what is religion, to
which religion you belong and that there are other
religions as well. Explain why you think your belief
is best for you. Let him research all of them. Than
the child will do his own decision and choose those
that best suit him. The thing is that you have to be
enough democratic so you can accept its choice
whatever it is.
Pagan’s and some religion’s strange act
like killing certain animals and eating them
afterwards would be good to avoid as probably no child
will want to kill other animal to feed himself.
Circumcision, special clothes, special names, special
standards and other distinguishes, all that will be
nice if it is chosen from the person older than 18
The best religion is, by my opinion, when you not
speaking about it to others but you still have
subjects to speak about. Expand your knowledge and
understanding of the world, be as good as you can and
try to develop as best as you can sense for humour.
Respect lives of other live beings; in fact, we are
all parts of the same family..
Most of the time I am walker on the streets. But not
just there I hear sirens from the vehicles. Where I
live, even though my windows are not exposed to the
street, I hear the sirens from the traffic out there.
Sometimes, they stop the flow of my thoughts, being so
loud and unexpected. Sometimes the sirens annoy me in
my silence. Often they just irritate me. Often I
wish that I could reply to the same person because I
am sure that if driver has such an experience it would
not make that sound ever again.
Because the drivers cannot hear me I decided to make
suggestion on this place. This is one global project
and it will be necessary to be accepted from all
future carmakers as a standard. The present vehicles
will need to obtain this device for sake of peace of
walkers and people which living near the streets; the
decision to do that is only theirs.
Sound of siren can stay the same and probably loudness
will diminish because it will be carried by radio
signal. It will expand in length less than, say, next
10 vehicles in the radius. It will not expand aloud
through air so people on the streets and in their
homes will not hear it anymore. Only other vehicles
will have receptors and they will be able to catch
sound message, which had been sent by their neighbour.
They will have possibility to reply in same manner,
just vehicle drivers near by will hear sound.
Sirens in urgency are the only one which can
propagate freely so all people which hear them can
wish them luck in saving they are doing. Sound of
urgencies cars doesn’t need to be too loud, but
It will bring calmer sounds to the streets. I think
that that peace of mind will be nice to have.
Children can grow up uninterrupted with sudden
sirens’ sounds which do not directly concern
Looking forward for such traffic in the world.
LEADS: The tension when the lead is just around the
neck is very big and can be dangerous for respiratory
and swallowing system. I think for animal welfare and
health all leads should be made to go around the front
legs as well as around the neck. Mechanically tension
for the animal’s muscles is smaller, another
good thing is that person can better control the
animal’s movement when they are walking. Both
sides can just be happier with such device. Please,
make a standard to make it from animal free elastic
materials which will not irritate skin of your pet.
PANTS: This one concerns mostly pet animals. There
are some species which are our pets which live in the
house. Some of them, the rodents for example, need
minimum couple of hours to be outside the cage for
free range. Most of them are very relax by nature and
they tend to express their emotional state connecting
it with toilet habits. It can happen that they even
have some territorial behaviour and piss on us when
they are with us (it reminds me on dogs which piss on
the street corners to mark their territory and some
pet animals which are mostly in the house do it with
the same intention on our hands or even neck –
just leaving their scent so that everyone knows that
we are belonging one to another), or choose from only
to them known reasons, certain places to make a shit.
There is also a chance, if we have animals of opposite
sex that males will feel and do their instinctive duty
to impregnate females when they are in
That behaviour can be found in lots of pets. That is
why I have thought that it will be very nice thing to
have special pants for our animals. It would collect
urine in special absorbing materials and faeces in
special little sacs. When such thing happens the
trousers will make sound after which we can change
them with clean and dry ones. The pants would have to
be done from strong material which the pets will not
succeed to tear it off. They will certainly be our
‘eternal babies’ with such a procedure,
but they deserve to be cared about. There is probably
percentage of people who would even want such a pants
for dogs because than they will not leave their urine
on the trees and be toxic to the plants on the streets
as well as they will not leave markings on the betony
where, whilst evaporating, it attack sense of smell
and well being for majority of people whilst other
minority risk allergic reactions which are not naïve.
SHOES: First of all, I would like scientific,
professional and detailed international veterinary
report which will reveal necessity or absurd of
shoeing the domestic horse. Also it needs to be
explained what is the best material if shoeing has to
be done. Tendency has to be in making no painful but
comfortable healthy shoes.
This is just a hypothesis, but maybe some research can
be done and it can be explained whether dogs, for
example need kind of shoes when they are going out in
the walk, especially when it is cold and wet betony
where they are gazing. I think lots of other domestic
animals can also found it good for thermoregulation to
have covered legs (same reasons to cover body parts as
human has).
CLOWS: The people need to be educated in theory and
practice if they need to cut the claws of their
pet(s). This procedure seems to be a further step
towards urbanizing the pets. Be careful in doing this.
ROUTINE CHECKUPS: Pets should be generally observed
from the veterinary several times in year. It is very
important to preserve the health of each animal.
MUSIC: Hypothesis: most of the animals have a sense
for music. It will be good for all pets’
species to develop such sense by creating their own
odd compositions. That could be represented by bells,
or even specified tam tams-pianos over which the pet
can walk and produce and develop their
‘DJ’ work.
NESTS: Can this can be done: people who think their
cloth is not in such a quality presentation and they
do not want anymore to wear it to give those washed
and clean rags to animal associations and charities
which will forward them to animals for nesting needs?
PASSPORTS: It should be free to travel everywhere
with own pets. It is very important, though, that
animals have their passport where their health level
should be included. Passports will held the same
information as in Central Computer.
CAGES: I think that bare standard minimum of the cage
size has to be bigger than cubic metre. All animals,
which are kept in cage, should have at least 6 hours
each day of free-range time. I am ecsclusively
against having the birds in captivity, especially not
in the cages. If they are already captive, give them
lots of free-range time. It is a shame to have the
wings and not be able to use them. Only little rodents
should have their cage until they do not adapt to live
in the same space as we (and they need so much special
pants for doing the toilet!).
Global referendum has to be done to find out correct
answer for this question.
References and comments:
V 004. ** 'Medicinal' GM crops produced **
Scientists have genetically engineered plants to produce health-promoting substances usually found in fish.
** Smart homes offer a helping hand **
The homes of the future could be filled with clever technology designed to help you live your life.
** Could a pill prevent grey hair? **
Scientists identify genes that may play a role in turning hair grey, raising hopes of new treatments.
** Too young for school? **
The BBC's Mike Baker wondered whether young children are pushed into formal learning too soon - so he asked some.
** Material girl bends over backwards **
Madonna's amazing fitness and flexibility is a good example to us all and can be achieved through simple exercise.
VI 2004. *Effective anaesthesia 'guaranteed'*
New technology will end the fear that patients will wake up during
** Human embryo cloning considered **
The first request by British scientists to clone human embryos has been discussed by experts.
a friend
** Message **
i should be frozin some of my healthy ovarian tissue....who knows maybe in 50-60 years, when human life is much extended, we wanna try for a child, heh Pole?
** Ovary transplant pregnancy first **
A woman has become pregnant following an ovarian tissue transplant in a fertility breakthrough, it has emerged.
VII 2004. ** Uniforms for all in school reform **
England's secondary schools are urged to adopt uniforms and house systems as they become "independent specialists".
** Stem cells 'treat heart attacks' **
A transplant of bone marrow stem cells can aid recovery from a heart attack, researchers find.
** Gene mutation linked to diabetes **
A natural fault in a newly discovered gene is a major contributor to type 1 diabetes, say US scientists.
Name: mima
> Email:
> Comments: where is those page about the rats that you had, so you wrote
their lives and how they died?
> Hi, Mima, it's now all been moved into the community section, under member's
rats do get stoned research /paghat/
** Viewpoints: Abortion **
BBC News Online asked eight commentators for their views on abortion.
** World trade deal 'within reach' **
Marathon talks continue in Geneva on liberalising world trade, amid signs that they may be making some progress.
VIII 2004. ** Cell swap could help conservation **
Japanese scientists have developed a new kind of assisted reproduction for animals, in which one species can create another.
** Nature 'mankind's gravest threat' **
Giant tsunamis, super volcanoes and earthquakes could pose a greater threat than terrorism, scientists claim.
** Farm changes 'behind wasp plague' **
New eco-friendly ways of farming could be causing a steep rise in the UK's wasp populations, an expert has said.
** Scientists given cloning go-ahead **
The first request by British scientists to clone human embryos has been granted by experts.
** Space lends hand to stem cell study **
UK tissue engineering experts are teaming up with NASA to find treatments for diseases back on Earth.
** Oh, purr-lease **
As the Daily Telegraph launches pet obituaries, here are some other ways to part with hard-earned cash to benefit your furry sidekick.
** Hungry world 'must eat less meat' **
People will need to eat more vegetables and less meat because of dwindling water supplies, scientists say.
** Medicine hope for psychedelic drugs **
** Teleportation goes long distance **
Physicists have successfully teleported particles of light over a distance of 600m across the River Danube in Austria, the journal Nature reports.
I did not know Sweeden ii sunny
hoteli u Bg
7.VIII 2004. give the voice
14.VIII 2004. nice
20. VIII 2004. emergency contraception
28.VIII 2004.** Water 'wake-up call' given by UN **
A UN report says key goals to improve clean water and sanitation by 2015 will fail unless the world acts.
31.VIII2004. ** Scepticism over cloning from dead **
Experts cast doubt on claims that a scientist has made embryos from dead people's tissue.
7.IX2004. ** Modified animals continue trend **
The use of genetically modified animals in UK labs continues to grow, official statistics released on Tuesday show.
7.IX.2004. ** Viewpoint: Animal rights **
As the number of animals being used for research experiments in Britain rises, BBC News Online asks five commentators for their perspective on the issue of animal rights.
9.IX2004. ** Phone radiation openness demand **
It should be easier for mobile users to discover the amount of radiation generated by their handsets, a leading expert says.
9.IX2004. ** Pollution harms developing lungs **
Children in smoggy areas have retarded lung development which puts them at risk of diseases, say researchers.
some of these we have /mimaradio/
10.IX2004. ** Clinical drug trials 'distorted' **
More openness is needed over clinical drug trial results to stop them being distorted, leading medical journals say.
10.IX2004. ** Cannabis study encouraging for MS **
A big UK study of cannabis-based drugs has shown evidence for a long-term benefit in easing multiple sclerosis symptoms, scientists say.
10.IX2004. ** Hypnosis 'reduces cancer pain' **
Childhood cancer patients suffer less pain when placed under hypnosis.
10.IX2004. ** Waging war on the super rats **
Scientists go back to the drawing board in their battle against poison resistant rats.
10.IX2004. ** Rats help sniff out TB **
Rats are being trained to detect tuberculosis samples in a project which could help the developing world fight the disease.
13.IX2004. ** Europe urged to embrace GM foods **
A conference on genetically-modified crops opens in Germany with calls for Europe to take up GM foods.
13.IX2004. ** Positive attitude delays ageing **
You may not be as young as you feel, but research has found that a positive attitude may delay the ageing process.
13.IX2004. ** 'UK must lead on climate change' **
Michael Howard accuses Tony Blair of squandering the chance to lead efforts against climate change.
14.IX2004. ** Beauty spot given a green boost **
A turf roof and solar slates are just two of the green innovations used to revamp buildings at one of Cornwall's most spectacular locations.
14.IX2004. ** Media spotlight on Baghdad deaths **
Two very different accounts emerge about the bloody and graphic events in the Iraqi capital's Haifa Street on Sunday.
14.IX2004. ** Message **
Do plants sing or what? Explain, plz.
** Flower power turns up the volume **
A Japanese company has come up with a way of turning flowers into loudspeakers.
14.IX2004. ** Micropower 'could fuel UK homes' **
Household-scale renewable energy schemes could provide power for many British families, conservationists say.
16.IX2004. ** Brazil embraces sustainable idea **
Sue Branford visits an environmental project deep in the Amazon which has turned a revolutionary idea into reality.
19.IX2004. ** The greening of Ground Zero **
Skyscrapers that power themselves through wind and solar energy collected on their roofs are named in the winning designs in a competition aimed at creating a greener modern city.
20.IX2004. ** UN summit to tackle world hunger **
World leaders prepare to meet at the UN in New York to discuss ways of alleviating hunger and poverty.
21.IX2004. ** The battle for DR Congo's wildlife **
As donors pledge $40m to save DR Congo's wildlife, life in Virunga Park remains a battle ground.
22.IX2004. ** The deafening sound of the seas **
The crescendo of noise in the oceans is interfering with marine mammal communication, campaigners say.
23.IX2004. ** Looking to the hydrogen horizon **
Demand for oil is soaring, and with it the price - currently $46 a barrel. But some experts believe hydrogen cars could offer the solution to a difficult fix.
24.IX2004. ** Support for UN reform increases **
Support is growing for a bid by four influential countries for more permanent seats on the UN Security Council.
24.IX2004. ** Dogs 'sniff out' bladder cancer **
Dogs can be trained to sniff out bladder cancer, scientists say they have proven for the first time.
26.IX2004. ** Sea defences 'raise floods risk' **
Building sea defences could increase the risk of flooding in coastal areas of England and Wales, a report claims.
26.IX 2004. ** Message **
could you record this program?
** Rutan ready to realise vision **
As the first X-Prize flights go ahead, BBC News Online asks SpaceShipOne's Burt Rutan to explain his motivation to fly above the Earth.
26.IX2004. ** Ask Jeeves bets on smart search **
Ask Jeeves overhauls its website, results system and mascot, as search becomes increasingly competitive.
26.IX2004. ** World economy 'in good health' **
The head of the International Monetary Fund says the world economy is at its strongest point for five years.
26.IX2004. ** Gaddafi son 'in Paris car chase' **
A car chase in Paris involving a son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi leads to a scuffle with police, sources say.
27.IX2004. ** Message **
DU was in bombs sent troughout the Srbija.
Very upset I am.
** Gulf war health checks 'too late' **
Tests to detect uranium in the bodies of Gulf war soldiers are 14 years too late, say veterans.
27.IX2004. ** UK launches £10m recycling effort **
The UK government launches a £10m multi-media advertising campaign to encourage the British public to recycle their waste.
28.IX2004. read this
if you understand anythin.
28.IX2004. in France, i thimk they are concurents to noos.
for 60 euros...
29.IX2004. with what I color my hair
3.X.2004. ** Message **
Sick, sick, sick and sad.
** Stars protest over terrorism list **
Robin Williams and Paul Simon are joining other stars in a show to protest against the US Government's terrorist "watch list".
read this thread
4.X.2004. ** Message **
Can you record this for me, plz?
** Introduction: Planet under pressure **
BBC News Online's Alex Kirby introduces a six-part series on the some of the most pressing environmental issues facing the human race today.
4.X2004. ** Lennon killer petition hits 3,000 **
An online petition by John Lennon fans opposing parole for killer Mark Chapman gets more than 3,000 signatures.
6.X2004. saddest thing in the world ** Biodiversity: The sixth great wave **
The Earth's growing human population is leaving less room for other species, many of them vital to our survival, writes Alex Kirby.
6.X2004. ** Srebrenica Muslim chief on trial **
A Bosnian Muslim commander who headed Srebrenica's defence is in court over the killing and torturing of civilians.
6.X2004, here it is what i was looking for. read carefully, please.
7.X.2004. ** Teflon's sticky situation **
It's on saucepans, clothing, even buildings, but now Teflon - the famed non-stick chemical - is at the centre of a slippery controversy about cancer and birth defects.
7.X2004. ** Message **
Please, talk to me after this.
** Ill baby 'should not be revived' **
A judge rules a seriously ill premature baby should not be revived if she stops breathing.
9.X2004. pack rats-interesting
9.X2004. read this, please
11.X2004. ** Antibiotic can 'turn off cancer' **
A common antibiotic is able to turn off cancer cells in mice, offering hope of new treatments, say researchers.
11.X2004 ** Message **
Organic, only organic!!!
** Pollutants 'in children's blood' **
Environmental campaigners are warning potentially dangerous chemicals are present in children's blood.
11.X2004. ** Climate fears on sharp CO2 rise **
A sharp rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere raises fears global warming is speeding up, reports say.
13.X2004. may be important ** Targets 'hamper recycling effort' **
UK government policy works against efforts to improve the nation's recycling record, a report says.
14.X2004. ** Carbon 'reaching danger levels' **
The UK government's top scientist says atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are now becoming dangerous.
14.X2004. ** Viewpoints: Countryside Matters **
As part of News Online's coverage of rural life in Britain, we polled the views of some of the key players.
14.X2004. ** Right to silence? **
The infuriating ring of someone else's mobile blights many visits to the cinema or theatre. France has decided to block the signals - could the UK follow suit?
15.X2004. ** British 'use less wrinkle creams' **
UK women are less likely to use anti-wrinkle creams than other western European women, research suggests.
15.X2004. would like discussion about this : ** Security under the skin **
A US company has been given the green light to implant microchips in humans. It's intended to provide medical information ... but will it turn into a surveillance system?
15.X2004. to show us whats good for humans... rats and bambus
15.X2004. ** UK chemists seek hydrogen store **
Newcastle and Liverpool University teams take a major step forward in making hydrogen a practical replacement for petrol.
15.X2004. ** Global amphibians in deep trouble **
Almost a third of the world's amphibian species are confronted by the prospect of extinction, naturalists say.
16.X2004. ** UK boost for biomass fuel crops **
The UK government is stepping up efforts to stimulate the growing of crops for use in generating renewable energy.
16.X2004. important ** WTO sugar ruling sparks EU appeal **
The EU is to appeal against a World Trade Organisation ruling that its sugar subsidies breach world trade rules.
20.X2004. crucial livehood risk : ** Water scarcity: A looming crisis? **
The Earth's growing human population is leaving less room for other species, many of them vital to our survival, writes Alex Kirby.
20.X2004. ** Aid agencies' warning on climate **
Climate change threatens to undo the world's attempts to eradicate poverty, a coalition of aid agencies warn.
20.X2004. ** Toothache 'made lion eat humans' **
Experts believe a sore tooth may have led a Tanzanian lion to go on a human killing spree instead of hunting buffalo.
20.X2004. ** Ugly war over West Bank olive crop **
An ugly land war is raging between Palestinian olive growers and Jewish settlers in the West Bank.
21.X2004. Warning on internet health advice :
21.X2004. I do not like a mouse trap. It could hurt the mice: ** Message **
I do not like a mouse trap. It could hurt the mice.
** Those eureka moments **
The inventor's lot is a hard one. Months of work on an idea are often followed by the realisation that nobody is interested. But are inventors about to buck the trend?
21.X2004. Designer baby cured its sibling:
23.X2004. mmmenvironmental refugees saw this story on BBC News Online and thought you
should see it.
** Message **
I believe that Geneve Convention about refugees needs to include environmental refugees. I do expect mass migration in that sense, though, but its inevitable. If I am a Japanese, I would want to live somewhere calmer, and more others would, certainly.
** Powerful earthquakes shake Japan **
At least one person dies and more than 70 are injured in a series of earthquakes in northern Japan.
23.X2004. Longevity needs to be expected: ** Humans 'will live to age of 150' **
Human beings will live would die at between 30 and 40 years old if they did not live in social groups, research finds.
23.X.2004. Toxicity of aspartame from Parkinson disease site :
25.X2004. ** Can a little radiation be a good thing? **
Some experts believe a little radiation may actually be good for you. BBC News Online investigates.
25.X2004. ** The unsung heroes of Wajir **
The men who collect human excrement with buckets in a north-eastern Kenyan town.
25.X2004. ** Quiz: World water crisis **
You drink it, wash in it and flush the toilet with it every day. But how much do you appreciate the finer points of the liquid that sustains life?
** CIA 'took detainees out of Iraq' **
US intelligence officers have taken detainees out of Iraq for interrogation, The Washington Post reports.
25.X2004. ** Life-giving dead wood 'at risk' **
Dead and dying trees essential for many other forms of forest life are in short supply, conservationists say.
26.X2004. ** Message **
I as well will not need human cadavers for stem cells from healthy retina.
** Stem cells 'could restore vision' **
Stem cells taken from the eye could help restore normal vision in people with sight problems, researchers say.
29.X2004. ** Abortion row fears over eye cure **
The restoration of a blind woman's sight using foetal tissues is likely to spark ethical debate, say scientists.
29.X2004. ** Iraq death toll 'soared post-war' **
Poor planning and coalition air strikes have led to more than 100,000 extra civilian deaths in Iraq, scientists find.
30.X.2004. ** 'Smelly' mates guide seabirds **
Seabirds called prions, which mate for life, find their nests by sniffing out their partners, scientists say.
30.X.2004. ** Eton or the zoo? **
The discovery of a new species of human poses exciting questions about who we are. How would we treat this close relative if one were found alive? Anthropologist and author Desmond Morris writes.
31.X2004. ** Summit on eco-friendly buildings **
A city which has embraced the concept of eco-friendly housing hosts the International Earthship Conference.
1.XI2004. ** Message **
who is HFEA?
** Embryos to be screened for cancer **
Scientists are granted permission to screen test tube embryos for an inherited form of bowel cancer.
1.XI2004. ** Support sought for CO2 storage **
UK environment minister Elliot Morley is to ask leading industrial nations to support a plan for storing carbon dioxide under the sea bed.
3.XI2004. ** Message **
caffeine alone is not good for arteries... do you hear it? I don't want you that in 10-20 years time you have cardiovascular problems???
** Vices 'combine' to harm the heart **
Smoking and drinking coffee act together to have a harmful effect on arteries and blood flow, say researchers.
3.XI2004. ** Cambodia's health lottery **
One outstanding hospital in Cambodia is so popular that it has had to introduce a lottery in order to choose patients.
3.XI2004. ** Light up my life **
With the clocks going back, millions of British workers will be heading home this evening in the dark. Depressing? Yes, but there could be a good reason for why we get the winter blues.
10.XI2004. ** Energy: Meeting soaring demand **
The BBC's Alex Kirby looks at the challenge of providing the world with energy without damaging the environment.
30.X2004. ** Doctors fear for Tanzanian twins **
Doctors say the lives of conjoined twins in Tanzania is in jeopardy because their lungs cannot expand.
30.X2004. ** Mexico rats survive cat onslaught **
Health officials in the Mexican state of Chihuahua fail to deal with a rat plague by sending in hundreds of cats.
30.X2004. ** Scots count cost of plastic bags **
Scots DIY enthusiasts will now pay for plastic bags as a big chain tries to cut pollution.
13.XI2004. ** Brewer offers new health warning **
Britain's biggest brewer - Scottish Courage - will be labelling its bottles and cans of beer with a health warning.
13.XI2004. ** Delays plague Milosevic's trial **
Journalist and author Chris Stephen takes a look at how trial of Slobodan Milosevic has dragged on in The Hague.
15.XI2004. listen for the serbian djs on this page
15.XI2004. ** Bhopal 'faces risk of poisoning' **
Thousands of Indians around Bhopal are still at risk of poisoning 20 years after a gas disaster, a BBC probe reveals.
15.XI2004. ** New claim on location of Atlantis **
US researchers claim to have found evidence locating the lost kingdom of Atlantis off the coast of Cyprus.
16.XI2004. Project schoolyard USA :
17.XI2004. ** Ozone 'link' to premature deaths **
High ozone levels may be killing off city-dwellers around the world, experts suspect.
17.XI2004. Hybrid Prius
18.XI2004. ** Cocaine users' brains 'different' **
Cocaine users' brains have a different structure that could affect their judgement, a study suggests.
19.XI2004. bioprogress :
20.XI2004. ** World's oldest man dies aged 113 **
The world's oldest man, who gave up driving at 108 because "slow drivers annoyed him", dies at 113.
20.XI2004. ** Message **
Can our comps can go to grid to help Science?
** Computer grid to help the world **
Through the World Community Grid, your computer could help address the world's health and social problems.
20.XI2004. ** Message **
Poor Palestinians do not have even their moneta, they use shekels?
** Gaza's blocked arteries **
The BBC's Martin Asser takes a taxi ride through the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip to sample the barriers to Palestinians' travel.
21.XI2004. ** Doctors' therapy 'slows ageing' **
Two doctors believe they have the cure for wrinkles - infra-red light therapy.
29.XI2004 ** Study finds benefits in GM crops **
A major UK study of genetically modified plants finds no evidence that they harm the environment.
3.XII2004. ** Message **
...with you.
** Ex-rebel leader elected Kosovo PM **
A former rebel commander who was questioned by war crimes investigators is voted in as Kosovan prime minister.
4.XII2004. ** 'We will be able to live to 1,000' **
Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey believes that within the foreseeable future, human beings will be able to live to 1,000 years of age.
7.12.2004. ** Letter: Military lawyers defend civil liberties **
Robert Hodierne, an editor of publications for the US military, examines how the war on terror affects civil liberties in the US.
7.12.2004. ** US deserter seeks Canada asylum **
A US army deserter seeks refugee status to stay in Canada, arguing the US-led war in Iraq is illegal.
8.XII2004. ** Q&A: UK's carbon targets **
Our correspondent Richard Black explains the targets Britain is trying to meet on CO2 reductions.
9.XII2004. ** UK 'discriminated against Roma' **
The government discriminated against Roma people seeking entry into the UK, the Law Lords rule.
9.XII2004. Scientists pluck the details from chicken-genetics map
In a step forward for biology and agriculture, scientists yesterday unveiled the first, detailed analysis of the genetic blueprint of the chicken revealing few surprises...
Full story:
9.XII2004. ** One in 10 families 'pays bribes' **
Ten per cent of people say they or a member of their household paid a bribe in the past year, a survey suggests.
9.12.2004. ** Serbian church sues over Kosovo **
Serbia's Orthodox Church files a lawsuit accusing the UK, France, Germany and Italy of failing to protect churches in Kosovo.
10.XII2004. ** One billion 'denied a childhood' **
More than half the world's children face a brutal existence because of poverty, war and Aids, says Unicef.
12.XII2004 Kyoto BBC:
14.XII2004. ** Europe's heatwaves 'soon routine' **
The heatwave which killed thousands in Europe in 2003 could soon seem cool, UK climate scientists say.
14/12/2004. ** Countryside opens up to ramblers **
Thousands of acres of private land in the South open up to ramblers for the first time.
18.XII2004. ** Freak storms kill six in France **
At least six people die and dozens are hurt as hurricane-strength storms hit Paris and much of northern France.
18.XII2004. ** Mars water tops science honours **
The discovery that salty, acidic water once flowed across the surface of Mars has topped a list of the 10 key scientific advances of 2004.
18.12.2004. ** Forecasters face losing key tools **
Microwave frequencies vital for Earth monitoring are being lost to commercial uses, weather forecasters say.
18.XII2004. ** Message **
please, talk with me about this. Do not understand what they are saying.
** Missile team homes in on the Moon **
A US firm is proposing to use guided missile technology to make a precision landing on the Moon.
18.XII2004. ** Bush stays course on environment **
US President George Bush was criticised by green groups over his environmental policy during his first term, and little is likely to change in the next four years.
Ouest France vendredi 17 décembre 2004
and everything from the ‘AMis de la Terre’ association /French side/
22.XII2004. ** World's smallest baby born in US **
The world's smallest surviving baby makes her first public appearance at a US hospital, alongside her slightly larger twin sister.
24.XII2004. Israelis stealing eyes of children from Palestina claim :
24.XII2004. ** Battling against Israeli 'apartheid' **
Adel Kaadan is an Israeli Arab who has been fighting for the last decade for the right to move to a Jewish suburb, reports the BBC's Lucy Ash.
24.XII2004. ** Modern footballs 'not much safer' **
Heading a modern-day football is not significantly safer than an old-style leather ball, ballistics experts find.
26.12.2004. ** Rapper's message for France **
Caroline Wyatt talks to a rapper who is trying to reconcile his love for France and music with his adopted Muslim identity.
26.XII2004. ** Flu crisis 'could be contained' **
Scientists say antiviral drugs should be being stockpiled now in anticipation of a flu pandemic.
27.XII2004. New year’s celebration waste statistics
31.XII2004. Good choice, hard neverthless in earthquake:
1.I2005. ** New Year begins as world mourns **
Millions mark the start of 2005 with restraint amid global mourning for victims of the Asian earthquake.
1.I 2005. ** Romanian, 67, pregnant with twins **
Romanian doctors say a 67-year-old woman, pregnant with twin girls, is set to be the oldest recorded mother.
1.I2005. ** Message **
I don't think the hearing was the factor. Possibly pressure changes, temperature...
** Did animals have quake warning? **
The BBC's Sue Nelson investigates claims that wild animals, who escaped the impact of the quake, may have a sixth sense.
3.I2005. ** Big pledges yield benefits for donors **
World leaders are realising that big donations for tsunami aid can yield political benefits, says the BBC's John Simpson.
3.I2005. ** Living life as Donald Duck **
How an octogenarian GP has coped sharing his name with one of Disney's most famous cartoon characters.
3.I2005. ** Alcohol hampers depth perception **
Drinking alcohol impairs driving ability by disrupting depth perception, researchers find.
3.I2005. ** Andaman aborigines' fate unclear **
The fate of some of the world's most primitive people in India's Andaman and Nicobar islands is unclear.
3.I2005. richest 578 milliarders
4.I2005. ** Criminals target tsunami victims **
The victims of the Asian tsunami now face a new danger - that of criminals and opportunists trying to cash in on their misfortune.
4.I2005. ** Message **
What the kids were doing outside? PLz call me when finish this reading.
** Israeli shell kills seven in Gaza **
Seven Palestinians are killed by Israeli army fire in Gaza, sparking furious words from leader Mahmoud Abbas.
4.I2005. ** Blogs take on the mainstream **
Blogs have shifted the balance of information online, argue experts, and they are here to stay.
4.I2005. American election fraud. I thought there was a fraud, but, until now did not find a word about it on media.
5.I2005. Tribes and earthquake in Asia. better report.
5.I2005. Worth reading. ** Tsunami man survives week at sea **
A tsunami survivor is rescued after floating on tree debris in the Indian Ocean for eight days, eating coconuts.
5.I2005. ** Push to block Brazil dam project **
Tim Hirsch reports on moves by Brazilian environmentalists to prevent the destruction of a forest threatened by a dam.
5.I2005. ** Physics goes in search of 'cool' **
Einstein Year is launched in the UK and Ireland to inspire the next generation of physicists.
5.I2005. ** Home Office cat history revealed **
The history of the Home Office cat revealed in documents handed over to the National Archive under the Freedom of Information Act
6.I2005. ** Schizophrenia prediction possible **
Schizophrenia can be predicted in high risk groups years before psychosis sets in, say scientists.
6.I2005. ** Sorter weeds out less healthy sperm cells **
Scientists have developed a machine to separate out healthy sperm from that which is damaged and unlikely to be of use in IVF.
7.I2005. ** Antibiotics 'block nerve damage' **
Antibiotics including penicillin may help prevent nerve damage in a wide variety of neurological diseases, research finds.
7.I2005. ** TV's future in the hands of viewers **
With home theatre, plasma high-definition TVs, and digital video recorders, the way people will watch TV will be radically different in five years' time.
7.I2005. ** Message **
Why separate them? That is so bad, sad and unnecessary.
** Odd couple make friends in Kenya **
A baby hippo rescued shortly after floods last week befriends a 100-year-old tortoise in Kenya.
8.I2007. ** Poverty fight 'neglects science' **
Science and technology could do far more to end hunger and poverty than politicians realise, United Nations advisers say.
8.I2005. volim njegove artikle: ** Copying, content and communism **
Regular columnist Bill Thompson is worried about what Microsoft thinks of him.
9.1.2005. ** Monsanto fined $1.5m for bribery **
Agrochemical giant Monsanto agrees to pay $1.5m in US penalties for bribing a high-level Indonesian official.
10.I2005. ** IT support for your parents **
As technology penetrates age barriers, and parents succumb to the benefits of the internet, their children are being called on as technical support.
11.I2005. Rats recognise different languages:
11.I2005. ** Tsunami man's two-week sea ordeal **
A 21-year-old Acehnese man is discovered out to sea two weeks after being swept away by the tsunami.
11.I2005. Rats laugh proof:
12.I2005. ** Message **
What is this about? I am seek of such a treatment - why irrelevant?
** Marathon Milosevic trial resumes **
A French nurse testifies as the war crimes trial of ex-Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic resumes.
12.I2005. ** Message **
how american rice could be cgeaper than italian in Europe?
** Italy's simmering rice threat **
The BBC's Mark Duff visits rice farmers and chefs worried about the threat to Italian rice from free trade agreements.
12.I2005. ** Drugs: Facts behind the fiction **
All the drama-documentaries in the IF series are based on rigorous journalism and research. Here are just some facts surrounding the issues of drug legalisation.
13.I2005. ** French test 'chemical castration' **
Doctors in France start givingchemical treatment to 48 repeat sex offenders to see if it will stop them attacking again.
13.I2005. narcotics discission:
15.I2005. wanted to watch:
15.I2005. the eye of god:
16.I2005. horses /and other animals/ and difficult diseases:
17.I2005. Spa similar to Igalo mud?
17.I2005. BBC article and photos :
17.I2005. loto double gain
18.I2005. female fertility testing:
18.I2005. male fertility testing:
18.I2005. French CMU
18.I2005. cochin ivf treatments cout :
18.I2005. examens before seeking IVF
18.I2005. forum bebes:
18.I2005. UN development programme:
18.I2005. impot sur bourse stock market
18.I2005. printing organ in a day: ** Skin and bones 'made to measure' **
Scientists in Manchester develop new technology to "print out" human skin and bones.
19.I2005. Israeli virtual gallery:
19.I2005. facts and logic about Palestinian state: from them /Be sure to give us credit and 2. Be sure to send us
copy of the book.Please confirm.Sincerely,Gerardo Joffe, President FLAME/
19.I2005. ** Dustmen sent to school after binning art **
Three refuse collectors are to be sent on an Art Appreciation Course after incinerating Frankfurt sculpture.
20.I2005. cutest foto in the world:
20.I2005. oooh, that beautiful animal intelligence... for mating:
20.I2005. Malki shampoo froim salty Sea has five ingredients withiin, unnecesary parfum as sixth:
20.I2005. ** Why some people entice mosquitoes **
Scientists believe they have discovered the reason why mosquitoes find some of us more tasty than others.
20.1.2005. ** Message **
But read the last sentences...What a danger from outsider's diseases.
** Tsunami folklore 'saved islanders' **
Anthropologists say folklore helped to save the ancient tribes of the Andaman and Nicobar islands from the worst of the Indian Ocean tsunami, reports Subir Bhaumik.
20.I2005. ** Therapy hope for stroke victims **
Stimulating the brain with a magnet may be a good treatment for strokes victims, say scientists.
20.I2005. ** Message **
She needed to be on insulin if she is not already on it, or she needed to control herself constantly and give lots of correct insulin units. I blame the hospital for this. This was too risky for both. The child now risks diabetes and other methabolic diseases as he was producing insulin in too big quantities because his mother food was too high sugar. And tat is why he has grown soo much.
BBC, as usual, do not give the clear picture and do not stress how important it is to be glucose balanced and how dangerous this could be. Such a shame for medicals.
** Woman gives birth to 'giant baby' **
A Brazilian woman gives birth to a 17lb (8kg) boy, nicknamed the "giant baby" by doctors.
20.I2005. ** Message **
Just not now to wait a decade or more for the application of this technology...
** Plastics created from orange peel **
US scientists discover how to make plastics from orange peel, using the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
20.I2005. Srebrenica’s dead people are buried, six hundred of them.
Genocide in Rwanda from the year 1994:
20.I2005. The Centre for Peace in the Balkans , correspodance with them: The quote you use comes from The Times, 14 July 1995: Muslim soldiers 'failed to defend town from Serbs ' By Michael Evans, Defence Correspondent.
The Centre for Peace in the Balkans
This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately at and delete the original message.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mima Mijic []
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 1:31 PM
Subject: Quite important
I am not sure whether you are talking srpski, so i should write in English.
I am writing a book and will say Serbian view of Srebrenica and give your
website a credit as well as this link
For the concisity reasons, could you please specify the sources of
information in this passage, or, if possible, clean it from the link page
because it does not have a named sourse so it could be taken as a matter
of conspiracy?
Thanks in advance. I shall send you a book when it's published (now I am
in phasis of collecting data and writing first drafts).
Best wishes and take care,
Mirjana Mijic
Here is the part I was talking about:
The abandonment of Srebrenica to a relatively small Serb advancing force
caused surprise in the West, especially after the largely Muslim
government army had demonstrated considerable infantry skills in recent
attacks. There were reports that up to 1,500 Serbs were involved in the
assault on Srebrenica, but intelligence sources estimated the main attack
was carried out by a force of about 200, with five tanks. "It was a pretty
low-level operation, but for some reason which we can't understand the BiH
(government) soldiers didn't put up much of a fight," one source said...."
"....However, the advance into the town was seen by intelligence assessors
as an opportunist move. "I don't think the Serbs had predicted the timing
of this operation," one source said. The apparent decision by the Muslims
to abandon the town provided the Serbs with a sudden opportunity to occupy
Srebrenica, bypassing the Dutch on the road a mile south of the town.
The intelligence source said: "The BiH just melted away from Srebrenica
and the senior officers left the night before." The source said the Muslim
defenders were "adequately armed" for street-fighting..."
Me: You are saying in that:
'To view the full analysis regarding the connection between Al-Qaeda and
terrorist activities in the Balkans, please visit the CPB Web site at:'
May you address me to the page where I could read it?
20.I2005. Sometimes I need youu to read this with me:
And those redish words, if you have a time.Thanks.
Believing in better future.
20.I2005. they got the money because they are racists?
Not very clear. Could you explain this to me, and why they got award for???
21.I2005. ** Message **
Is it because global warming, I wander?
** Jumbo squid wash up in California **
Hundreds of dead squid up to 1.8m long have washed up on beaches in California's Orange County, puzzling scientists.
21.I2005. Instead to send them somewhere, sad: ** Norway to kill 25% of its wolves **
A quarter of Norway's tiny population of wolves are to be shot to protect farm animals.
21.I2005. ** Dog gets German designer's house **
Murdered German fashion designer Rudolph Moshammer leaves his villa to his beloved pet dog.
22.I2005. Icelanders apologise for Irak war: but there is no democracy there is there?
22.I2005. ** Message **
So, between the lines, vegetarian food without using sweets and sugar in cooking is the best.Wow!
** Plant diets can ward off cancer **
Eating lots of fruit and vegetables and limited amounts of red meat and sugary foods is the way to protect against cancer, say researchers.
22.I2005. and human application? ** Alzheimer brain damage 'reversed' **
Scientists have reversed the damage caused to the brain by Alzheimer's disease during tests on mice.
22.I2005. ** Italy's real 'Romeo and Juliet' **
A man in Italy kills himself in despair over his comatose wife, hours before she regained consciousness.
22.I2005. ** How to make a greener computer **
Measures to make technology greener are long overdue says regular columnist Bill Thompson.
22.I2005. A parallel, analogy with Jews?
** Man found after weeks in cave **
A man is found alive weeks after getting lost inside a labyrinthine cave network in south-west France.
23.I2005. Congrats! ** India navy finds tsunami survivor **
An Indian man is rescued 25 days after being thrown by the tsunami on a remote island, the navy says.
23.I2005. Ivica Mladjenovicj: I have been searching for eco-sustainable gardening in fact, and I found this, I liked the sound and I wanted to contact the guy because I didn't get how many metres squared is apptmts surface per personand how big gardens are per person, and I realized when I have been slowly reading the end that he is Beogradjanin!!
I should call him, in fact, just to ask few questions. What a nice surprise...
17.I2005. Animal friendly Salty sea cosmetics: AHAVA, NATURAL SEA BEAUTY, MINERAL CARE, SPA COSMETICS, MALKI
23.I2005. Jews could have been saved/parallel with Serbs? : ** Why didn't the Allies bomb Auschwitz? **
One of the enduring controversies of the World War II is whether the Allies should have heeded calls to bomb Auschwitz when they learnt the full horror of the Nazi Holocaust.
23.I2005. Dutsch hospital people euthanasied 20 like these babies. What do you think?
I believe better would be experimenting them to the aim of survival.
23.I2005. Spina bifida baby retardation:
23.I2005. More on euthanazia /baby/ in Holland:
23.I2005. Robot soldier for Irak:
23.I2005 insulin receptors on cell membranes: google search
24.I2005. Holocaust industry /upsetting, but worth reading/:
when I planned to go to Israel, but did not get visa in May that year... personal but public for you to see, do not want to ask for viza again: 93 Mima,
Her: Pretty large field of interests - great!
I would recommend you to rent a car and to go to North Israel to visit Zfat - the town of cabbalists, then on Golan hights there is "Israeli Stonhenge" - very unusual place, very weird, and rarely visited-
Then there are great nature reserves as Achsiv and Banias, and if you go to South, visit the caves near the Dead Sea and Jericho site.
There is absolutely nothing to do in Tel-Aviv, so you can base in Haifa for North traveling or in Jerusalem for travelling in Central area (you can also see Herodion if you go with a guide - amazing place - )
Hope that was useful, and please ask me if you need any other details
93 93/93
93 Ksenia (or, it's Gzenia ;-))!
My fields of interest are Astrology, Kabala, probably Masonry and Templars
in this context as well as archeology and history (also nutrition and
vegetarianisme, physics, environmental studies and ecology, organic food,
animals, sustainable development (recycling, diminishing pollution...)
peace and prosperity on whole Earth, psychology, Perpetuum Mobile, life
extension, eradication of all diseases (i have a diabetes
insulinodependant), Yoga, sciences in general (apart from vivisection),
maths, music (I broadcast a commercial free chill-out internet radio
station)...). My partner is a Jew, so judaism as well and social impact
of all religions... Well I cannot remember more for now ;-).
Kind regards
11.XII2005. Novorapid contains aspart which is toxic when taken as sugar aspartame... I use it as insulin. Together, it all have pesticide which is unnecessary, and I believe hydrochloric acid is unnecessary:
> NovoRapid® also contains the following inactive ingredients: glycerol,
> phenol, meta-cresol, zinc chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate,
> sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid and water for
> injections.
> Human insulin has the empirical formula C257H383N65O77S6 and a molecular
> weight of 5808.
> Human insulin (rys) is produced by recombinant DNA technology using
> Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
> One IU (International Unit) of human insulin corresponds to 0.035 mg of
> anhydrous human insulin
> (rys).
> Actrapid? (Neutral Insulin Injection) is a neutral solution of human
> insulin (rys). It appears
> colourless and clear. Also contains: glycerol, meta-cresol, zinc
> chloride, water for injections.
> Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide are used to adjust the pH.
> Ultratard? (Insulin Zinc Suspension, crystalline) is a neutral
> suspension of crystalline human
> insulin (rys). When shaken gently it appears white and cloudy. Also
> contains: methyl
> hydroxybenzoate, sodium acetate, sodium chloride, zinc chloride, water
> for injections.
> Hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide are used to adjust the pH.
11.XII2004. Animal insulin and damned farmaceutical companies. Now, I excuse myself but could you culture S.Cerevisiaen to produce beef insulin for me, and Monotard in pure form like as it is from beef and without pesticides, please?
Read this. In fact, I do suffer from exhaustionm, had a seizure and unexplained coma and feel bad and painful with all human insulins I tried. Can you find out how much rapid and slow insulins cost in UK, both in pen, or just as an injection solution to suck in.
25.I2005. ** Climate crisis near 'in 10 years' **
The time for limiting greenhouse gas emissions to prevent runaway climate change is very short, a taskforce says.
25.I2005. ** Message **
if possible. 1.5bn$ for the embassy?
** Bush 'wants $80bn for war funds' **
The White House plans to ask for an extra $80bn, mainly for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
25.I2005. ** Israeli barrier move sparks anger **
Israel resumes work on its controversial barrier, amid angry protests and criticism from Palestinian leaders.
26.I2005. Killer owls seen in Scotland:
27.I2005. ** Alarm at new climate warning **
Global temperatures could rise by as much as 11 degrees Celsius, a major climate prediction project suggests.
27.I2005. No comment
** Kuwaiti 'slit daughter's throat' **
A Kuwaiti man reportedly confesses to killing his 14-year-old daughter because he believed she was having sex.
27.I2005. very disturbing, but true:
27.I2005. my correspodance with vegetarian croquettes for cats firm AMI: We thank you very much for your kind e-mail, and for choosing AMì products.
As per your questions:
1) yes, AMì cat food can be given also to kitties. We have several customers that feed their pet only with AMì pet food and they are all in perfect health. Of course, in case of different pathologies the veterinary advise should always be given.
2) all test refer from one to three years, as AMì does not effect lairaging.
3) there isn't a cholesterol value because it's a vegetable based pet food.
Regards AMÍ s.r.l.web site:
27.I2005. ** Voters flock to blog awards site **
Voting is under way for the annual Bloggie awards which recognises the best web blogs of the year.
28.I2005. ** Message **
Indeed. If you are not sorry about animals, you should thinkabout your health risk.
** 'Mad cow' disease found in goat **
European scientists confirm what is thought to be the first known case of "mad cow" disease in a goat.
28.I2005. Key to voluntary looking and refusing to look:
28.I2005. Viva la Sharon Stone! Apart that recently she wore animal fur jackets, I welcome this gest of hers:
29.I2005. Danger from ozone within weeks:
29.I2005. Auswitz European press review:
30.I2005. Sabra and Shatila:
30.I2005 Bosna after the camps. ‘It's terrible that lessons were not learned from the Holocaust & that this happened in Europe within 50 years after the end of WW2.’:
30.I2005. Climate change disaster within two decades:
30.I2005. Interesting links:
31.I2005. DEmocratic society protecting the murderers?
1.II2005. Bosna’s muslim fate in Guant...
why muslims from abroad came to war in bosna, and who WAS for war and helping it at all...???
1.II2005. Coral reefs dissepearance in three decades as oceans become more acidic due to augmentation of CO2 in the atmosphere:
2.II2005. sunshine in fact food:
2.II2005. Birds’ abilities comparable to humans: That is why you should not eat them. They are having a 'chip' in the brain, that is why brain size is not so important.
Unfortunately, they are making now that mammals can perform less intelligent tasks than birds, mentioning rats. Rats are ultra intelligent, comparable to clever, wise and moral humans.Here is the link:
2.II2005. Nanotech chips in comps:
3.II2005. Sequestration of CO2 publicied as an option:
This just doesn't make sense??? To destroy already acidic oceans???
3.II2005. Climate conference grim conclusion:
4.II2005. Iran’s oilgas reserves: that is why USA wants to go in war
4.II2005. four percent of deaths related to alcohol consumption:
4.II2005. Havent seen:
6.2.2005. Activist goes to jail for the fight for clean air:
8.II2005. Link: Research has suggested that left-handed people are more susceptible to a range of problems, including allergies, auto-immune diseases, depression, drug abuse, epilepsy, schizophrenia and sleeping disorders.
13.II2005. How ecologic cars are not:
16.II2005. How the world is changing: To keep this link...
17.II2005. Hundred fifty thousand Serbs expelled for war for independence:
18.II2005. imprisoned without trial: ...politicians higher than judges??/
18.2.2005. greenhouse gases are warming the seas there is the proof, finally:
18.II2005 Time for studdying: For you too?
18.2.2005. individual medicaments from dna fingertip:
18.2.2005. sifilis for insects: feel nauseous
19.2.2005. thats why family members /animals/ are equally intelligent: brain size does not matter
19.2.2005. risky medicines approved by FDA:
19.II2005. lead and criminal:
19.2.2005. Indian wild tiger dissapear: On side of the article are lot of interesting links concerning environment and ecology.
21.2.2005. copyright copyfight bill thompson
22.2.2005. water formation in France:
22.II2005. parasit twin removed:
22.II2005 air pollution thickens blood:
22.II2005. energies renouvelables:
23.II2005. Party is over book : from OUSA env. forum student...
23.II2005. why there is not tax on airline fuel? from OUSA env. forum:
AS a veteran of the airline fuel business I have some info here for what it is worth. The reason for the lack of tax on airline fuel is complex in its simplicity. The problem is that airline fuel is consumed while the palne is flying over international airspace (except of course during take off and landing). As such it is being consumed in no one's tax jurisdiction. If you were to tax it who would receive the revenue on say a London New York flight? In the same way that if you buy goods in London as a US tourist, you can claim back the VAT when you leave the country. The same principle applies for airline fuel.
Now one could have an EU tax covering flights within the EU, but this would be a first case of the EU being a direct tax revenue raiser, rather than the individual countries raising taxes and then paying dues to the EU. If I understand correctly the EU has no mandate to raise taxes.
This subject goes on and on so I will quit here, but also bear in mind that some countries would then compete with low taxes to attract airline hubs. Once again an easy solution turns out to be not so easy.
24.II2005. SUPERB! Ban on plastic bags in Kenya: thousand year to decompose... Could you diminish their use, please???
3.III2005. It seems it needs to be local organic food:
environmental costs, transport, savings... Local food greener than organic title
3.III2005. Can planet feed us? The answer is more political than economical.
3.III2005.These mushrooms are legal in some countries:
3.III2005. What a democracy for twenty first century:
3.III2005. Biodefence in USA, this is upsetting:
4.III2005. Quote: I think that religion and school should be separate full stop. Choosing the path of blind belief rather than of scientific thought is a very big decision and should not be made until adulthood.
Andy, Stafford, UK
4.III2005. Opinions about Muslim dress code in Britain:
5.III2005. Three strikes laz for repeated offenders:
This is not normal at all.
5.III 2005. Bonjour au groupe AT-Transports,
Ci-dessous quelques "exemples venus d'ailleurs" pour diminuer la pollution générée par les transports, glanés lors d'un cours sur les transports pendant ma formation.
Je m'excuse de n'avoir pas le temps de les développer, cherche un emploi en ce moment (tout en finissant ma formation en "management urbain & de l'environnement") et c'est ma priorité.
Mais peut-être cela peut-il esquisser quelques pistes pour la partie "prospective" de l'exposé ?
A la prochaine séance peut-être, bon courage pour la rédaction.
Emilie ("nouvelle" ou plutôt "revenante" des AT).
Singapour : des efforts considérables pour instaurer un péage urbain
et diminuer la circulation des voitures en ville. Problème : ségrégation par le $.
Allemagne : taxe pour les camions (source : magazine Silence de mars 2005) :
depuis le début de l’année 2005, les poids lourds doivent payer
12,4 centimes d’euro du kilomètre pour emprunter les autoroutes allemandes.
Hambourg : des locations de voiture sur des distances courtes (mode de transport banalisé).
Californie : gestion souple des infrastructures routières (voies à sens unique, certains sens de circulation bloqués…)
Danemark : des strapontins à vélo le long des fenêtres dans les wagons de train
Dublin : les étudiants transportent les citadins dans des pousse-pousses à pédales (sortes de "tuk-tuks") : un job étudiant...qui muscle les mollets. Source : ma soeur, habitante de Dublin.
Suisse : des transports scolaires très organisés (évite les congestions urbaines
causées par les trajets domicile-école en voiture des parents)
Reconquête des centres anciens piétonisés : Bologne, Florence, Padoue.
Amis de la Terre
6.3.2005. Still slavery exist :
6.III2005. Aborigines from Nicobars face extinction. this is turning my diaphragm upside down. They ought to be saved.
6.III2005. mp’s flights pay higher prices to curb pollution:
6.III2005. Havent listened:
7/3/2005. Dermatologically classified children to go in separate schools in UK?
7.III2005. Again demonising Serbs: 'Serbs know where mladic is' implies 10million people know where the man is. What a demonisation.
7.III2005. Complaint to BBC for demonising Serbs: 'In another development, the court's chief prosecutor said Serbia knew where top suspect Ratko Mladic was hiding.', from the article 'Serb general surrenders to Hague' is a problem.
May you stop demonising Serbs because by this remark you imply that 8 million people know where one person which more than 50% of Serbs anyway want to see in court is hiding. You may say Derbian police or whatever else, but, please, please stop demonising my family, friends and the rest who DO NOT HAVE IDEA where gen. Mladic is.
PS. Will you correct the blame you caused to my family or I shall complain to other sources?
Thanks in advance. Sincerely,
7.III2005. Eat what you want pill for diabetes: is not great
7.III2005. Polica raid over home alone hamster: He needs daily maintenance and cuddling, though.
Poem for our late pets /members of family that need to be cloned/: at the rainbow bridge
8.III2005. In your own time: All the pages from this site are for reading. This page is a must...In your own time, when you can, could you please take a look?
8.3.2005. Diabetes type three:
9.3.2005. lucrative sf book awards: i hope we will get it with our book onne day... 100000 euros.
9.3.2005. Danger of supervolcanoes: PS. If this happen and I survive the volcan erruption, I would die without insulin.
9.3.2005. Israel funded illegal posts. Who exactly?
10.3.2005. Dear Pacho: donkey...
10/3/2005. Now about someone else:
dog witness on trial
10.3.2005. Laughter boostes health:
cortisol levels are smaller when happy /me/.
10.III2005 house music and the rest:
10.III2005 Paris clubbing:
12.3.2005. billionaires rich list, you may find new stock to invest in here:
Moje pismo drugarici, 12/3/05, delim ga sa vama premda nisam sa istim likom:
Ja sam prvo ovo poslala na forumu, al pomislih mozda je prejako za ljude pa sam izbrisala. U svakom slucaju tebe vec smatram za drugarsku dusu pa evo ti, citaj:
Kad sam ja predlagala mom dijabetologu da idem na pumpu on nije bio za to jer se plasio da nema nikog da me nocu proveri i da mogu da padnem u komu. Ja sam tada zivela sama, pardon, sa mojim pacovima (nemoj se mrstiti oni su divne, inteligentne, socijalne i jako ciste zivotinje). Davala sam sebi 3-4 puta dnevno NPH (ili Insulatard) zajedno sa Novorapidom svaki put kad je potrebno. 3-4 puta dnevno NPH zato sto ja jako brzo absorbiram insulin te traje krace. Cak i lantus meni traje oko 8 sati pa onda preko celog dana moram da dajem male inekcijice kad god je potrebno, pored onih obaveznih pred jelo.
Elem, ja sam tada cesto padala u hipo i dr. se bojao. 3 puta su me moji pacovi probudili iz literalne kome (hvala im zauvek sto su mi spasili zivot) tako sto su me satima lickali i grickali po licu. Ja bih osetila da su na mom licu, pretpostavljam odgurnula bi ih, oni bi se vratili i pretrcavali preko lica i ponovo mi lizali oci i grickali me. To je trajalo vecnost, oni su bili uporni, na kraju sam shvatila da sam u uzasnom manjku ali bih se ponovo kontuzovala, oni bi opet nastavili, pretrcavali, grickali, zuborili u uho (sto inace ne bi radili kad spavam, uglavnom bi se scucurili pored mene i spavali i oni)... To se ponavljalo, ja bih samo shvatila da mi treba secera i onesvestila se, oni bi opet Jovo nanovo. Na kraju sam htela da ustanem i uzmem secer ali sipak! Ne samo ogromna glavobolja i skroz mokra i ja i posteljina nego sam bila paralisana. Vrtela se levo-desno, opet spavala, oni me budili, onda spala sa kreveta. Boze kako je to bilo strasno, puzala sam minutima, noge nisu htele da slusaju, ruke i one nisu imale snage i pravile bi tikove. Ja bih zaspala ali bi oni trcali ispred mene, ja sam tada napokon shvatila da sam u stvarno losem stanju i da mi nece pomoci da spavam na podu da moram da uzmem secer... ali to puzanje, to neslusanje misica, to kucanje srca...
Na kraju sam otvorila kutiju secera u kocki, pojela pola kilograma (literalno) i posle jedno 20minuta pola sata proverila secer 19mg/dl(0,95mmol/l), i to posle secera!!! Nazvala partnera, ali i to je bilo skoro komicno, nisam mogla da potrefim brojeve, ruka nije htela da slusa, nanovo i nanovo dok ga nisam dobila da mu kazem da sam, eto ziva uz pomoc mojih pacovcica. Nisam mogla da govorim, mucala sam (to je bilo skoro sat vremena posle jedenja secera), jos uvek sam bila paralisana, koliko sam se uplasila tada da sam gotova i da se necu izvuci. Ovi su bili pored mene i gotovo groktali (inace su oni jako tihi i nisu oni morski prasici da grokcu), i znala sam da su srecni i da me i dalje podrzavaju ...
E, pa pored tog jednog puta, bila su i druga dva kad sam bila polu svesna i mnogo puta kad bih bila samo u manjku kad bi me probudili...
Zadnji iz te moje pacovske porodice je umro u junu 2004. Ja sam od pocetka februara pocela da zivim sa mojim partnerom i Sanijem, zadnjim pacovom. Morala sam da obecam da ce mi to biti zadnji jer je darlin' imao jaku alergiju i morao je prvi dan kad smo se uselili da dobije steroidnu inekciju, a zatim je svaki dan uzimao antihistaminske tablete. Ali kad god bi poceo da se mazi sa Sanijem jer ga je obozava dobio bi crvene pecate po ruci i oci bi pocele da ga svrbe i poceo bi da smrkce i da ga steze u plucima...
Ja sam kad je Sani umro sacuvala par njegovih dlaka kao i ostalih 6 kojih sam imala da mogu jednog dana, kad pronadjemo lekove za bolesti i imamo mogucnost da neograniceno produzimo zivot da, ako ja budem tada ziva da mogu da ih kloniram i vodim racuna o njima.
Nego da se vratim na tvoje pitanje. Posto sam imala Sanija a i posto je moj covek shvatio da sam ja nemoguca da delimo krevet (ritam se ko konj i kradem jorgan i prevrcem ko na takmicenju, a neki put i mrmljam) ja imam moju sobu gde spavam a on njegovu. E, sad, sta ako opet upadnem u takav manjak, toga se plasim... Mada od kada sam na lantusu mnogo je stabilniji nocu secer pa nisam toliko zabrinuta...
Ako se desi da zatrudnim, verovatno cu staviti pumpu ako je to najbolji nacin kontrole. Verovatno cemo morati da napravimo razmestaj u njegovoj sobi i da kupimo dzinovski krevet takon da ja mogu da se ritam i prevrcem koliko hocu i imam svoje cebe al da je on tu da moze da me cekira, oseti ako sam se preznojila.
Ispricala sam ono o pacovima zato sto sam htela da razbijem nekim ljudima predrasude o tim divnim zivotinjama. Da, od kad sam njih imala sam postala vegetarijanac i nisam za experimentisanje na zivotinjama, oni su nasi prijatelji i pomognu kad imaju mogucnost, zato nisam za njihovu patnju pogotovo kad postoje jeftiniji, brzi i viabliji za ljude metodi koji su eticki u svakom smislu. Mislim nemam ja nista protiv da ljudi koji vec imaju bolesnog ljubimca kazu OK za experimentalni lek da se proba, i to je OK, ne da ih pare da ih drze u kavezu bez da ih pomaze celog zivota i bez da im daju da se istrce po prostoriji i onda, uuuh, verovatno i ne znate sta se sve radi sa tim dragim, inteligentnim bicima...I zbog svog genetskog tipa, i zbog same odvojenosti vrsta (jedna vrsta se ne moze reprodukovati sa drugom), isti lekovi drugacije uticu najednu i drugacije na drugu vrstu...
Samo da dodam, znate li da je Sani voleo da golica svoju tetka Minu i ona bi se smejala visokim skviksima? I naucnici su dokazali da se pacovi smeju, posle sam saznala (za takve vrste naucnih observacija nemam nista protiv). Ja sam i za logo na mom sajtu stavila crtez pacova, mozete videti na mimaradio tacka com.
Od kad sam vegetarijanac holesterol mi je odlican, samo da dodam.
12.III2005 Bail for detainees is not fair play : not to go to prison
13.III2005. Jordan river and the Salty sea: Jordan river will run dry in two years. Dead sea shrunk 30% in last 50 years. Lots of blame on Israel.
13.III2005. France prepares to vote for EU Constitution:
13.3.2005. worth reading:
Chrissie (east enders) is a Jew. I didn't know.
14.3.2005. Himalayan glaciers melting fast: and world temperature may rise as much as 2 degres within TWO decades.
16.III2005. read when you have time, but worth reading: It's about smoking but sincerely worth reading -it will take few good minutes, though .
17.3.2005. world bank nomination:
18.III2005. trees plantation:
18.III2005. 1500-3825 trees/ha
19.III2005. Cows enjoy solving problems: How you could it them and others, then?
Farm animals are sentient beings, the study proves.
20.III2005. French:
20.III2005. DigiBio Research Laboratory:
21.3.2005. Cosmetics hot list:
21.III2005. may be animal derived:
21.III2005. taken from OU:
Nuclear or Not? An overview by Dave Elliott
With the likely social and economic costs of climate change being taken increasingly seriously, the nuclear lobby is arguing that it has at least part of the answer since, unlike coal or gas fired power plants, nuclear plants do not generate carbon dioxide gas, the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change.
Nuclear power had fallen from favour due to the high costs, and concerns about plant safety and radioactive waste disposal (1). More recently security issues have come to the fore. However, if we have to phase out our use of fossil fuels to reduce the impact on the climate system, then, say the nuclear proponents, what other energy source is there? The renewable energy lobby argues that it has the answer- there are many new green energy sources which can provide all the energy we need without any emissions, and they are developing rapidly, especially in countries which have decided to back off from nuclear power (2). In addition, we can avoid wasting so much energy- so that it becomes easier to meet our needs from renewables sources.
The debate between these two positions sometimes focuses on the problems each perceives with what the other side are offering, in terms for example of direct costs. The reality seems to be that there is not much in it- nuclear power is currently expensive, but so is wind power, although both could get cheaper (3). There are also technical arguments. Nuclear plants only produce electricity, whereas that’s is only about 30% of what we need; renewables can provide heat and transport fuels, as well as electricity (4). However, the counter argument is that some renewable energy sources are intermittent and are not reliable as electricity sources, and growing biofuels for vehicles would take up a lot of land space (5). Plenty of rooms for debate there.
The comparison gets more favourable to renewables when we look at some of the other major differences between these two types of technology. Nuclear plants need uranium to fuel them and inevitably produce dangerous long-lived wastes, whereas most renewables need no ‘fuel’ and produce no wastes, and so there are no fuel or ‘backend’ costs. Moreover, when nuclear plants come to the end of their working life they must be decommissioned, which is a very expensive process- which generates yet more wastes. Nuclear facilities are also potential terrorist targets, whereas most renewables are unlikely to attract the attention of terrorists (6).
It is not surprising then that most people oppose nuclear power- opinion polls have over the years have typically indicated that 70-80% of those asked were against an expanded nuclear programme, while about the same number were in favour of renewables like wind power- although opposition to wind projects generates a lot of media coverage, it is very much a minority issue (7).
However, things may be changing. The nuclear lobby says that actually, in the UK, opposition to a ‘replacement’ nuclear programme (replacing the UK’s old plants as they are retired), has fallen in recent years, no doubt reflecting growing concerns about climate change (8). The renewables lobby replies, if climate change is so important then that is all the more reason to expand support for renewables, since they are the best bet for a long term sustainable energy future. Going back to nuclear power would simply divert resources from developing renewables. Moreover, why try to solve one environmental problem (climate change) by creating another (radioactive pollution), especially since long term we will have to switch over the renewables, since there are only limited amounts of uranium available in the world? (9)
So the debate goes on. On one side we have renewable protagonists arguing that renewables could supply 50% of total world energy requirements by 2050, compared to the 7% currently supplied by nuclear power. On the other, some nuclear proponents say that new nuclear technologies will be cheaper, cleaner and safer, and that in any case, the costs and risks of climate change outweigh the problems of nuclear power. Some say- why not have both? But we don’t have the resources to do this, and in any case we then risk doing neither well. We really ought to decide which to back. Nuclear power has had the lion’s share of funding for many decades, while renewables have been starved of funding (10). Perhaps it is now time to give renewables a chance to show what they can do? (11)
(1) No new nuclear plants have been ordered in the USA since the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 and following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, most of the EU decided to phase out nuclear power. Globally over 30 gigawatts of nuclear plant has been closed or retired, although China and India are still expanding their nuclear programmes
(2) Denmark gets over 20% of its annual electricity requirements &om wind turbines. Germany has installed over 16 gigawatts of wind generation capacity. So far there is around 42 gigawatts of wind capacity in use in the world and around 70 GW (thermal) of solar energy conversion capacity.
(3) The 2002 Cabinet Office ‘Energy Review’ estimated that by 2020 on shore wind would the cheapest energy option at 1-5-2.5 pence per kilowatt hour (the current average price is around 3p/kWh), while offshore wind farms might generate power at between 2-3p/kWh. It suggested that new nuclear plants might generate at between 3-5 p/kWh, but the nuclear industry claims that it can get it down to 2.5p/kWh.
(4) Electricity from nuclear plants could be used for electric vehicles and also for producing hydrogen gas to power vehicles, But that is also true of electricity from renewables. In theory, waste heat from nuclear plants could be used in district heating networks, but that would imply that the nuclear plants had to be in or near inner city areas, and so far all the UK’s nuclear plants have been put in remote areas on safety grounds, usually by the coast to get access to cooling water. That actually may prove to be a problem in future, given the risk of sea level rises as a result of climate change. However, locating nuclear plants in-land may also be a problem since water is likely to become an increasingly scarce resource due the climate change. That of course could also effect the viability of biofuel and energy-crop production.
(5) The intermittency of some renewable sources like wind is not a major problem. The existing power system already has to cope with sudden large variations in power supply inputs when conventional power stations unexpectedly go off-line. As long as the total contribution from intermittent sources is less than about 20%, the smaller variations in input from these sources is in effect balanced out by the national grid system. Above a 20% contribution then we may need more backup plants and energy storage systems, but by that time we could be using renewables to generate hydrogen gas, as a new energy medium, and that is storable.
(6) Over the next century the UK will have to deal with 500,000 tonnes of nuclear waste of various types as existing plants are closed and decommissioned. The total nuclear liability has been put at 548billion. BNFL currently spends f.50m pa on security e.g. armed police to protect against terrorists
(7) An opinion Poll for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds found that only 3% of their sample opposed wind farms. In the 'worst case' poll, in Wales, objectors were14%.
(8) A Mori poll in 2001 found that 19% favoured a replacement programme, while 57% opposed it. By 2004 the figures had changed to 30% for and 34% against.
(9) Reserves depend on the price that is acceptable and the rate of use. In 1990 the UK Atomic Energy Authority said that, using conventional thermal/ burner reactors, ‘ for a nuclear programme that expands continuously to about 50% of [electricity] demand, uranium resources are only adequate for about 45years’. Uranium finds since then may have increased the resource, but a major nuclear programme would lead to lower grade ores being used, which would require more energy for fuel production and lead to more carbon dioxide emissions,
(10) UK Government funding for nuclear research and development ran at around f.200m through most of the 1970’s, whereas spending on RED for renewables only rose gradually to about 10% of that before being cut back under the Thatcher government. Renewables still only get around K20m p.a. for RScD, while nuclear power gets around 560m p.a. (excluding the liabilities). However, a new renewables grant scheme is now offering more to help new projects get going, including grants for offshore wind, wave and tidal current projects.
(11) The government’s 2004 White paper on energy saw renewables and energy efficiency as the main way ahead but said that nuclear power should be kept open as an option for the longer term in case renewables and efficiency did not deliver as hoped. More recently interest has also been shown in undersea carbon sequestration (storage in old oil and gas wells) as a way to allow us to continue to use fossil fuels for a while, without having an impact on the climate.
Prof. David Elliott, EERU, Open University March 2005
22.III2005. Toxic ingredients in cosmetics:
22.III2005. Theology: of thelema
Please read, indeed I do agree with most of things except for putting the main concepts of Winged Serpent to be Hadit and Horus as hawk headed deity. I would put those main deities to be human-like, or allegoricaly like some other indeed holy concepts, as both serpent and hawk are rodent eaters and they are not able to control such hunger until, one day, we, humans do not teach them otherwise (in beggining giving them veggy food and afterwards bring them to evolve into herbivores).
But most of the other theology concepts are quite good.
22.III2005. UK’s carbone dioxide /CO2/ emissions: In fact, EVERY UK citizen makes over a TONNE of carbon emissions per year!!! This is ultra dangerous.
22.III2005. Traffic fumes damage human DNA:
24.III2005. ‘Occupation of Irak till at least 2006’: who will continue to pumpo oil from there after, i wonder?
24.III2005. Builders threaten Panama forest:
25.III2005. I found this veggy shoes in France:
Ecolution: everything here
25.III2005. Vegdinning: also search for happycow its worldwide
25.III2005. nerve signal:
26.III2005. PV Britain roofs, quote:
How much can photovoltaics really produce in Britain? The DTI have estimated that solar panels installed on buildings have the potential to provide all the electricity that Britain currently uses, however that would mean photovoltaics on most south facing roofs which is unlikely in the near future. However, an ambitious solar roof programme coupled with other renewables such as wind and wave power could play a significant part in the move toward a sustainable future. How environmentally friendly are photovoltaics? The manufacture of photovoltaics involves the use of toxic materials to obtain the necessary standards of purity which are vital to performance. It lies with the manufacturer to ensure that dangerous substances are dealt with and handled correctly. Over its estimate
26.III2005. UK media biased over Israel:
26.III2005. Historic homeland : Address by Prime Minister Netanyahu to the United Nations
General Assembly, September 24, 1998, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
26.III2005. One day, whether rich or not I want to be minder of these threatened species: like those beautiful people in New Zealand are.
27.3.2005. parrokets /papagaji/:
27.III2005. Mithohondrial mutation in centenaries: old age link to mith mutation
Published online before print January 21, 2003, 10.1073/pnas.242719399
PNAS | February 4, 2003 | vol. 100 | no. 3 | 1116-1121
27.III2005. blog :
27.III2005 Energy efficiency of cars and other:
27.III2005. Boron fuel of future /with robotised mines only/: does it have toxicity?
27.III2005. Technology, energy, transportation:
27.III2005. Indirail: safe?
28.III2005. Lepa is there:
28.III2005. Fantastic move from Mairie de Paris:
29.III2005. here it is, hair contain stem cells: so in theory cloning from hair cells seems likely. Even earlier, the cures of diseases by using adult stem cells from hair is hear. They suceeded to convert them into nerve cells already.
29.III2005. Cat allergy can be blocked: so rat allergy will be possible to blocked as well
29.3.2005. A point of view, science and religion:
29.III2005. Tesla’s automobile:
29.III2005. Precious, need more of them : Tesla’s patents :
29.III2005. Tesla and others patents : tesla and others
29.III2005. Free energy: and some patents and links
30.III2005. Ecosystems world survey:
30.III2005. quote: Hear hear on both counts. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment was released today, showing that the human race better wise up, and quick;,12996,1447921,00.html
30.3.2005. Feljtoni o Tesli, needs translation:
30.III2005. U secjanje na dzhina, needs translation:
31.3.2005. Mad plan for energy, quote: In the US they must be getting desperate - this seems like a mad energy plan to me;
“Lunar solar power bases will be built on the Moon…”
31.3.2005. Earth magnetic field reversal:
31.3.2005. pure energy systems: renewables, free energy, tesla, updates...
31.III2005. AAH /allocation adulte handicape/
1.IV2005. Paralized man controls stuff by chip in the brain: When main researcher says 'the work is very exciting' it realy diminishes the meaning of his work. Exciting is not the right word at all, he is a medic, not a child and he should behave like as if he has phd.
By the way, i know that Stephen Hawking, a physicist, talks through machine which picks up his brain thoughts for years already. How this can be the first person, then?
Dont be late, BBC, mind my anger.
1.IV2005. DNA fingertipping babies rejected, why?
15.IV 2005. EU pollution deaths cost billions:
1.IV2005. pills thyroxine could prolong lifes: by 30%, maybe. I hope they will be made in Bioprogress' pills.
2.IV2005. hemp paper:
2.IV2005. Animal laugh:
2.IV2005. contre REACH:
2.4.2005. toxic for humans, not animals:
2.IV2005. global warming grim news:
2.4.2005. hockey stick –global warming temperature rise:
2.IV2005. periferal nervous system:
2.IV2005. salon du livre greenpeace plume verte:
3.IV2005. millenium ecosystem assesment : OU T206, tgv, air, travel energy pollution:
3.IV2005. Turkey, EU, penal code :
3.IV2005. Israelis to leave Gaza homes intact /or better to destroy but they exarcebate the price/ :
Considering just 3 people per house, 3000 american dollars is too expencive for destroying one house in my opinion. Bombs and granades not more than 200-300, making it to rubble 100, picking up with buldozer and travelling to recycle it on another place 200 maximum. 100 to all people involved that is maximum of 700 american dollars, not 3000. Plus, there is more than 3 people per house (see the house sizes on picture and natality of Israelis) so it should be even less houses.
3.IV2005. Click on line – blogging:
3.IV2005. e-waste recycling law in 2006?
4.4.2005. Answer: Joint combined exchange training: "Joint combined exchange training is a regular programme that special operations command Europe conducts throughout many countries in our area of responsibility."
This means that some outposts of the US military in europe do special joint operations together with their equivalent sections in other european nations. Me: On Sun, 03 Apr 2005...which is our area of responsibility' above Albania is responsibility area of USA?
5.IV2005. diabetes two prevention:
5.IV2005. Bionic eye from next year on humans: Let all people may see the world I got the chance to see again!
5.IV2005. Roma in Srbija /just see his articles alltogether.../
6.IV2005. Alkohol bad for breastfeeding:
8.IV2005. Shta cje joj?
8.IV2005. Cure for cancer in five years:
9.4.2005. Pleasure to read this:
10.IV2005. (from Vivien, a vegan from OU forum). Does this have any connection with REACH?
At the link below you will find an article subtitled "Human Toxicity Data Is Exactly What the Enviros Don't Want."
It is full of barefaced lies, including claims that
"The environmentalists' real gripe is somewhat less likely to be articulated in the media: these groups have fought against using human toxicity data tooth and nail because they know quite well that such data will show no evidence of harm to humans from the so-called "toxins" in our environment."
In fact there has been ample evidence for decades about the harmful effects of commonly-used chemicals on humans. For examples see:
and I have come across more via the fpin website
although the links from the latter don't work - I had to cut and paste the article titles into Google to search for them.
The website for the dishonest article is run by the AMERICAN COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND HEALTH (ACSH). I could not quickly find details on how the organisation is funded, so did a Google search and found this:
I was not surprised to find that ACSH is funded by all the usual suspects (Monsanto, etc.).
Many thanks to Medialerts for alerting me to the article.Vivien
Graduated 2001 BSc (Hons) (2.1) & DipNatSci
Graduated 2004 MSc (distinction) based on 'Frontiers in Medical Science' strand
"One might expect that these animals (bred to have human cancer genes) would mimic human symptoms, not just the genetic mutations. In fact, that is usually the exception, not the rule." T. Jacks, Science, 7th November 1997, vol. 278 p. 1041
11.IV2005. Primates, quote :
One quarter of 625 species of primates will dissapear within 20 years from human activities (poaching and loss of habitat).
If we put all the primates (except the humans) on the seat each, they will be no more of them than the public seats of ONE FOOTBALL STADIUM.
12.IV 2005. Nanotechnology:
1) Energy storage, production and conversion
2) Agricultural productivity enhancement
3) Water treatment and remediation
4) Disease diagnosis and screening
5) Drug delivery systems
6) Food processing and storage
7) Air pollution and remediation
8) Construction
9) Health monitoring
10) Vector and pest detection and control
2) and 10) are dangerous. 5) and 6) cannot be controled once released in the body. Here belongs and 3).
7) and 8) may not be able to be controled in the environment, after they finished the job...Should find out more, though.
1), 4), 9) am looking forward to see the development.
12.4.2005. Israeli prime minister wants to expand settlements: Sick.
12.IV2005. electrotechnique:
14.IV2005. Made in US of America :
They should have given them narcotics..
15.4.2005. nerve regeneration: spine regenerated in paralized dogs.
few years until tried in humans? so long? scientoist need to earn money?
15.IV2005. oil for food UKGBNI and USA's, not UN mistake.
15.IV2005. nerves nose regeneration
15.IV2005. credit to OU students for this: 1/3 UK's food gets trown:
Around one third of food grown for human consumption in the UK ends up in the rubbish bin, new figures reveal.
BBC rural affairs correspondent Tom Heap said demands for "pristine looking" produce means a lot of food does not make the grade and never leaves the farm gate.
People are eating out more and the catering industry throws away one third of all they buy, he said.
A lack of time or knowledge to use up leftovers is also to blame for increasing food wastage.
In the UK, a shocking 30-40% of all food is never eaten. In the last decade the amount we binned went up by 15%. Every year each of us throws away over £400 worth of food - that's £20 billion pounds overall, enough to cover the cost of everyone's council tax.
And it's not just the financial loss. The environment suffers too. Food grown but not eaten means more farm chemicals; transported and not eaten means more food miles; processed and thrown away means more rotting food churning out methane - the most potent greenhouse gas.
Every indication is that with the continuing trend to eat out more and the rise of convenience food, the figures will only increase as they have on the other side of the Atlantic. A 10 year study by Tim Jones at the University of Arizona has shown that 40-50% of all food in the US ready for harvest never gets eaten.
16.IV2005. UN and question:
These are some comments. What do you think? Please answer.
(This is the original BBC article after which people gave their opinions. )
16.IV2005. Chimpanzey told to stop smoking:
16.IV2005. 100 year old takes IT course: Lots of exercise, oats in morning...
Oats recommended instead of bread /me/
17.4.2005. Biochip: Big as a human hair, could give all results from a drop of blood. More, it should test drugs from human cell, so no animal experimentation in sight?
17.IV2005. rent a car -environmentaly friendly. Did i understand good that that is an electric car?
30 millions cars in China. Expected 130 millions within 5 years... We will such zipcars as the crude oil reserves will not last 20 years, and because of geohazard prevention we need to stop pumping out oil soon. Answer: i saw no mention that the cars are electric but no reason why they cant be in future I guess. It is still eco-friendly as they think every car they have in this scheme means 20 people no longer require to own a car.
17.4.2005. gym, plastic surgery, face lift, celebrities in 40’s.
17.IV2005. Badmington and other activities in 18th arrondissement in Paris:
18.IV2005. vegan barbeque
18.IV 2005. Aspartic acid, connection with neurodegenerative diseases and aspartame sugar as well:
18.IV2005. Parkinson disease and aspartic acid, aspartame digestively influences vagus nerve, through muscle in insulin Novorapid what influences?
18.4.2005. Believe that for eternal life food without alkaloids as first derivation of perpetuum mobile we are is necessary, that is why humans stil consume meat and carnivores like cats can give birth to kittens all their life, no menopause. Alkaloids even in small quantities even though have medical properties have poisonous effect, exception I wander for the cocaine and another if alkaloid because mushroom is LSD iz razhi. Alkaloids from fungi different studying zasluzhuju. Alkaloids: Maybe some people need certain alkaloids chronically, but not cofee and tobacco, instead is better to plant cocain, not diamorphine’s opium as even not good as pain reliever, again better to plant cocaine. Not teas and not curry, chilli perhaps.
18.IV2005. STill first: What a woman!
19.IV2005. sf female competition:
20.IV2005. Natrium, diabetes, hypertension quote:
B. Excess of dietary sodium is associated with an increased incidence of arterial HT, whereas populations that take less than 30 mEq/day of sodium exhibit virtually no HT, and no rise in BP with aging. Many investigators noted a positive correlation between dietary sodium intake and BP levels in diabetic patients. Numerous studies have shown that exchangeable sodium is increased by approximately 10% in diabetic patients. The increase in exchangeable sodium shows a positive correlation with age and systolic BP. It has been suggested that increasing Na reabsorption is associated with hyperinsulinemia. This leads to an increase in intracellular sodium and calcium concentration and rise in peripheral vascular resistance. Moreover, insulin activates the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to sodium retention and elevation of BP However, due to salt sensitivity, high dietary sodium intake is a does not always cause significant BP increase. One of the reasons congenital reduction in the number of nephrons leading to a diminished capacity to excrete a normal sodium load. Nevertheless, salt sensitivity can be caused by insulin resistance, increased sympathetic activity, decreased products of prostaglandin, and endothelial defense. Salt sensitivity is associated with LVH, microalbuminuria, and CV mortality (Figure 2)
21.IV2005. amateur inventor worker makes antithrombosis: how workers can diversify from ecologicaly unsustainable job,8363,1464080,00.html
23.IV2005. Hypertension:
24.IV2005. Ants maybe the most evolved animals after rats and humans?
It reminds me on human history brutalities and sacrifices...
24.IV2005. Cats: better for indoors if you are a real animal lover.
25.IV2005. iron oxides toxicity:
found in powder
25.4.2005. here it is- unconscious thoughts detected: may be route to time machine
25.IV2005. gene therapy success in threating Alzheimer’s disease:
But, you see, after animal experimentation they did this therapy under local anestezija and 1 patient died because of false results.
nerve cell regeneration from adult skin cells...
25.IV2005. 16000 Priceless items stolen from Irak museum:
26.IV2005. Astrologie:
26.IV2005. Parisian kiss lovers poster fetch 150000 euros:
26.IV2005. Brain stem cells to cure diabetes:
26. IV2005. ..reuptake transporters
AIE amis de la terre
26.IV2005. Vermiculture : composting sewage earth worms make first class organik land
27.IV2005. British prime minister was advised Irak war could be illegal: please, explain the last two paragraphs to me, please.
27.IV2005. Nuclear dump waste in Macedonia:
'Nato already have used few other sites of Macedonia to dumps nuclear waste...'
28.IV2005. free neutrons and fission:
29.IV2005. Obesity increases dementia risk /too much food for brain, brains food is glucose and oxygen/:
29.IV2005. frogs saved from blender by ecological police:
30.IV2005. Quantum security control: who owns it? So, ToShiba has a patent? Answer: I think so but it depends on the agreement between toshiba and the company developing the technology. For example it is possible that toshiba may have the rights as sole worldwide distributor for x number of years in return for funding the development of the technology but the inventor still retains the patent.
30.4.2005. NIVO comps: Which means, when people switch to them (just 5 W whilst PC 100W), repair comps firms will loose clients. Does it autorepair itself or its online for free? Where and who is 'brain' computer?
30.IV2005. acidity carbon dioxide oceans: in search bbc
30.IV2005. TV:
1.V2005. genetic sequencing could transform medicine:
2.V2005. Nuclear weapons desarmement:
2.V2005. Bill Thompson:
2.V2005. Agent orange Vietnam /to clean/ :
2.V2005. Slovakia:
2.V2005. CO2 sequestration:
Microbiological impacts of direct carbon dioxide injection - Exploratory studies under deep-sea conditions
Douglas C. Nelson, University of California, Davis
Among strategies being considered for combating an increase in atmospheric CO2, is injection of this greenhouse gas into the deep-sea. Based on the formation of solid hydrates at sufficient pressure, discharge at a depth of approximately 3000 m at sites near the sea floor seems most likely. The biological consequences of the resultant local increase in CO2 concentration and decrease in pH (= increase in acidity) are difficult to predict. Nonetheless, the narrow range of natural pH variability found at this depth suggests that both microbes and animals evolved for optimum performance there might be sensitive to CO2-induced acidification. If a pH decrease near the point of injection is as much as a whole unit, localized die-offs of deep-sea animals are possible, which -- based on the activities of diverse microbes -- would result in increased local production of organic carbon compounds, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and nitrate. The injected CO2 stream is likely to be contaminated with other industrial gasses such as H2, CO, and SO2, which adds to the microbial transformations that must be considered. Microorganisms in the deep-sea uniquely perform several of the fundamental transformations that allow global cycles of nitrogen, carbon and sulfur to be sustained. In its essence the research in this proposal begins to test whether deep-sea injection of CO2 and resultant acidification might adversely impact the global cycle of certain major biological elements. The processes to be tested at in situ and more acidic conditions include:
1. Respiration of organic matter in the presence of oxygen. Typically, this would occur in the water column.
2. Fermentation or respiration of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Typically this would occur in marine sediments and might also involve the reduction of nitrogen- or sulfur-compounds.
3. Oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds, e.g. ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, molecular hydrogen or carbon monoxide. These compounds will either be co-injected with CO2 or arise from sediment microbial processes discussed in point (2).
Initial studies will be undertaken with samples of natural seawater and sediment collected from 3000 m water depth at hydrostatic pressures ranging from 1 to 300 atmospheres. Changes in, and composition of, microbial communities will be monitored using molecular fingerprinting techniques.
3.V2005. CO2 sequestration:
3.V2005. Securite sociale:
3.V2005. Cortisol levels diminished in both mother and baby after terroristic attack: Imagine than range of these problems in Srbija after 78 days of bombarding.
3.V2005. Soil quality threat to EU farming:
In OU’s T206 it says VOC and SO2 travels thousands of km through air therefore American pollution hungers EU soil.
3.5.2005. adrenal :, more adrenal, disease : adrenal and chronic fatigue syndrome: cure of cfs: elimination of salt. /Me: I noticed if you have a plate with just one part salted and you do not know which part of plate is and you eat with metal spoon, you accelerate your move /facial and hand/, after you take a bite with salted food. Check for Parkinson disease treatment .../
4.5.2005. circadian clock found in cardiovascular system:
Applications? Not wearing the ticking watch?
4.5.2005. Parents attack teachers in British schools: /Me: I repeat, this would not happen two decades ago. Global warming and pollution on airvalves compromised /Gaus statistics of majority within the range of normality, ie, majority of results in experimental model, is it 73percent or 63 percent?/, controlable entropy every brain of human society man has/.
4.5.2005. Law to protect criminals of fraud:
4.5.2005. some research on sugar:
4.V2005. PV on roofs Britain: ...cover electricity needs...
FAQs How much can photovoltaics really produce in Britain? The DTI have estimated that solar panels installed on buildings have the potential to provide all the electricity that Britain currently uses, however that would mean photovoltaics on most south facing roofs which is unlikely in the near future.
4.V2005. energy: solar renewable england
4.V2005. nuclear energy Britain:
4.V2005. A boy finds live snake in cereal packet:
What a story. At least this snake maybe want to be vegetarian and I respect he for that.
5.V2005. Electric car to do speed record: /Me:In T206 they claim the electric car from the beginning of twentieth century was going by speed of 120 km/h /.
5.V2005. Future technology and envirovment;
5.V2005. free trade and WTO:
6.V2005. sulphur dioxide: SO2
6.V2005. house music and the rest: /Me: on live instruments all, clean all, that is paradise of zero gravitation clubs/.
6.5.2005. Ovarian cells developed from cells:
stem menopauza, it will be reversed!!!
7/5/2005. Barcelona:
tips worth checking... /Me, personal : that is when I didnt got the visa for Israel, I went in June in Barcelona and Amsterdam/.
7.V2005. population:
7.V2005 REACH ProAnima, francais and English, needs translation in other languages as well. Thank you ProAnima for your fantastic effort: Thank you, dr. Claude Reiss for your expo in scientific manner:
Dernières Infosde Pro Anima
Evaluation de la toxicité scientifique des pesticides, des médicaments, des additifs alimentaires et autres produits chimiques
Contribution au projet REACH (Régulation, Evaluation et Autorisation des Produits Chimiques) de la Commission Européenne, présentée par le comité scientifique de l'ONG "Santé Sans Frontières". Adresse temporaire c/o Pro Anima ; 16 rue Vézelay ; 75008 Paris ; France. Auteur correspondant : Dr Claude Reiss (mel :
La Commission européenne (CE) a raison de vouloir évaluer les quelque 100 000 produits chimiques fabriqués par l'homme et auxquels nous sommes exposés, pour leurs effets sur notre santé et notre environnement (1). Cependant, le fait que le projet REACH prévoit que ces évaluations seraient effectuées aux frais du fabricant (2), qu'elles impliqueraient le sacrifice d'un très grand nombre d'animaux et qu'elles ne seraient pas terminées avant plusieurs décennies au moins, est une cause d'inquiétude pour les parties intéressées. Les industriels craignent pour leur compétitivité et leurs marges, les défenseurs des animaux s'élèvent contre ce qu'ils considèrent le plus vaste projet d'empoisonnement jamais organisée, impliquant des centaines de millions d'animaux, et les défenseurs de l'environnement veulent obtenir l'identification et le retrait des produits toxiques au plus vite, chaque jour perdu entraînant la disparition définitive d'espèces végétales ou animales et des pollutions irrémédiables ou très persistantes des ressources naturelles. Mais ce sont surtout les associations de consommateurs, de protection de la famille et les organismes dont le but est de venir en aide aux malades et de préserver la santé humaine (cancer, démences, allergies), qui s'élèvent avec le plus de véhémence contre le projet, à cause de l'inadéquation de la méthode envisagée pour l'évaluation de la toxicité des 100 000 substances (3). Certains de ces groupes mettent en question la validité pour l'homme d'évaluations de risques effectuées sur des animaux. Ils affirment que les observations d'effets toxiques chez une espèce ne sont valables que pour cette espèce, et que l'extrapolation de cette observation à une autre espèce (l'homme en particulier), est loin d'être fiable. Ils en veulent pour preuve l'évolution des données de statistique sanitaire (mortalité, morbidité) depuis l'introduction des produits chimiques dans notre environnement (en gros, depuis la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale), qui confirmerait l'impact de ces produits sur la santé humaine.
On voit que le projet REACH fait contre lui l'unanimité des parties intéressées, pour des raisons diverses. Pourtant, l'objectif d'évaluer sérieusement les risques des substances chimiques qui nous environnent ou que nous absorbons, est une priorité absolue et doit aboutir à tout prix. La présente contribution est un réexamen des conditions de mise en uvre des évaluations, prenant en considération les intérêts légitimes de toutes les parties intéressées.
Au cur de la controverse se trouve le procédé retenu pour l'évaluation des risques. REACH envisage le recours à l'expérimentation animale. Il est frappant d'observer d'un côté les progrès énormes effectués depuis un siècle par les industries chimique, pétrochimique, agrochimique et pharmaceutique dans le développement de produits hautement élaborés nécessitant des recherches de haut niveau, tandis que les procédés que la CE veut mettre en uvre pour évaluer les risques de ces produits sont très exactement les mêmes qu'il y a 150 ans et dépendent encore exclusivement d'études sur des animaux. Il convient de se demander si les progrès scientifiques récents ne pourraient pas générer des méthodes de test plus adaptées, capables de répondre aux attentes des diverses parties intéressées : moins cher, plus vite, sans animaux et surtout valable pour l'homme. Pour répondre à cette interrogation, nous examinerons ci-dessous les sept points suivants :
1) La nécessité d'évaluer les risques chimiques. L'examen de l'évolution des statistiques de santé humaine au cours de ces dernières décennies montre-t-il des tendances inquiétantes, par exemple, une augmentation de l'incidence des maladies majeures ? Si oui, quelles proportions peuvent être attribuées à une prévention insuffisante et aux produits chimiques fabriqués par l'homme ?
2) Les tests actuels permettent-ils une évaluation fiable pour l'homme ?
3) Y a-t-il de meilleures méthodes pour évaluer les risques toxiques ? Ces méthodes pourraient-elles être appliquées sans délai ?
4) L'évaluation du risque toxique par des procédures scientifiques (Toxicologie Scientifique, " TS ").
5) Les avantages de la TS par rapport aux procédures basées sur l'animal.
6) Les avantages de la TS pour les parties intéressées.
7) Mise en uvre de la TS dans l'UE.
1) Statistiques de morbidité et de mortalité dans l'UE : des tendances alarmantes.
L'espérance de vie dans les pays de l'UE est élevée, mais les taux de morbidité le sont aussi. Plusieurs millions de citoyens européens souffrent de maladies neurodégénératives graves (maladies d'Alzheimer et de Parkinson, sclérose en plaques, autisme, etc.). Bien que pour la plupart de ces maladies, l'augmentation du nombre de cas soit corrélée grossièrement avec l'allongement de l'espérance de vie, cette augmentation rapide (sclérose en plaques en particulier) est observée aussi parmi les personnes âgés de 20 à 40 ans et même chez les enfants (autisme). La montée la plus forte de morbidité et de mortalité a, cependant, été observée pour les cancers. En France, par exemple, depuis 1990, le cancer est devenu la première cause de mortalité chez les personnes âgées de 35 à 65 ans. Pour la classe d'âge des 45-49 ans, la proportion de morts dues à tous les cancers excepté celui du poumon a été multipliée par six entre 1950 et 1980 (par dix pour le cancer du poumon). 300 000 nouveaux cas de cancers sont diagnostiqués chaque année, avec une augmentation importante des cas vraisemblablement liés aux hormones : une femme sur treize était affectée du cancer du sein en 1970, une sur sept aujourd'hui.
Il est généralement admis que 5 à 10 % des cancers sont liés à des défauts génétiques. Ainsi, les facteurs exogènes, en particulier le style de vie (tabagisme, alcool, excès alimentaires, stress, etc.) et les produits carcinogènes présents dans notre alimentation et dans notre environnement sont responsables de neuf cancers sur dix. Comme les comportements à risque tendent à diminuer et que, par contre, le nombre et la quantité de produits chimiques nouveaux, donc de carcinogènes environnementaux, ne cesse d'augmenter, il est certain que ces derniers sont les principaux coupables des 1,7 millions de nouveaux cancers diagnostiqués dans les pays de l'UE chaque année. Ceci est une preuve claire que ces produits n'ont pas été testés pour leur potentiel carcinogène, ou bien, qu'ils ont été testés par des méthodes qui n'ont pu détecter ce danger.
On voit donc que le projet d'évaluation des risques chimiques est d'une urgente nécessité, et doit mettre en uvre des méthodes fiables. Pour évaluer l'efficacité de ces méthodes, examinons leurs performances dans le domaine où elles sont appliquées avec le plus de soin : l'évaluation de la toxicité des médicaments. Bien que le développement de n'importe quel médicament suppose des années de recherche et des batteries de tests, les effets secondaires de médicaments sont la quatrième cause de mortalité dans l'UE, provoquant 20 000 décès annuellement en France et quelque 120 000 dans l'UE en entier.
Il est donc indiscutable que les méthodes de test actuelles sont incapables de protéger notre santé. Quelles sont ces méthodes ? Comme requis par la loi, les tests de toxicité en général et pour les médicaments en particulier, doivent être effectués sur des animaux, c'est-à-dire des "modèles" dont on pense qu'ils présentent des réactions biologiques similaires à celles des humains.
2) Le recours au supposé modèle animal pour les problèmes de santé humaine est-il basé sur des principes raisonnables ?
Il y a une preuve simple et claire du fait qu'aucune espèce animale ne peut être prise comme modèle biologique fiable d'une autre. Une espèce est définie par son isolement reproductif, ce qui signifie que les membres d'espèces différentes ne peuvent pas se croiser. Cela est la conséquence du fait qu'une espèce donnée a un patrimoine génétique unique, qu'il s'agisse du nombre, de l'organisation et de la structure des chromosomes, ou de la régulation et du contrôle de l'expression génétique. La biologie moderne a mis en évidence que le patrimoine génétique d'un individu détermine les activités biologiques précises de ses cellules, tissus et organes. Ainsi, les individus d'espèces différentes ont des patrimoines génétiques différents et présentent donc des activités biologiques différentes, pouvant, selon, paraître similaires, différentes ou opposées à celles d'une autre espèce. Du fait de ce comportement biologique aléatoire, l'affirmation que les membres d'une espèce donnée peuvent se substituer comme modèles biologiques fiables pour une autre espèce est donc fausse.
En particulier, l'hypothèse que les résultats obtenus chez certains mammifères seraient applicables aux humains est non fondée et compromet sérieusement la santé humaine. Considérons, par exemple, le chimpanzé, notre parent le plus proche en termes évolutifs. Exposé au virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), le chimpanzé ne développe pas de maladie - chez les humains, il provoque le SIDA. Si on lui injecte le virus de l'hépatite B, un chimpanzé sur dix peut développer une forme atténuée d'hépatite et il récupérera rapidement - chez les humains, ce virus provoque une hépatite chronique et parfois le cancer du foie. Et, quand on lui injecte le virus Ebola, le chimpanzé meurt de fièvre hémorragique, comme les humains. En d'autres termes, le meilleur modèle animal se comporte d'une manière opposée, différente ou identique aux humains, face à un facteur donné. Personne ne pourrait avoir prévu ces résultats, qui ne peuvent être obtenus qu'après observation chez les deux espèces. Tester sur les modèles animaux est donc inutile au mieux, dangereux au pire, parfois fatal pour les humains : le scandale français du sang contaminé a eu lieu parce que les "experts", notant que le chimpanzé ne présentait pas de réaction, ont approuvé la mise sur le marché de ce sang.
Une estimation conservatrice du nombre de morts en France, résultant de cette méthodologie imparfaite d'évaluation de la toxicité des médicaments et produits carcinogènes seuls, est de 100 000 à 120 000 par an. En supposant que des taux similaires per capita soient valides dans les autres nations de l'UE, quelque 600 000 à 750 000 citoyens européens mourront prématurément année près année, à cause des effets secondaires des médicaments et des produits carcinogènes présents dans notre environnement.
3) Comment évaluer correctement le risque toxique pour les humains ?
Recourir aux animaux pour évaluer les risques toxiques pour les humains nous ramène à des temps médiévaux, quand c'était la seule manière d'avoir une vague indication du risque. A présent, la révolution scientifique nous propose des moyens beaucoup plus fiables. Cette toxicologie scientifique se comprend à partir de deux remarques de base.
Premièrement, la toxicologie est la science de la vie (biologie) dans un environnement de produits toxiques (xénobiotiques). Au cours du demi-siècle passé, la biologie a fait des progrès sans précédent, s'éloignant de l'empirisme vers la science et, même, vers une science exacte quand on en vient à la biologie cellulaire et moléculaire. La toxicologie peut bénéficier des concepts, méthodes et outils développés dans cette biologie moderne et ainsi obtenir le statut d'une science presque exacte.
Deuxièmement, c'est dans la cellule que la vie commence. Il n'est donc pas surprenant (et c'est entièrement soutenu par la biologie moderne) que les réponses à pratiquement tous les problèmes biologiques doivent d'abord être recherchées au niveau de la cellule. Les maladies humaines ont presque toutes une origine cellulaire, que la cause soit endogène (dans l'organisme) ou exogène (hors de l'organisme). Cela est vrai pour le cancer, les neuropathologies et les maladies cardiovasculaires, pour citer les maladies les plus fréquentes et graves dans les pays de l'UE. Il s'ensuit que les dommages causés à une cellule par une substance toxique est la première étape des maladies.
L'étude des cellules humaines dans l'environnement de produits toxiques sera donc la première étape pour une évaluation fiable de la toxicité pour les humains. La biologie moderne a aussi fait des progrès impressionnants dans l'étude des systèmes intégrés au niveau du tissu, de l'organe et systémique. Des méthodes non invasives (diverses tomographies, tests fonctionnels des activités biochimiques dans les organes, etc.) permettent l'évaluation complète du risque moléculaire et cellulaire de substances auxquelles les consommateurs sont fortement exposés (médicaments, additifs alimentaires, pesticides, etc.).
4) Toxicologie scientifique ("TS").
Notre objectif ici n'est pas de mettre en avant un programme scientifique détaillé de TS mais d'esquisser, pour une large audience intéressée, les grandes lignes de la TS moléculaire et cellulaire, en nous basant sur quinze années d'expérience dans ce domaine. En fait, non seulement certains des scientifiques qui ont contribué à ce rapport ont été actifs dans la réalisation de recherches et le développement de méthodes et d'outils pour la TS, mais ils ont aussi organisé des workshops internationaux destinés à réunir des spécialistes du monde entier dans leur domaine particulier de la toxicologie moléculaire et cellulaire -notamment, le Premier workshop européen de toxicologie moléculaire, Sophia Antipolis (France) 1996, le deuxième wokshop européen de toxicologie moléculaire, Paris, 1999)- et publié les comptes rendus de ces workshops : Molecular Toxicology, 1997 (VSP publishing, Reiss, Parvez et Labbe éditeurs), Molecular Responses to Xenobiotics, 2001 (Elsevier publishing, Parvez, Reiss et Labbe éditeurs) et le numéro spécial de Toxicology 153 (2000, nos 1-3, éditeurs invités Parvez et Reiss).
La toxicité peut provoquer des réponses aiguës et systémiques ; ces réponses peuvent être retardées du fait d'une accumulation de dommages mineurs qui arrivent finalement à surmonter la défense cellulaire et les mécanismes de réparation, ou bien, parce que le développement de la maladie est long. Un exemple typique de ce retard est le cancer, car il faut en moyenne cinq à dix ans entre le déclenchement de la prolifération d'une cellule et le diagnostic de la tumeur. Les états neurodégénératifs sont aussi très longs à apparaître. D'où la nécessité d'évaluer les réponses toxiques à la fois à court et à long terme.
Les études cellulaires sont idéalement adaptées à cette fin. Elles sont réalisées idéalement sur des cultures primaires, mais les lignées cellulaires établies permettent des examens préliminaires faciles. Un complément intéressant aux méthodes décrites ci-dessous est l'évaluation in silico des effets toxiques d'une molécule, dérivés de sa structure chimique (relation structure -activité), qui est de plus en plus fiable dans la prévision des activités biologiques néfastes de la molécule avant même qu'elle n'ait été synthétisée.
4.1 Toxicologie moléculaire et cellulaire.
4.1.1 Métabolisation du xénobotique (substance d'origine non biologique). Pour enter dans la cellule, le xénobiotique doit traverser des barrières lipidiques ou aqueuses et doit parfois être métabolisé à cette fin. Cela peut être effectué en activant l'expression de divers gènes codant pour des enzymes de métabolisation spécifiques (les monooxygénases, y compris les membres de la famille du cytochrome P450, les acétyltransférases, les époxyde hydrolases, les glutathio-S-transférases, les méthyltransférases, les sulfotransférases, les UDP-glycosyltransférases, etc.) des facteurs de transcription nucléaires (comme le récepteur PRX activé par une majorité de médicaments et impliqué dans de nombreux effets secondaires de médicaments), des transporteurs de xénobiotiques (métallothionéines, famille de la glycoprotéine-P), etc. Les métabolites obtenus doivent être soigneusement identifiés, car certains sont très toxiques, même si le xénobiotique non métabolisé ne l'est pas. Comme les principales cibles du xénobiotique sont le rein et le foie, les cellules de ces organes doivent être testées en premier. Plusieurs méthodes permettent de le faire : le test in vitro de l'activité enzymatique des gènes impliqués ; les puces à ADN (kits disponibles dans le commerce), qui permettent le contrôle de l'expression d'un grand nombre de ces gènes ; l'identification des métabolites par spectrométrie de masse ; etc.
4.1.2 Evaluation de la toxicité intracellulaire. Une fois que le xénobiotique ou son métabolite est entré dans la cellule, l'effet sur cette dernière et sa descendance doit être contrôlé. En réponse à une agression, même modérée, la cellule mobilisera une série de gènes, soit pour se protéger soit pour réparer le dommage.
De nombreux gènes (de stress ou d'enzymes de réparation) sont connus et peuvent être recrutés comme "reporters" : ils fournissent des informations sur la cible du xénobiotique, l'étendue du dommage et la capacité de la cellule à le surmonter. Les reporters permettent aussi de contrôler le devenir de la cellule exposée à diverses doses du produit, nous informant sur sa capacité à survivre et comment elle va faire face au produit à long terme. A présent, des cellules chargées de gènes reporters sont disponibles dans le commerce, permettant la mise en évidence rapide et peu coûteuse de stress (y compris oxydatif), de divers types de dommages à l'ADN, de dommages à la membrane, etc., en réponse au xénobiotique testé.
L'inconvénient des reporters est la nécessité de deviner le(s) gène(s) ciblé(s) par le xénobiotique. Ce problème est surmonté avec les puces à ADN portant des centaines ou des milliers de gènes connus pour être impliqués dans la réponse toxique (toxicogénomique). Par des manipulations biochimiques standard, l'expression de chacun de ces gènes peut être visualisée. Les puces permettent d'observer la transcription simultanée, dans le noyau cellulaire, de tous les gènes présents sur la puce, que ces gènes soient stimulés, réprimés ou non affectés par le xénobiotique.
Les puces à ADN sont actuellement les outils de pointe pour suivre la première partie - la transcription - de l'expression génique. Pour avoir une vue complète de l'effet du xénobiotique sur l'expression génique, la deuxième partie de cette expression - la traduction - au cours de laquelle le produit du gène est réellement synthétisé, doit aussi être suivie. Cela peut être fait avec les outils de la toxicoprotéomique (gel 2D d'électrophorèse capillaire, puces de protéines, spectrométrie de masse et de nombreuses nouvelles méthodes en développement rapide). La toxicoprotéomique rend compte des modifications de la protéine induites par le xénobiotique (chimiques ou structurales), les modifications des processus protéolytiques, l'agrégation etc., modifications qui ont été identifiées récemment comme des stades importants dans de nombreuses maladies graves (troubles neurodégénératifs, certaines démences, diabète de type 2, etc.).
Les effets génotoxiques des xénobiotiques doivent être identifiés et contrôlés avec une attention particulière, car l'échec de cette évaluation est le principal facteur responsable de la montée importante de l'incidence du cancer observée ces 50 dernières années. Les mutations de l'ADN peuvent être contrôlées par de nombreuses techniques (directement sur l'ADN : précisément (séquençage) ou grossièrement (test "Comète") ; ou indirectement en contrôlant l'expression des gènes de réparation de l'ADN). La tumorigenèse est favorisée par la mutation ou l'inactivation de gènes impliqués dans la régulation de la croissance et de la division cellulaire. Ces mutations dérèglent le contrôle de la mort cellulaire programmée, qui se fait normalement en réponse aux facteurs de croissance, de la migration cellulaire, etc. Des puces à ADN déjà disponibles permettent de caractériser le statut de la transcription de plusieurs centaines de gènes impliqués dans la tumorigenèse quand la cellule est exposée à un xénobiotique.
Les événements carcinogènes peuvent aussi être induits par des mécanismes non génotoxiques se produisant à diverses étapes (points de contrôle) du cycle cellulaire (division) ou au niveau de l'organisation supérieure du matériel génétique (chromatine). Les dénommés "suppresseurs de tumeurs" comme, par exemple, la célèbre protéine p53, un des gardiens du génome, présentent un grand intérêt. Cette protéine contrôle l'intégrité du matériel génétique de la cellule. Si un événement mutagène se produit, p53 interrompt le cycle cellulaire jusqu'à ce que le dommage ait été réparé. Si la réparation n'a pas pu être faite en quelques heures, p53 forcera la cellule à l'apoptose (suicide), empêchant la transmission du dommage à sa descendance. Les xénobiotiques qui endommagent p53 (ou d'autres suppresseurs de tumeurs), soit en mutant son gène ou par modification de sa structure, aboliront cette activité de gardien et les mutations pourront alors se propager à la descendance de la cellule et, éventuellement, induire une prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée. Plus de la moitié des tumeurs solides portent des formes inactives de p53. De nombreux kits commerciaux sont disponibles pour contrôler l'état des suppresseurs de tumeurs au niveau de la transcription ou de la protéine, en particulier pour les cancers dont on pense qu'ils dépendent d'hormones (cancer du sein et signalisation du récepteur des oestrogènes, cancer de la prostate et signalisation des androgènes). Des puces à ADN sont aussi disponibles pour contrôler l'expression, en présence d'un xénobiotique, de centaines de gènes humains impliqués dans les étapes majeures de la tumorigenèse, de la dérégulation des voies de la croissance et de la division cellulaire, la réponse au dommage de l'ADN, la stabilité et la réparation du génome, de l'adhésion cellulaire, l'invasion, la métastase, l'angiogenèse, etc.
Les xénobiotiques cytotoxiques ciblent l'organisation de la cellule, son équipement, son métabolisme, etc. Cette toxicité est souvent signalée par l'expression intense des gènes de stress (en particulier du stress oxydatif). Les cellules répondent initialement en produisant des "chaperones" et d'autres enzymes pour se protéger de l'action du xénobiotique. La gravité et la longueur de l'exposition peuvent stimuler plus ou moins de réponses cellulaires globales, telles que l'arrêt de la croissance, la sénescence, la nécrose, la mort cellulaire par apoptose et même la prolifération cellulaire. Par exemple, certains xénobiotiques peuvent déclencher la voie de l'apoptose impliquant la famille de gènes Bcl2. Les protéines correspondantes s'oligomérisent et s'insèrent dans la membrane mitochondriale, induisant la libération de son contenu (y compris la famille CARD), dont certains éléments déclenchent la mort cellulaire. La cytotoxicité peut être établie en contrôlant l'expression d'une longue liste de gènes de ménage et de gènes impliqués dans la nécrose, l'apoptose, l'arrêt de croissance, la sénescence, etc.
Les méthodes mentionnées jusqu'à présent peuvent être appliquées à n'importe quel type de cellule, mais celles des organes les plus exposés aux xénobiotiques (foie, rein, peau) doivent être évaluées en premier.
Des méthodes spécifiques existent pour l'évaluation d'une variété de xénobiotiques qui ciblent des fonctions biologiques particulières. En voici une courte liste :
La toxicité reproductive peut être contrôlée au niveau cellulaire par l'étude de l'activation des récepteurs hormonaux présents à la surface de cellules spécifiques. Par exemple, les "proliférateurs endocriniens" peuvent mimer les hormones naturelles et induire de façon excessive le signal spécifique d'une hormone, ou saturer des récepteurs et ainsi empêcher l'accès à l'hormone normale et la délivrance de son signal. Les xénobiotiques, y compris une large classe de pesticides, qui peuvent produire des anomalies dans les organes reproducteurs mâles ou favoriser des tumeurs dans les tissus et les organes qui sont sous contrôle hormonal (sein, ovaire, prostate), peuvent être identifiés dans des cultures de cellules prélevées de ces organes et tissus.
La toxicité développementale (y compris la tératogenèse) des xénobiotiques ciblant le cycle cellulaire, les facteurs d croissance ou les composants cellulaires impliqués dans la signalisation du développement (classes d'ARN, composants de la chromatine, etc.), peut être évaluée en contrôlant l'interaction du xénobiotique avec ces composants moléculaires de la cellule. Des puces à ADN sont disponibles pour contrôler l'action des xénobiotiques sur de nombreux gènes humains impliqués dans la régulation des phases de cycle (cyclines, kinases dépendantes de la cycline, et leurs régulateurs : inhibiteurs, phosphatases et kinases).
La neurotoxicité peut être la conséquence de l'action d'un xénobiotique sur les molécules impliquées dans la communication neuronale - une majorité d'insecticides ciblent ces molécules ! Plusieurs méthodes standard permettent d'évaluer ce type de toxicité sur les cellules neuronales en culture. Les signaux électrochimiques encodés le long d'un neurone, ou d'un neurone à l'autre, ont pour intermédiaire trois classes de canaux ioniques (canaux passifs, qui maintiennent le potentiel membranaire de repos ; canaux à commande chimique qui reconnaissent les neurotransmetteurs et initient un potentiel d 'action ; et canaux voltage-dépendants qui propagent le potentiel d'action) ; et deux larges classes de neurotransmetteurs (ceux agissant directement sur les canaux ioniques à commande chimique et les faisant s'ouvrir, et ceux agissant indirectement et plus lentement , impliquant les récepteurs couplés à la protéine G et la production de messagers secondaires). Les puces à ADN portant les gènes des canaux ioniques et des transporteurs de neurotransmetteur (y compris les neurotrophines, que l'on pense jouer un rôle important dans le développement neuronal) sont disponibles pour contrôler l'effet d'un xénobiotique sur ces acteurs essentiels en neurobiologie.
Les agents neurotoxiques peuvent aussi cibler les cellules neuronales en affectant leur capacité à synthétiser des protéines dans leur conformation native. Les protéines mal conformées tendent à s'accumuler dans ou autour de la cellule, à s'agréger et à former des fibres, des plaques ou des enchevêtrements qui forcent la cellule à commettre l'apoptose ou affectent la communication entre cellules. Le parkinsonisme (apoptose des cellules dopaminergiques), la maladie d'Alzheimer (dépôts de plaques amyloïdes et de fibres tau), la maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (dépôt de prions) et plus de vingt autres formes de démence appartenant à la famille des "maladies conformationnelles" peuvent résulter de la production de protéines mal repliées. Les xénobiotiques peuvent cibler l'équipement cellulaire responsable de la production de protéines, soit directement (production de stress qui mobilise et isole excessivement les protéines de stress, comme les chaperones impliquées dans le repliement des protéines) ou indirectement (production non programmée de grandes quantités de protéines, ou prolifération cellulaire, qui diminue les ressources de la cellule pour la synthèse protéique et favorise ainsi le mauvais repliement des protéines). Tester des xénobiotiques pour leur capacité à induire le mauvais repliement des protéines, directement en utilisant les gènes reporters, est une nécessité urgente, si l'on considère le nombre important de patients âgés et, de plus en plus, les personnes de moins de 40 ans souffrant de maladies conformationnelles affaiblissantes.
Immunotoxicité : réponse inflammatoire. L'inflammation est à la fois la réponse normale du corps aux pathogènes et un intermédiaire clé des états maladifs tels que l'allergie, l'asthme et l'arthrite qui peuvent être induits par les xénobiotiques. La cascade de signalisation de la réponse inflammatoire est propagée par la sécrétion de petites glycoprotéines (cytokines) et leur liaison à des récepteurs de cellules cibles. Les puces à ADN portant des dizaines de gènes de cytokines humaines impliquées dans la réponse inflammatoire et des gènes de leurs récepteurs, sont disponibles, permettant la détermination simultanée des profils d'expression de ces gènes dans les cellules exposées à un xénobiotique imunotoxique donné.
Il existe des méthodes moléculaires pour évaluer la toxicité membranaire (modification de la polarité, taille et structure des couches lipidiques, etc.) et la toxicité épigénétique (méthylation de l'ADN, acylation ou phosphorylation de la chromatine, qui peuvent sérieusement affecter le programme d'expression génique), etc. A cause du polymorphisme de la population humaine, l'évaluation de la toxicité pour les classes de la population partageant des profils polymorphes peut être effectuée en utilisant des puces à ADN spécifiques de classe qui, par exemple, permettraient de lister les xénobiotiques particulièrement nuisibles, ou au contraire sûrs, pour les membres de la classe (toxicologie spécifique de polymorphisme et idiosyncratique). Par exemple, un polymorphisme humain important est trouvé dans la famille P450 des enzymes de métabolisation.
4.1.3 La toxicité de transduction de signal et intercellulaire cible les interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-matrice extracelullaire (jonctions communicantes), les processus endocrines et exocrines, etc. De nombreux types cellulaires reçoivent des signaux externes (des hormones) qu'ils transduisent (traduisent) par un mécanisme (voie de transduction de signal) en changeant leur comportement ou caractéristiques. Les récepteurs couplés à la protéine G, par exemple, forment une grande famille de récepteurs de surface impliqués dans la transduction de signal. Ils sont activés par une grande variété de signaux, y compris les produit chimiques et la plupart des médicaments. Le stress chimique peut activer la transduction de signal via le facteur de transcription NFkB, libéré par la phosphorylation de la famille de protéines inhibitrices IkB ou des sous-unités Rel. Une fois que NFkB est transloqué dans le noyau, il induit la transcription et l'expression de nombreux gènes tels que ceux encodant les cytokines, les molécules d'adhérence, les inhibiteurs d'apoptose, etc. La signaliation par la MAP kinase opère par une cascade de kinases qui activent aussi les facteurs de transcription d'une variété de gènes. La signalisation par la superfamille du TGFb entraîne l'inhibition de la croissance. A nouveau, les puces à ADN portant des centaines de gènes humains impliqués dans la transcription de signal peuvent contrôler l'action des xénobiotiques sur ces gènes.
Le devenir de la matrice extracellulaire (le substrat auquel les cellules s'attachent, via les molécules d'adhérence, pour aider à définir la forme, la structure et la fonction du tissu), quand elle est exposée à un xénobiotique, peut être contrôlé via le profil d'expression de molécules impliquées dans les interactions cellule-cellule et cellule-tissu, telles que les molécules d'adhérence cellulaire (intégrines, cadhérines, caténines, sélectines), les protéines de la matrice extracellulaire (lamines, fibronectine, fibrinogène), les protéases (métalloprotéinases de la matrice, sérine et cystéine protéinases, cathepsine) et les inhibiteurs de protéase (maspine). Les réseaux à ADN sont disponibles pour contrôler l'expression de centaines de gènes impliqués, fournissant des informations valables sur l'effet d'un xénobiotique sur les étapes primaires du développement du tissu et de l'organe.
En résumé, en utilisant les techniques basées sur la toxicité moléculaire, nous pouvons obtenir une vue claire du mécanisme par lequel la substance ou le produit est dangereux, à quelle dose la cellule peut résister et, le plus important, l'effet à long terme sur la cellule. L'expérience prend quelques jours en moyenne, peut être effectuée en grands ensembles parallèles de criblage (divers types cellulaires ou doses, par exemple), est relativement peu coûteuse, facile à standardiser et nécessite des quantités infimes du xénobiotique (important dans le test des médicaments). Les résultats sont quantitatifs (large plage de dose-réponse linéaire), reproductibles et, le plus important, sont valides pour l'espèce qui a fourni les cellules. Ces points représentent des avantages scientifiques et économiques certains, même si des compétences techniques de pointe sont nécessaires pour la plupart de ces méthodes.
4.2 Evaluation scientifique de la toxicité d'organe, de tissu et systémique
Nous estimons que l'évaluation du risque toxique par des approches moléculaires et cellulaires peut être étendue avec environ 90 % de fiabilité à l'organe, au tissu et au niveau systémique. Néanmoins, cette incertitude doit encore être réduite, en particulier pour les médicaments et les produits auxquels les consommateurs sont exposés pendant de longues périodes ou à des doses élevées (additifs alimentaires, pesticides). Dans certains cas particuliers, le produit peut être testé sur des tissus perfusés ou des tranches d'organe, afin de contrôler la réponse des cellules intégrées dans leur environnement normal. Du fait des problèmes de fourniture et de dégradation rapide des tranches, ces tests sont difficiles à effectuer en routine. Il est plus facile de s'en remettre aux méthodes non invasives sur des volontaires humains en conditions de test clinique strictes (avec consentement informé), pour contrôler l'effet du xénobiotique sur le tissu ou l'organe en fonctionnement in situ. Les techniques d'imagerie (MRI, PET, scan, etc.) ont une valeur particulière puisqu'elles permettent d'identifier l'organe ciblé par le xénobiotique et de visualiser le métabolisme et l'élimination du produit. Des informations complémentaires valables sur le fonctionnement d'organes particuliers peuvent être obtenues par les tests biochimiques et biomédicaux standard.
5) Avantages de la TS (toxicologie scientifique) par rapport à l'évaluation de la toxicité traditionnelle (recherche basée sur les animaux)
Comme montré précédemment, les réactions biologiques des individus d'une espèce donnée sont uniques. Les individus d'espèces différentes peuvent, à l'occasion, présenter des réponses grossièrement similaires quand ils sont exposés au même produit toxique, mais on ne doit jamais se laisser tromper par ces phénomènes de hasard. Premièrement, et le plus important, le mécanisme par lequel un produit induit une réaction pathologique peut être assez différent dans des espèces différentes. Parmi les médicaments utilisés, 60 % sont métabolisés, chez les humains, par le même membre de la famille des P450 (ce qui peut conduire à une activation du médicament synergique), mais plusieurs membres différents de la famille des P450 sont impliqués chez les singes, les chiens ou les rongeurs. Deuxièmement, les effets à long terme chez les humains sont impossibles à évaluer dans un espèce avec une espérance de vie plus courte. Chez les souris, le développement spontané du cancer commence à l'âge de 10 mois, alors que chez les humains il commence en général après l'âge de 40 ans, et les mécanismes qui favorisent le cancer sont très différents dans chaque espèce. La susceptibilité au cancer de différentes souches de souris peut varier jusqu'à cent fois, certaines souches tolérant, sans effets de maladie apparents, des doses d'oestrogène qui sont de nombreuses fois supérieures à celles qui rendent malades d'autres souches. Même si les réponses grossières dans deux espèces différentes se ressemblent sur le court terme, le mécanisme sous-jacent qui détermine le résultat à long terme est très vraisemblablement différent et peut donc aboutir à des résultats très différents, sur des années. Incidemment, notons qu'il serait naturellement inutile de réaliser une TS pour un espèce donnée sur des cellules d'une espèce différente.
6) Avantages pour les parties intéressées
L'avantage le plus évident serait la sécurité du consommateur. La TS permet de comprendre le mécanisme par lequel une substance produit ses effets toxiques, ce qui aide à prévoir ses effets à long terme. En identifiant les produits favorisant le cancer, la prévention en serait significativement améliorée. Nous estimons que les chiffres de morbidité du cancer seraient ainsi divisés par deux les trois à cinq années suivantes. L'évaluation fiable de la toxicité des médicaments pourrait sauver des dizaines de milliers de vies chaque année. Les substances neurotoxiques (80 % des insecticides sont neurotoxiques pour les insectes ; qu'en est-il pour les humains ?) pourraient être identifiées et retirées du marché, prévenant les dommages du développement neuronal des enfants - selon la FDA, l'insecticide roténone entraînerait de tels dommages. La détection et le retrait des proliférateurs endocriniens préviendrait à la fois le développement anormal des organes sexuels et de la plupart des cancers induits par les hormones (sein, ovaire, prostate).
Une sécurité du consommateur améliorée entraînerait le soulagement immédiat des coûts socio-économiques résultant des maladies, dont les taux sont présentement en plein essor dans les pays de l'UE.
Les avantages des évaluations par la TS pour l'industrie sont nombreux. Les expériences de TS prennent quelques jours en moyenne, peuvent être effectuées dans de grands ensembles parallèles de criblage (avec divers types cellulaires ou doses, par exemple), sont relativement peu coûteuses, faciles à standardiser et nécessitent des quantités infimes du xénobiotique (important dans le test sur les médicaments). Les résultats sont quantitatifs (avec une large plage de dose -réponse linéaire), reproductibles et, le plus important, fiables et valides pour l'espèce examinée. De plus, la compréhension du mécanisme de l'effet toxique peut permettre aux chimistes de modifier le xénobiotique pour annuler ou réduire sa toxicité (avec l'aide des modèles de relation structure-activité, par exemple) ou pour améliorer sa qualité - et l'image du fabriquant ! Comme les tests de TS sont facilement standardisés et indépendants de paramètres subjectifs, ils restent valides à travers les frontières politiques, ce qui permet la circulation sans limite des biens testés par TS parmi les pays de l'UE et à l'étranger.
Bien que des compétences techniques avancées soient nécessaires pour la plupart des méthodes de TS et que l'équipement de laboratoire requis soit coûteux, cela serait plus que contrebalancé par les avantages scientifiques, économiques et de santé publique.
Les procédures de TS s'appliquent aussi à d'autres espèces et peuvent donc être utilisées pour évaluer les toxicités environnementales dans toute espèce animale ou végétale.
Comme les procédures de TS évitent nécessairement les espèces "modèles", elles satisferaient aussi les associations de protection animale.
Enfin, la mise en oeuvre des méthodes de TS améliorerait l'image de l'UE, à la fois à l'intérieur des pays membres (les consommateurs seraient reconnaissants pour une meilleure protection de leur santé) et à l'extérieur, car l'Union pourrait montrer la voie d'une amélioration du traitement des problèmes de santé environnementale dans le monde entier.
7) Comment favoriser la mise en oeuvre rapide et pratique de la TS dans l'UE ?
Une stratégie pour introduire la TS pourrait être basée sur les étapes suivantes :
1. Elaborer un programme de TS détaillé. A cette fin, créer et financer un comité de spécialistes (nos organisations sont prêtes à apporter leur expérience).
2. Financer et mettre en place un laboratoire pilote de TS européen (par exemple, au centre de recherche conjointe).
3. Financer et former des toxicologues TS. Organiser un cours de formation de 6 à 8 mois dans le laboratoire pilote pour les étudiants de maîtrise et de post-maîtrise de tous les pays européens, avec des conférences et des cours donnés par les spécialistes leaders dans le domaine.
4. Encourager tous les pays de l'UE à mettre en place des laboratoires pilotes de TS pour une formation, assurée par des toxicologues TS professionnels ou, plus localement, des toxicologues déjà sensibilisés à la TS.
5. Encourager les initiatives industrielles de conversion aux méthodes de TS.
6. Publier des directives établissant que tout nouveau produit mis sur le marché doit avoir été testé par les méthodes de TS, aux niveaux moléculaire et cellulaire pour les produits pour lesquels l'exposition est limitée et au niveau du tissu ou organe (en particulier le foie et le rein) et systémique pour les produits pour lesquels l'exposition est importante (médicaments, additifs alimentaires, pesticides, etc.). Les produits déjà sur le marché devraient être testés par les méthodes de TS dans les trois à cinq ans. Ceux qui ne passeraient pas le test devraient être retirés.
(1) Livre blanc de la CE Stratégie pour une future politique chimique, publié en février 2001 par la Commission européenne, disponible sur
(2) Voir l'initiative de la CE SCALE (science, enfants, conscience, légal et évaluation) et le système REACH (enregistrement, évaluation autorisation de produits chimiques) disponible sur
(3) Communiqué de presse de la CE sur l'environnement et la santé, 11 juin 2003
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Scientific Toxicity Assessment of Pesticides,
Drugs, Food Additives and other Chemicals.
Contribution to REACH (Regulation, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) EC body,
Presented by the Scientific board of the NGO "HEALTH WITHOUT FRONTIERS", temporary address c/o PRO ANIMA, 16 rue Vézelay F75008 Paris France, corresponding author at E-mail
European Union authorities are right in deciding that the 100,000 man-made chemicals to which we are exposed must be assessed for their adverse effects on our health and our environment (1). However, the prospect (2) that these assessments will be carried out at the manufacturers' expense, that they will involve a very large number of animals and that they will not be completed for several decades at least, is cause for concern (3). Those most concerned are consumer organisations and private charities whose aim it is to promote human health (see 4). Some of these groups have challenged the scientific validity of such observations and results, since they would be obtained from animal-based research, and contend that the adverse effects of chemicals can only be reliably assessed for the species tested and are irrelevant for any other species, humans in particular. They claim also that health statistics data fully support their case.
It is in fact striking to observe the huge progress made over the past century by the chemical, petrochemical, agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries in the development of products, whilst the methods for assessing the risks of chemical products have remained almost unchanged and still depend exclusively on animal models. It is therefore timely, before starting risk assessments of the 100,000 chemicals, to carefully examine whether recent scientific progress, which has contributed more accurate testing methods, could provide benefits, especially by improving consumer safety. To this end, we will examine the following seven topics:
1) Human health statistics gathered over the past few decades: do these statistics point towards negative health trends, eg, an increase in the incidence of major diseases? If so, what proportions can be ascribed to insufficient prevention and to man-made chemicals?
2) Are the testing procedures at present in use satisfactory for the reliable prevention of major diseases?
3) Are there better methods for assessing toxic risks? Can such methods be applied without delay?
4) Science-based toxic risk assessment (SBT).
5) Merits of SBT over animal-model-based procedures.
6) Merits and benefits of SBT for interested parties.
7) SBT in the EU
1) Morbidity and mortality statistics in the EU: alarming trends
Despite the fact that life expectancy in EU countries is high, this benefit is offset by high morbidity rates. Several million EU citizens suffer debilitating neurodegenerative conditions (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), autism etc). Although for most of these diseases the increase in the number of cases correlates roughly with the increase in life expectancy, a rapid increase in neurodegenerative conditions (MS in particular) has been observed among people between 20 and 40 years of age and even in children (autism). The steepest rise in morbidity and mortality has, however, been seen in cancer. In France, for instance, the number-one cause of death since 1990 for people aged 35 to 65 years has been cancer. The proportion of deaths due to all cancers, except lung cancer, among people aged 40 to 45 years has increased six-fold between 1950 and 1980, and 300,000 new cancers are diagnosed annually, with a significant increase in the number of cancer cases likely to be linked to hormones. One woman out of thirteen was affected by breast cancer in 1970. Today, it is one in seven.
It is generally agreed that 5-10% of all cancers are linked to genetic defects, and this figure has remained fairly constant. Hence, exogenous (outside) factors, especially lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, dietary excess, etc) and carcinogenic (cancer-promoting) products present in our food and in our environment are responsible for nine out of ten cancers. Since lifestyle has steadily improved over the past decades (less smoking, more modest and balanced diets), it is likely that environmental carcinogens are now the main culprits responsible for causing the 1.7 million new cancers diagnosed in EU countries annually. This is clear evidence that these products have either not been tested for their carcinogenic potential or have been tested by methods which have failed to detect this danger.
To assess the efficacy of these methods, let us examine how they perform in an area where they are applied most stringently: the assessment of prescription drug toxicity. Despite the fact that many years of research are invested in any particular drug development and testing, adverse drug reactions (side effects) rank as the fourth leading cause of death in the EU, claiming 20,000 lives annually in France (and some 120,000 lives in the EU as a whole).
It is obvious, then, that current testing methods are failing to protect public health efficiently enough. What are these methods? As required by law, toxicity testing in general, and for prescription drugs in particular, must be performed on animals, ie, 'models' which are believed to display biological reactions similar to those of humans. It is therefore worthwhile analysing the relevance of the 'animal model' concept in relation to human health.
2) Is resorting to animal models for human-health issues based on rational principles?
There is remarkably simple yet clear proof that no animal species can substitute as a reliable biological model for another species. A species is defined in terms of its reproductive isolation, meaning that members from different species cannot interbreed. This is because a given species has its own unique genetic make-up (from number, organisation and structure of chromosomes, through to regulation and control of gene expression). Modern biology has clearly demonstrated that the genetic make-up of an individual determines the precise biological activities of its cells, tissues, and organs. Hence, individuals from different species have different genetic make-ups and therefore display different biological activities, even if some appear similar. The statement that members of a given species can substitute as reliable biological models for other species is therefore invalid.
In particular, the assumption that results obtained in some mammalian species are valid for humans is unfounded and seriously compromises human health. Consider, for instance, the chimpanzee, our closest relative (in evolutionary terms). If exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the chimpanzee does not respond ; in humans it causes AIDS; if injected with the hepatitis B virus, one out of ten or so chimpanzees might develop a mild form of hepatitis and will recover quickly ; in humans, the virus causes chronic hepatitis and sometimes liver cancer; and the chimpanzee, when injected with the Ebola virus, dies of haemorrhagic fever, as do humans. In other words, the best animal model ever behaves in an opposite, different or identical way to humans, depending on the challenging factor. Nobody could have forecasted these results, which can only be arrived at after observing the test in both species. Testing animal models is therefore useless at best and is at worst dangerous, sometimes fatal, to humans: the French blood scandal occurred because 'experts', noting that the chimpanzee showed no response, approved of HIV-contaminated blood samples going onto the market.
A conservative estimate of the number of deaths in France, resulting from this flawed methodology of testing prescription drugs and carcinogenic products alone, ranges from 100,000 to 120,000 a year. Assuming that similar rates per capita are valid in other EU nations, some 600,000 to 750,000 citizens will die prematurely within the EU year after year, because of side effects of drugs and carcinogenic products present in our environement.
3) What is the basis of valid toxic risk assessment for humans?
Resorting to animals for assessing toxic risks in humans goes back to medieval times, as it was then the only way to get a vague indication of the risk. At present however, the scientific revolution provides us with far more reliable means for toxic risk assessment. This science-based toxicology builts on two basic remarks.
First, toxicology is the science of life (biology) in an environment of toxic products (xenobiotics). Over the past half-century, biology has made unprecedented leaps, moving away from empiricism and towards science, and even almost exact science when it comes to cellular and molecular biology. Toxicology can benefit from the concepts, methods and tools developed in such modern biology and thereby achieve also the status of an almost exact science.
Second, the cell is where life starts. It is therefore not surprising (and fully supported by modern biology) that the answers to practically all biological problems must first be sought at the level of the cell. Human diseases almost invariably have a cellular origin, whether the cause is endogenous (in the organism) or exogenous (outside the organism). This holds true for cancer, neuropathologies and cardiovascular diseases, to cite the most frequent and life-threatening diseases in EU countries. It follows that harm done to the cell by a toxic substance is the first step to diseases linked to the body's environment (including food, polluting substances etc).
The stage is thus set for Science-Based Toxicology (SBT), as opposed to the traditional toxicity assessment by means of animal models. SBT has its roots in modern molecular and cellular biology, from which it selects and adapts the methods and tools best suited for its goals.
The study of human cells in the environment of toxic products will therefore be the first step for reliable toxicity assessment in humans. Modern biology has also made impressive progress in the study of integrated systems at the tissue, organ and systemic levels. Non-invasive methods (various tomographies, functional testing of biochemical activities in organs etc) are available, allowing to complete molecular and cellular human-risk assessments of substances to which consumers are extensively exposed (prescription drugs, food additives, pesticides etc).
4) Science-Based Toxicology (SBT)
Our purpose here is not to advance a detailed scientific programme of SBT but to sketch for a wide and interested audience the main outlines of molecular and cellular SBT, based on fifteen years of experience in this field. Indeed, not only have some of the scientists who contributed to this report been active in carrying out research and developing methods and tools for SBT, but they have also organised international workshops aimed at bringing together world-class specialists in their own particular fields of molecular and cellular toxicology ; namely, First European Workshop in Molecular Toxicology, Sophia-Antipolis (France) 1996, Second European Workshop in Molecular Toxicology, Paris 1999) and published the proceedings of these workshops: Molecular Toxicology, 1997 (VSP publishing, Reiss, Parvez and Labbe editors), Molecular Responses to Xenobiotics, 2001 (Elsevier publishing, Parvez, Reiss and Labbe editors) and Special Issue of TOXICOLOGY 153 (2000, nos 1-3, guest editors Parvez and Reiss).
Toxicity responses can be acute and systemic; they can also be delayed, either because of an accumulation of minor damages, which manage finally to overcome cellular defence and repair mechanisms (a major cause of liver and kidney diseases) or because the development of the disease takes a long time following its induction. A typical example of this delay is cancer, as it takes on average five to ten years between the onset of the proliferation of a cell and the diagnosis of the resulting tumour. Neurodegenerative conditions follow a similar time-course. Hence the necessity to assess both the short- and long-term toxic responses.
Cellular studies are ideally suited to this end. They are best performed on primary cultures, but established cell lines allow for easy preliminary investigations. An interesting complement to the methods described below is the in silico evaluation of the toxic effects of a molecule, derived from its chemical structure (structure-activity relationship), which is increasingly reliable in forecasting the adverse biological activities of the molecule even before it has been synthesised.
4.1 Molecular and cell toxicology.
4.1.1 Metabolisation of the xenobiotic (substances of non-biological origin). In order to enter the cell, the xenobiotic has to cross lipid (fatty) or aqueous barriers and may need to be metabolised to that end. This can be done by activating the expression (forcing out) of various cellular genes, which may involve specific metabolising enzymes ; mono oxygenases, including members of the P450 family, Acetyltransferases, Epoxide Hydrolases, Glutathio-S-Transferases, Methyltransferases, Sulfotransferases, UDP-glycosyltransferases etc; nuclear transcription factors (like the PRX receptor activated by a majority of drugs and involved in many adverse drug effects); xenobiotic transporters (metallothioneines, P-glycoprotein family) etc. The resulting metabolites need to be carefully identified, since some happen to be highly toxic, even though the unmetabolised xenobiotic is not. Since primary targets of xenobiotics are the liver and the kidney, cells from these organs should be tested first. Methods: in vitro testing of the enzymatic activity of the involved genes; DNA chips (kits commercially available), which allow the monitoring of the expression of many of these genes; identification of metabolites by mass spectrometry; etc.
4.1.2 Intracellular toxicity assessment. Once the xenobiotic or its metabolite has entered the cell, the effect on the latter and its fate must be monitored. In response to even mild aggression, the cell will mobilise a series of genes, either to protect itself or to have the damage repaired.
Many members of the families of genes involved (stress genes and various repair enzyme genes) are known and can be recruited as 'reporters', which provide information on the target of the xenobiotic, the extent of the damage and the ability of the cell to overcome the damage. Reporters allow also to monitor the fate of the cell, exposed to various doses of the product, telling us about its ability to survive and how it will cope with the product in the long run. At present, reporter gene-loaded cells are commercially available, allowing the fast and inexpensive tracing of xenobiotics responsible for stress (including oxidative stress), various kinds of DNA damage, membrane damage etc.
The disadvantage with reporters is the necessity of guessing the gene(s) targeted by the xenobiotic. This problem is overcome with commercially available DNA chips, carrying hundreds or thousands of gene elements known to be involved in toxic response (Toxicogenomics). By standard biochemical manipulations, the expression of each of these genes can be individually visualised on the chip. DNA chips allow observation of the simultaneous transcription behaviour in the cell's nucleus of all genes present on the chip, whether the genes are stimulated, repressed or unaffected by the xenobiotic.
DNA chips are presently the ultimate tools for monitoring the first part, the transcription of gene expression. In order to have a full view of the effect of xenobiotic activity on gene expression, the second part of expression, translation, during which the gene product is actually synthesised, must also be monitored. This can be done with the tools of Toxicoproteomics (2D gel or capillary electrophoresis, protein chips, mass spectroscopy, and many new methods under rapid development). Toxicoproteomics account for the xenobiotic-induced protein modifications (chemical or structural), modifications of proteolytic processes, aggregation etc, which have been identified recently as representing important stages in many severe diseases (neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, diabetes type 2 etc).
Genotoxic activities of xenobiotics need to be identified and monitored with particular attention, since the failure to assess their effects accurately is the main factor responsible for the steep rise in cancer incidence observed over the past 50 years. These effects and activities can lead to DNA mutations, which can be monitored by a wealth of techniques (directly on DNA: precisely (sequencing) or roughly ('Comet' test); or indirectly, by monitoring the expression of DNA repair genes). Tumorigenesis is promoted by mutation or inactivation of genes involved in the regulation of cell growth and division. This leads to deregulation of pathways in charge of controlling programmed cell death, response to growth factors, cell migration etc. DNA chips are available which allow characterisation of the transcription status of several hundreds of the genes involved in tumorigenesis when the cell is exposed to some xenobiotic.
Carcinogenic events can also be induced by non-genotoxic mechanisms, occurring at various steps (check points) of the cell cycle (division) or at the level of the higher organisation of the genetic material (chromatin). Of particular interest are the so-called tumour suppressors, as, for instance, the much-celebrated protein p53, one of the 'guardians of the genome'. This protein has control over the integrity of the genetic material of the cell. If some mutagenic event has occurred, p53 will immediately interrupt the cell cycle until the damage has been repaired. If the repair has not been achieved within a few hours, p53 will force the cell into apoptosis (suicide), thereby preventing transmission of the damage to the cell's progeny. Xenobiotics targeting p53 (or other tumour suppressors), either by mutating its gene or by modifying its structure, will abolish the 'guardian' activity of the protein, so that mutations can carry over to the cell's progeny and eventually induce uncontrolled cell proliferation ; over half of solid tumours carry inactive forms of p53. Many commercial kits are available for monitoring the state of tumour suppressors and checkpoint gene expression, at the transcription or the protein level, especially for cancers thought to depend on hormones (breast cancer and oestrogen receptor signalling, prostate cancer and androgen signalling). DNA chips are also available for monitoring the expression, in the presence of a xenobiotic, of hundreds of human genes involved in the major steps of tumorigenesis, from deregulation of pathways in cell growth and division, DNA damage response, genome stability and repair, to cell adhesion, invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis etc.
Cytotoxic xenobiotics target the cell's organisation, its equipment, its metabolism etc. This toxicity is often signalled by intense expression of stress genes (in particular oxidative stress see 'reporter' gene section above). Cells initially respond by producing 'chaperones' and other enzymes to protect themselves from the xenobiotic's action. The severity and length of the exposure can elicit more global cellular responses, such as growth arrest, senescence, necrosis, cell death by apoptosis and even cell proliferation and carcinogenesis. The targets of cytotoxicity are the various cellular compartments and components, in particular mitochondria , the energy-factory of the cell which can trigger apoptosis. For instance, xenobiotics can trigger the apoptosis pathway involving the Bcl2 gene family. The corresponding proteins oligomerise and insert themselves into the mitochondrial membrane, inducing the release of its content (including the CARD family), some of which trigger cell death. Cytotoxicity can be established by monitoring the expression of a long list of housekeeping genes and genes involved in necrosis, apoptosis, growth arrest, senescence etc.
The methods mentioned so far can be applied to any type of cell, but those from organs most exposed to xenobiotics (liver, kidney, skin) should be assessed first.
Specific methods exist for the molecular assessment of a variety of xenobiotics which target particular biological functions. Here is a short list:
Reproductive toxicity can be monitored at the cell level, by, for instance, studying the activation by a xenobiotic of hormone receptors present at the surface of specific cells. As an example, 'endocrine proliferators' can mimic natural hormones and unduly induce the hormone-specific signal, or they can saturate specific hormone receptors and thereby preclude access to the normal hormone and delivery of its signal. Xenobiotics, including a large class of pesticides, which can induce abnormalities in male reproductive organs or promote tumours in tissues and organs which are under hormonal control (breast, ovary, prostate), can be identified in cultures of cells taken from these organs and tissues.
Developmental toxicity (including teratogenesis) linked to xenobiotics targeting the cell cycle, growth factors or cell components involved in development signalisation (classes of RNAs, chromatin components, etc.), can be assessed by monitoring the interaction of the xenobiotic with these molecular components of the cell. DNA chips are available for monitoring the action of xenobiotics on many human genes involved in the regulation of the cycle phases (cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases and their regulators: inhibitors, phosphatases and kinases).
Neurotoxicity can be the consequence of the action of a xenobiotic on molecules involved in neuronal communication ; a majority of insecticides target these molecules! Several standard methods make it possible to assess this class of neurotoxicity on neuronal cells in culture. Electrochemical signals sent down the length of a neuron, or from one neuron to another, are mediated by three classes of ion-specific channels (passive channels, which maintain resting membrane potential; chemically gated channels which recognise neurotransmitters and initiate an action potential, which is then propagated by voltage-gated channel); and by two broad classes of neurotransmitters (those acting directly on chemically gated ion channels and causing them to open, and those acting indirectly and more slowly, involving G-protein coupled receptors and the production of secondary messengers). DNA chips carrying genes of ion channels and neurotransmitter transporters (including neurotrophins, which are thought to play an important role in neuronal development) are available for monitoring the effect of a xenobiotic on these essential actors in neurobiology.
Neurotoxic agents can also target neuronal cells by affecting their capacity to synthesise proteins in their native conformation. Misconformed proteins tend to accumulate in or around the cell, to aggregate and form fibres, plaques or tangles which force the cell to commit apoptosis (due to intracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins) or impair cell-to-cell communication (extracellular deposit of proteinaceous aggregates). Parkinsonism (apoptosis of dopaminergic cells), Alzheimer's disease (amyloid plaque and tau fibre deposits), Creuzfeld-Jacob disease (prion deposit) and more than twenty other forms of dementia belonging to the family of "conformational diseases" can result from the production of misconformed proteins by the cellular protein synthesis apparatus (see below). Xenobiotics can target this equipment, either directly (production of stress which excessively mobilises and secludes stress proteins, like chaperones involved in protein folding) or indirectly (unscheduled production of large quantities of proteins, or cell proliferation, which depletes the cell's resources for protein synthesis and thereby favours protein misfolding). Testing xenobiotics for their capacity to induce protein misfolding, which is straightforward using reporter genes, is an urgent necessity, considering the significant number of elderly patients, and more recently even people below forty years of age, suffering from debilitating conformational diseases.
Immunotoxicity: inflammatory response. Inflammation is both the normal response of the body to pathogenes and a key intermediate of disease states such as allergies, asthma and arthritis which can be induced by xenobiotics. The signalling cascade of inflammatory response is propagated by the secretion of small glycoproteins (cytokines) and their binding on receptors of target cells. DNA chips bearing tens of human cytokine genes involved in the inflammatory response, and of the genes of their receptors, are available, allowing simultaneous determination of their expression profiles in cells exposed to some immunitoxic xenobiotic.
Molecular methods exist to assess membrane toxicity (modification of polarity, size and structure of lipid rafts, etc) and epigenetic toxicity (xenobiotic-producing DNA methylation, acylation or phosphorylation of chromatin, which can seriously affect the programme of gene expression) etc. Because of the polymorphism of the human population, assessment of cellular toxicity for classes of the population sharing common polymorphic patterns could be made, using class-specific DNA chips, which would, for instance, allow one to list xenobiotics which are especially harmful, or conversely safe, for members of the class (polymorphism-specific and idiosyncratic toxicology). For example, an extensive human polymorphism is found in the P450 family of metabolising enzymes.
4.1.3 Signal transduction and intercellular toxicity target cell-to-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (gap junction) interactions, endocrine or exocrine processes etc. Many cell types receive external signals (from hormones) which they transduce (translate) by some mechanism (signal-transduction pathway) into changing their behaviour or characteristics. G-protein coupled receptors, for instance, form a large family of cell-surface receptors involved in signal transduction. They are activated by a large variety of ligands, including chemicals and most drugs. Chemical stress can activate signal transduction via the NFkB transcription factor, released by the phosphorylation of the inhibitory IkB family of proteins or the Rel subunits. Once NFkB translocates in the nucleus, it induces transcription and expression of many genes such as those encoding cytokins, adhesion molecules, inhibitors of apoptosis etc. MAP kinase signalling operates through a cascade of kinases which also activate transcription factors of a variety of genes. Signalling by the TGFb super-family causes growth inhibition. Again, DNA chips carrying hundreds of human genes involved in signal transduction can monitor the action of xenobiotics on these genes.
The fate of the extracellular matrix (the substratum to which cells attach via adhesion molecules on the cell surface to help define tissue shape, structure and function), when exposed to a xenobiotic, can be monitored via the expression profile of molecules involved in cell-to-cell and cell-tissue interaction, such as cell-adhesion molecules (integrins, cadherins, catenins, selectins), extracellular matrix proteins (lamins, fibronectin, fibrinogen), protease (matrix metalloproteinases, serine and cystein protinases, cathepsin) and protease inhibitors (maspin). DNA arrays are available for monitoring the expression of hundreds of the genes involved, providing valuable information on the effect of a xenobiotic on primary steps in tissue and organ development.
In summary, using techniques based on molecular toxicity, we can obtain a clear view of the mechanism through which the substance or product is harmful, at what doses the cell can resist and, most importantly, the long-term effect on the cell. The experiment takes a few days on average, can be performed in large parallel screening set-ups (various cell types or doses, for instance), is relatively inexpensive, easy to standardise and requires tiny amounts of the xenobiotic (important in drug testing). The results are quantitative (large range of linear dose-response), reproducible and, most significantly, are valid for the species which provided the cells. These points represent definite scientific and economic advantages, even though advanced technical skills are required for most of these methods.
4.2 Scientific assessment of organ, tissue and systemic toxicity
We estimate that the assessment of the toxic risk by molecular and cellular approaches can be extended with some 90% reliability to the organ, tissue and systemic level. Nevertheless, this uncertainty must be further reduced, especially for prescription drugs and products to which consumers are exposed for long periods of time or at high doses (drugs, food additives, pesticides). In special cases, the product can be tested in perfused (permeated) tissues or in organ slices, which allow monitoring of the response of the cells integrated in their normal environment. Owing to supply problems and rapid degradation of the slices, these tests are difficult to carry out routinely. It is much easier to rely on non-invasive methods, which allow the monitoring of human volunteers, under strict clinical test conditions (with informed consent), for the effect of the xenobiotic on the tissue or functioning organ in situ. Of particular value are imaging techniques (MRI, PET scan, etc), which allow one to identify the organ targeted by the xenobiotic, the metabolism and elimination of the latter. Valuable complementary information on the functioning of particular organs can be obtained by standard biochemical and biomedical tests.
5) Merits of SBT (science-based toxicology) over traditional (animal-based research) toxicity assessment
As shown above, the biological reactions of individuals of a given species are unique. Individuals from different species may occasionally display similar gross responses when exposed to the same toxic product, but one should never be misled by these chance phenomena. First and foremost, the mechanism through which a product induces some pathological reaction can be quite different in different species. Of the drugs in use, 60% are metabolised in humans by the same member of the P450 family (which can lead to synergistic drug activation), but several different members of the P450 family are involved in the case of apes, dogs and rodents. Secondly, long-term effects in humans are impossible to assess in species with a shorter life expectancy. In mice, spontaneous cancer development commences at the age of ten months, whereas in humans it usually starts after the age of forty, and the mechanisms of cancer promotion are known to be very different in each species. The strain-to-strain susceptibility for cancer in mice can vary a hundredfold, certain strains tolerating, with no apparent ill-effects, oestrogen doses that are many times higher than for other strains. Even if the gross response in two different species looks alike in the short term, the underlying mechanism which determines the long-term outcome is very likely different and can therefore lead to vastly different outcomes over the years. Incidentally, it would naturally be useless to perform SBT for a given species on cells or cell cultures belonging to a different species
6) Benefits of SBT for interested parties
The most obvious benefit would be consumer safety. SBT allows one to understand the mechanism by which a substance produces its adverse effects, which then allows one to forecast its long-term effects. By identifying cancer-promoting products, cancer prevention would be significantly boosted. As a result of science-based assessment of carcinogenic substances, we can estimate that cancer morbidity figures could be halved within the next three to five years. The reliable assessment of drug toxicity could save tens of thousands of lives a year. Neurotoxic substances (80% of insecticides are neurotoxic to insects: what about humans?) could be identified and removed from the market, preventing damage to the neuronal development of children ; according to the FDA, this could be the case with the insecticide rotenone. Detection and removal of endocrine proliferators would prevent both abnormal development of sex organs and of most hormone-dependent cancers (breast, ovary, prostate).
Improved consumer safety would result in the immediate alleviation of socio-economic costs resulting from diseases, rates for which are presently soaring in EU countries.
The benefits of SBT assessments for industry are many. SBT experiments (as mentioned above) take a few days on average, can be performed in large parallel screening set-ups (with various cell types or doses, for instance), are relatively inexpensive, easy to standardise and require tiny amounts of the xenobiotic (important in drug testing). The results are quantitative (large range of linear dose-response), reproducible and, most importantly, are reliable and valid for the species under investigation. Furthermore, understanding the mechanism of the adverse effect may allow in-house chemists to modify the xenobiotic and remove, or alleviate, its toxicity (with the help of Structure-Activity-Relationship models, for example) and improve the quality of the product and the image of the manufacturer! Since SBT tests are easily standardised and are independent of subjective parameters, the tests remain valid across political borders, which allows for unrestricted circulation of the SBT-tested goods among EU countries and abroad. These are definite scientific and economic advantages.
Whilst it is true that advanced technical skill is required for most of the SBT methods, and the requisite laboratory equipment is expensive, this would be more than counterbalanced by the relatively speedy scientific, economic and greatly improved public-health advantages.
SBT procedures also apply to other species and can therefore be used to assess environmental toxicities in any animal or plant species.
Since SBT procedures necessarily avoid 'model' species, they would also satisfy animal-welfare organizations.
Finally, implementing SBT methods would improve the image of the EU, both inside the EU countries (consumers would be grateful for better protection of their health) and outside the EU, as the Union could lead the way to effective improvement of environmental health issues worldwide.
7) How to proceed in view of the rapid and practical implementation of SBT in the EU
A strategy for the EU to hasten the introduction of SBT methods could be based on the following steps:
1. Elaborate a detailed SBT programme. To this end, create and fund a board of specialists. (Our organisations are ready to contribute their experience to this end.)
2. Fund and set up a European SBT pilot laboratory (eg, at the Joint Research Centre).
3. Fund and train SB Toxicologists. Organize a 6-8 month training course in the pilot laboratory for graduate or postgraduate fellows from all EU countries, with conferences and courses given by leading specialists in the field.
4. Encourage all EU countries to set up SBT pilot laboratories for the training, led by professional SB toxicologists, of more locally centred SB toxicologists.
5. Support industrial initiatives aimed at conversion to SBT methods.
6. Issue directives stating that all new products put on the market must have been tested as safe by SBT methods, namely, at the molecular and cellular level for products to which exposure is limited, and, in addition, at the tissue, organ (especially liver and kidney) and systemic levels for products to which exposure is significant (prescription drugs, food additives, pesticides etc). Products already on the market should be tested by SBT methods within three to five years, and those failing to pass the test should be withdrawn (perhaps with support for the development of safe equivalents).
(1) EC's White Paper Strategy for a future Chemical Policy,, published february 2001 by the European Commission, available on
(2) See EC's SCALE initiative (Science, Children, Awareness, Legal and Evaluation) and REACH system (Registration, Evaluation,Authorization of Chemicals), available from
(4) EC press release on environment and health, june 11, 2003
Latest news from Pro Anima Site in french
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7.V2005. gamma radiation:
9.V2005. rats, mouse, small animals and rodents, perfusion in veterinary institutions...
Hearth breaking and it doesn't matter the experiment what they performed (they could do it with NATURALLY already sick rat).
The point s, they ARE able to insert miniature needle in rat's veins, so the fact that vets say that small animals cannot be perfused or with nutrients when dehydrated because their vessels are too small is a lie.
9.V2005. go on ‘cool places’, then on left you have a choice: apart from what is written straight away. it seems after 'cool places' and 'clubs' clicks that there are quite a choice for us.
11.5.2005. brain dead and organ donation:
11.V2005. Humans choose their partners by scent:
11.V2005. chronic fatique cured
11.5.2005. domperidone impairs the heart beat:
'The drugs were already known to interfere with electrical activity controlling heartbeat.'
That is nerves that do that... the same nerves which made my heart beat so strong during exercise!
Vagus nerve, now I have higher than normal pulse, after one year taking of domperidone for gastroparesy.
11.5.2005. mercury erethism
12.5.2005. we need to extend her life: in coral
12.V2005. protiv rata:
12/5/2005. robot replicates itself :
13/5/2005.INdians help street dogs by feeding them:
13.V2005. New species of rat-like rodent found:
13.5.2005. UK woman freed after 8 weeks in prison for codein possesion:
13.5.2005. terrible occupators
13.V2005. hemp paper:
13.V2005. Coelho banned in Iran: and publisher fears for his life...
13.V2005. Hemp:
14.V2005. 400 bacteries types in the gut /Me call them kolonisators/:
16.V2005. Oats, avoine, ovas:
16.5.2005. its been explained why the CO2
sequestration in the oceans is a bad idea.
16.5.2005. kitovi i delfini i magnetizam i ljudski uticaj:
17.V2005. Ophtalmology laser:
18.V2005. Srbija and Montenegro in IMF report : worth reading
18.5.2005. Da se nasmejesh i zapitash:
18.V2005. Piano man:
18.V2005. Medical journal and pharmaceutical firms:
18.V2005. shoe step counter:
18.V2005. smallpox to live? Very dangereous:
18.V2005. smallpox: vaccination offered
18.V2005. Smoking in the children movies /has to be forbiden and put in adult movies etticquette infrot so people choose whether they want or not to watch/
19.V2005. speeding charge in UK, not Deutschland, luckilly :-)
19.V2005. Piano man:
19.V2005. Amazon forest:
19.5.2005. Very pollutant 4x4:
19.5.2005. human embryo cloned in UK:
19.5.2005. IVF 80 percent success rate: with pre-screening technique
19.V2005. GI diet good for health : and reduces possibility od getting diabetes and heart disease
19.V2005. Cities and population:
20.5.2005. Mass grave in Kosovo /who, how, trials?/ :
20.V2005. FBI information hacked:
20.V2005. handicap and AAH, polemique au quotidien:
21.V2005. Lake vanished within the night /interested in complete scientific explanation of this/ :
21.V2005. some chemical reaction: HCl and NaCl
21.V2005. Adult stem cells multiplying:
21.V2005. Diabetes and vegetarianisam:
21.V2005. Istorija starih ju republika:
22.5.2005. rollers:
I am for four wheels you can put on your shoes anytime...
wrote 22.5.2005. Will Israelis give me visa now to go on clinical trials for this? -diabetes cured by own liver cells in mice.
22.V2005. Palestinians ban hate cleric:
22.5.2005. onagre, primrose and preferably jojoba, huiles essentiels:
22.V2005. Body shop:
23.V2005. WiFi in the jungle. Hope he has a vegetarian holiday:
23.V2005. Vitamin B12 from bodybuilding site:
23.5.2005. Aids diagnosis:
23.V2005. BBC strike about jobs dissapearance :
23.V2005. Drink driving:
23.V2005. Time travel and Stephen Hawking:
23.V2005. nemam pojma odakle mi ovo:’origin definition of life’ The difference between the meaning of life and the phenomenon of life is clarified at the outset of the course, which then proceeds to discuss the topic of definitions in general and the definition of life itself. The process of defining life invokes various metaphysical and epistemic views. What are the objects, the processes and the phenomena that "life" refers to? What are the common features of these, and the special characteristics, which differentiate the animate from the inanimate? The course discusses the definitions suggested by notable biologists and philosophers -from Aristotle to Maynard Smith - examines their ontological and epistemological dimensions, and tries to unravel their implicit suppositions. Finally, the most common definitions of life at present - those based on heredity and on metabolism - are presented and analyzed. The course examines whether the definition of life is essential and whether it is possible. The issues of artificial life and the origin of life are also touched upon in this course.
24.V2005. millenium ecosystem assesment:
24.V2005. Adult stem cells help patients liver disease: Only thing is, not to put too much toxics (medicaments, alcohol...) in the body..
24.V2005. recycling plastics:
24.V2005. recycling facts:
24.V2005. recycling plastics links:
24.V2005. recycling, what can be recycled?
24.V2005. recycling:
24.V2005. IVF: tp://
24.V2005. Astma medicine: lekovi in high doses
25.V2005. vivisection debate in UK continues:
25.V2005. Organ donation and hamster virus:
25.V2005. Designer mouse questionned:
I suggest you read the BUAV's Designer Mice report, which is available on our website or via the link below. You should particularly note the section on alternatives from page 72 onwards.
If you find the whole report difficult to digest, there is an executive summary available.
Nicky Gordon
Science Officer BUAV, 16a Crane Grove, London N7 8NN, 020 7700 4888
Please visit or call 020 7700 4888 for further information about the work of the BUAV or to support our campaigns.
25.V2005. voda, water, H2O :
26.5.2005. Amsterdam cofee shop: /Me, just to ask to next year do not be smoked marihuanna and especially hashish as we need global warmin diminushion, and paper industry might need it, and seeds might be needed for next year’s hemp replacement in paper industry/.
26.V2005. heart disease and stroke : from bbc
26.V2005. In Slovenia: read the last paragraph, pls.
26.V2005. What happened?: congres for the water and environment u Parizu
26.V2005. bebe, babies:
27.V2005. Car toilet: how environmentally friendly? but great thing! read last paragraf /Me: it has other applications, not just in car usage/
27.V2005. Amazon, 30 years and now:
27.V2005. Scottish green school just south of Edinbourgh:
27.V2005. Beachers guide for Scotland:
27.V2005. What I sent to BBC: Respect,
It is my understanding that BBC heads want to suck 20% of the workers as there is money deficit. I have an idea which you may like to consider.
There are plenty people in the world that have TV channels provided by a cable company. In France we have Noos company where we could pay specially for some programmas if we wanna get them.
If you offer BBC 1-5 TV channels for couple of euros/month to cable companies they would put it in the offer and you could benefit. Although British international community may not be so large, there are other English and English-feel people who would be delighted to be able to obtain your great 5 channels abroad.
Please consider changing and expanding your policy in this international direction. All of us could benefit from it.
I do understand that BBCWorld and BBCPrime are already offered to worldwide audience, but their content cannot cover everything BBC produce and it is (must criticize you here) terribly sad that BBCPrime is often 1-2 years behind BBC from UK and BBCPrime repeat the same serials way too often (Bodges and Rogers, M.Parkinson, Hapiness, comedy programs are all repeated, MasterMind 1 year late...).
Peace and respect,
27.V.2005. This must be a joke or from TV and comp games: 24% of 16 year olds in Uk has weapons...
28.V2005. Nuclear weapons: . /Me:There are few pushups for annihilation of nuclear weapons existance. We should aime to do it soon, together with demilitarisation act which will have opposition we cannot wait, it should be done earlier/.
29.V2005. I forgot this clubbing link in A-dam: /It would be a paradise if everyone is clean and no drugs are there and just music makes you dance as if you are a kid..Because every narcotic influences brain and heart and makes it weaker, we do not need it in eternal life here/.
29.V2005. Interested in magic mushrooms? /Me: it would be great that life is so unstressed that we feel naturally like on one mushroom from the packet of few they give us in smart shops for one trip, that feel is only posible to get if personbelieves in life with money system on equal basis for all countries, then we would feel as if we see things more colourful and hear sounds more near/. Also, I believe that the dejstvo comes from the alkaloid in mushroom so its not appropriate for general usage. New Scientist and Scientific American I believe its called second journal have said it is researched as a pain reliever for cancer and neuropathy diagnosis so let it be researched, together with 2 to 3 micrograms doses of LSD alone is a good pain reliever on three days time, but acute, not chronicly to be taken...
29.V2005. Amsterdam Ibiza:
29.V2005. Cocaine testers are necessary not to put strain on organism with unpure form of the stimulant. It is sold here:
29.V2005. this is for cleaning as well, shouldn’t come too that if it is in pharmacies available cocaine under prescription in beginning:
29.5.2005. UK crippling Africa’s healthcare:
29.V2005. Computer game:
30.5.2005. Toxic ingredients in cosmetics:
30.V2005. Multiple sclerosis diagnosis:
30.V2005. iron, anaemia, hemoglobin, erythrocites:
30.V2005. Chronic fatigue syndrom diagnosis nearing the cure:
31.V2005 arthritis rheumatod and supplements:
31.V2005. diabetes and aminoacids that help:
31.5.2005. clubbing in Amsterdam:
1.6.2005. Humor a bit of:
1/6/2005. DEUG en Srbija:
1.VI2005. Yukos boss sentenced :
1.VI 2005. Two million Rusia teenagers illiterate: and there is big drug and health problems too. /Me: Srbija kids learn to read and write within the weeks. We should all switch to cjirilica, amin/.
1. VI 2005. In Israel are to be demolished eighty eight houses in ears Jerusalim: /Me: probably to make buildings and parks in code with global village kingdom.../
1.VI2005. Cantons of Swiss: /and a paralel with Jerusalim/:
2.VI2005. Vegan monthly:
2.VI2005. Nuclear waste in Sweden:/ Me: just how to send it all to Jupiter when we cannot influence the constant of radioactivity?/:
2.VI2005. flux of immigrants to Britain: from new EU member states
3/6/2005. Kylie’s bodyguards: telohranitelji /Me: so unnecesary if money is equal in all names and with maximum to spend on personal usage per month/
3.VI2005. Airport air pollution harms the memory of children:
3.VI2005. Beached whales saved in Australia:
3.VI2005. Serbians executed Serbs born to the muslim religion people video released: /Me: It is very important to note that Muslims, although after first World War we gave them big letter in the name are not Turks and are not nationality per se, only a religion based expressed people. Did not wanted to insult anyone/.
3.VI2005. signed ‘Mein kampf’ and other nazi memorabilia goes on sale: should be gone to the fire:
3.VI2005. Rats and pesticide toxicity nasledstvo:
3.VI2005. Cannabis spray: /Me: better way to ingesting it if alkaloid not toxic, THC alkaloid I suppose is in the spray. If still legal, should be given to Holand coffee shops instead of smoking cannabis, or better, to pharmacies where people addicted to cannabis smoke can come and close the cofee shops for purpose od smoking narcotics/:
3.VI2005. Eight year old kid has been beaten in London city for assumed witchcraft: really upsetting.
3.6.2005. g eight:
4.VI2005. Much better biased: report about serbian reaction on video tape
4.VI2005. Fifteen year old has been tagged in Scotland as he is an offender:
6.VI2005. rats expo:
6.VI.2005. From SFI /Scottish friends of Israel/ : university should never be demonised,,251-1644209,00.html
9.VI2005. Jobs control the heart:
9.VI2005. Fizika:
9.VI2005. Moulding and recycling plastics: 3dm worldwide
9.VI2005. Narcotic or stimulant? In few scientific magasines is recently being proposed that LSD has pharmakokinetic influence on brain of patients, therefore, those with unlegal usage of LSD should be stopped whilst is proving as a treatman for range of diseases but not all:
10.VI2005. Rats on BBC:
18.VI2005. Israel and Gaza have a sea barrier between them:
18.VI2005. good for everyone: when it becomes available...
18.VI2005. grow your own heart bypass:
18.VI2005. good friends prolong the life:
18.VI2005. smoking and fatness age body quicker:
18.VI2005. time travel, Ainstein, present and past:
18.VI2005. Bill Thompson about ebay, g8 freedom of speech on internet:
18.VI2005. Biometric data on passports sought by USA for other countries:
18.VI2005. Kosovo today:
19.VI2005. Sundeep:
19.VI2005. Drylands: eco assesment
19.VI2005. Nun killed in exorcism ritual: Should not been performed at all the rituals involving unvolontary subjects:
19.VI2005. Shoulder ramena:
19.VI2005. Milk and Parkinson disease diagnosis: /Me: Milk promotes growth in newborn children and it is less enzyme to digest it in humans within 4 years of age, therefore, thus the imperative to stop using the milk and dairy products is necessary to obtain the regular function of body as a grown up adult with all growth factors on place. Lactose in tablettes and other medicaments should also be avoided as this also might promote unwanted stimulative effect to unknown location in a body/:
19.VI2005. Milk and Parkinson’s disease diagnosis:
19.VI2005. Kokos coconut: /Me: apart from almonds as a staple diet for humanity to live eternally, it might be possible that coconut vrshi the same function in the body, ie, gives the good fats and infinitezimal number of carbohydrates therefore promoting the homeostazis by not promoting the insulin excretion/.
19.VI2005. Sugar and cancer diagnosis:/ Me: above staple diet first to cancer and diabetes diagnosis to be offered, I agree that sugar promotes hyperglycaemic spikes and growth factores in eyes, for examples are effect of high sugar in retinopathy diagnosis and in older people in general as have been using the high carbs food/:
19.VI2005. Chlorella: Mercola Me: Chlorella is one cell organism and thus the benefits from it but I am not sure if it is recommanded for all population in present form, may be genetically modified in controlled conditions into usable nutrients.
19.VI2005. Plastic food containers: and cancer risk, Mercola
19.VI2005. Dental teeth: Mercola
19.VI2005. Grains, vegetarian:
19.06.2005. Food labelling : /Me : an obligation worldwide only in supermarkets to be offered to be taken not imprinted on product so eco products and less paper and ink is in usage/ :
19.VI2005. Salt sodium electrolites: /Me: Salt is not a promoter of growth but acts as a medium in which skin grows, and fetus as well grows in a womb in a salty water, therefore it promotes a different range of problems than sugar supposedly as it acts within whilst sugar around and through nutritional system, through Vagus nerve we do not notice it apart from happines in beginning on the mouth plate. Noone would drink salty water when they swim in the sea, the same lays for sugary water as well, although it is more obvious the addiction to it/.
20.6.2005. Floods in England: global warming?
20.VI2005. Diabetes:
20.VI2005. recommended to me to check it out :
20.VI2005. Goedel incompletness theorem maths:
20.VI2005. FLT:'s_last_theorem.html
20.VI2005. Refugees:
20.VI2005. Debt relief Afrika and have your say:
21.VI2005. Pony: How far away is that place from Edinburg (animal help place)?
21.VI2005. Graduates after University relies on parents money: read the comments bellow the article...
21.VI2005. Chemistry and physics graduates earn most:
21.VI2005. Rat chewed cable and stop NZ mobiles and internet for the day ;-) , . I hope he survived as they often chew on stuff they want us to change habits off.
21.VI2005. Best freedom blogs:
21.VI2005. Teleporting over the internet: from nano - dust..
21.VI2005. Nanotechnology:
22.VI2005. IVF, low sperm count, abstinence:
22.VI2005. Genes help woman conceive after 45th year of age:
22.VI2005. EU carbon dioxide emissions rose:
22.VI2005. Arrest of human trafficers in Italia : so disturbing
22.VI2005. Foreign students in Scotland and jobs:
22.VI2005. Sugar subsidies, EU:
22.VI2005. Migration good for everybody : , therefore, viza requirements are past or are for everyone less /or more?/ the age of fourty /40/ year. For everyone should be needed viza in the world to travel in other country, or for noone should be needed viza at all in all parts of Earth, regardless of geografic position of birth and life, diagnosis and mother tongue. Let it make even simpler, as we are in the century of municipalities or mairie or opshtina na srpskom, every opshtina should forbid other opshtinas or mairie or municipalities in the world who cannnot approach without viza requirements, list them all the towns whose people, civil servants of those towns need special ordeal to come and vizit your town. AMEN.
22.6.2005. Bob Geldof and g8 live aid concert critics:
22.VI2005. Pollution in France, ozone:
222.VI2005. Hillary Clinton wants to become next president of North America :
22.VI2005. Freddie from Kenya refused UK viza to enter the country for treatmant. Do not think it is a silly joke as it isn’t, it really is forbiden for the just born infant to come as if he is a criminal and UK only place outside of prison where he cannot go as he serves a prison sentence in the Kenya... Am I clear? I avoid anger, but there are few subjects that are so out of date in the world, like visa, that I feel nausious to talk or mention them at all, but it is for majority of humankind so it must be sorted as soon as possible:
23.VI2005. from SFI, "Between the Lines "
From the Bicom site you can access the following news item
By Mark Ellis Foreign Editor
A SUICIDE bomber gasps in disappointment as 20lbs of explosive stashed in her pants fails to detonate.
Then in bewilderment she raises her head to heaven.
These unique CCTV pictures were taken at the Erez crossing between Gaza and Israel as Palestinian Wafa al-Biss made her martyrdom bid after being told to strip by border guards.
She was being allowed into Israel for treatment after being scarred in a cooking explosion. Afterwards Israeli officials let her give a TV interview to highlight the continuing terror threat despite a ceasefire.
Al-Biss, 21, said she had longed to be a suicide bomber since childhood, crying: "I believe in death." She then shakily blurted out: "I didn't kill anyone, will they forgive me?"
/Me: I must here say that I am more for giving to those people that grow in suicide rich communities all the thrills of extreme sports and install all possible extreme sports that could thrive there, like parachutism, waterflying and surfing, and so on... Hopefully the person can expect the same thrill in preparation for the sport as in the sport itself and what is even better, it can repeat it if it survives! Better than games on comp for sure. Hope that the girl is feeling better about her doings and whereabouts now/.
23.VI2005. Cholesterol and more:
23.VI2005. Diabetes:
23.VI2005. Cholesterol, ageing, heart disease : a quote: a quote... very important.
But if we know that vitamin C and glucose have similar chemical structure, what happens when sugar levels go up? They compete for one another upon entering the cells. And the thing that mediates the entry of vitamin C into the cells is the same thing that mediates the entry of glucose into the cells. If there is more glucose around then less vitamin C will be allowed into the cell, and it doesn't take much glucose to have this effect. A blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic index 75 percent.
/Me: Almonds and sesame do not have vitamin C in its structure at all, but they do have a weak glycaemic index value. Quorn also, I believe, do not have vitamin C as do the chick peas, please check it out, I have looked only into nuts. Very interesting, but there is a reaction /during anal sex/, when put on sesame seed oil, either no reaction at all for healthy people, or itching if there is a high sugar, check it out, please, but reaction I am interested in especially as we use cellulose rich paper for toalet cleansing. A hint: E.Coli lives near the beginning of the anal hole and its food is sugar but which one, glucose or sacharose?.../.
24.VI2005. Theology: of thelema
Please read, indeed I do agree with most of things except for putting the
main concepts of Winged Serpent to be Hadit and Horus as hawk headed
deity. I would put those main deities to be human-like, or allegoricaly
like some other indeed holy concepts, as both serpent and hawk are rodent
eaters and they are not able to control such hunger until, one day, we,
humans do not teach them otherwise (in beggining giving them veggy food
and afterwards bring them to evolve into herbivores).
But most of the other theology concepts are quite good.
23.VI2005. Diseases are a result of a lack of communication. There are certain things that your cells need to be healthy. If you learn nothing else today, you should know that everything is at the cellular and molecular level and we are nothing but a community of cells. We are a commune of cells; a metropolis of cells that have been given instructions to cooperate. Dr.Mercola
24.VI2005. Sailing on sunlight:
24.VI2005. Playing music whilst having paralysis: like Stephen Hawking the physicist, he got the computer adapted so he could perform. I would like something adapted so animals can perform too.
24.VI2005. Islam and vegetarianism:
24.VI2005. Islam and vegetarianism:
24.VI2005. Animal sacrifice in different religions: quote: Do your rituals involve animal sacrifice?
None of the initiation rituals of O.T.O. or ecclesiastical rituals of E.G.C. involve animal sacrifice in any way. No O.T.O. member is ever required by O.T.O. to perform or participate in animal sacrifice. However, O.T.O. takes no moral or religious stand against the practice of animal sacrifice, per se. Animal sacrifice is an ancient and legitimate religious tradition that has historically been practiced by many established religious systems, including Classical Paganism, Judaism, Islam, and many African and Afro-Caribbean religions. /Me: How to persuade all those people not to sacrifice animals I just wander? It is a sorrow invoked afterwards, not joy, its not possible that someone can enjoy meal afterwards/.
24.VI2005. A letter to a friend in Israel with heart clogging history: This article (attention, has 4 pages, on the end of each one you go on
next one) is very worth reading. Please, read it when you have time,
patience and concentration. The main point is that high insulin levels
actually are main reasons for heart disease. I have heard it before, and
the link between arteries clothing and high insulin is quite
Apart from few supplements he is suggesting, the main thing would be to
avoid animal-derived food and to have high /unsaturated from animals/ fat diet,
consisting mainly from huge amounts of all types of nuts (be careful as
some of them are ultra salted, try to find unsalted ones), olive oil and
olives (also take care about salt), and pumpkin, sunflower and all other
You should seriously aim to exclude any added sugar (saccharose, sucrose,
glucose, dextrose) in you diet as well as to diminish grains like potatoe,
wheat-productsm, rice is not so bad but not refined...
To literally live from huge vegetable salads with lots of nuts and seeds
and you could use organic eggs (but from two eggs you use just one yolk
and two whites kind of idea).
You also have there in Israel great vegetarien viennen schnicle and other
veggy steaks and, of course chick peas products and beans would cover you
cravings for meat products.
Avoid also juses and prefer still water.
You may want to give blood with your cholesterol, tryglicerides,
glycaemia, hba1c, thyroid, electrolytes and calcium and renal functions
check up now and then check them again in about a month or two to see how
better it should be. Israelis have great veggy alternatives and with huge amounts of vegetables
and nuts you should feel very, very good. Best wishes, and here is the link:
24.VI2005. Vegetarianism as seen from historic perspective:
24.VI2005. Vegetarianism and hinduism:
24.VI2005. Recycling in UK: /Me: we should all follow suit after Deutschland as they are top country in recycling methods/:
24.VI2005. Ecologic village for g8 summit: and not exactly generous villagemen...
24.VI2005. Pill for black-skinned people: or something else (patent extension)? /Me: pharmaceutical industries often find some requizite necessary for their pill still to be produced just from them, not to have patent available to other pharmaceutical firms who then produce the same pill for smaller price. The price should be always equal; that is first, especially to be given credit to people who formed the medicament. But to keep patent of medicament just for self is not good as they are /pharmacists/ in serve to humanity I believe/.
25.VI2005. Pulsar: from Nasa site
25.VI2005. Rhythms in stomack: ritmovi u stomaku /Me: it must always be observed as a problem in musical arrangement can show us the disease coming or source. Good to be put on Pendra like device if it can catch up the rhythms from within/.
25.VI2005; Electrogastrogram: gastroenterolog for stomach stomak
25.VI2005. Dyspepsia: other stomach stomak diagnosis and ibs also explained. IBS=irritable bowel syndrom.
25.VI2005. Unfairness: tsunami aid went to richest:
25.VI2005. Patents are bad for health: in brazil, they will start producing generic aids drug as the patented one is risk to public human health. well done.
25.VI2005. Billy Graham: wish him to heal. evangelist that is for love amongs the people.
25.VI2005. GM ban will continue in EU whilst UK voted for GM amidst public opposition to it:
26.VI2005. Clubs in Durham:
26.VI2005. Comment from my friend: This is very bad. Title: Iran loser blasts ‘illegal poll’:
26.6.2006. Iran poll result, world reaction and my friend comment on the end:
26.VI2005. Usability from Bill Thompson: and a user interface that lets you control the music you're listening to by clicking your fingers in a particular place...
27.VI2005. Astrology data for Nikola Tesla:
27.VI2005. Foetus in foeto: parasitic conjoint twin
27.VI2005. Vegetarian omega 3 :
27.VI2005. Vitamin B3 : niacin
27.VI2005. Glastonbury festival :
28.VI2005. Astrology:
30.VI2005. Carbon sequestration, gas, hydrogen power plant:
30.VI2005. 90 year old Great Man: I just hope he won't continue with all 9-10 races in a day if he feels tired... Hope that he will listen to himself, not ego pumped by journalists. If he can just run as he does, that is sooo great.
30.VI2005. Assisted suicide:/Me: I am not for euthanasia in any form. It should be writen in our ‘carte Vitale’ wheter we are for experimental with our consent or without application of new ideas in a case of the disease with which we cannot perform in life as we once did. So better to try something radical then to simply give up to smal knowledge about cure or medicines that could ameliorate and bring back to homeostasis of the organism/:
30.VI2005. Gluconeogenesis: /Me: Am I the only one or with other recipients of DAFNE insulin system we have an augmentation of glycaemia after the influence of the insulin stops, ie, from somewhere gluconeogenesis is very active in us although it is not so active nor quick when we go low, in hypoglycaemia when we go there is no gluconeogenesis? Maybe only Actrapid type of insulin that is the only one identical to human should be without excipients like pesticides and hydrochloric acid or even salt, NaCl, or we should get the S.Cerevisiae made Actrapid with three aminoacids different, like for cow, but pure again insulin I suppose/:
1.VII2005. Papier chanvre: hemp paper, konopljin papir :
1.VII2005. Chanvre, hemp or konoplja :
1.VII2005. Nuclear :or renewable energy :
1.VII2005. Microsoft firm needs new software: to follow technology, 2020:
1.VII2005. Bill Thompson: internet tools to stay free
1.VII2005. Romania: to enter the Euro zone in 2012 ? /Me: the hole in law is that everyone of us can join the Euro zone as did the part of country Srbija i Montenegro joined in without a problem in a proportion it wanted, that is why I recomend to join in with French application of prices and money value of Euro, ie, minimum of wage for 35 hours work per week to be 1000 euros per month and that is how all of us can ‘glue’ to the Euro zone and French standard with just few changes of prices on the level of transport and import exported goods. Everything else would blossom from 1:1 ratio to Euro unit of money and French minimum of wage in Euros standard. 1000 euros per month comes from taxes paid workers on minimum wage, like person does cleaning in social hospitals and similar/.
2.VII2005. Polyunsaturated oils: olive, sunflower, canola, coconut...Mercola
3.VII2005. Pi-man, congrat: or if he could share his memorisation tips with us all...
3.VII2005. Cure for diagnosis of diabetes type one:
3.VII2005. Design for future:
3.VII2005. Kosovo north-west today:
4.VII2005. Toxicity of fluoride:
5.VII2005. Srbija voda /Serbia, water/:
5.VII2005. Voda i energija u Srbiji / Water and energy in Serbia/:
5.VII2005. Water scarce in France: 46 departments have restrictions on water usage. And where are that notices on buildings of Paris? Couldn't see.
5.VII2005. Only Gay in village story:
5.VII2005. Born under punches lyrics Talking Heads:
5.VII2005. Ingenieur de son formation:
6.VII2005. Wave power :
6.VII2005. Calorie calculator:
6.VII2005. Srebrenica: who did this and with which intentions, purpose?
6.VII2005. Metamfetamine overtaken cocaine in North America:/Me: this is a problem as amphetamins are very much toxic to the brain/:
6.VII2005. Formation professionnelle and remuneration en France:
6.VII2005. Formation et recherche d’emploi pour travailleurs handicapes :
6.VII2005. British embassy politics : racists!!!
7.VII2005. Journalism in America threaten by CIA:
7.VII2005. Pamplona BBC:
7.VII2005. G8, second day :
7.VII2005. Nuclear power plants more expencive in twenty years time than renewables:
7/7/2005. Statement claiming London attacks:
8.VII2005. G8 climate change draft jadan:
12.VII2005. Answer to conformal method question: Since I am myself is a beginner of Conformal Field Theory, I could only write this tiny intuitive beginning introduction for you which is as followed.
Conformal Field Theory, which has potential applications on the critical behaviour of systems at critical point where continuous phase transformation occurs. Approaching critical point, degrees of freedom of system are strongly correlated which would appear very hard to pursue theoretical analysis. Luckily, some symmetry can simplify the problem, for example, rotation symmetry reduce the Schordinger equation of Hydrogen atom to ordinary differential equation. A similar symmetry exists in critical phenomena in 2 dimention: it is called Conformal Symmetry.
Hope that does not decrease too much your interests.
16.VII2005. Wabe power:
16.VII2005. Eco-design of future cities:
16.VII2005. Kokain found in EU parliaments:
16.VII2005. Death in Pamplona:/Me: the PETA organises action around that time. Please read its words of wisdom about the terrible method of lowering standard of humanity/:
16.VII2005. Srebrenica:
16.VII2005. REACH, amendments:
17.VII2005. About aspartame: in minute amounts it influences people indeed, only they, as usual, didn't tell that.
I think you should cut it off. Please.
ps, will find those articles about aspartame toxicity. parkinson and alzheimer disease patients have more aspartame than people. aspartame is made in brain as a toxic by-product when brain works too much (like lactic acid which is made in you muscles if you overdo exercise). When aspartame is ingested through stomack it messes up with your digestive system, bloodstream and does nerve poisoning - its not good and makes more diseases than those they mentioned. DD. Rumsfeld owned aspartame company up till few years ago (!) and sold it to Monsanto (worst geneticly modified products making company).
Even though sugar is bad as well as it rises your insulin levels and brings accelerated ageing, oxidative stress and cardiovascular and nerve degenerative diseases, in this case I believe it is lesser evil than aspartame.
17.VII2005. Food llergy IBS link:
17.VII2005. Urgent-lets jump: rivers
17.VII2005. Salt and astma:;jsessionid=Cal8wI9T2lUGtFOIkqxFznBslTHIT0jWHh4CjUFAogIEWMRPtP5Y!-1535698990!-949856032!9001!-1 or
17.VII2005. Sugar and muscle eating body:
17.VII2005. American diabetic association chokes on its double talk:
17.VII2005. Some facts: about sugar. PS. see the references.
17.VII2005. Aldosterone adison disease adrenal:
17.VII2005. Millenium ecosystem assesment:
17.VII2005. Gluconeogenesis:
17.VII2005. Russia pipeline risk to Siberia wildlife:
17.VII2005. La vie en Montpellier: so where is better - on south or Paris? So sad, indeed - water wasteage.
17.VII2005. Global warming and vegetarianism:
18.VII2005. hp sales:
18.VII2005. Heat wave in south Europe:
18.VII2005. Pollution in utero:
18.VII2005. REACH no animal tests amendments :
20.VII2005. Urgent request: /Me: military plains should on daily basis go on places where they have to bring food. Amin/.
20.VII2005. RSPCA claims animal neglect rose by 90 percent: more than disturbing...
20.VII2005. Cows banned from eating hemp /they shouldn’t be banned from it/:
20.VII2005. Answer from a colegue student: But aren't we carnivores?
Our teeth show we are by evolution omnivorous... we have both incisor and canine teeth for tearing flesh and molars and premolars for 'grinding' seeds and other vegetable matter. However now we have (supposedly) developed a certain level of intelligence we should be able to make a conscious decision to adjust our diet according to the planet's resources and our personal nutritional requirements.
21.VII2005. Sheep mulesing in Australia and PETA actions:
21.VII2005. Cortisol adrenal sress hormone:
21.7.2005. Aldosterone adrenal gland: cortisol, mineralocorticoids
21.VII2005. Bird flu vaccine:
21.VII2005. Villi anathomy human:
21.7.2005. Nuts:,1523,84,00.html
22.VII2005. Concern about food crisis:
22.VII2005. Mezuzah, should everyone have it to welcome all arrivants:
23.VII2005. Egypt, please read all:
23.VII2005. Coconut oil, fat: It is good for thyroid. Indeed, in other article, Mercola states that the olive oil should be ok to use in salads and fresh, but when frying, because of the biochemistry degradation, the best is to use coconut.
23.VII2005. Vegetable juice:
23.VII2005. Caterpillar eats snails – evolution : only in hawaii. poor snails.
23.VII2005. ibm hackers without prison:
24.VII2005. Mercury should not be injected :
24.VII2005. Environmental toxins in water:
24.VII2005. Cholesterol and almonds:
24.VII2005. Comments on innocent guy shooting in London:
24.VII2005. Radioactive tracers triger airport security:
24.VII2005. This is the news I like to hear-hair:
24.VII2005. Water draught wetland birds decline:
24.VII2005. Evolution – speciation: /Me: Ljudi su pocheli sa specijacijom i to jednaki monetarni fond i sloboda kretanja treba da reshi. People started with speciation and equal money worldwide and freedom of movement has to solve this problem/.
24.VII2005. Aldosterone on google search:
24.VII2005. Kalium Potassium:,1525,10086,00.html
24.VII2005. Mineralocorticoids : adrenal
24.VII2995. Meat, artmeat, lab grown :
24.VII2005. Jason Matheny artmeso artmeat:
25.VII2005. Asil:
25.VII2005. Asil :
25.VII2005. Major cooperation between Israel, Jordan and Palestinian Authority :
25.VII2005. Mice danger to birds: /Me: both need to live/.
25.VII2005. Killed pigs carry deadly virus in China: /So do not kill them/:
25.VII2005. New HIV medicament hope: not communicating...
25.VII2005. Gut New Scientist protein:
25.VII2005. Evolution via memes:
25.VII2005. What an un-diplomacy: Godwin wants to marry Chelsea Clinton, but her father already 4 years avoids to give reponse.
26.VII2005. Nasha slova: quote: Kohonen, tip koji se bavi prepoznavanjem govora uz pomoć neuronskih mreža hvali se kako za svoje eksperimente koristi ispitivače koji govore nekim „manjinskim“ jezikom, koji je za njegove stvari posebno pogodan jer „je fonetski“. Interesantno da nije koristio srpski jezik -- a ni da ga mi za istu svrhu nismo koristili.
26.VII2005. Nasha slova /our letters/:
26.VII2005. Slova letters:
26.VII2005. Reciklirani papir danas recycled paper today :
26.VII2005. Srebrenica /this author was proposed for Nobel Peace prize/ :
26.VII2005. Kurir:
26.VII2005. Factory farm : why go vegetarian : why go vegetarian
26.VII2005. Ethical living from Guardian:,13437,1261568,00.html go veggy?
26.VII2005. Blinking eyes:
26.VII2005. Rectify, tourism, poverty: charitable organisations.
26.7.2005. World development movement: The three richest men in the world are wealthier than the 48 poorest countries combined. Policies that give increasing power to multinational companies. For every £1 of aid going into poor countries, multinationals take 66p of profits out.
27.VII2005. Viruses, bacteriophages, antibiotics: /Me: from OUSA environment forum/: Oh, they definitely are. Of particular benefit are the bacteriophages, which kill bacteria. Each one is specific to a particular bacterial strain. In Georgia in the former USSR they have been using phage for many years instead of synthetic antibiotics. One big advantage is that viruses evolve very rapidly, so as soon as bacteria evolve to be more infectious or more harmful, a phage virus evolves which can destroy it. Phage is at long last being considered in the UK as a possible solution to antibiotic resistance.
Now there's a good idea. I remember a lecturer many years ago going on at great length about how phages would be the new magic bullet and so on. Thirty years later it might finally get off the ground.
27.VII205. Cofee growers and sustainability: /Cofee is the second plant by using the pesticides for its growth/.
27.VII2005. Paper and phages /from OUSA forum/: I have also read that recycling actually uses less energy and water than making paper from scratch. Better is that recycling plants use oxygen bleaching than chlorine bleaching agents. But does it use more energy than driving heavy vehicles to plantations, cutting down trees, cutting up trees, pulping trees and transporting that? If you don't cart used paper to the recycling plant, what do you do with it? Bury it, compost it, anaerobically digest it or incinerate it. All those also require transportation, although in the latter two cases this will be offset by the energy produced.
27.VII2005. Hacker, whats this story about:
27.VII2005. Puffins in Scotland starve:
27.VII2005. Scottish water treatmant plant:
27.VII2005. Scottish economy:
27.VII2005. Renewables in Scotland:
27.VII2005. Pesticides near school cause of illness: environment pollution
27.VII2005. Irak war drama aired in north America: he did nypdblues
28.VII2005. New water restrictions in France in 60 departments:
28.VII2005. Huit nouvelles measures contre l’immigration irreguliere:
28.VII2005. Paper laser printers, OUSA : What about printer inks Jon? We talking about inkjet printers? If so, not the same ink as used in commercial printing. Laser printing is even worse - laser printers fuse plastic onto the surface of the paper.
29.VII2005. PV Sahara:,1895,441826,00.asp
29.VII2005. Insulin meta cresol:
29.VII2005. Toxicity:
29.VII2005. Beta-blockers and rats in terrible experiments:
30.VII2005. Loto and games on luck:
30.VII2005. Summer traffic in France: people want to go by car, but its bouche.
30.VII2005. Automobilistes se sont precipites samedi: ignorant les conseils... more, pls read both artices.
30.VII2005. I think that Severnprint claim to use environmentally-friendly inks,
30.7.2005. Solar:,1895,441826,00.asp
31.VII2005. Menopause hormone treatmants all cancerigens:
31.VII2005. Sugar and cancer:
31.VII2005. Canadians to suck plastic bag industry:
1.VIII2005. Flood in Mumbai – Panik causes deaths:
1.VIII2005. Beautiful spirit of Mumbai people: ...a bit like my countrymen...
1.VIII2005. Neuropathy treatment:
1.VIII2005. Trampoline accidents preventable:
1.VIII2005. Healyh mannekin:
1.VIII2005. Patents beer open source:
1.VIII2005. New Zealand pest control: /Me: better is to catch them all, sort them by sex and put them into some form of special zoos/.
1.VIII.2005. Fruit made wrinkle removers: face refreshment /Me: the best is white of frech hens unfertilised egg /and hen afterwards to get a retirement and life/ that makes strong the mask around the face or just clean the face with the piece of apple is great also for stopping the wrinkles/.
1.VIII2005. Diamants: /Me: diamants need to be stopped to be mined. There are plenty of them on the world, and there are artificial ways in making them/.
2.VIII2005. mindjushe: /Me: children should not be passed through ordeal of making holes into their ears without their consent and free will to do that. All silver and gold also has to be stopped minning as there is more than plenty in the world. Every person should have silver or golden /male female/ set of one spoon one fork and one knife from one of these precious metals to carry with him/her/.
2.VIII2005. mindjusha karat:
2.VIII2005. Dr.Mercola:
8.VIII2005. Gluconeogenesis, insulin resistance, diabetes :
3.VIII2005. free fatty acids, triglyceride, glucagon, gluconeogen, somatostatin:
3.VIII2005. C-peptide, fulminant, or acute diabetes:
3.VIII2005. C peptide
3.VIII2005. C peptide nerve repair :
3.VIII2005. C peptide: why is not still given to people on insulin?
3.VIII2005. Insulin like growth factor:
4.VIII2005. Dog cloned:
4.VIII2005. Intelligent design and evolution:
5.VIII2005. Food in Britain: although he obviously is not vegetarian but it seems likely he will become on as per his thinkin processus,,1541268,00.html
5.VIII2005. Salt:,2763,1540764,00.html
5.VIII2005. Alcohol consumption rise in Britain – supermarket survey:,2763,1541489,00.html
6.VIII2005. Happenings in Paris in august:
6.VIII2005. Lemonsound:
11.VIII2005. Astrologie : astrologie software free of charge, english french
13.VIII2005. News in Science – singing Saturn:
13.VIII2005. Cigarette, nikotin:
13.VIII2005. Paper :
13.VIII2005. Paper soy ink :
13.VIII2005. Levemir /Me:I believe this binding to albumin is toxic/:quote: Mode of action:Levemir® is engineered to bind to human albumin, which provides slow absorption and a prolonged action. The mechanism underlying this involves insulin self-association in the subcutaneous depot and albumin binding both in the subcutaneous tissue and in the circulation.13,14
To view an animation of Levemir®’s unique mode of action, click here
from novo nordisk for health care professionals.
13.VIII2005. Albumin: ; bovine albumin: ; albumin and glucose: /from here I believe it is toxic in insulin injections/.
13.VIII2005. In Ultratard:
13.VIII2005. Ultratard zinc chloride:
14.VIII2005. Hydrogen controversy :
14.VIII2005. Tourisam I was talking about /for French in this case, Brits have similar offers/: dominican republic- 9 days, flights, bad and food all day, ie, all inclusive for 390 euros!
15.VIII2005. Weather forecasting cloud formation /more accurate/:,,176-1734227,00.html
15.VIII2005. gm Mercola:
15.VIII2005. Ulcetarive collitis – probiotic bacterias good : and here is the original
16.VIII2005. Solar energy:
16.VIII2005. Paris turist :
17.VIII2005. Swimmer with diabetes swam Lamanche :
17.VIII2005. Children’s from exhaust fumes cancer risk:
17.VIII2005. Artificial meat BBC version:
17.VIII2005. Insulin protein:
17.VIII2005. Diabetes and leptin from Mercola : prevent alzheimer’s diagnosis:
18.VIII2005. Non Alcoholic fat liver disease:
18.VIII2005. Solar energy:
18.VIII2005. Physics web:
18.VIII2005. Eyes cataract: steroids can cause it- so too big stimulation of adrenal glands (by salt, glycemy spikes and stress, my hypothesis) can develop cataract.
19.VIII2005. hostels:
19.VIII2005. Insulin pumps in UK:
19.VIII2005. Insulin is still produced in diabetes type 1, cure is near!
19.VIII2005. Diabetes cure forum:
19.VIII2005. Skuba diving and diabetes :
19.VIII2005. Allergy to insulin:
19.VIII2005. Diabetes:
19.VIII2005. Artificiam pancreas works :
19.VIII2005. A quote genetics included: Factors that may increase the incidence of Type 1 diabetes include:
I. The disease has strong HLA associations, with linkage to the DQA and B genes, and it is influenced by the DRB genes These HLA-DR/DQ alleles can be either predisposing or protective. DR3 and DR4 increase the incidence, DR2, decreases the incidence
II. Most type 1 diabetes is characterized by the presence of islet cell, GAD, IA-2, IA-2ß, or insulin autoantibodies that identify the autoimmune process that leads to ß-cell destruction
III. Markers of the immune destruction of the ß-cell include islet cell
autoantibodies (ICAs), autoantibodies to insulin (IAAs),
autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65), and
autoantibodies to the tyrosine phosphatases IA-2 and IA-2ß
19.VIII2005. Testing blood without the blood giving:
not just for diabetes, for everything!!
19.VIII2005. Green products in UK:
20.VIII2005. Elixir of life BBC:
20.VIII2005. Eye, cataract:
20.VIII2005. Trombe-Michel walls instead of air conditioning systems.
2°.VIII2005. Aligator in LA: carlito and harbor park harry is his nickname
20.VIII2005. Srbija 2005? I really do not like Matt Proger's spirit of reporting about Srbija, but check this out:
20.VIII2005. Global Village. Word was created...
21.VIII2005. Club Vinyl Paris:
22.VIII2005. Srpska astrology: astrologija
31.VIII2005. A book on hemp paper: (on the bottom of this page are more useful links you can check out);
31.VIII2005. More antiageing gene:
31.VIII2005. CO2 increase mass extinction link found:
31.VIII2005. Major ozone loss over Antarctica:
31.VIII2005. Environment poverty link:
31.VIII2005. Climate change Scotland chaos:
1.IX2005. Trafford language conservation project:
1.IX2005. Soya heart:
2.IX2005. Water scarce in France:
3.IX2005. Boris Mezga Comfort Fit:
3.IX2005. Social policy : Europe EU left
3.IX2005. Diabetes in UK : 2 million people, diagnosed, more undiagn.
3.IX2005. Vegan:
3.9.2005. Poor in hurricane Katrina /Me: it is better to call the huriccanes by letters and numbers not by names of people/:
3.IX2005. Urgent solar market: energy
3.IX2005. Sugar South Africa:
3.IX2005. US, global warming, hurricane, CO2:
3.IX2005. Fertility couples, alcohol, cigarettes:
3.IX2005. diabetes cure:
4.IX2005. Motivational speaker : diabetes :
4.9.2005. Mercury:
4.IX2005. Acidic alkaline foods:
4.IX2005. All soldiers should learn to be rescue workers:
4.IX2005. 3rd blaze woman gave birth at scene at Paris:
4.IX2005. GP doctors payslips in Europe 2005:
4.IX2005. Alzheimer diagnosis:
4.IX2005. China carbon sequestration plans : energy
5.IX2005. Situation economique chez Francais :
5.IX2005. Be optimist !
5.IX2005. Post Katrina opinions:
5.IX2005. 65 Year old and hip replacement:
5.IX2005. Stem cells /Me: only adult stem cells comes into considerationa as well as saved umbilical cords for those children that had them. It might be possible that ther are both child’s and mother’s adult stem cell in umbilical cord, be careful and ispitaj, check it out/:
6.IX2005. Emergency pet ambulance service launched in Scotland:
6.IX2005. Lakmus test ratnih zlochinaca of war criminals:
6.IX2005. School for American soldiers in Srbija:
6.IX2005. Double nationalship for Hungarians:
7.IX2005. Extasy 50 pence: extasy 50 pence... /Me: all synthetic drugs are deadly for our brain more than drugs from plants or fungi therefore they should be really forbidden. Extasy as well, it belongs to synthetic drugs and is too toxic for the brain in such amounts it is given for feeling good on parties. Third day after extasy using you can feel depressed as synaptic nerves are used too much three days earlier/.
7.IX2005. Smoking and eyes:
7.IX2005. Mobile phones:
7.IX2005. Mercola :
7.IX2005. Detergents, light bulbs, electricity, energy :
8.IX2005. Forced evacuation after hurricane chaos:
8.IX2005. Sugar cakes Mercola:
8.IX2005. Car accidents prevention gadget :
8.IX2005. More about sugar from Mercola :
8.IX2005. Diabetes levemir:
8.IX2005. Levemir albumin binding :
8.IX2005. Solar 750 kWh/y per kWp installed 10 m2 :
8.IX2005. Global Iration:
8.IX2005. Embryo with two mothers :
9.IX2005. Posthurricane premature babies alive:
9.IX2005. Rats in Nicaragua:
9.IX2005. Cleaning products reach baby /Me: thats why only Malki Dead Sea shampoo that has six ingredients is worth for bathing... without parfume is possible to make it/:
9/9/2005. Alzheimer diagnosis:
9.IX2005. Climate food crisis :
9.IX2005. Warmer soils climate worry:
9.IX2005. Peat fires increase global warming:
9.IX2005. Pic of global warming:
see side pic link as well
9.IX2005. See side links as well:
9.IX2005. BBC gives few songs to remixers:/Me:everyone should learn to dj/:
9.IX2005. Free access to research:
9.IX2005. Save Kazaa from internet piracy claims:
9.IX2005. Celebrities in hurricane chaos help:
9.IX2005. Animal insulin lantus:
9.IX2005. Free fatty acids gluconeogenesis :
9.IX2005. Lights in the sky should not be practisied often:
11.IX2005. Pets after hurricane chaos: animals... one hamster saved only.
11.IX2005. PETA helps animals after hurricane chaos:
12.IX2005. Nudism becomes popular: /Me: It is normal that nudisam is not illegal as the people from the different tribes in the world have custom to walk barefooted and naked, so we can imitate them or look up to them inb our municipalities, don’t we? Its a great pleasure to be naked in the town/.
12.IX2005. Inhaled insulin within a year in UK: /
see the complaints in article.
12.IX2005. Solar pv cost British bp:
12.IX2005. Ecologie, animaux:
13.IX2005. Metabolism of nonglucose sugars :
13.IX2005. Glucose and vitamin C influence on cancer:
13.IX2005. Lungs: should consider stopping smoking zbog lung disease risk
14.IX2005. No safe treshold for trans fatty acids:
15.IX2005. emf: maybe this could be the reason behind 'western tiredness syndrome'.
15.IX2005. Mobile phones emf rf: radio frequency
15.IX2005. Party scene Netherlands:
16.IX2005. Inhibitor of cancer development: Vegetarian food mainly consisting of beans, nuts and cereales - full of proteins and good glucides and fat anyway.
17.IX2005. Vasectomy film on internet /Me: although I agree that reversible vasectomy is the best way of child protection measures, I do am for the couples to have more kids, therefore, I am not recommanding any protection amongst married ones, and real love is that when couple marry/:
17.IX 2005. Should be Dutch fertility and no abortion ship:
17.IX2005. Global warming = bigger hurricanes:
17.IX2005. 60th UN Summit: I day:
17.IX2005. Hacking hacker hate from the court:
17.IX2005. Stolen Rembrant work recovered:
17.IX2005. E bay to buy skype:
17.IX2005. Hawking’s paradox:
17.IX2005. Switch to digital TV in UK iminent? Within three years:
17.IX2005. Srbija and Kosovo: see the tone and wording
17.IX2005. Australia diabetes forum pump: to choose 1 or 2? reflexology:,_Novo_Nordisk_and_Aventis_
19.112005. Acoustic energy loudspeakers:
21.IX2005. SOS handikap services:
27.IX 2005. Association for blind diagnosis in Srbija:
27.IX2005. Fonetik Braj letters: *
27.IX2005. FOE:
28.IX2005. diabetes 2 :
28.IX2005. Dawn phenomenon in diabetes :
28.IX2005. Cortisol:
29.IX2005. Airlines in carbon dioxide paying sheme :
29.IX2005. Arctic melting fast: 4th consec. year.
29.IX2005. Health disease genetic fingertip:
29.IX2005. Poverty:
29.IX2005. Less than hundred dollars computer for developing nations:
30.IX2005. Master in Jussieu:
30.IX2005. Liers brain different: how then lay-detector would work?
30.IX2005. Music instrument: learning good for heart
30.IX2005. Net control dispute:
30.IX2005. Night 50-way Skydive:
3.X2005. Again about pulses: veggy food=cancer prevention
4.X2005. Cancer diagnosis and spirit de vivre:
4.X2005. Even she succeded in stopping smoking :
4.X2005. Flies in Britain to double in population:
4.X2005. Journal applied ecology:
4.X2005. Rat medicines and travel: quote: oor little one... my Oliver never seemed in pain when this happened to him.
I certainly do keep a lot of things on hand for "just in case" with my rats.
I've got polysporin ear/eye drops, Quick Stop, Pedialyte, Ivermectin,
syringes, a stethoscope, nutrical. And I'll add whatever else I think
may help.
4.X2005. Very, very old dead rat: /Me: what happened to him and is it possible to clone him?/:
5.X2005. Fact: In France it was killed almost a miliard birds in the year 2004:
5.X2005. Pharmacy cancer drug needs approval quicker:
5.X2005. Hair issues in Africa: /Me: Africa should do Afrikan Union like European Union model and glue its money to the Euro and in proportion to French system of goods and minimum wage, do the social system like French with CAF, CNASEA,, Formation Continue, cours municipal d’adultes, CNED and so on, on all Afrikan level/.
5.X2005. Nobel price for ulcer bug:
5.X2005. Fertility India surrogate mum, single father:
5.X2005. Euthanasia, vets, suicide:
5.X2005. Fetal DNA in mother’s blood test :
5.X2005. Alcohol, fertility:
5.X2005. Quantum optics Physics Nobel prize:
5.X2005. J.K.Rowling Harry Potter 300 million books sold:
6.X2005. Animals hit by global warming:
6.X2005. Travel, Moroccans killed near Spanish border: 'internal investigation' /Me: every investigation in the world should be external and open to public as the Investigation Police is funded from public money/:
7.X2005. Vegan congress:
7.X2005. Confession of former sugar addict:
7.X2005. Veggy vegan the China study:
7.X2005. Vegan dog of 27 years:
/Me: on rice and lentils, every day different/.
7.X2005. Veggy life promoters: new research on nutrition and health
eating to live
soy-miracle or poison?
heart attack prevention
eating with compassion
7.X2005. Researchers Identify the 20 Most Antioxidant-Rich Foods:
1. Red beans 2. Wild blueberries 3. Red kidney beans 4. Pinto beans 5. Cultivated blueberries 6. Cranberries 7. Artichokes 8. Blackberries 9. Prunes 10. Raspberries 11. Strawberries 12. Red delicious apples 13. Granny Smith apples 14. Pecans 15. Sweet cherries 16. Black plums 17. Russet potatoes 18. Black beans 19. Plums 20. Gala apples. Source: Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, June 2004
7.X2995. Warm waters fuelled hurricane:
7.X2005. Astronomy for Astrology:
8.X2005. Hemp paper printing:
8.X2005. Kosovo:
8.X2005. 4x4 health warnings urged :
8.X2005. Serb Srebrenica: executors of video tape charged:
8.X2005. Greece refuses to refuel American boat:
10.X2005. Parisbouge, evenings out in Paris:
11.X2005. Nobel economie:
11.X2005. Enviromental refugees earthquakes:
11.X2005. Earthquake prediction:
19.X2005. A chatbot can turn nasty by learning from people:
28.X2005. Azbestos: to be recognized and treated that azbestos caused disease.
8.XI2005. Five star hotel opened in Afganistan: 250$ per night
8.XI2005. MS diagnosis medicament hope:
8.XI2005. Happy marriage fights off flu:
9.XI2005. Green technology for satellite launching:
9.XI2005. Unclear, vivisection done, protein and glucose production:
9.XI 2005. Energy demand projected to soar:
9.XI2005. Energy VOC and NOx to be catched from petrol stations:
9.XI2005. Children education:
9.XI2005. Drunken elks in Sweden:
9.XI2005. Elks and bicycle: it seems those animals are quite cute criters that love roses and humans?
12.XI2005. Some animals have problems with expressing the anal gland, it might be food related:
14.XI2005. Huge investment in renewable energies:
14.XI2005. Alaska drilling suspended for now:
14.XI2005. Lactic acidosis:
15.XI2005. Happiness:
16.XI2005. Energy production diminishes in Britain:
16.XI2005. REACH:
16.XI2005. Cannabis medicament allowed in UK for nerve pain for MS diagnosis:
16.XI2005. UK’s acid rain:
16.XI2005. Gazeous water heats the EU climate:
16.XI2005. Universal time leap second agreement postponed:
16.XI2005. Control of the net and fairer internet summit:
16.XI2005. Internet high speed college network:
16.XI2005. Air pollution:
16.XI2005. Salt and Natrium /sodium/ :
16.XI2005. Medical notes:
16.XI2005. Scottish workoholics do not use all holiday days:
16.XI2005. Malaria vaccine works:
17.XI2005. Cancer, electrons, radiation:
19.XI2005. BBC links:
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